PECTIVEPECTIVE January 2013 • Volume 6 • Issue 1 PIRSPIRSThe Quarterly Theological Newsletter of the Pacific Institute for Religious Studies The Pacific Institute for Religious Studies (PIRS) is the educational ministry of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley 271 W Edmundson Ave • Morgan Hill, CA 95037 • www.sgbcsv.org • (408) 778-5930 Inside This Issue The New Normal? #1 I remember when the gospel had The Perversion of God’s power to save men from their sin! Moral Standard • The New Normal? By M. A. Carling In this statement I am implying that The Perversion of God’s Moral Standard many do not believe that the gospel Michael A. Carling has power to save. In their desire to be front page Once upon a time in our country, the “normal” state of affairs concerning more pragmatic they pervert the true marriage was the union of one man gospel by promoting a false gospel. • Did God Hide Himself? with one woman. According to a new What sayeth the scripture? Romans 1:21-32, Part 2 “situation comedy,” the “New Normal” Dr. Paul S. Nelson Rom. 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the page 6 is something different. The premise of this “comedy” centers on the trials and gospel of Christ: [why?] for it [the gospel] is the power of God unto salvation to tribulations of two homosexual males • Images from Church History every one that believeth; to the Jew first, with successful careers who find that and also to the Greek. page 8 the only thing missing in their lives is a child. Since it is physically and natural- ly impossible for them to conceive, a #2 I remember when the Lord Jesus single mother comes to the rescue and Christ was the only hope agrees to act as a surrogate. Hilarity for salvation! ensues; homophobes are exposed; life is good again. Is it time to stop looking to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only saviour and It seems more and more these days hope for mankind? Is our hope in that Hollywood and the news media dic- Muhammad, Buddah, or the Pope? tate to us what is “normal.” How many What sayeth the scripture? PIRS Faculty shows today now contain at least one gay character? Slowly but surely John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the Hollywood is planting the evil seed that way, the truth, and the life: no man gay, lesbian, transvestitism and other cometh unto the Father, but by me. perversions are ok and should be [The Greek of “I am” is VEgw, eivmi, embraced as “normal.” Has the bar- “I myself (and no one else) am...”] rage of TV shows, commercials, school policies, denial of the rights of private Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in businesses, etc., made you succumb to William R. Downing, M.Ed., Th.M., Ph.D., D.D. any other: for there is none other name Director the “New Normal”? under heaven given among men, where- by we must be saved. Paul S. Nelson, Ph.D., Th.M. Sadly, there are also many “new nor- Department of Apologetics mals” in the world of Christianity. Has Acts 16:31 ...Believe on the Lord Jesus truth really gone out of style? Have we Christ, and thou shalt be saved,... James A. Billings, Th.B., M.Div. Department of Church History already come to the point where we look back with nostalgia to the way 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and Mark A. Bailon, Th.M. things used to be? Will we find our- one mediator between God and men, the Department of Theology & Biblical Languages selves making the following nine state- man Christ Jesus; ments in reflection? Arthur L. Mellon, Ph.D. Department of Middle East Studies #3 I remember when holiness wasn’t an option! Michael A. Carling, M.Ed., Th.M. Adjunct Faculty for PIRS Satellite Institute in Marysville / Yuba City, California Can we really live like the devil and still be saved because at some point in PIRSpective • The Theological Newsletter of the Pacific Institute for Religious Studies • January 2013 our life we gave our heart to Jesus? Is it #6 When did God change His mind The woman’s answer is evasive and ok to live the so-called carnal Christian concerning women pastors or blame–shifting, although she admits to life? What sayeth the scripture? women in leadership positions being beguiled or deceived. She mini- within the church?1 mized her responsibility and claimed, in Heb. 12:14 Follow peace with all men, effect, “The devil made me do it!” This and holiness, without which no man shall This may be a sensitive issue for proneness to deception has far–reach- see the Lord: some, but not for a biblical Christian. ing effects into our own time, even to It all begins with the Fall in Gen. 3. It the place of women in the church. Note is here that we have the historical point the following deceptions: Mary Baker #4 I remember when the scriptural call at which sin entered the human race Eddy, founder of the cult known as was to “repent and believe the and significantly impacted creation. Christian Science; Ellen G. White, co- gospel” instead of “God loves you founder of the Seventh-day Adventist and has a wonderful plan What was the exact moment when for your life”! Church. sin entered into the human race? It was before the woman ate of the fruit. It What sayeth the scripture? Is there a New Testament commen- grew through ignorance and seduction tary on Eve’s transgression? which caused the woman to doubt the Mark 1:14-15 (14) Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Word of God, lust after the forbidden 1 Tim. 2:8-14 (8) I will therefore that men Galilee, preaching the gospel of the king- fruit, and then finally seduced to act in pray every where, lifting up holy hands, dom of God, (15) And saying, The time is open defiance of the Divine Command. without wrath and doubting. (9) In like fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at manner also, that women adorn them- hand: [God loves you and has a wonder- The Lord God established the head- selves in modest apparel, with shame- ful plan for your life? No!] repent ye, and ship of the man through the priority of facedness and sobriety; not with broided believe the gospel. the man’s creation and necessity of a hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; (10) But (which becometh women pro- headship in the Divine order. He later fessing godliness) with good works. Some might say of verse 15 that made the woman as an helpmeet for Jesus missed a perfect opportunity to the man, a complement to the man or [ In vs. (9) the term “modest” is construed urge His audience to give their hearts something that completes. In the temp- with “behavior,” not “apparel.” Lit., to Him. I guess some are not above cor- tation and Fall, it seems evident that all Likewise women in manner of dress (or recting even our Lord. the serpent had to do was probe and apparel) orderly, with modesty and sobri- push the man and the woman accord- ety to adorn themselves (referring to con- ing to their natural, yet sinless tenden- duct), not with plaiting and gold or pearls #5 Is preaching the truth of the Word cies. Their original righteousness was or costly raiment, but in great contrast to now outdated and so last century? evidently fragile. There was either some that, what suits women professing rever- failure on Adam’s part to carefully ence, such as good works. Thus, women ought to adorn themselves in suitable What sayeth the scripture? instruct his wife in the Word of God or apparel and a modest and sober behav- failure on her part to carefully hear 2 Tim. 4:1-5 (1) I charge thee therefore iour.] God’s Word. There were evidently some before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at inherent characteristics in the woman’s (11) Let the woman learn in silence with his appearing and his kingdom; [Paul personality which made her more sus- all subjection. [A woman, in silence, then exhorts Timothy with a string of five ceptible to the temptation. She was emph., let her keep on learning in all obe- aor. imper. commands] (2) Preach the prone to speak up while her husband dience, submission, or subordination] word; be instant in season, out of sea- was willing to let her. She felt that she (12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, son; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all needed to fill a void that Adam had pas- nor to usurp authority over the man, but longsuffering and doctrine [why?]. (3) For sively provided. to be in silence. the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their Eve was seduced by the cunning of There are two distinct commands own lusts shall they heap to themselves the serpent, but Adam, failing to act here: 1st, But to teach, emph., a teachers, having itching ears; (4) And responsibly as the head of the relation- woman, emph., I do not allow, (an they shall turn away their ears from the absolute restriction). 2nd, Nor to gov- truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (5) ship, acted willfully, and as the respon- sible head under God, was held prima- ern or have authority over a man, but, But watch [pres.
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