ABUNDANCE KEY HABITAT KEY Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Sp Su Au Wi Habitat A=always seen, high numbers (listed from most to least Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Falcons (Falconidae) Gulls and Terns (Laridae) BIRD IDENTIFICATION BOOKS C=common, usually seen, common) moderate numbers. Some L=lake Ducks (Anatidae) American Kestrel A A A C, F//, W// Franklin's Gull A C C R, L, W, S species are common only in R=river Wood Duck O L, W Merlin C C C F, L//, R, W, Bonaparte's Gull C C C L, R, W,F// Birds of Alberta. Chris Fisher and John Acorn. specific locations. W=wetland, ponds, bogs Gadwall C C C L, W C, S Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 1998. U=uncommon, sometimes F=forest Ring-billed Gull A A A L//, R//, C, S seen, low numbers, or C=clearing American Wigeon C C C L, W, R Peregrine Falcon ● ● ● L//, F//, R// California Gull C C C L, W, C Field Guide to Alberta Birds. W. Bruce McGillivray irregularly high Sh=shrubby area Mallard A A A W, L, R Grouse (Phasianidae) Herring Gull U O U L, R, C, S and Glen P. Semenchuk. Edmonton: The O=occasionally seen, sporadic S=settlement Blue-winged Teal C C C W, L//,R// Gray Partridge U U U U C Federation of Alberta Naturalists, 1998. Italics ●=rare, seldom seen, //=edge of habitat Common Tern U U U L, W, R vagrant, unexpected, wanderer Cinnamon Teal ● ● L//, W// Ruffed Grouse C C C C F, Sh, W// Arctic Tern O O L The Sibley Guide to Birds. David Allen Sibley. New Northern Shoveler A C A L, W SEASONS KEY Spruce Grouse O O O O F, S Forster’s Tern O O W, L York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. Northern Pintail C U C W, L// Sp=Spring (mid-March to end of May) Sharp-tailed Grouse U U U U C, Sh Black Tern C C W//, L// Su=Summer (early June to mid-August) Green-winged Teal C C C L, W, R Au=Autumn (mid-August to mid-November) Rails and Coots (Rallidae) Doves (Columbidae) BIRD VIEWING LOCATIONS Canvasback U U U L, W Wi=Winter (mid-November to mid-March) Virginia Rail ● ● W//, L// Rock Dove C C C C S, C Redhead U U U L, W Sora C C W//, L// Mourning Dove U U U C, W//, F//, Ring-necked Duck C C C L, W American Coot A A A W, L// Sh Greater Scaup O O L, W Cranes (Gruidae) Owls (Strigidae) Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Lesser Scaup A A A L, W, R Sandhill Crane A O A W, C, L// Great Horned Owl C C C C F, C// Surf Scoter O L, R Loons (Gaviidae) Snowy Owl O C White-winged Scoter U U U L, R, W Plovers (Charadriidae) Common Loon C C C L, W Northern Hawk Owl U U U U F//, C, W// Long-tailed Duck ● ● L Black-bellied Plover O O C, L// Yellow-billed Loon ● L Northern Pigmy-Owl O O O O F Bufflehead A A A L,W,R American Golden U C, L// Grebes (Podicipedidae) Plover Barred Owl U U U U F, Sh// Common Goldeneye A A A L, W, R Pied-billed Grebe U U L, W Semipalmated Plover U U W//, L//, R// Great Gray Owl U U U U F//, C Barrow’s Goldeneye ● L Horned Grebe C C U L, W Killdeer A A U C, L//, R//, S Long-eared Owl ● ● ● ● F//, Sh// Hooded Merganser O O L, R, W Red-necked Grebe A A A L, W Avocets (Recurvirostridae) Short-eared Owl U U U U C, W,Sh Eared Grebe U U U L Common Merganser U U U L, R American Avocet O O L//, W// Boreal Owl O O O O F Red-breasted Merganser O O L, R Western Grebe U U U L Northern Saw-whet Owl C C C O F Sandpipers (Scolopacidae) Pelicans (Pelecanidae) Ruddy Duck C C C L, W Greater Yellowlegs C C C W//, L // Nightjars (Caprimulgidae) American White Pelican C C C L, R Osprey (Accipitridae) Lesser Yellowlegs C C C W//, Sh// Common Nighthawk C C U F//, C, L// Osprey C C C L, R// Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) Solitary Sandpiper C C W//, L// Sh// Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) Eagles and Harriers (Accipitridae) Double-crested C C C L, R Spotted Sandpiper C C L//, W//, R// Ruby-throated U U S, F// 1. Calling Lake Provincial Park Cormorant Bald Eagle U U U O L, W, R, C Hummingbird Upland Sandpiper O O C 2. Athabasca River Herons (Ardeidae) Northern Harrier C C C W, C// 3. Lawrence Lake Campground Whimbrel ● C, L//, W// Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) 4. Chain Lakes Campground American Bittern U U L//, W// Accipiters (Accipitridae) Belted Kingfisher C C C L//, R//, W// Marbled Godwit O O C, W// 5. Pine Sands Natural Area Great Blue Heron C C C L//, W//, R// Sharp-shinned Hawk C C C F, L// Sanderling U U L// Woodpeckers (Picidae) 6. Island Lake Campground Geese (Anatidae) Cooper's Hawk U U U F, C Semipalmated O O L// Yellow-bellied C C C F//, S 7. Baptiste Lake Public Beach Greater White-fronted C ? L, R Northern Goshawk U U U F, C Sandpiper Sapsucker 8. Cross Lake Provincial Park Goose Buteos (Accipitridae) Least Sandpiper O W//, L// Sh// Red-naped Sapsucker ● F 9. Flat Lake (proposed viewing area) Snow Goose U U L, R, C 10. Hope Lake Campground Broad-winged Hawk U U F// Pectoral Sandpiper U U L// Downy Woodpecker C C C C F, Sh, S Ross’s Goose ● ● L, R 11. Narrow Lake Campground Swainson's Hawk ● ● ● C Short-billed Dowitcher U U L//, W// Hairy Woodpecker C C C C F, S 12. Long Lake Provincial Park Canada Goose A C A L, R, C//, W Red-tailed Hawk C C C C, Sh, F// Long-billed Dowitcher U U L// Three-toed Woodpecker U U U U F, W// 13. White Earth Valley Natural Area Swans (Anatidae) Rough-legged Hawk U U ● C Common Snipe C C C W//, C, Sh// Black-backed U U U U F Trumpeter Swan ● ● L, R Woodpecker BIRDS OF THE ATHABASCA REGION is sponsored Golden Eagle O O ● C, R, L Wilson's Phalarope U U W, L// Tundra Swan C C L, R Northern Flicker C C C O F, C, S by Friends of the Athabasca Environmental Red-necked Phalarope ● ● L Association and Crooked Creek Conservancy Pileated Woodpecker U U U U F Society of Athabasca, with assistance provided by Athabasca University and a Community Lottery Board grant. June 2001 ABUNDANCE KEY HABITAT KEY Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Sp Su Au Wi Habitat BIRDS OF THE ATHABASCA REGION A=always seen, high numbers (listed from most to least Swallows (Hirundinidae) Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Native Sparrows (continued) common) C=common, usually seen, Waxwings (Bombycillidae) moderate numbers. Some L=lake Purple Martin U U F//, S Swamp Sparrow U U U W, Sh species are common only in R=river Tree Swallow A A A C, F//, W//, Bohemian Waxwing C C F, S White-throated Sparrow C C C Sh, F, R// W=wetland, ponds, bogs specific locations. S, L// Cedar Waxwing C C C F//, Sh, S F=forest Harris’s Sparrow U F//, Sh, W// U=uncommon, sometimes Bank Swallow U U L//, R//, C seen, low numbers, or C=clearing Wood-Warblers (Parulidae) White-crowned Sparrow U U F//, Sh, L//, Sh=shrubby area Cliff Swallow C C R//, W, S W// irregularly high Tennessee Warbler C C F//, Sh, W O=occasionally seen, sporadic S=settlement Barn Swallow C C C S, L// Dark-eyed Junco C C C F, W Italics ●=rare, seldom seen, //=edge of habitat Orange-crowned C C F Snow Bunting C C C C, L (ice) vagrant, unexpected, wanderer Chickadees (Paridae) Warbler Black-capped A A A A F, S, Sh// Yellow Warbler C C Sh, W//, F// Cardinals (Cardinalidae) EASONS EY S K Chickadee Sp=Spring (mid-March to end of May) Chestnut-sided Warbler O O Sh, F// Rose-breasted Grosbeak C C F, S Boreal Chickadee U U U U F, W Su=Summer (early June to mid-August) Magnolia Warbler U U U F//, Sh Blackbirds and Orioles (Icteridae) Au=Autumn (mid-August to mid-November) Nuthatches (Sittidae) Cape May Warbler U U F Wi=Winter (mid-November to mid-March) Red-winged Blackbird A C C L//, W//, Sh// Red-breasted Nuthatch U U U U F, W Yellow-rumped Warbler C C C F, W// Western Meadowlark O O C White-breasted C C C C F, S Black-throated Green U U F Yellow-headed O O O W//, L// Nuthatch Warbler Blackbird Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Creepers (Certhiidae) Palm Warbler U U U Sh, W Rusty Blackbird C C C W//, Sh, C Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) Brown Creeper U U U U F Bay-breasted Warbler O O F Brewer's Blackbird U U U C, Sh// Olive-sided Flycatcher C C W, F, Sh Wrens (Troglodytidae) Blackpoll Warbler U U F, W Common Grackle U U C C, Sh, W// Western Wood-Pewee C C F//, W// Black-and-white U U F// House Wren C C F, Sh, S Brown-headed Cowbird C C C C, Sh, F// Yellow-bellied U U F//, W//, Sh Warbler THE ATHABASCA REGION (see map) is located in the Winter Wren U U U F Baltimore Oriole U U F// Flycatcher American Redstart C C F//, Sh mixedwood boreal forest.
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