Math 353 Lecture Notes Orthogonal bases, the heat equation J. Wong (Fall 2020) Topics covered • Linear algebra (review in Rn) • Deriving the heat equation • A first PDE example: the heat equation • Function spaces: introduction to L2 1 Linear algebra: orthogonal bases in Rn Here a review of linear algebra introduces the framework that will be used to solve differen- tial equations. The structure we review for vectors and matrices in the space Rn to solve linear systems Ax = b will be adapted to functions and linear operators. The familiar setting for linear algebra is the space Rn. To review: Definitions (linear algebra in Rn): n • The space of n-dimensional real vectors: R = fx = (x1; x2; ··· ; xn); xj 2 Rg • We can define an inner product (the `dot product') on this space by n T X hx; yi := x y = xjyj: j=1 • This also defines a norm (the Euclidean or ``2 norm') n 1=2 X 2 p kxk2 := jxjj = hx; xi: j=1 • Two vectors x; y are called orthogonal if hx; yi = 0: Geometrically: two vectors are orthogonal if they are perpendicular. 1 Some properties of the inner product and norm are worth highlighting: • Norm property: A vector x has norm zero if and only if it is the zero vector: kxk = 0 () x ≡ 0: • Linearity: The inner product is linear in each argument; for the first: n hc1u + c2v; yi = c1hu; yi + c2hv; yi for all c1; c2 2 R and u; v 2 R : and for the second argument, n hx; c1u + c2vi = c1hx; ui + c2hx; vi for all c1; c2 2 R and u; v 2 R : Operators: A linear operator L on Rn is a function from Rn to Rn (vectors to vectors) such that n L(c1x + c2y) = c1Lx + c2Ly for all c1; c2 2 R and x; y 2 R i.e. such that L is linear. In Rn, linear operators are equivalent to n × n matrices: L is a linear operator () there is an n × n matrix A s.t. Lx = Ax: 1.1 Orthogonal bases n n Recall that a set fφ1; ··· ; φng is a basis for R if it (minimally) spans R : n n X every v 2 R has the form v = cjφj for unique coefficients cj: j=1 A set of vectors fφjg is said to be orthogonal if hφj; φki = 0 for j 6= k: and, of course, an orthogonal basis is a basis that is orthogonal. Why are orthogonal bases so useful? The idea is that they separate the space into 'independent' parts that do not interact. n n Let φ1; ··· ; φn be an orthogonal basis for R . We know that for any x 2 R , n X x = ciφi for coefficients ci: i=1 2 To obtain the j-th coefficient cj, we take the dot product h·; φji with both sides. By orthog- onality, all but one of the terms in the sum will cancel: n X hx; φji = cihφi; φji i=1 n X = cihφi; φji + cjhφj; φji i6=j X = ci · 0 + cjhφj; φji i6=j hx; φji =) cj = : hφj; φji Due to orthogonality, the equation for each cj is independent of the others. What we are doing here is projecting x onto its j-th component. The map hx; φ i x ! j hφj; φji extracts the coefficient cj of the j-th component. Observe, crucially, that this projection turns the n-dimensional system we need to solve for the c's into n one-dimensional systems (just scalar equations)! In the example above, the basis vectors are (±1; 1) and hx; φ1i 1 1 hx; φ2i 1 x = c1φ1 + c2φ2 =) c1 = = 2 2 = ; c2 = = : hφ1; φ1i 1 + 1 2 hφ2; φ2i 2 3 1.2 Orthogonal bases of eigenvectors Now, we get to the essential part - further improving the properties of the orthogonal basis. An eigenvalue and associated eigenvector of a matrix A is a (possibly complex) number λ and vector φ 2 Rn such that Aφ = λφ. Given a matrix A, there is a particularly nice orthogonal basis, at least in a special case. Recall that a matrix is symmetric if AT = A and an important theorem: Theorem (spectral theorem; matrices): Let A be an n×n real symmetric matrix. Then • The eigenvalues λ1; ··· ; λn of A are real and distinct n • The corresponding eigenvectors v1; ··· ; vn are an orthogonal basis for R . From here, we can interpret a matrix A as a linear operator that scales components of its input along each eigenvector. For instance, consider 0 2 1 1 A = ; λ = 2; v = ; λ = −2 v = 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 −1 Then the operator x ! Ax scales the v1 component by 2 and the v2 component by −2. Critically, applying the operator to an eigenvector yields a vector in the same direction. It follows from this property that an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors `diagonalizes' systems Ax = b: (1) That is, in the eigenvector basis, the linear system `decouples' into n independent (scalar) equations that are trivial to solve. Let v1; ··· ; vn be the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix A. We solve the system (1) by projecting onto the j-th eigenvector as follows: 4 First, decompose x and y into its components in the eigenvector basis: n n X X x = xjvj; y = yjvj: j=1 j=1 Now plug into the equation and use the fact that vj is an eigenvector (Avj = λjvj): Ax = y n ! n X X A xjvj = yjvj j=1 j=1 n n X X λjxjvj = yjvj j=1 j=1 When A is applied, each component stays in the same direction due to the eigenvector property, so the components stay independent of each other. Now use the fact that fvjg is a basis to conclude that each component is equal: n X yj (λ x − y )v = 0 =) x = for j = 1; ··· ; n: j j j j j λ j=1 j Useful argument: Note that if v1; ··· ; vn is any basis and two vectors are equal, then each component is equal on its own: n n X X ajvj = bjvj =) aj = bj for all j: j=1 j=1 Pn This is because 0 is uniquely represented by 0 = j=1 0 · vj, so n X (aj − bj)vj = 0 =) aj − bj = 0 for all j: j=1 The structure exploited here will also appear in solving linear partial differential equations - and in fact, the calculations are similar (with basis vectors replaced by basis functions). To get there, of course, we must identify the right analogies to vectors, operators, bases etc. for functions, which will take some work. 5 2 Some context: PDEs from conservation laws Rather than pull the equation out of thin air, let's see how PDEs arise naturally out of fundamental models1. To do so, we introduce the concept of a conservation law, which is a way of stating that for an amount of stuff in a region, the change in the amount is due to stuff entering/exiting the region or being created/destroyed. For simplicity, assume the stuff is `heat' - but this argument is quite general (e.g. could be particle concentration, momentum, energy, density of fish, etc.) Consider a cylindrical tube with cross section A running along the x-direction and u(x; t) the temperature at position x and time t. The amount of heat in a section of the tube for x in some interval [a; b] is Z b u(x; t) A dx: a Let us further suppose there is a source g(x; t) that is the rate at which u is created or destroyed at position x along the tube. For instance, heat could leak out of the pipe at a rate g(x; t) if the pipe is poorly insulated. Define F (x; t) to be the flux of heat: the rate at which heat flows through the cross section at x, with units of heat per (area)(time). Thus φA dt is the amount of heat passing through the cross section in a time dt (with sign determining the direction). We have @ Z b Z b u(x; t)A dx = AF (a; t) − AF (b; t) + g(x; t)A dx : @t a | {z } a | {z } heat entering the section from the ends | {z } change in heat heat created/lost due to source Cancel out A and move the derivative on the LHS inside the integral, leading to Z b Z b ut(x; t) dx = F (a; t) − F (b; t) + g(x; t) dx; a a which is a mathematical description of the conservation of heat. 1Adapted from Applied Partial Differential Equations, J. David Logan 6 Now write the F terms in an integral using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and collect all the terms to get Z b [ut(x; t) + Fx(x; t) − g(x; t)] dx = 0: a The above equation must hold for all intervals [a; b]. It follows that the integrand must be equal to zero, leading to the ‘differential form' of the conservation law, ut + Fx = g(x; t): Many models in the sciences arise from this basic conservation argument. The next step is to determine the flux φ as as function of u and x (and the source). Deriving the heat equation If u is temperature, then the flux can be modeled by Fourier's law φ = −αux where α is a constant (the thermal diffusivity, with units of m2=s). This simple law states that the the flux of heat is towards cooler areas, and the rate is proportional not to the amount of heat but to the gradient in temperature, i.e.
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