1 son appears stronger clinches forcing at Colma CaL October 16 1909 are Jeff back Jeff sends left Clinch still fresh in the minds of the ring 1 Jeff is smiling and Johnson looks wor- ¬ followers He defeated Burns on ried Jeff slipped into straight left points in fourteen rounds and put but was patted on the cheek a second Ketchel to selep in the twelfth round bell Anybodys later Clinchedat the His fight with Ketchelwas the last of- 1 round Johnsons ring battles before the Second Round championship contest with Jeffrie Johnson slings left into ribs another was agreed upon jab slightly marred Jeffs right eye They sparred Jeff assumes such SPORTS OF THE WEEK Johnson sent left to chin and uppercut with left Tuesday Opening of the Royal Henley regatta Third Round In England End of Twelfth Round It Was Fore- ¬ By the the Jeff sends left to stomach Clinches Opening of Brighton Beach Racing As- ¬ and they break Johnson dashes left sociation meeting at Empire City to nose Clinched Jack missed right track gone Conclusion That the Negro Would and left uppercuts Johnson tries with Opening of tournament for Connecti- ¬ a vicious right to head but Jim ducks cut state golf championship at New and clinches Jack is cautious in break- ¬ Haven WinThe Fight By Ronnds away Johnson sends two little rights to head Clinches Johnson tries with Wednesday an uppercut but Jim sent a light left Opening of international chess mast- ¬ to short ribs Just before the bell Jeff ers tournament at Hamburg light hand to head Even From Mondays Extra Edition sent left at end of round 3 Thureday Julysiie the cit > which this afternoon Opening df Wyoming state tennis Reno Nevada i will be greatest the battle between hu Fourth Round championship tournament at Basin 4m JOhnSOn WOn the man beings the world has ever seen Johnson sends left to head Jeff Wyo i since Christianity gladiators drove the sends three hard rights to stomach Western Golf Association open cham-¬ fight in the fifteenth from the Roman forum Johnson puts left to head Johnsons pionships begin In Chicago Two good Johnson bets were re- ¬ nose bleeding Jeff clenches John ¬ Open professional Canadian golf round corded this morning one being 700 son sends left to head took one in championships begin in Toronto to 100 the other G75 to 100 Andy return Clinch again Johnson took Canadian tenmile running champion- ¬ Craig of Chicago recently bet 100 to three jabs to stomach Crowd went ship Reno July 4 Reno at Amherst N S Nev 6500 on Jeffries He has 20000 wild at Jeffs showing Jeffs round awoke this morning stark fight more Friday mad Even before dawn the Weather conditions could not be Fifth Round Opening of West Kentucky Fair Asso- ¬ sidewalks were congested The more nearly ideal for the big mill They sparred Johnson kids Jeff ciation race meeting at Mayfield in light Ky gambling rooms opened at mid- ¬ There is almost a cloudless sky and clinches Jeff rushes in at the blazing rays of the sun are tem- ¬ left short ribs clinched Johnson Opening of twoday automobile race night After daylight all idle- ¬ sent long left to stomach no damage meeting at Churchill Downs track was forgotten Nothing pered with a cool steady breeze from ness at the surrounding hills Although a Clinch Jack worked left uppercut to Louisville all was remembered by the majority of the women took advan-¬ jaw Jims mouth slightly cut Jeff throng except that this was the tage of the boxes many are scattered landed two lefts to face Clinched Saturday dayfor the Jeffries Johnson fight through the arena By noon the again Johnson worked uppercut to Sailing yacht race starts from New Bys7 oclock the streets became lines of ticket holders were a block face of Johnson and appeared very York for Bermuda played impassable The restaurants and lon but it was a good natured crowd cautious and the defensive Opening of international aviation made doubly so by the lines of depu- ¬ Jeff sent a straight left to mouth and meeting in Toronto diningrooms were packed with ties determined to keep down any dis-¬ nose increasing the flow of claret Start of the ocean yacht race from notables Everywhere the talk turbance of jostling etc Clinched at bel- San Pedro CaL for Honolulu fight the canvases of fighters Championship tournament of the Hud- ¬ was of the There wasno When the lSixth element of the safe and sane were submitted for choice Johnsons Round son River Tennis Association at Fourth movement present as was rejected because it was pure Johnson sent three left jabs to Yonkers face Johnson sent one to Jeffs face Central States Rowing Association re- ¬ this great national celebration white and cast such a sharp white glare that it was deemed not suitable Jeffs face cut under eye Johnson gatta at Quincy 111 was forgotten The first row was started when the landed left on chest Jim sent terrif- Illinois state tennis championships at Actors literary lights writers holders of 40 and 50 seats discover- fic left to Johnsons right eye Al- ¬ Aztec Club Chicago artists and other celebrities ed a moving picture stand was erect- ¬ most completely closed Jeff bleeding Delaware state tennis championships at nose begin in Wilmington whose names are famous mixed ed just over them This stand cut off the view from COO or S00 people who Opening of five days race meeting at- in the crowd with Indians cow- ¬ became angered when the manage- ¬ Seventh Round St John N B boys and all sorts of people Ev- ¬ ment ave them no satisfaction They Both of wiry Jeffs eyes seem to be erything is run wide open now threatened to tear down the structure bothering him They clinched and Letter Carriers Meet In Charlotte To prevent violence a guard was Jim sent a light left to ribs Jims Charlotte N C July 4 The mem- ¬ this mornings sent no ¬ fJeffries placed around the btand nose is bleeding freely Jim sent left bers of the North Carolina Letter Car- ¬ se to the promoter that he to face clinched Jack uppercut Shortly before 1 oclock a band en- ¬ riers Association met in twelfth an at rt ild not enter the ring if the tered the arena and aroused intense right to chin Jeff sent hard left to nualsesslonl a5t ilscussed i siny iiiicanbns of common interest invas covering remains enthusiasm by plavjng America ami chin Jack send s two hard lefts to eye A Burns of Greensboro presided up face Hurt the bad again Jon rflob It is new and he Dixle The great crowd stood over the convention flags Any- sons round Iks too slippery is the and weved small American it It one approaching the gates carrying Eighth Round Chamberlains Stomach and Liver only covering over the heavy bottles or suspicious packages were Rushed and clinched Jack hooked Tablets gently stimulate the liver and planks He says it may result stopped They were not allowed to to ear with left Jack sends two T FIGHTS bowels to expel poisonous matter skull He- enter until they were discarded > in a broken ankle or light rights to ead Jeff pounds cleanse the system cure constipation 1Sf Governor Dickerson entered and is willing to use either his or- Jacks stomach Clinch Jack sent and sick headache Sold by Bratton took his seat directly behind the Unit- ¬ is holding in Johnsons covering Arrange- ¬ left to stomach Jack Drug Co ed Press box clinches Johnson landed left to ¬ to substi- ¬ Jack Johnson was born in Galves- ¬ rounds One of Johnsons hard- ments are being made At 132 two minutes past the time four head Clinched at bell ton Texas March 31 1878 and began fights was with George Gardiner If you have anything to sell try a tute for beginning fight no sign of either est his fighting career in native town middleweight champion of New Herald want ad fighters but Flanagan promised to Ninth Round his the Among the famous fighters are about ten years ago At that time the England He defeated Gardiner have Johnson in the ring within a Jeff forced Jack around the ring Fitksimmons Burns Attell Bat-¬ Galveston Atheltic Club of which easily and thereby added greatly to his few minutes Tex Rickard just an- ¬ Johnson laughing to friends outside Ketchel Hanlon Leo Posner was the moving spirit reputation as a fighter After that tling Nelson nounced that purse amounts to 121 ropes Jeff landed t wo hard rights gave boxing shows in which Charles battle Johnson defeated Fred Russell JOHNSONS MOST IMPOR- Lange Langford Sullivan and 000 He also announced that there to stomach Johnson backs away to Brooks a masseur and teacher of box- ¬ and Denver Ed Martin and finally the TANT FIGHTS Sharkey- would be a split of GO cents to the win- ¬ Clinch Jouson took hard right ing in a boxing academy in Galveston negro Sam McVey whom he defeated nearly all ner and 40 per cent to the loser It- ribs Jeff sends hard right to body Jeffries played cards was the principal feature He took on points in twenty rounds March 28 1905 Marvin 9 is stated the sales amount to 250 Clinched Jeffs round day Sunday and retired at p on any comer and usually knocked following a Hart lost San Francisco 20 000 The aisles are practically pack- ¬ The day Johnson issued m and slept soundly till late Tenth Round out his opponents in the third round rounds ed and the very entrance is jammed challenge to Jim Jeffries asserting he Jack prodded Jeffs nose with his One day Johnson presented himself opponent April 25 1905 Jim Jeffords this morning All intruders 145 still no sign of fighters was the champions logical left and repeated it twice Jim sent and expressed his willingness to fight knockout Philadelphia 4 were kept out Billy Muldoon the famous wrestler Jeffries evaded him however saying left to ribs Jeff sent a
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