1138 July 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 (b) the period provided in clause (5) of sistent with the actions taken in this procla- Proclamation 7529 should be extended until mation are superseded to the extent of such August 31, 2002; and inconsistency. (c) requests for exclusion submitted in ac- (5) The modifications to the HTS made cordance with the procedures set out in 67 by this proclamation shall be effective with Fed. Reg. 19307, 19308 (April 18, 2002); 67 respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from Fed. Reg. 35842, 35842–35843 (May 21, warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 2002); 67 Fed. Reg. 38693, 38694 (June 5, a.m. EST, on March 20, 2002, and shall con- 2002) should be treated as having been sub- tinue in effect as provided in subchapter III mitted in accordance with the procedures set of chapter 99 of the HTS, unless such actions out in 66 Fed. Reg. 54321, 54322–54323 (Oc- are earlier expressly reduced, modified, or tober 26, 2001). terminated. Effective at the close of March 5. Section 604 of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 21, 2006, or such other date that is 1 year 2483) authorizes the President to embody in from the close of the safeguard measures, the the HTS the substance of the relevant provi- modifications to the HTS established in this sions of that Act, and of other acts affecting proclamation shall be deleted from the HTS. import treatment, and actions thereunder, In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set including the removal, modification, continu- my hand this third day of July, in the year ation, or imposition of any rate of duty or of our Lord two thousand two, and of the other import restriction. Independence of the United States of Amer- Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, ica the two hundred and twenty-sixth. President of the United States of America, George W. Bush acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, States, including but not limited to sections 10:21 a.m., July 5, 2002] 203 and 604 of the Trade Act, and section NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of- 301 of title 3, United States Code, do pro- fice of the Press Secretary on July 4, and it was claim that: published in the Federal Register on July 8. (1) The USTR is authorized, upon publica- tion of a notice in the Federal Register of his determination that it is appropriate to add Remarks at a ‘‘Saluting Our WTO member developing countries to the Veterans’’ Celebration in list of countries in subdivision (d)(i) of Note Ripley, West Virginia 11, to add such countries to that list. July 4, 2002 (2) Clause (5) of Proclamation 7529 is amended by deleting the words ‘‘Within 120 The President. Thank you all very much. days after the date of this proclamation’’ and Thank you. Well, thank you, Shelley, and adding in their place the words ‘‘At any time thanks for that warm welcome. I’m really on or before August 31, 2002’’. Note 11 is proud to be in Jackson County, West Vir- amended in subdivision (c), by deleting the ginia. date ‘‘July 3, 2002’’ and adding in its place Today we mark the 226th birthday of the the date ‘‘August 31, 2002’’. United States of America. Last year I spent (3) The USTR is authorized to treat re- my first Independence Day as your President quests for exclusion submitted in accordance in Philadelphia. This year I get to spend it with the procedures set out in 67 Fed. Reg. in Ripley, West Virginia. 19307 (April 18, 2002); 67 Fed. Reg. 35842 Shelley told me about the Fourth of July (May 21, 2002); or 67 Fed. Reg. 38693 (June celebration. She said I needed to come and 5, 2002) as having been submitted in accord- meet the town. It looks like most of you ance with the procedures set out in 66 Fed. showed up. [Laughter] I appreciate your hos- Reg. 54321, 54322–54323 (October 26, pitality. I appreciate all the hard work that 2001). went into making this Fourth of July celebra- (4) Any provisions of previous proclama- tion such a fantastic gathering of our fellow tions and Executive Orders that are incon- Americans. And thanks for having me. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 23:52 Jul 09, 2002 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P27JYT4.005 txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / July 4 1139 I want to thank Shelley Moore Capito for thers, defended by many generations, and her friendship and her leadership in the Halls granted to each one of us by Almighty God. of Congress. I appreciate so very much one Americans know that our country did not of my Cabinet officers, Tony Principi, who come about by chance. Our Nation was first is the head of the Department of Veterans designed as a colony, serving an empire and Affairs, for not only serving the country and answering to a king. The Founders had other serving in Vietnam but also agreeing to come things in mind. In the summer of 1776, they today to Ripley to represent the veterans declared that these colonies are, and of right from all across our country. Thank you for ought to be free and independent States. being here, Tony. With a great army massed against the I want to thank your Governor, Governor Americans, these were not idle words. ‘‘Step- Wise, for joining us today. I appreciate you ping forward to sign the Declaration,’’ said being here, Bob. And I appreciate Senator Dr. Benjamin Rush, ‘‘was like signing your Jay Rockefeller coming as well. Thank you own death warrant.’’ Yet he and 55 others both for coming. put their name on the document, pledging I had the honor of meeting the mayor of to the cause their lives, their fortunes, and Ripley, Mayor Guthrie. Thank you for being their sacred honor. here, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your hospi- And all Americans can draw a straight line tality, and tell all the folks who work in the from the free lives we lead today to that one city here, I’d like to stay around for the clean- moment when the world changed forever. up, but—[laughter]. From that day in 1776, freedom has had a Audience member. We’ll let you. home, and freedom has had a defender. The President. I’m sure you would let me, Unlike any other country, America came but—[laughter]. I also appreciate Mayor into the world with a message for mankind, Ritchie of Ravenswood for coming over to that all are created equal, and all are meant say hello as well. Thank you, Mayor. I know to be free. There is no America race. There’s the attorney general of West Virginia is here, only an American creed: We believe in the General McGraw. I appreciate the Secretary dignity and rights of every person; we believe of State for West Virginia for being here. I in equal justice, limited government, and in want to thank all the members of the legisla- the rule of law; we believe in personal re- ture. But most of all, I want to thank my sponsibility and tolerance toward others. This fellow citizens. creed of freedom and equality has lifted the Today I had the honor and privilege of say- lives of millions of Americans, of citizens by ing hello to two West Virginia citizens who birth and citizens by choice. This creed draws are family members of some of West Vir- our friends to us. It sets our enemies against ginia’s finest. Earlier this year, U.S. Special us and always inspires the best that is within Forces Sergeant Gene Vance, Jr., and Anissa us. Ann Shero lost their lives in defense of our In this 226th year of our independence, freedom. And I had the privilege of kissing we have seen that American patriotism is still Gene’s wife, to express our sympathies and a living faith. We love our country only more our love and our prayer. And I had the privi- when she’s threatened. An Air Force pilot lege of doing the same with Anissa’s dad. And spoke for everyone when he was asked if any- I would like you all to join me in welcoming one on his base had a personal connection them to this celebration today. Thanks for to the victims of September the 11th. He coming. said, ‘‘I think we all do. They were all Ameri- The anniversary of America’s independ- cans.’’ Watching the events of that day, no ence is a day for gratitude and a day for cele- American felt this was an attack on others. bration. On the Fourth of July, we count our It was an attack on all of us—on each and blessings, and there are so many to count. every one of us. Every ethnic background is We’re thankful for the families we love. known and respected here in America. Every We’re thankful for the opportunities in religious belief is practiced and protected America. We’re thankful for our freedom, here. Yet, in a moment we discovered again the freedom declared by our Founding Fa- that we’re a single people. We share the same VerDate 11-MAY-2000 23:52 Jul 09, 2002 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P27JYT4.005 txed01 PsN: txed01 1140 July 4 / Administration of George W.
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