Traffic Death ^ Scoreboard Dira b > rompariion of U ittle fatallCl«a •• •«( lhu dat( for 1961 and i960 for Made ValUy an<t lor thi FIN A L cntir* atat*. Idolio, 1960 ............ ..U .22 EDITION Voloi'**" ............. s .,1! Lljei! Magic Valley. U60 . 1 ^ CaaU"“"! Mnsic Valley. 1061 . 2 N'ine Irrigaled Idaho Counties V 0L ^. N0, 301 , Offloul Ciir »nd T W IN FALLS, IDAHO, F K ID A Y , FEBRL'AKV 10, Iflfil M»ml*rr of AiKlil H u rf» u of Circulalioni County Neivtpaper nvial^l l*»n» and I'luied I ' r « i | iiternaimnal PRICE 5 CENTS French Slating Librarian Is Surprised at All Fuss Programs Fails to On Soviet Plane t PARIS, Feb. 10 (/P) — The (fovornment today termed French a i r , force interception of Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's plane n regrettable incident and promised an Halt Demo “Stall” investigation. Lower,level official.s in Algiers charged a EOISK, F eb . 10 (A P a m l LIPI) — A pproval of a 7 .-I million d o lla r co n stru ctio n pro­ jet f i g h t e r fired wal'ning .shot.s at the plane over the gram at slate in.stitution.s, financed partly liy retention of the $10 "head tax," failed M editerranean ye.slerday b c c a u s c the Soviets violated immi'diatcly today lu end a Deiiiooriitic sluwdowii in the .senate of the Idaho legisla­ flight plan.s. The Soviet cnibas.sy in Iial)at, Morocco, re­ tu re. D em ocrat.s for the fo u rth .siicce.-i.sive diiy called a m o rn in g caucu."i to di.scuss plied hotly th at the F ren c h charge.s w ere p u re invention. .strategy. Sen. Howard Sims, IJ., Lemhi, renewed previou.s demand? that the stale af- The fo reign m inistry is s u e d " faira commitlee rclea.se thci^ a s t a t e m e n t .saying an \n b le incident” had-teen or- m |i w rvl the "head tax." ®BilHe BaitStai Democraifi have .slowed the leg-' spokesman would make no! ^ I s l n t l V c iiroct\«,s a.s a proie.st' lurtlicr comment but It appeared , O • . O against the c o n u n ltice ’s refu.sal He Bovernment here vievveci ih c; J O V i e t S . O O O H to permit prlntins of Uic bill, - t - B®ked by ChamtezJ Incident for'more seriously thnnj tlonr'll(''‘'uw buiku'f,'riim «e«| ^ .siiokesman for the Twin Fulls Chamber of eommerce did French authorities In Ali’evla.j WASHINGTON.-Feb. 10 — voiced on the .senate iioor by Sen. There was general agreomeiu Kennedy administration leaders nppeared before the hou.se innui-ande, public utilities and I that the Incident took place In th e j now eatlmfttc th ey can be ready vincciit A. Naiiy. R., Gem. He | banking comrnittce today to speak out in support of the early afternoon in suiyi:? .Hkles to undertake m ajo r negotiations bill to ban trading'stamps. The committee, headed by when the Soviet Ilyushin 18 turbo-^ with the Soviet Union within six 'prop was flying over the M cditcr-' ni0nth.s. th e ' 7' r ‘m i i Z ' ( M lir pJBrVnM?’;!'™’’"' ''“P'-cseitative from Twin Ilarqlil 1.. Rolh. director of the ICast Orange, N. J., public library, stands behind lobby desk and ev- downward and to eliminate the;rails county, IS holding controlled hearings on the con- ranean en route to Rabat. ; Soviet olficiaLs have been warned prc.s.st-s hiirprif-e “at Ilje fus.s lh at's been stirred up" over arressts of borrow ers delinciuenl In returning incroasts In ciRiueiie and iicer A J^ench twln-Jct Vulture flKht- quietly nsninsl irigRerinB new bo«Us. He Mild urrc.Us will continue until ail scofflaws r e tu r n th eir overdue book.s. Fourteen persons i troversial trading stam p bill Friday and Monday. William tr fired warning tracer bursts:cri.ses at Berlin or elsewhere dur- have lieen lined from SIO to S25 each and Il«(h li preparing compinini.s aualnsl 40 more who have taxei which-the bill authorizes. [Grange, .secretary-manager of the Twin Falls Chamber of "ahead of the plane. It was one of 'in^' this form ative period in th e kept ovcniiie hooli.s out for from five m onths lo a year. (A P w irephoto) ■■.,omeTu‘.e’'Zt;"'u.s^'d"'l;; p :." :!-" ----------- --------------- ------------- Commerce, submitted a w it- ihree sent out, said French offi- hope of fxploitlng any lack of ex- ten s ta te m e n t v o icin g th e ' cials in .Algiers. j p'crlence and decisiveness In Wosh- tinR this bill b efore the O t l V Aiglers m ilitary authorities to -'h v ^ to n . He fiald he voted lor the meas­ chamber’s su p p o rt of the ure only because It provided for •diy Issued a communique char; ThouRh President K ennedy bill. '■;l hopp.s for better East-West rela- First Violence Flares Between a con.structlon program and "I tag that [he Soviet plane was ny- Tlie stand was taken by the tag south of Its announced route tion.s. Mfticow ha.s been Informed. recognize the dire need" for that. Lumumba Is chamber as a result of a noil taken In an IrreffUlar manner w h i c i r "n y ftesh Soviet challense v.'ill “My people." he .inld. "do not Tlmrsdny morning, Grange' said. d.'i.sire an Increased lax load, even ■made verltlcallon necciiary." : brlnn a .swlfl, to u s h U, S. reiipQnse. Unions, Fanners in California A cross section of Twin Palls on luxury Items, a general tight Free of Jail Algiers communique al.so T his adm inistration lnlcnd<; to merchants were asked what their ening of the belt'In nearly alt jccused the Soviets or vlolatlns j ‘*<’“•>1 m the minds of liL CKN'TRO. Calif., Feh. 10 (/I’)—^Roth sides cried "foul'' today ;(ftor the first vio­ ELISABETHVILLE. K a ta n g a, personal and official feelings were cistom by falllnc to notify t h e ' American people or oUicr pco- lence—-and suli.se(|ueul retaliiiUu'y action— in the long smolderiui; Imperial valley let­ state budgets would be In order." T h e ConRo, F eb. IQ ilIPli—K alangft- regarding the proposed trad­ ttench that Brezhnev w»., aboard.l ‘I-" determination The 33 'million dollar public nc.se government sources said to­ ing stamp bill. Each merchant tuce harvc.st dis|)iilt'. Farmers were incensed becau.se a crowd ol' men shouting "join school appropriation bill wn.s on Warning bursts were Ilred only |""y day dcpo,sed Pren)ier P a tr ic e Lu­ contacted also was asked if 'he 'and not to be bluffed or black- our union." forced their way into a caiiip for Mexican field hands at nearby Rrawlcy bocause the Soviets violated re^a- the senate calendar today, and, mumba e.scaped from prison and thought the Tu-ln F^ls Chamber m ailed. (ConUnued on Paj* I, Tolumn 4 yeatevday. ■ Oh.'servers said the men wielded broom.s and Iticked and .sluffged their way partisan lighting wa.s-expected to had been seen from the air as he of Cotnmerce should take an active AdminI.strntlon leaders report­ into the lalior camp. Accord- continue. | fled by car with two of his lieu .Htand in opposing trading stamps edly feel that Soviet Premier npmnprnl^ hiiri rnnfliiftpfl n tcnnni.s. tn y -tn ^ -h-eT i f f Herbert •b)Msupporttng-senatc-bill-Nor-2l7“ K.nrusncncv undmtands th eir slowdown In the senate since a The reports said a helicopter Orange explained. bluntly stated position and L<i act­ ‘Hughes, the rioters tried to had spotted the three m en near week ngo WedJiesday In an effort Opinion was "overwhelming" for ing with restraint. One reason, as Snow Becomes Rain the town of Kasatl, 40 m iles from Lset fire to one of th e work- to force from committees one of the farmhouse-prison where the support of the bill. Orange noted. seen here, may be his desire for ; er.s’ barracks. two bills rep ealin g th e "head tax." Tough Future an early, informal mcellng with government .said he overpowered The poll covered businesses prea- Forty men were arrested and They were u nsuccessful. Kennedy as well as a later sum­ his guards during the night and ei.tly using stamps, businesses that In North Mountains I four others, including the son of passage of the construction pro­ fled In a stolen police car. have used the stamps and no long­ m it se.sslon; a n o th e r may be seri­ gram was apparently part of Ihc For Economy ous interest on his part In doing .1 rr. • r-. II • • i . cam p’s owncr. w ere treateJ The Katanga government an­ er do s o a n d businesses th a t have W hile T w ill I'nils w h s expcnencmg bitlmy w eather ’W llhifor injuries at an emergency hos- Republican strategy decided on never used stamps, he said. WASHINGTON, Keh^O W>i-Ex- something to bring the arms race nounced his escape only hours a low of '11 degrees recorded at the bureau of entomology j p i ' a i .
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