Hungary Photographic Tour Cumulative Bird List Column A: number of years (out of 2) this species recorded Column B: number of days recorded in 2017 Column C: greatest daily total in 2017 A B C 2 Little Grebe 3 12 Tachybaptus ruficollis 2 Great Crested Grebe 2 7 Podiceps cristatus 1 Red-necked Grebe 1 1 Podiceps grisegena 2 Black-necked Grebe 1 8 Podiceps nigricollis 2 Cormorant 2 10 Phalacrocorax carbo 2 Pygmy Cormorant 2 70 Microcarbo pygmeus 1 Bittern 1 1 Botaurus stellaris 2 Little Bittern 2 2 Ixobrychus minutus 2 Little Egret 3 4 Egretta garzetta 2 Black-crowned Night Heron 2 21 Nycticorax nycticorax 2 Great Egret 6 30 Egretta alba 2 Grey Heron 4 15 Ardea cinerea 2 Purple Heron 4 31 Ardea purpurea 2 Squacco Heron 2 8 Ardeola ralloides 2 Black Stork 2 3 Ciconia nigra 2 White Stork 8 143 Ciconia ciconia 2 Spoonbill 3 5 Platalea leucorodia 2 Mute Swan 2 70 Cygnus olor 2 Greylag Goose 3 66 Anser anser 2 Shelduck 1 5 Tadorna tadorna 1 Gadwall 3 6 Anas strepera 1 Teal 2 32 Anas crecca 2 Mallard 6 53 Anas platyrhynchos 1 Garganey Anas querquedula 1 Shoveler 1 1 Anas clypeata 2 Red-crested Pochard 2 60 Netta rufina 2 Pochard 2 8 Aythya ferina 2 Ferruginous Duck 4 23 Aythya nyroca 1 Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus 1 Black Kite 1 1 Milvus migrans 2 White-tailed Eagle 5 10 Haliaeetus albicilla ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Hungary Photgraphic Cumulative Bird List… 2 2 Marsh Harrier 8 69 Circus aeruginosus 2 Montagu's Harrier 2 3 Circus pygargus 1 Goshawk Accipiter gentilis 2 Sparrowhawk 1 2 Accipiter nisus 2 Common Buzzard 10 59 Buteo buteo 2 Lesser Spotted Eagle 1 1 Aquila pomarina 2 Eastern Imperial Eagle 1 2 Aquila heliaca 2 Kestrel 7 29 Falco tinnunculus 2 Red-footed Falcon 3 61 Falco vespertinus 2 Hobby 4 5 Falco subbuteo 2 Saker 2 5 Falco cherrug 1 Grey Partridge 1 2 Perdix perdix 2 Quail 1 1 Coturnix coturnix 2 Pheasant 8 25 Phasianus colchicus 1 Water Rail 1 1 Rallus aquaticus 1 Little Crake 1 2 Porzana parva 1 Moorhen 2 2 Gallinula chloropus 2 Coot 3 186 Fulica atra 2 Great Bustard 1 7 Otis tarda 2 Black-winged Stilt 3 35 Himantopus himantopus 2 Avocet 2 12 Recurvirostra avosetta 1 Collared Praticole 1 1 Glareaola pratincola 2 Little Ringed Plover 1 3 Charadrius dubius 1 Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula 2 Grey Plover 1 1 Pluvialis squatarola 2 Lapwing 7 181 Vanellus vanellus 2 Ruff 1 1 Philomachus pugnax 2 Black-tailed Godwit 2 4 Limosa limosa 1 Whimbrel 1 1 Numenius phaeopus 1 Curlew 2 12 Numenius arquata 1 Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus 2 Redshank 3 42 Tringa totanus 2 Green Sandpiper 1 1 Tringa ochropus 1 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 1 Mediterranean Gull 1 1 Larus melanocephalus 2 Black-headed Gull 4 250 Larus ridibundus 1 Caspian Gull Larus (cachinnans) cachinnans 2 Yellow-legged Gull 4 10 Larus (cachinnans) michahellis 2 Common Tern 2 21 Sterna hirundo 2 Whiskered Tern 3 62 Chlidonias hybrida 2 Black Tern 2 5 Chlidonias niger ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Hungary Photgraphic Cumulative Bird List… 3 2 Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon 7 120 Columba livia 2 Stock Dove 5 9 Columba oenas 2 Woodpigeon 9 122 Columba palumbus 2 Collared Dove 7 53 Streptopelia decaocto 2 Turtle Dove 9 39 Streptopelia turtur 2 Cuckoo 9 29 Cuculus canorus 1 Scops Owl Otus scops 2 Tawny Owl 1 1 Strix aluco 2 Ural Owl 1 5 Strix uralensis 2 Little Owl 3 7 Athene noctua 2 Common Swift 2 32 Apus apus 1 Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 2 Bee-eater 6 147 Merops apiaster 2 Roller 7 68 Coracias garrulus 2 Hoopoe 5 10 Upupa epops 2 Wryneck 1 2 Jynx torquilla 2 Grey-headed Woodpecker 1 2 Picus canus 2 Green Woodpecker 1 1 Picus viridis 2 Black Woodpecker 3 5 Dryocopus martius 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 7 23 Dendrocopos major 2 Syrian Woodpecker 2 2 Dendrocopos syriacus 2 Middle Spotted Woodpecker 1 4 Dendrocopos medius 2 White-backed Woodpecker 2 5 Dendrocopos leucotos 2 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 8 11 Dendrocopos minor 2 Crested Lark 6 19 Galerida cristata 2 Skylark 6 18 Alauda arvensis 2 Sand Martin 4 17 Riparia riparia 2 Swallow 10 153 Hirundo rustica 2 House Martin 8 145 Delichon urbica 2 Tawny Pipit 1 3 Anthus campestris 1 Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis 2 Blue-headed Wagtail 7 22 Motacilla flava 2 Grey Wagtail 2 2 Motacilla cinerea 2 White Wagtail 8 27 Motacilla alba 2 Dunnock 1 1 Prunella modularis 2 Wren 4 10 Troglodytes troglodytes 2 Robin 8 18 Erithacus rubecula 2 Thrush Nightingale 6 20 Luscinia luscinia 1 Bluethroat 1 2 Luscinia svecica 2 Black Redstart 9 16 Phoenicurus ochruros 2 Whinchat 1 2 Saxicola rubetra ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Hungary Photgraphic Cumulative Bird List… 4 2 Stonechat 8 22 Saxicola torquata 2 Northern Wheatear 1 2 Oenanthe oenanthe 2 Blackbird 10 45 Turdus merula 2 Song Thrush 8 33 Turdus philomelos 1 Mistle Thrush 1 2 Turdus viscivorus 2 River Warbler 1 2 Locustella fluviatilis 2 Savi's Warbler 4 9 Locustella luscinioides 2 Sedge Warbler 4 5 Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 2 Reed Warbler 3 8 Acrocephalus scirpaceus 2 Great Reed Warbler 4 25 Acrocephalus arundinaceus 2 Icterine Warbler 3 6 Hippolais icterina 2 Eastern Olivaceous Warbler 1 1 Iduna pallida 1 Barred Warbler 1 3 Sylvia nisoria 2 Lesser Whitethroat 4 7 Sylvia curruca 2 Whitethroat 1 1 Sylvia communis 2 Blackcap 8 33 Sylvia atricapilla 2 Chiffchaff 10 35 Phylloscopus collybita 2 Wood Warbler 1 1 Phylloscopus sibilatrix 2 Willow Warbler 1 1 Phylloscopus trochilus 2 Spotted Flycatcher 8 42 Muscicapa striata 2 Collared Flycatcher 2 16 Ficedula albicollis 2 Bearded Tit 2 7 Panurus biarmicus 2 Long-tailed Tit 2 26 Aegithalos caudatus 2 Marsh Tit 2 3 Parus palustris 1 Willow Tit 1 1 Parus montanus 2 Coal Tit 2 4 Parus ater 2 Blue Tit 9 19 Parus caeruleus 2 Great Tit 9 34 Parus major 2 Nuthatch 9 58 Sitta europaea 2 Treecreeper 2 6 Certhia familiaris 2 Short-toed Treecreeper 1 2 Certhia brachydactyla 2 Penduline Tit 4 10 Remiz pendulinus 2 Golden Oriole 4 13 Oriolus oriolus 2 Red-backed Shrike 9 37 Lanius collurio 2 Lesser Grey Shrike 5 8 Lanius minor 2 Jay 5 9 Garrulus glandarius 2 Magpie 8 56 Pica pica 2 Jackdaw 4 30 Corvus monedula 2 Rook 4 60 Corvus frugilegus 2 Hooded Crow 7 160 Corvus (corone) corone 2 Raven 1 2 Corvus corax ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Hungary Photgraphic Cumulative Bird List… 5 2 Starling 9 705 Sturnus vulgaris 2 House Sparrow 9 47 Passer domesticus 2 Tree Sparrow 9 67 Passer montanus 2 Chaffinch 9 87 Fringilla coelebs 2 Serin 3 4 Serinus serinus 2 Greenfinch 9 19 Carduelis chloris 2 Goldfinch 8 69 Carduelis carduelis 2 Linnet 2 5 Carduelis cannabina 1 Common Crossbill 1 2 Loxia curvirostra 2 Hawfinch 9 49 Coccothraustes coccothraustes 2 Yellowhammer 3 6 Emberiza citrinella 2 Rock Bunting 1 1 Emberiza cia 2 Reed Bunting 1 4 Emberiza schoeniclus 2 Corn Bunting 9 29 Miliaria calandra Mammals: 2 European Hare 6 8 Lepus europaeus 1 Eurasian Red Squirrel 3 6 Sciurus vulgaris 2 Western Roe Deer 5 12 Capreolus capreolus 2 European Souslik 2 19 Spermophilus citellus 1 Wood Mouse 1 1 Apodemus sylvaticus Reptiles and Amphibians: 1 Marsh Frog 1 1 Pelophylax ridibundus 1 Edible Frog 4 23 Pelophylax kl. esculentus 1 Pool Frog 1 2 Pelophylax lessonae 2 Common Frog 1 2 Rana temporaria 1 Common Toad 1 1 Bufo bufo 1 Fire-bellied Toad Bombina bombina 2 Grass Snake 5 17 Natrix natrix 2 Viviparus Lizard 3 5 Zootoca viviparus 2 Sand Lizard 1 1 Lacerta agilis 2 Green Lizard 3 6 Lacerta viridis 2 European Pond Terrapin 2 4 Emys orbicularis ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Hungary Photgraphic Cumulative Bird List… 6 Butterflies: 1 Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius 2 Clouded Apollo 1 5 Parnassius mnemosyne 2 Large White 9 72 Pieris brassicae 2 Green-veined White 1 1 Pieris napi 1 Eastern Bath White Pontia edusa 2 Wood White 1 1 Leptidea sinapis 2 Orange Tip 1 3 Anthocharis cardamines 1 Pale Clouded Yellow 1 1 Colias hyale 1 Berger’s Clouded Yellow 1 1 Colias sareptensis 1 Brimstone 2 3 Gonepteryx rhamni 1 Black Hairstreak Satyrium pruni 2 Green Hairstreak 1 4 Calyopteryx rubi 2 Large Copper 1 3 Lycaena dispar 1 Purple-shot Copper Lycaena alciphron 1 Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus 2 Common Blue 8 55 Polyommatus icarus 1 Brown Argus 1 1 Aricia agestis 1 Green-underside Blue 1 2 Glaucopsyche alexis 1 Mazarine Blue 1 1 Polyommatus semiargus 2 Lesser Purple Emperor 2 5 Apatura ilia 2 White Admiral 3 4 Limenitis camilla 2 Common Glider 2 2 Neptis sappho 1 Hungarian Glider Neptis rivularis 1 Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopa 1 Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros 2 Peacock 5 11 Inachis io 2 Red Admiral 3 9 Vanessa atalanta 1 Painted Lady Vanessa cardui 2 Small Tortoiseshell 1 1 Aglais urticae 2 Comma 2 26 Ploygonia c-album 1 Map Butterfly 1 4 Araschnia levana 2 Cardinal Fritillary 7 13 Argynnis pandora 2 Silver-washed Fritillary 2 8 Argynnis paphia 1 Niobe Fritillary 1 1 Argynnis niobe 2 Queen of Spain Fritillary 6 21 Issoria lathonia 1 Marbled Fritillary Brenthis daphne 1 Pearl-bordered Fritillary 2 4 Boloria euphrosyne 2 Heath Fritillary 1 2 Melitaea athalia ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N.
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