This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10275-10247 RECORD SERIES: MM AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 89-35-545. 546 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI · FROM: SAC. MM TO: DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: . 12/11/1978 PAGES: 6 SUBJECT: SEE FBI 89-43-10396, 10398, 10399, 10397 DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL NEW Unclassified CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 12/05/1996 UPDATE DATE: 02/14/2001 STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM, INTV, MEMO, A/T Docld:32200368 Page 1 ·· ~~ ., . .f · ::: ... • •• Mi&-ni, Florida 89-35 December 11, 1979 .. : - " ·. ~ RE: · ASSASSINATION OF < .· :·.'; -~- .·~.-...·- .•·. ' ·. ._:. .:.: . £1~ · JOHW Po KE;NNEDY - u ~ •. -. • tiOVE.t·iBER 22, ·. 1963 1 (i r- · .· ~ ·• !,' '· i . p~LLAS, · TEXAS. ~ ;. J ~ Sy le~t~r dated Opto~r 20" }.978; the United S-t:ates Secret Service, Miamiu Florida, furnished to the Federal Bureau· of ·Investigatiop (FBI), Miami// a copy of a letter.sent· to · that· agency by 'ths United States Drug· Enforcement Administra­ tion (DEA)~ Miami, Florida, dated October 13, 197So The DEA . letter advised that an informant for DEA had indicated that·. he was acquainted with Frank Sturgis of Watergate Notoriety, and during a·aonversation Sturgis told the in,formant that he had killed Prasident John F o.. Kennedy o This remark tvas supposed · to have been made in. the presence of. an indiv!dU:al by the name of Bill JOrulsona DEA advised that this informant-could be made available for interV'ie'tl., -, : On November 7 i 19'78 ,· Peter-F., Gruden; Inspactor in Charge, OEA" Miami, !<~lorida, advised · that the. informant in this matter was Thomas Joseph Holt.o Gruden stated that Holt was o.f q\lestionab~e relia~ility, ·irrational(/ unpredictable, and. described him further .as a. murderer and perjurero He advised.that the only reason ·Holt was · an informant for OEA at this time was that Holt );lad furnished inforniation of internal natureo G,x:uden · advised that· David .R. Wiser, Inspector~ DEA r . i>4.iami, could furnish more details concerning Holt$ · On Noveml;)er Sv. 1978, David ho Wiser advised that Holt·had come to DEA and had made allllEigations of wrongdoin<Js against a D.EA Agent., vliser advised that t6 date the internal investigation in this Dw'\ matter has . not uncovered any evidence to indicate any truth t.o the allegations of Holt~ He· advised that the evidence to date indicates to the contrary. t-lisc!x- advised that aolt·: Jt~d· stated that· during the late summer 1978, h.e (Holt) '-tas on Biscayne· Boulevard in the downtown Miami urea, when he came upon Frank Sturgis, · t-1ho was accompanied by one Bill Johnaon9 to>Jisar ·advised that. Holt stated that during . This document contains rteither reco~endations nor conclusions· of the FBI.. It is the ·property of the E'BI and fs loaned to· your agency; it and its contents are notto be distributed outside your agency .. .· 1 ~ DAtl;:n:s (89- 43) (Enc • .1) r • . .· . / _?, ~ Bure<;lu (62-10960). (Enc. 1) . · . ~~'(1 )- .Miami (En. c. 1) · . .·. p.J~ ....-~ ~<J9- 3$'- S'LJS !, I F'3S/p. ~A . ·o, .. l - . ... --- vv~ ·-. ... , . _Docid:3 2oq~a ~age 2~ - J · · · ·r· ·- . ..,;.._.. j . ••• ' llEt ASSASSit~TXOfi OF J01Uil F ... KEI\iNEDY l'il'OVEMBER 24, 1978 . PALLAS I . 'l'E~ · this enciounter,, Sturgi~ ~tated that he had killed John F. 1\ennedyo ~iiser stated that. he asked . Holt uwhy :;vouid .Sturg-is i,.~par.t. this int<.arestinq bit of· l1BWs to E:ol~ T>J'ho was a . I;;:.no~n tlOVernmerit \fitne.$s. and. .P"llblicized PEA informant frotn. the pa~St.?u Af1d Holt replied that it tllas fl one hit man to another1ro tiise.r advised that Uolt had indicated an it.rtention to go t.o the ne.,<Tm media reg-a.r<:lin(] hi£1 aileyations against tha DEAo . ~Ji$er furtbe.t' stated tllat he thought it likely that Holt would also make mention of the Sturqis connn.e;nt, in t.h.a.t he had reported thi.s: to DEAt and that;. they had dozw nothing · 'about. ).to tlie,er. -advisod for this very reason he wrote a. merna conc.einin-g what Holt had reported, and for this r~son it was fu:rni$had to the Secret. Service~ · ' tUser mad0 available· a copy of this mam,o dated · October t!', l$78, t-;hieh is attached. .. rliser further· state(! that. in a. ease ·in which l!olt. ti'a.s a witness for the. prosecution Holt had alleq~dly .called a defenda..&tt duri~i9 ·a trial ·and told }l_im be was going · to ' if get .h~ml¥ '! . The defendant in. this matter., at the tirile of the. call, had a recording of hi.S ~elepho.ne call made t!l'bi.cb \'?~S played .for the . p~Q!Biding judgao Hol.t deni.ed making thG call to the drafende.nt, and the jud90 rl;lied tbat aoltqs t.eatimol1Y could not be permit- t~. ' . on November !Po .·1973, - ~u . ser .had advised that Bill Johnson was iii .lli~' J' .. Johson, date of birth iYtarch 11 1 l~li31, FBI :nwtmer 133.677¢,. l.ast kuown a~dress 1890 t-t .. E~ llOth Road,.· Miami,. Florid4o .. · , on. November 31., _ i9'7a, W:tsier advised that Holt had been polyg.taphed on three- occrasion.s by DEA on t~:ovenmer 30, 1973, arid .lle had failed the three po,lygraphs conea~ning his al . legations ~ about D&ilA.. - .\. •) . ...... ~ . ... - --~ -- -. · .. '1 ·---f. •, . :_. •.. ,, ,' , . : ~ FEDERAL "'BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . ~ .. ••• • ' ' ' l2/ll/13 .' ' Da~e of tran~criptipri,.;-----.--... _______; . :· ___ Ta~ J .• -HOL!f -a~i.)Quee.-a-t the. e£fice of the-_ __ . ;w~e4sa.1. Bureau · of J:l!Ves:ti.gat,iC»l (FBI) ,- litll JS1seayno. Bcnl.ev~rd,. .ai~i, 1?l~rid:at .tfhel:e 'h&, -~a11'iritervl,e.wea ·by Sp~1iii4 A9en~· Ri'Bn B .. .S'Ci!OPPE!UaE ~tlcl ~-iT~. DtnWORD, F:SX ..;;· Prior to the-· .interview,. · · special Aqen·t · (SA) SCBOPPJ}~ .htid uplaiued t.o t~ ... · BOY.f that. the · Fedm:al Bureau ef lnveetiqat·icn (FH) was desirous of knowinq­ any information eoncernin; remarks made by one Fn.N:nt SWRGIS in •· · 'his presenc~ eoneernln9 .the assassb..ation of P.r~sictent. JOSH F .• - !tm'JNBD'i at Dallas., ~xa~~: ., . ... ' .. -;---· .· . .. l, -~~ -&dV.if:~ ti:tat. ·be ~~c n()t. tha;~ ~1i acq.aain'te4. wi·th !"R.AUK S~RG:IS# but that ;fle 11$t · ~im approximately ~ y~ar .. ago ~t ~.- party g~ven 4!t .Fort Lnud.er4a.J.-G, Flot'i4a .. ·: H-e $t!ated -that. _ he was i.."'at.~oduced ·to ·s~u~ b)' ·a friend- o£· his, atLLY JO&"iSON .. J!OL'l!. advised \Bat-at t:his _pa:rt.y_ _S~URGIS bad. told . him . tllat ~e._­ had be0n a hit man · £Qi.': FIPBL: CAS'l'B.Q.,. atid. ~at. both .CAS-'1~6 and . he (sw-'~lS). had· b9tb ft70i1ted for tile .e~ntral Intel:li~e: Ag-eney ···---"'-- (CIA)., . · At th.i.s- poin.t iD tile intervieW# f!OL!r state<l that.. ROt.;.~LLBR, meaning m.ELsor-t ~B~R~ ~tai.'i b$en in chargtl ·of· the warren Commission# and tl\at .it had bee a cover up as far as t.ne. assas~d.f.l&tion of ~EDlt was eona$rlt~.. ROL'.f nex't stated · .that -~ *hit'' was done. ·tn. 1?exa3 to· ~e it. look iik~· ~mn.mOt.l .. -· .(President x,~~m Jm:msoa"; ti19S · at. fault. .) . · . , H~'r state-a tha~ ..he believed -.BlLLY J&Hli&CN may have · t.ol.d S'l'tmGIS to $a:y.· ~ abov~ ta~~s~ : just ._,to impress OOLT.. · . , - .. , . ... BOLT a•t> stated th" \'Jbil.~. a~- tbie Pa~ty., s~ir.u:s had :1~ many ·peopl.e-whcm he st.ated·:war~ .ubl9a-:,· aild t.na~ u· knew_ these people:• SOL~- stated tht-::At. he tld:r1lts S!'URGIS may· ll.ave kill- K~Y ~use ST"JM"~S ·n.aa saif.l ~t he ~14 0 Shoat a ·Pf.jlraon*s lztra.ilUl .Gllt.af:. 1.8000, ~~ rith: a ~le r1tl.tl} and imag:ine ·tfhmt. I e<Ya.ld .. d9 with a seope._'~ ·. t!OL1l ..n~t sta.ted that if Slf'ilOOX.S hat! made ~~ c~ts t.&· h-im .cqneening t.h~ a$s:a$1D.ation of .tm~l" b,s was r.nir.e · that he. bad. pliobably · .t:.ol4 -~~· t.o other peopl.~.. ROL~ eta~ thai!.· S~GJ$ ~as a !l!an ap--~oximatel.y ·s4) _years olt(},~ l'WL~- ne:t(:t.: $Ut,ei! ~t.: he· aElv~ ax~ ,.-,o-~soo· had. work$d itS an informant f:or the PB-X'.t CIA and Investigation on 12/~/?a Th.is.doc~merit contains neither·r;co;,m_endations nor co.ncluslons_-~f ~e- ~BI. It is .the property of th~ FBI an~-~~ loaned to. your agency; it and its contents are.not to be distributed outside your agency. · . Docid: 32200368 · Pag:e · 4 •' ·- : ·- • . •! • 1 • ~ • • .-·· . ) .: - '·l.'j. ._. :·.- . .. ' ,, :. ... - .. • ... .. •'!"." • : .. ,_ · ,r ... .. · ·._. .... .. -~ - . .... •4!' . - • • t . .. ... .~ . ' . .. :~- .' :..,i·:~. ~·-. '. .;. .. t.' J - .!· /. -~ ..... _.-,..: .t·. ·: __ .. _:..' ·: :. _.. · ..... ' - ~- ·: j • . ' ' . .. ·._." .I .
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