KKPPDDSS--ÜÜDDSS--YYDDSS RREEAADDIINNGG PPAACCKK Bu kitap nedir? KPDS,ÜDS,YDS sınavlarına hazırlanan öğrencilere hep oku, oku denir. Ancak ne okumaları gerektiği konusunda “stage’li kitap oku, üçüncü seviye sana uygun, dördüncü seviye sana uygun, Daily News oku, İngilizce gazete oku” türünden okuma becerisini geliştirici olsa da direkt sınav formatıyla örtüşmeyen önerilerde bulunulur. KPDS,ÜDS,YDS sınavları AKADEMİKTİR. Akdemik personel tarafından hazırlanır. O insanlar, yani profesörler, akademik düşünürler. Ve sonucunda da akdemik içerikli sorular sorarlar. Bu kitap KPDS,ÜDS,YDS sınavına hazırlanan öğrencileri, yani seni, Moby Dick türü stage’li kitaplarla hazırlamaktan çok, direkt akademik parçalarla boğuşturarak doğru yönlendirmek amaçlı hazırlandı. Sen İngilizce stage’li kitaplar, gazeteler, dergiler okumaya devam et, internette İngilizce sayfalarda gez; ancak aynı anda mutlaka ve mutlaka Akademik içerikli yazılar da oku. Sınavın temelde bunu şart koşuyor: Öğrenci akademik metinler de okumuş mu? ÜNİVERSİTE FORMATINDA ? Bu kaynak sana bu yönde yardımcı olmak amaçlanarak hazırlanmış bir kitaptır. Bu kitabı nasıl çalışacaksın? Çok basit. Okuyacaksın. Şu anki seviyene ve İngilizce okuma hızınıza göre her gün 1,2,3,4, sen çok iyiysen 10-20 sayfa okuyacaksın. Okurken ilk 45-50 sayfada kelime atlamak yok. Kelimeleri çıkara çıkara, ezberleye ezberleye okuyacaksın. Daha sonraki sayfalarda her kelimeye bakmak yok. Tahmin edebiliyorsan, tahmin edip geçeceksin. Genel bütünlüğü yakalayabildiğin sürece her kelimeye bakmak yok. Neden 220 sayfalık upuzun bir kitap? Biter mi? Evet, biter. Bitireceksin. Bu kitap gibi 4-5 kitap daha okuman gerekecek. KPDS,ÜDS,YDS sınavlarında hedeflediğin skoru salt gramer çalışarak, çıkmış soru çözerek yakalayamazsın! Ancak okuyanlar yakalar. Sen geri kalırsın. Geri kalma, oku! http://englishoffice.50webs.com 1 ENGLISH OFFICE - ÜDS,KPDS,YDS,TOEFL DİL FORUM / ÖZEL DERS 441 42 84 İzmir CONTENTS 1. BOOKS 61. SEVEN WONDERS OF 2. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 62. THE ANCIENT WORLD 3. CRITICISM 63.GOD 4. STONE AGE 64. RELIGION 5. IMAGINATION 65. TROJAN WAR 6. COOKING 66. HUNTING 7. DANCE 67. RECREATION 8. DRAMA 68. OXFORD UNIVERSITY 9. PAINTING 69. EFFICIENT LEARNING 10. ACID RAIN 70. MEMORY 11. SUBWAY 71.PERFUME 12. SEWAGE 73. WRESTLING 13. TRANSPORTATION 75.TEA 14. METROPOLITAN AREA 77.AESTHETICS 15. YOGA 78.BIOLOGY 16. DAY CARE 83.DEATH 17. HOBBY 85.CHOCOLATE 18. BUTTERFLY 87.VEGETARIANISM 19. SUPPLY AND DEMAND 88.WEIGHT CONTROL 20. CAPITALISM 90. HOW TO CONTROL 21. INFLATION OBESITY 22. INTEREST 91.SUPERSTITION 23. MARKET RESEARCH 93.RELATIVITY 24. GROSS DOMESTIC 97.IMPERIALISM PRODUCT 99.PIPE 25. VALUE-ADDED TAX 100.TORTURE 26. TAXATION 101.TIGER 27. PROFIT 103.BAT 28. BANK 104.TRADE 29. BANK SERVICES 107.ALCHEMY 30. TRADE 108.HAYDN 31. GAME THEORY 109.CALENDAR 32. DEFLATION 111.BLUES 33. PETROLIUM 112.WORDSWORTH, 34. ASTRONOMY WILLIAM 35. ISRAEL 113.ARMENIA 36. TENSIONS BETWEEN 117.ZEUS ISRAEL AND THE 118.MIGRATION PALESTINIANS 120.PARSLEY 37. BILL GATES 121.NIGHTHENGALE 38. GREECE FLORENCE 39. WORLD 123.CIRCUMCISION 40. ENCYCLOPEDIA 124.POULTRY 41. IMMIGRATION 126.UNIVERSE 42. HUMAN BEING 128.MILKY WAY 43. INSECT 129.CONCENTRATION CAMP 44. PEACE 130.ADOLESCENT 45. WAR 137.MULTIPLE BIRTH 46. MURDER 138.ARABIC LANGUAGE 47. CHAPLIN, CHARLIE 139.MUSEUM 48. GLUE 141.FASHION 49. JOYCE, JAMES 143.DANCE 50. KAFKA, FRANZ 145.RAP 51. TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER 146.BATMAN ILICH 147.JACK LONDON 52. EMBROIDERY 148.RIP VAN WINKLE 53. GOGOL, NIKOLAI 149.PYRAMIDS 54. MATERIALISM 151.BOSPHORUS 55. DOUGLAS, MICHAEL 152.LEONARDO DA VINCI 56. INDUCTIVE METHOD 156.DIVING 57. HOMER 159.USA 58. SYNAGOGUE 164.MARRIAGE 59. BLAKE, WILLIAM 60. SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD 2 ENGLISH OFFICE - ÜDS,KPDS,YDS,TOEFL DİL FORUM / ÖZEL DERS 441 42 84 İzmir BOOKS Book consists of written or printed sheets of paper or some other material fastened together along one edge so it can be opened at any point. Most books have a protective cover. Books are a reasonably inexpensive and convenient way to store, transport, and find knowledge and information. The book thus ranks as one of humanity's greatest inventions. People have used books in some form for more than 5,000 years. In ancient times, people wrote on clay tablets, strips of wood, or other materials. The term book comes from the early English word boc, which means tablet or written sheets. The first printed books in Europe appeared during the mid-1400's. Since then, millions of books have been printed on almost every subject and in every written language. Young readers are familiar with storybooks, textbooks, workbooks, and comic books. We often consult almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and telephone books for reference. We read novels, books of poetry, and printed versions of plays for entertainment. The pages of a book are glued or sewed together along one side, called the spine or back. Two covers are joined by hinges to the spine. Books are either hardbound or softbound, depending on the cover. Most hardbound books have covers made of cloth, plastic, or leather over cardboard. A paper dust jacket is often added to protect the cover. Softbound books, called paperbacks, have paper covers. Usually, the book title and other information appear on a book's spine and front cover as well as on its dust jacket. Inside the front cover of a typical book is a collection of pages called the preliminary material. The material begins with a blank or decorated end paper, followed by the half-title page. The recto (front side) of this page carries the book's title. The verso (back of the page) may be blank, or may carry a list of other books by the same author. Throughout the book, the verso is always an even-numbered page and the recto is always odd-numbered. The title page carries the full title of the book and the author's name on the recto. It also carries the imprint, which is the place and date of publication and the name of the publisher or company issuing the book. The verso of the title page contains additional publication information and a statement of copyright, which is a notification that the book's contents are the property of the author or publisher. In the earliest printed books, the information now carried on the title page appeared at the end of the book in a statement called the colophon. The illustration that faces the title page is called the frontispiece. The preface follows the title page. In the preface, the author discusses various aspects of the creation of the book. The table of contents usually comes at the end of the preliminary material. It lists in order the book's main topics or the headings of the individual units and their page numbers. The text is the main part of the book. The text is usually divided into separate parts called chapters or books. The text may also include illustrations. In many books, several sections follow the text. The appendix contains notes, charts, tables, lists, or other detailed information discussed in the text. Many books have an index, which lists in alphabetical order important subjects, names, and places in the text. The index gives the page number where the reader can find these items in the text. Finally, some books have a bibliography that lists sources used by the author in writing the book. The bibliography also lists additional sources on subjects in the text. 3 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital punishment is punishment by death for committing a crime. Since the early 1800's, most executions have resulted from convictions for murder. The death penalty has also been imposed for such serious crimes as armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, and treason. People disagree about whether capital punishment is moral or is effective in discouraging crime. In the late 1990's, 38 states of the United States had laws that allowed the death penalty. These laws were influenced by a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court decision. The court had banned the death penalty as it was then imposed. It ruled that "the imposition and carrying out of the death penalty" was cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th and 14th amendments to the Constitution. But the court left open the possibility that the death penalty might be constitutional--if imposed for certain crimes and applied according to clear standards. After the 1972 decision, many state legislatures passed new capital punishment laws designed to satisfy the Supreme Court's requirements. These laws limit the death penalty to murder and to other specified crimes that result in a person's death. Such crimes include armed robbery, hijacking, and kidnapping. The laws of several states specify the circumstances under which a judge or jury may impose the death penalty. In 1976, the court upheld death sentences for three men convicted of murder under new laws in Florida, Georgia, and Texas. It ruled that capital punishment for murder was "not unconstitutionally severe." But the court struck down laws that made the death penalty mandatory (required) for certain crimes. In addition to state laws on capital punishment, the death penalty may be imposed under federal laws or military laws. Capital punishment was widely used during the Middle Ages, especially for crimes against the state and church. In the 1700's, England had more than 200 capital offenses. Most were abolished in the 1800's. The United Kingdom abolished capital punishment in 1969. Canada did so in 1976. The United States is the only Western industrialized nation where executions still take place. According to the organization Amnesty International, about 100 nations either have formally abolished capital punishment or have done so in effect. These countries include most European and Latin American nations. About 90 countries still permit capital punishment, including most developing nations. Many people oppose the death penalty, chiefly because they consider it cruel.
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