The initial cascade of existing vessels around Help shape the future of inter-isles ser- the network (one of the Outer North Isles ves- vices sels in the case of Flotta and Hoy) is intended During the course of summer 2007 a consulta- to address the specific issues that have been tion exercise on the programme is being un- identified for Flotta and Hoy. There is then an dertaken. Information on the consultation and opportunity to plan for the long-term future (in on the programme itself can be found at the other words for beyond the life of the vessel) ferry terminals, on board the vessels and at the most appropriate way to provide the link to the airport. the Orkney mainland. We want to hear your views on the pro- The STAG programme introduces a number of gramme that is being put forward: ‘hold-points’ in the programme, which will be 1. Do you support the proposals for the the time at which for each Isle (or group of Flotta and Hoy links to the mainland? Isles) decisions will need to be taken as to the 2. What benefits / problems do you envis- future of that link. age with these proposals? STAG Study— The long term options for these links in the 3. What should we be considering and re- network can be all encompassing, and there- searching as options for the future re- Flotta & Hoy fore assessment could be undertaken on re- placement of the cascaded vessel? placement vessels, or alternative options such 4. Would you support a catamaran/trimaran This leaflet provides an overview of as use of catamarans, trimarans, fixed links service for the future of the link? (including in association with renewable en- the recommendations for Flotta and ergy capture) or alternative routings to the You may also be asked to take part in a sur- vey either on board the ferry or over the tele- Hoy emerging from the Council’s mainland. phone. Your contribution to the survey will be STAG study. The ‘hold point’ for Flotta and Hoy is in the appreciated, and this will assist in assessing The Council is seeking the views of build up to a required replacement of the cas- the value of the network and development the Flotta and Hoy communities and caded vessel in approximately 2013-2014. plans both in terms of economic and social Although this is around 6 years away, early value. other stakeholders to inform the planning and research is required, especially if finalisation of the study. this is for a significant change. Further information If you would like to provide Further information on the STAG study and Strategic Environmental Assessment accompanying Strategic Environmental As- comments on the recommendations A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) sessment (SEA) can be found at or any other aspect of the study has been undertaken in parallel with the STAG Copies of a document please provide them in writing to the study, and has enabled the prediction and as- detailing the STAG study and copies of the sessment of significant environmental effects SEA Report can also be viewed at Customer Transportation Service, Orkney of individual elements emerging from the Services, School Place, Kirkwall, KW15 1NY Islands Council or email study. In this way it has contributed to the sift- (opening hours are Monday-Friday 9AM to [email protected] by 22nd ing of options, and the development and re- 5PM). finement of option variants. August 2007. Why are we doing this study? The strategic options which were tested for their What is being proposed? ability to achieve the key strategic outcomes A variety of problems exist on all the services, Through an enhancement programme we want to were: which in some instances are becoming par- see improved connectivity to the mainland, espe- ticularly acute. The service to Flotta and Hoy ••Do minimum – no improvements in the net- cially in terms of connection capacity, and both in suffers severe capacity constraints, particu- work. relation to space and the ability to carry of heavy larly in the summer months. ••Enhance inter-isles ferry services – which and dangerous goods. could comprise a wide range of variants. What is STAG? In order to deliver this the study is recommending ••Enhance and/or rationalise air services as a programme that comprises: STAG stands for Scottish Transport Appraisal part of the transport mix to the isles. Guidance. It is a requirement of the Scottish Relocation of the mainland base for the route to Executive that all projects for which it provides ••Reduce the need to travel between the Stromness, and the cascade of one of the exist- mainland and the isles – providing additional ing Outer North Isles vessels to the route. support or approval should be appraised in services on the isles, enhancing broadband and accordance with the guidance. This study Relocating the terminal to Stromness will provide teleworking opportunities and/or introducing car an integrated travel opportunity for internal jour- has the aim of establishing what option or op- clubs to assist people to travel without their own neys, and connections to and from mainland tions will be best placed to overcome the car onboard the ferry for example. problems, constraints and opportunities that Scotland. Sea access to Houton is via a buoyed ••Fixed links – connecting some of the isles by present themselves in the inter-isles network. channel, which in addition to the terminal itsel f fixed links, which could be tunnels, causeways would require major modification and dredging in What are we trying to achieve? or bridges. order to accommodate a larger vessel. Reloca- The key strategic outcomes resulting from this Following consideration of all the available infor- tion to Stromness would take advantage of the study are to: mation, it was recommended that the enhancing recent investment in terminal facilities. The cas- inter-isles ferry services option should be taken caded vessel will double the carrying capacity for ••Facilitate more frequent and faster connec- vehicles on the route, with only a minor increase tions for work and non-work purposes. forward in the study, together with an assessment of the enhance and/or rationalise air services (10mins each way) in the time at sea. ••Facilitate more tourist travel to the Isles. option, to assess how the two could best be de- The process of identifying the proposals has ••Reduce business costs and improve busi- veloped to deliver the study outcomes and to taken into account the key factors that are critical ness efficiency. complement one another. to any development - costs, impacts on the envi- ronment, and overcoming existing problems fo r ••Increase connectivity to the Orkney A number of inputs have then helped shape ex- example. The cost of operating the network is a actly what we should be aiming for each of the Mainland. key issue, and the programme has been de- Isles. We have drawn from meetings of the We need to achieve these things and develop signed with financial sustainability in mind. and deliver the network in a financially sus- Transport Representatives of each of the isles Community Councils, and from the work under- The proposal makes it possible to utilise the full tainable way for the Council. working life of many of the present vessels, by taken by Voluntary Action Orkney as part of work What options have been considered? relocating some of them around the network fol- to update the Orkney Community Plan 2020. lowing the introduction of some new vessels, and A number of strategic options were generated Community Engagement sessions facilitated by after modifications and enhancements as is re- by drawing upon consultation with key stake- VAO identified the top three priorities for each of quired. This enables the Council to achieve the holders, a review of existing transport propos- the isles, which in Flotta were (1) Health, (2) best value from the existing vessel asset, while als and the work of previous studies, and an Transport, (3) Tourism, and in Hoy were (1) Em- also providing benefits to all of the Isles relatively option development exercise. ployment, (2) Transport, (3) Housing. quickly. .
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