Annexure-II GOVERNMENT OF ANDITRA PRADESH ATIDHRA PRADESH INTEGRATED IRRIGATION AI.ID AGRICULTT]RE TRANSFORMATION PROJECT REQUEST FOR BIDS (RIB) (One Envelope Bidding Process u,ithour e-procurement) NATIONAL OPEN COM PETITIVE PROCUREMENT Tender Notice No.SE/IClElr/DB/ATO.6/TN.03/2020-21 to l3/2020-21 Dt: 10.11.2020 The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle Eluru, West Godavari District, invited Tenders from the intending bidders for the following works. Bid Documents can be purchased from the above . Approximate Bid Security Package value of work Name of work (Rs.) Cost of Period of No (Rs. In La khs) Document Completion 1 2 4 5 6 1 Rehabilitation of Yerra tank (Independent) in Yendapalli village in Chintalapudi Mandal 45,77,474 9t.430 Frce t2 in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III ) 2 Rehabilitation of Pothuraju tank (Independent) in Raghavapuram village in Chintalapudi 10133586 2,02,672 Free 1B Mandal in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III ) 3 Rehabilitation of Gangollu tank ( Independent) in Gangollu village in Gopalapuram Mandal 4374608 87,492 Frce t2 in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III ) 4 Rehabilitation of papt tank (Independent) in Nandigudem village In Gopalapuram Mandal 42,35,742 84,7!5 Free in West Godavari 72 District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III) I q Rehabilitation Pedda (Independent) Bhimolu village Gopalapuram Mandal 48,t2,t66 96,243 Free 72 in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III) 6 Rehabilitation of Andanala tank Cascade No.10 ln Krlshnapalem vlllage in Jangareddigudem 1,L4,97,404 2,29,748 Free 18 Mandal in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- nr) 7 Rehabilitation of Malametta vagu tank (Independent) in Merakagudem village in Buttaigudem 63,29,850 L,26,597 Free Mandal in West t2 Godavari Dlstrlct under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III ) B Rehabilitation of Uta calva tank (Independent) in Rajanagaram village 53,79,229 1,07,585 Free L2 in Buttaigudem Mandal in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( world Bank Phase- III) 9 Rehabilitation of Yerra tank (Independent) in Kotanagavaram v illage Buttaigudem Mandal 4141033 82,82t Free 72 in West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III 10 Rehabilitation of Chinnapedda tank (Independent) in A.Polavaram village in Jangareddigudem L32L7489 2,64,35O Free 1B Mandal in west Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III ) 11 Rehabilitation of Raju tank (Independent) in Ammapalem village in Jangar€ddigudem Mandal in West 8826245 L76525 Free 72 Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase- III) Sale of Bids liom : Dt:16.11.2020 to Dt: 23.11.2020 17.00 PM Pre-Bid conference date and time Dt:03.12.2020 at 11.00 AM Time for Submission of bids close on Dt:24.12.2020 at 15.00 PM Bid opening Date and time Dt:24,12.2070 at 17.00 PM |.'' {(t'lul'o Superlntending Engineer. lrripation Circle. Eluru.. Hni )f;|,,r' GOVER-I\MENT OF AI\DHRAPRADE SH ANDHRA PRADESH INTEGRATED IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURE TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (APIIATP) REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB) NATIONAL OPEN COMPETITIVE PROCT]R-EMENT Name of Project: ANDHRA PRADESH INTEGRATED IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURE TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (APIIATP) Contract Title: (Insert name of work) Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No': IBRD-891O0 RFB Reference N o.0312020-21 to 1312020'21. Date: 10.11.2020. l. The Govemment of India has received/has applied for/intends to apply for financing fiom the World Bank toward the cost of the APIIAT Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward eligible payments under the contract for construction of works as detailed below. 2. Bidding will be conducted through national open competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the world Bank's "Procurernent Regulations for to alI Bidders IPF Bonowers, Ngy]nblL 2u lj (..Procurement ltegulations.'), and is open as defined in the Procurement Regulations. 3.Biddersfromlndiashould,however,beregisteredwiththeGovernmenlofAndhra covernment Pradesh or other state Governments/Govemment of India, or State/central date of Undertakings. Bidders from India, who are not registered as above' on the bidding,canalsoparticipateprovidedtheygetthemselvcsregisteredbythetimeof contract signing, ifthey become successful bidders' (insert name oJ Distictl now 4. The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Citcle, Eluru works detailed below in invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the construction of thetable.Thebiddersmaysubmitbidsforanyoralloftheworksindicatedtherein. 4) and minimum Bidders are advised to note the clauses on eligibility (Section lClause criteria), to qualifu fbr qualification criteria (Section III - Evaluation and Qualification 14 and 3'15 of the the award of the contract. ln addition, please refer to paragraphs 3 interest. ..Procurement Regulations,' setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of 5.Thebiddingdocumentisavailableonlineonw$'\\.cprocurelncnt.go!.intbnll6.ll.2020 toll.00AMto23.|2.2020at17.00Hrs.Thebirldercanvieu/downloadthebid documentsforfreeofcostfromthewww.eDrocurement.gov.inwebsite.Bidderswillbe required to r€gister on the website. The bidders would be responsible for ensuring that any addenda available on the website is also downloaded and incorporated. 6. For submission of the bid, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) form one of the Certif,ing Authorities authorized by Government of India for issuing D.S.C aspiring bidders who have not obtain the user ID and Password for participating in e-procurement in this project, may obtain the same from the APTS, Vijayawadq payment documents are to be submitted along with other documents listed in paragraph I 1 below before the bid submission deadline.. 7. Transaction fee: The transaction fee has to be paid electronically to Ms/. APTS through payment gateway service on e-procurement platfbrm. This transaction fee is in compliance as per IT&EC Department, G.O.ms.No. 3l - 10-2017. Service tax *Bank charges on the4 transaction amount payable to APTS as applicable. The proof of the same should be submitted both online as scanned copy and offline to the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Eluru. 8. Corpus Fund:- Successful bidder has to pay an amount at 0.04o/o on ECV of work with a cap ofRs. 10,000/- for all works with ECV upto Rs.50.00 Crores and Rs. 25,0001 with ECV above Rs. 50.00 Crores through DD in favour of Managing Director, APTS, Vijayawada towards corpus fund at the time ofconcluding the agreement as per IT& EC Department, G.O.Ms.No. I 7, Dt:3 I . 10.2017. 9. Bids must be submitted online on www.eDrocurement.gov.in on or before 15.00 hrs on 24.12.2020 and will be publicly opened online on the same day at 17.00 hrs, in the presence of the bidders designated representatives who wish to attend. Any bid or modifications to bid (including discount) received outside e-procurement system will not be considered. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. The electronic bidding system would not allow any late submission ofbids. 10. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of the amount specitied fbr the work in the table below, in the form of irrevocable BG in favour of Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Eluru. Bid security will have to be in any one ofthe forms as specified in the bidding document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity ofthe bid. Procedure for submission of bid security is described in para I l. ll.The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original BG towards bid security, original affidavit and certificateVdocuments ofthe uploaded scanned copies ro the Tender inviting authority before entering into agreement either personally or through courier or post and the receipt ofthe same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility ofthe succe3ssful bidders. 12.A pre'bid meeting will be held on03.12.2020. at 11.00 AM hours at the office of Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Eluru to clarifr the issues and to answer questions on any mafter that may be raised at that stage as stated in ITB Clause 7.4 of 'Instructions to Bidders' ofthe bidding document. Bidders are advised to download the bidding document prior to the pre-bid meeting in order for bidders to have a good understanding of he scope of work under this contract tbr discussion and clarification at the pre-bid meeting. 13. Other details can be seen in the bidding document. The employer shall nor be held liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notifu the bidders of any bid updates, the employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. lt is the bidders responsibiliry ro veriry the website for the latest information related to this bid. 14. The address for communication is as under: Name of the office :K. Surya Prakasa Rao, M.Tech., MIE.. Name ofoflicer and Designation : Superintending Engineer, Postal Address, Postal Code and City : Irrigation Circle, Eluru Telephone Number :08812-220108/9440814836 Email address : [email protected] TABLE Cost of Package Bid Security Period of Name of Work Document No (Rs.) Completion (Rs.) I 2 J l 5 I Rehabilitation of Yerra tank (Independent) in Free Yendapalli village in Chintalapudi Mandal in 91.430 t2 West Godavari District under APIIATP ( World Bank Phase-uI) 2 Rehabilitation of Pothuraju tank (Independent)
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