Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 5-1984 UA77/1 Western Alumnus, May WKU Alumni Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Other Theatre and Performance Studies Commons, Social History Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation WKU Alumni Relations, "UA77/1 Western Alumnus, May" (1984). WKU Archives Records. Paper 2325. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/2325 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Contents 2 4 6 8 first Recipients of The Western's Summer Two Westel"n Grads Alumni Leadership Oldest Dinner Theatre Behind the Plate Scholarships Are Hilltopper Th rough a cooperat ive for h.w WK U alumni. it s Chosen D.Y. Dunn a 1913 Western arrangement bel\\.,een bascball scason and they WKU awarded its first five football lellerman, IYKU's departments o f foo d ,Irc in thc center of the Alumni l.eadership re turned to campus last services and action-as major league Scholarships t o an fall for the WKU ·Murray communication and baseball umpi res. impressive group of State foot ball game. theatre. a summer dinner tlleatre is corning lo IYK U. freshmen, ~' rom morc than 600 appl icants, the five winners represent WK U's From commi tment to quality educatio n. the Editor Western Kentuc k y Departments Uni\ c rsity s 1984 h omecomin g celebration is Alumni Ne ws and Note s sch eduled November 2·J, Loc al Club Update. 10 The IlilHoppers meet Notes ... ,. II I'liddle Tenncssee at LT. Smit h St adium at I p .m . o n from the 11 111 Nov . .} in llle annual NewS Update. 14 h omccoming foot ball Sports I{cport. 15 game. A full schedule of ac livities revolving around the t heme Life Through the Eyes o f a Child will be Western Alumnus announced soon. 1'1ark your calendar no\\.' and plan to return t o t he Hill ~1a y . 1984 Stat em ent o f Complian ce President s Office, Wes tern on November 2'3 for Kentucky Unl~ ersi t) Bo""ng 11 0 mecoming '84 . Western Kentucky Lnilersi !} Green ","c .HuCk) 42101 . Heminder : Alumni have 1:<1 ilo r lal Commitlee: Is committed to equal Inquiries abou t such alleoed received biographical oppotlunlty It is an tqu,' 1 discrimination also may be Lee Ho b crt son . director updatc form s to be OPI)orlunity· Mrirmatile Action maOe Olre cUy !o the Director Dave Whitaker. con sult ant employer and docs not completed for WK U s 1984 ~- rcd tlensley. editor Office of Civil Kights United dlS<:rlmlnate on the basis 01 States Department of 11 ea llh alumni direClory. Pl ease ,Ige race color religion se ~ Education and Welfare return forms to the Contributing Editors: national origin or handicap In WaS hington D.C. 2020 1 publisher as soon a s an) emplo)menl opporlunil) possible. You r cooperation Bob Adams Inquiries about employment No person i!!i e,cluded from is Im portant to the success Sheil a (onwa} participation In denied the discrimination rna) ~ directed of this project. Jim Highland beneflls 01 or olher" i!!ie to the Afflrmati\e Action Paul Just subjected to IInla"f,,1 Oilicer Western Kentucky Coming Up: Sue ~1illcr dlS<:rlm lnation on su ch basis Unl\ersily. BO" 'ling Green, In the next issue of under any educational Kentucky 42101 , or the Western Alumnus you Ted Wilson, art direclor program or activit}, receidng CommiSS ion on Human Ki ghts will: lederal financial assistance. Com lllonwealth of Kentucky - Meel some uniq ue WK U 828 Capital Plaza To"er athletes whose parents are Gary tlai rlson, pholographer If you h,lIe e ~ perienced Frankfort KenlUck) 40601 or c urrent members o f the discrimination In SUCh (qual (mplo) ment WKU coaching staff; educational programs or OpportunIty CommiSSion Advertising Representatile: - Learn about the acthltles IHitlen inquiries 1800 G Street N. \\ .. Un II erslty Network 'lbout plocedures that are Washington D.C. 20506 or Shoo t out in 1'1 o rganto wl1 I'ublishing Inc. ;l\ail;lble ,I( the unilerslt) for Office of Federal Contract aod 667 Madison Avenue conslderiltlon of complaints Compliance United States - Read about m ore Suite 602 illlegln9 su ch dis<:rimination [)epMtmellt of labor activities o f fellow Western New York, NY 1002 I should be directed to the Wa shington D.C. 202 10. alumni. WestHn }\ Iumnus igh school involvement and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. McKinney of H college leadership potential have Drakesboro said. paid of( for five Western Kentucky According to Felty, the son of Mr. University freshmen. and Mrs. Troy Felty of Louisville. it The five were chosen from more also gives the student a better than 600 scholarship applicants as chance to get involved in cilmpus the first recipients of the Alumni activities. Leadership Scholarship, a $2,000 First " I feel it is a great step forward scholarship which is renewable for for Western ... because it will four years. Recipients allow me to become more active. A The scholarships. established in sc holarship lik e this gives a student 1983 by the W KU Alumni of Alumni more of an opportunity to get Association, went to Jeffrey Alan involved. " Felty. Louisville; l\tlitchelt S. Leadership Smith, a 1983 graduate of Warren Mc Kinney, Drakesboro; Cynthia Central High School. SilYS, " I' ve Rhea Smith, Bowling Green; and Scholarships found that the other four winners William Dell Robertson and Susan share a lot of the same problems Marie Stockton. both of Morganfield. and goals as I do. I think we all "The Alumni Association decided it Are Chosen will have a chance to learn would like to contribute S 10,000 to leadership qualities from more the University's scholarship efforts," mature leaders." said Dr. Ronnie Sutton, dean of McKinney, a 1983 graduate of scholastic development at WKU. Drakesboro Consolidated High "The Alu mni Association decided School, has become involved in the how Ihey would like to use the WKU Associated Student funds and my office took it from Government and hopes to soon add there." the Kentucky Intercollegiate State Eleven finalists were chosen in Legislature to his college May and spent a day on the WKU accomplishments. campus for interviews and screening. Smi th, an agriculture Shortly thereafter, the five winners communications major, has become were announced. involved in the Block and Bridle Robertson and Stockton are both Club and is in the English honors '83 graduates of Union County High program. School and questioned the possibility Like McKinney, Felty has become of two scholarships being awarded at a member of the WKU Associated the same school. Student Government by working on "I didn't think we would both get by Pam Embry the public relations and student the sc holarship," explained Stockton. affairs committees. A graduate of "\-\'hen we got the call at school we Christian Academy of Louisville, he were each sure that the other had was elected president of his go tten it. I was the first to get to the residence hall community. phone, and after I had been told I Stockton, the daughter of Mr. and had received the scholarship, 1 ;"'Irs. Ben Stockton of Morganfield. handed the phone to Dell. After he has also joined the student hung up he picked me up and government at WKU and has been swung me around-we were both so se lected as pledge class president of happy. ! had hoped we both would Smi th, the daughter of Mr. and Kilppa Delta sorority. get it, but we both felt so honored Mrs. Billy Ray Smith of Bowling " [ think Ihese students <Ire perfect just to be finalists." Green. " Both my parents are examples of the types of student we Robertson, the son of Mr. and Western graduates. It makes me were trying to attract when the Mrs. William E. Robertson of feel proud to know th,lt I can Alumni Association decided to fund Morganfield, says he is proud to achieve here also:' the scholarships," said Lee know that "other people had faith in McKinney, on the other hand. Robertson, director of alumni affairs me. This scholarship makes me feel feels the scholarship has opened at WKU. " These are the very best that I've accomplished something, doors which he hopes will instill in students from a highly talented that all my hard work in high school him a sense of responsibility to group of applicants. The Alumni has paid off. work and a self-pleasure for what Association is pleilsed to provide As part of the scholarship , the he hopes to accomplish. the funds for a program of this five freshmen attend leadership , I also think it will be a great nature that can have major impact seminars conducted by guest help to me in the job market when on the future of this institution." speakers each month designed to I graduate from WKU," the son of According to Robertson, five improve leadership capabilities. additional scholarships will be " I see the scholarships as a M.ss Embry,s a sophomore journalism awarded in each of the next three chance to grow and b\lild," said major from New Albany . tnd years to bring the total to 20. 0 2 \Veste rn }\)"mllus Uc'UJlit'IJt~ o( tile' (int S2()()() HitI'll Smith Bow/;IJg Green AIl/mill I.t'aill'rship SchoIM~hil"~ Mitchell 5 ,\/cIlIllIlC.I' h;/:It ..
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