Why food Flame on! Pondering A secret about Will your parenting prices keep our fascination with America’s help your children climbing superheroes national debt reach their potential? THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPAprilE 2012 | thetrumpet.comT The Obama Administration vs. the American Constitution APRIL 2012 VOL. 23, NO. 4 T CIRC. 334,044 COVER 2 | SOCIETY | The Obama Administration vs. the American Constitution 5 | SOCIETY | How the Constitutional Crisis Will End LESS LAW, LESS ORDER The American government is founded on law, 6 | ‘Die by Suicide’ but its people and its politicians are rejecting it in the belief that it leads to more freedom. WORLD ETC. 1 | FROM THE EDITOR What Is True Freedom? 9 | Why Food Prices Keep Climbing 10 | LIVING | Parents! Take Charge of Your Child’s Incredible Potential 33 | PRINCIPLES OF LIVING | 14 Lessons From the Bloodbath in Syria Your Spiritual Due Date 22 | CULTURE | Why the Fascination 16 | WORLDwaTCH Want war? Keep ignoring With Superheroes? 34 | LETTERS Iran • Pushy as ever • The ‘de facto supremo of | COMMENTARY Europe’ • Asia’s big military spender • An exodus 26 | LIVING | Is There a Dictator in 35 of whites • Anglicans split over tough issues Your Mind? Why We Must Warn 36 | TELEVISION LOG P 25 | ECONOMY | 30 | BIBLE | _ An Awesome Secret About The Prophetic Beast: WEI / America’s National Debt Who or What Is It? ISTOCKPHOTO FROM THE EDITOR GERALD FLURRY What Is True Freedom? People everywhere fight and strive for greater freedom. At the same time, they fight against law. That shows a dangerous misunderstanding of the nature of true freedom and the need for righteous law. reedom is one of the most sought-after ideals in with deadly drugs. That is not freedom! Instead they have be- human history. Man’s search for freedom has taken him into come totally enslaved to drugs! the fiercest of protests, struggles, revolutions, civil wars— For many years we have declared a war on drugs in America. even world wars. Today, in the midst of free societies, many What has been the result? Look at the facts and we must concede Fcontinue to fight for what they perceive as ever greater freedoms. that we have lost that war! Did you know that what most people call freedom today is America is overcome by its drug problem. And “whatever really slavery? overcomes a man [or a nation], to that he is enslaved.” The great majority of people today are deceived about what We don’t talk much about the war on drugs today. People freedom truly is! And yet, we can’t be free until we know what don’t like to talk about losing a war. Many people began to see freedom is. Neither can we avoid slavery unless we know what their own families and children caught up in drugs and felt they slavery is. Are you sure you know? needed to tone down their approach. They didn’t want to be in- volved in a war so close to home. False Promise of Freedom Notice what the Apostle Peter said about many people who pro- The War on Pornography mote freedom: “They promise them freedom, but they themselves Another terrible addiction is gripping America today: sex addic- are slaves of corruption; for whatever overcomes a man, to that he tion. It is more and more taking center stage in our culture and is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19; Revised Standard Version). If you are entertainment. It too is becoming more common, more main- overcome by something, you are enslaved to it. What does that stream, more widely accepted. Our television and movies portray mean, exactly? increasing levels of filth. And the problem is made all the worse Take alcoholism, for example. People may consider it freedom by the widespread availability of pornography on the Internet. It to be able to drink to excess, but many people do that so often, is big business—people by the millions are lapping it up. they become alcoholics; they then crave alcohol and feel miser- What does that say about us? It is Britain and the United able without it. States that primarily fuel that endeavor. Are we free? Most people Alcohol abuse comes with a staggering price tag, socially and would call that freedom. Is it really? Or is it enslaving us in ways economically. It costs billions of dollars each year to cover health that will destroy our marriages and families? Are we enslaved to and welfare services provided to alcoholics and their families in pornography? the U.S. Include their decreased productivity at work, and the Deep down we know that pornography is evil! In the past, cost is far greater. Alcoholics have higher rates of marriage sepa- even the thought of it caused us shame. At one time, some even ration and divorce, crime, automobile accidents, property dam- declared a war on pornography, but we don’t hear about that war age and injuries to persons, depression and suicide. They, their anymore. Why? Because we don’t like admitting defeat. We lost family and their friends all end up being the losers. that war as well. It is easy to see—as they struggle with their addiction, ruining What does it mean to lose the war on pornography? It means their family, their career, their life—that alcoholics are not free. losing the values that build strong marriages and strong fami- At one time they may have thought alcohol gave them freedom, lies. Strong families are the backbone of any strong nation. Yet but in truth it has enslaved them! we have been overcome by something we were too weak to resist. The same is true of drugs. We have developed a drug culture “Whatever overcomes a man [or a nation], to that he is enslaved”! in America and Britain. Mind-damaging, escapist drugs are in- Just look at the facts and you can plainly see that America is en- creasingly mainstream and popular, moving well past the pock- slaved to pornography. ets within the big cities. They are taking over the lives of people Social workers and ministers often discuss a rapidly growing of all income levels, all walks of life. Even 1 in 10 of our youth ages problem. Many people (especially the young) tell these profes- 12 to 17 are regular drug users! Our entertainment is more and sionals that they are hooked on Internet sex and can’t break the more obsessed with the drug world. Often we see high-profile habit. They have become addicted and have lost control. entertainers grappling with severe addiction, and even dying In the name of “free speech,” our leaders are allowing the evil prematurely from overdoses. god of this world to enslave our young people before they even learn Is that freedom? How many of these people have gotten how to live! (2 Corinthians 4:4). The most vile pornography is chan- hooked on drugs and cannot stop? Even low levels of drug use neled right into their own homes, which increases the temptation. can do irreparable damage to their minds. On top of that disas- The Bible commands us to flee temptation and fornication. ISTOCKPHOTO / trous effect, how many of these people are injecting or sniffing We are going to pay a deadly price for our rebellion against God. away increasing portions of their incomes at their families’ ex- The fact is, the more pornography we have, the less freedom we pense? How many are having to resort to ever more unsavory have. The negative impact of all SMARTSTOCK : activities to fund their drug habits? that obscenity is incalculable. April 2012 COVER Many people would consider it freedom to destroy their lives See FREEDOM page 8 ➤ THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET 1 THE Obama thE AMERican ADministRationVS.Constitution The government’s new health-care mandate is a stunning assault against the Constitution, against freedom of religion, against conscience, against life. by JOEL hiLLikER he Obama administration conscience is violated, or whose beliefs are Predictably, people were outraged that is taking an ax to America’s trampled. The president has settled the Americans are going to be forced to pay freedom of religion. It has issue: Abortion-inducing drugs are ev- for things they morally oppose. The ad- deliberately picked a fight ery woman’s right—even if God Himself ministration knew this would happen, with religious Americans disagrees. and President Obama “retreated” to what and the Catholic Church in was surely his pre-planned position. Sup- particular in a move that Attacking Freedom of Religion posedly to appease those with religious should alarm Americans of all faiths. When the Department of Health and Hu- objections, he announced in mid-Febru- TThe president has mandated that em- man Services first published this proposal ary “a solution that works for everyone.” ployers provide health-care coverage for last August, Catholic leaders were among What “works for everyone” is not to all employees. He is now also demanding those who objected the most strenuously, back off the demand for free abortifacients, that this coverage include birth control: calling it “an unprecedented attack on sterilizations and contraceptives in all fed- free sterilizations and access to all fda- religious freedom.” Efforts to stop the erally mandated health-insurance plans. approved contraceptives, including those law failed, and in January, dhh Secre- “Under the rule, women will still have ac- that induce abortions. Of course, Catholic tary Kathleen Sebelius announced that it cess to free preventive care that includes doctrine forbids all of these practices, and will go into effect in August. She offered contraceptive services—no matter where even many non-Catholics likewise oppose one bizarre, meaningless concession: they work.
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