Canadian Journal of COMPARATIVE MEDICINE AND VETERINARY SCIENCE APRIL Published Monthly at GARDENVALE, QUE. by NATIONAL BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS, LIMITED EDITORIAL BOARD T. W. M. CAMERON,. T.D.; M.A.; B.Sc. (Vet. Sc.); Ph.D.; D.Sc.; M.R.C.V.S. Director, Institute of Paravitology, Macdonald College, Que. Chas. A. MITCHELL, V.S. B.V.Sc.; D.V.M. Pathologist, Animal Diseases Research Institute, Hull, Que. R. A. McINTOSH, M.D.V.; B.V.Sc. Professor, Diseases of Animals, Obstetrics, Therapeutics, Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario. G. T. LABELLE, D.M.V. Inspecteur Vetirinaire senior, Montreal, P. Q. Subscriptions $2.00 per year to qualified veterinarians, libraries, and scientific institutions. Volume 7 Number 4 CONTENTS IDr. A. F. Cameroii, V. 0. G., Retires ....... .............. 97 Dr. E. A. WVatson Retires ......... ................... 98 Obituary-Dr. G. C. Lawrelnce ........ .................. 99 Eiizootic Bovine Haematuria ............ ................ 101 Veterinary Problems from Feeding Coniditions ..... ....... 108 Chastek Paralysis on Alberta Fox Ranbch ...... ............ 112 Implied Warranty of Fitness-Legal Decisioni ..... ....... 114 Current Veteriniary Literature ........ .................. 118 Western Ontario Veterinary Associafioli ........ .......... 123 Book Reviews ..................... ..................... 124 IPUBUAIN IMIbITED ADVERTISING OFFICES:-Head Office:-Gardenvale, Que. Telephone: Ste. Anne de Bellevue 700. Montreal Office:-M. G. Christie, Castle Bldg. Telephone Ma. 9534. Toronto Office:-137 Wellington St., Room 1206, (V. E. Heron). Telephone: Waverley 6206. Vancouver:-F. A. Dun- lop, P. Q. Box 582. Telephone Pacific 2527. New York; W. G. Gould, 7 West 44th Street. Tele- phone, Murray Hill 2-9888 Chicago:-William S. Akin. Suite 512, Mercantile Exchange Bldg., 308 West Washington Street, Telephone: State 8496. San Francisco:- C. H. Woolley, Room 708, 605 Market Street. Telephone: Douglas 0967. England: A. J. Chambers, 72 Cole Park Road Twickenham, Middlesex. Telephone: Popes Grove 5124-A. N. Bickley, Circulation Manager, Gardenvale P. Q. Extended Index of Veterinary Litterature American Journal of Veterinary Research, July, 1942 COTTRAL, G. E.-Vinylite-Resini-Corr-osion PORTER, D. A.-Incidence of Gastroinztes- Preparations in the study of the Avian tinal nematodes of Cattle in the Soitth- Leucosis Complex. p. 227. eastern United States. p. 304. Cottral describes the technique for Porter's survey was based on 84 cattle. making the casts, giving two mo.difi- (9 refs.) cations. (27 refs.) HADWEN, S.-Reindeer Compared with COSTIGAN, S. M.-Possible Irritating Domestic Animals in Relation to Fat- Effects from Dusting Baby Chicks and tening, Sex and Increase. p. 308. Growing and Adult Fowls with Hypo- LOTZE, J. C. & YIENGST, M. J.-Studies on chlorite powders. p. 235. the Nature of Anaplasma. p. 312 (14 STOVER, D. E.-Respiratory-Nervous Dis- refs.) order in Eight-months old Pullets. p 239. October, 1942 (6 refs.) ERRINGTON, B. J., HODGKISS, W. S., & SHAHAN, M. S. & DAVIS, C. L.-The Diag- JAYNE, E. P.-Ascorbic Acid in Certain nosis of Actinomycosis and Actinoba- Body Fluids of Horses. p. 242. cillosis. p. 321. The authors examined blood plasma, eye Shahan and Davis base their discussion fluids, spinal fluids and semen. (13 refs.) on 78 cases (25 refs.) POLLARD, M. & HALL, W. J.-Interspecies ZIPKIN, I., ANDERSON, A. K., & THORPE, Transmnission of Avian Leucosis in W. T. S.-A study of the administra- Embryos. p. 247. tion of Sulfanilamide to the Nornmal Pollard and Hall used ducks, turkeys, Dairy Cow. p. 329. guinae-fowl, pheasant and quail. (21 refs). The authors describe the concentration STEARNS, T. W. & McNUTT, S. H.-Spor- of total conjugated, and free sulphanil- adic Bovine Encephalomyelitis: Filtra- amide in the blood and milk and the tion of the Causal Agent. p. 253. cellular constituents of the blood in four POSELL, J. J.-Intestinal Cultures for De- cows." (16 refs.) tecting Salmonellosis in Young Turkeys. LEE, C. D.-Studies on the Production of p. 257. (2 refs.) Specific Antibodies against the Agent LANGHAM, R. F., INGLE, R. T., & HALL- of Fowl Leucosis. p. 336. (1 ref.) MAN, E. T.-Further studies on the THORP, W. T. S., SHIGLEY, J. F., & FAR- Histology of the Bovine Kidney. p. 260. RELL, M. A.-Studies on the Etiology The authors have determined the num- and pathology of calf pneumonia. ber of renal corpuscles. (5 refs.) p. 342. BIESTER, H. E., SCHWARTE, L. H., & PAC- Thorp, Shigley and Farrell describe the KER, R. A.-Studies on Sheep, with the bacteriology, clinical, gross and micros- Demonstration of Pasteurella Localized copic pathology of this emndition in 28 in the Central Nervous System. p. 268. cases. (10 refs.) (1 ref.) WATSON, E. A. & PLUMMER, P. J. G.- J. Distemper Inclusion Bodies. p. 350. KAKAVAS, J. C., PALMER, C. C., HAY, Watson and Plummer describe the R., & BIDDLE, E. S.-Homogenized Sul- bodies in ferrets, foxes and mink. fanilaimide-in-Oil Intramammary In- EASLEY, G. T., MAYER, D. T., & BOGART, jections in Bovine Mastitis. p. 274. R.-Influence of diluters, rate of cool- This report deals with the chemother- ing and storage temperatures on sur- apeutic properties of sulfanilamide when vival of bull sperm. p. 358. (21 refs.) administered directly for the treatment SYKES, J. F., & MOORE, L. A.-The Nor- of streptococcic and staphylococcic masti- mal Cerebrospinal fluid Pressure anid a tis. (24 refs.) Method for Determination in Cattle. p. WISNICKY, W. & WIPF, L.-Significance 364. (8 refs.) of Inclusion Bodies of Distemper. p. MEYEROWITZ, B.-An Anomaly in Hog 285. Hearts: Defectus Interventricuilaris BRANDLY, C. A., NELSON, N. M., & COT- Septi. p. 368. (2 refs.) TRAL, G. E.-Serial passage of Lym- BANKOWSKI, R. A.-Studies of the Hemo- phom-atosis-Osteopetrosis in Chickens. globin content of chicken blood and p. 289. (4 refs.) Evaluation of Methods for Its Deter- EWING, H. E.-The Relation of Flies mination. p. 373. (57 refs.) (Musca domestica Linnaeus) to the VAWTER, L. R.-Recovery of Clostridium Transmission of Bovine Mastitis. p. 295. Sordellii from cattle and sheep. p. 382. 10 refs.) (12 refs.) KERNKAMP, H. C. H. & ROEPKE, M. H.- WHITLOCK, J. H.-Field Test of Various The in vitro neutralization of Hog- Anthelmintics Used for the Treatment Cholera Virus with Hog-Cholera An- of Haemonchosis. p. 386. tiserum. p. 300. (17 refs.) Whitlock recommends 107. copper sul- 1118] Canadian Journal of April, 1943 Comparative Medicine Current Veterinary Literature Vol. VII-No. 4I[1191J phate in chronic haemonchiasis and in ALLEN, R. W. & FARR, M. M.-Sulfagua- monthly prophylaxis, phenothiazine for nidine as a prophylactic during the acute haemonchiasis. (12 refs.) Period of Acquirement of Resistance by KAPLAN, M. M., RAIZIss, G. W., & MoET- Chickens to Cecal Coccidiosis. p. 50. SCH, J. C.-The Pathogenicity of Strep- KATES, K. C. & SHORB, D. A.-Identifica- tococcus Agalactiae for Mice and Treat- tion of Eggs of Nematodes Parasitic in ment with Sulfanilamide and a Deri- Domestic Sheep. p. 54. (6 refs.) va.tive. p. 392. (11 refs.) HAMMOND, D. M. & BARTLETT, D. E.- PORTER, D. A. & CAUTHEN, G. E.-Expe- Establishment of Infection with Tri- riments on the Life History of the chomonas Foetus in Bulls by Experi- cattle Lungworm, Dictyocaulus vivipa- mental Exposure, p. 61. (7 refs.) rms. p. 395. BOUGHTON, D. C.-Sulfaguanidine Ther- Porter and Cauthen have confirmed the apy in Experimental Bovine 9occidiosis. direct life history of this parasite (12 p. 66. refs.) Boughton finds that it gives promise of DOUGHERTY, R. W.-Analyses of Gas and being useful against certain species. (8 Ingesta of Bloated Cattle. p. 401. (5 refs.) refs.) HOWELL, D. E., STILLES, G. W., & MOE, OLSEN, 0. W.-Pa-asites of Moose in L. H.-The Fowl Tick (Argas persi- Northern Minnesota. p. 403. (26 refs.) cus), a new Vector of Anaplasmosis. p. 73. (1 ref.) January 1943. CASIDA, L. E., MEYER, R. K., MCSHAN, W. KERNKAMP, H. C. H. & ROEPKE, M. H.- H., & WISNICKY, W.-Effects of Pi- Sul.faguanidine in the treatment of tuitary Gonadotropins on the Ovaries Ilnfectious Enteritis in Swine, p. 3. and the Induction of Superfecundity in The authors show that this drug has Cattle. p. 76, (17 refs.) considerable merit. (13 refs.) MCCULLOCH, E. C., FULLER, S. A., & Ko- JONES, T. C. & MAURER, F. D.-The Pa- GER, L. M.-The disinfection of Baby thology of Equine Influenza. p. 15 (5 Chick Shipping Boxes with Sodium Sil- refs.) icate Soluttions. p. 95. (11 refs.) GREGORY, D. W.-A Superior Medium for EMMINGER, A. C., & SCHALM, 0. W.- the Hemophilic Fowl Coryza Bacillius. The Effect of Brucella Abortus on the p. 32. (8 refs.) Bovine Udder and Its Section. p. 100. KONST, H. & WATSON, E. A.-Studies on The authors discuss the quality of the Johuie's Disease: Reactions to Johnin in milk and describe the histopatnoiogy ot Sensitized Guiinea Pigs. p. 34. (26 refs.) the udder. (21 refs.) SPENCER, G. R., & BEACH, B. A.-Effect LITTLE, P. A., & LYON, B. M.-Demonstra- of Injections of Novoxil on the Bovine tion of Serological Types within the Udder Infected with Mastitis Strepo- Nonhemolytic Pasteurella. p. 110 (5 cocci. p. 45. (11 refs.) refs). The Cornell Veterinarian, January, 1943 BLOONI, F.-A study o f the renal and MURPHY, J. M.-The general Effect of hepatic altered Nutclei and intranuclear Staphylococcal Infection on the bioche- Crystals in sponitanteous Diseases of the inical Composition of st-ict Foremilk. Dog. p. 1. p. 52. (10 refs.) Bloom has examined material from a GRENCI, C. M.-The Isolation of Erysi- series of 32 cases. (25 refs.) pelothrix rhusiopathiae and erperimental infection of turkeys. p. 56. (2 refs.) ZEISSIG, A.-The Resuilts of Retests of Tut- MRH,j .ADhNO,JJ-n berculin Reactors. p. 17. fection of the bovine udder with coli- Zeissig reports on a project to study form bacteria. p. 61. the significance of a small number of Murphy and Hanson report on 79 in- reactions in a herd and of no visible lesion stances of infection during a three year cases.
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