VOLUME 5. NO. 10. PHILADELPHIA PA., Jl 'E 17,1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BILLIARDS. Headquarters for the Brunsiciek B. Billiard Tables, Carom Combination »n<* Fool. Billiard goods of every descrip- tion always on hand. Over 500,000 Noise- Subduers sold. Orders from all parts al the world promptly attended to. JOHN CREAHAN, Continental Hotel, PEILAISIPHIA Sportsmen's Depot. ESTABLISHED 1836. JOHN KRIDER, N. E. cor. 2d & Walnut Sts.,Phi;3, NATIONAL DEALZE IN Fishing Tackle.Guns&Sporting Goods GUN onfem0K' 'BaS" and Tr°Ut FUe3 dre?sed to ASSOCIATION Split Bamboo Rods. Spratt's'pateiu Dog ^'scu«s and Cheltenham Beef Hbrjnl DISEASES OF DOGS." Ashmont's New Publication. General Agent, x J. LORING THAYER, 186 TEEHONT ST., Boston, Mass. 7'/-t«, $3. Sent post- aid to any address. o Booksellers literal discounts made. IVfARVIN SAFE Co., 727 Chestnut Si PHILADA 26B Broadway, N. T This Space for Sale. D. I*- S. W ZCKOZ.S. - Horse & Carriage Bazaart Broad and Cherry Streets, Philad'a, Auction Sales Every Monday and Thursday. D. P. S. KICllOLS, Auctioneer. THE SPORTING LIFE. June 17. Toledo.................. 0 0020000 0 2 THE AMERICAN HULKS CHANGED. Arthur Chambers has sent three dogs to Cincin­ Indianapolis............ 20211200 0 8 nati to runeiblbltlon races with the Moulton and Earned runs Toledo 2. Indianapolis 4. Two- THE SPORTIM Lira Johnson Combination. They are Sally, Jay-Eye- BASE BALL. base hit* Dotnelly. Morlarity and Crane. Left The Pitchers' Restrictions and the FonI See and Old Ned. Bound Abolished The Keaerre Jumper* (COPYRIGHT 1885.) on basfs Toledo 8, Indianapolis 5. Struck out James Anderson, of Paris, Texas, recently By Stemmytr 6, by Casey 6. First on balls By Mot Reinstated. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT walked a mlie, run a mile and rode a mile on THE WESTERN LEAGUE. SiemmyerS by Caeey 1. First on errors Toledo horseback in 18m. i.-. His wager was to accom­ 3, Indianapolis2. Passed balls Cook 1. Wild The meeting of the American Association plish the feat in 21m. pitches Stemmyer 1, Casey 1. Time 1:62. Um­ was held, according to our announcement, at No. 202 South .Ninth Street, Philada. J. W. Raby, the walker, has sued for the stake On the Ragged Edge Probable Dtsband- pire Brennan. at the Girard House, in this city, Sunday, In the race which he filrly lost with Meagher. meiit Organization. June 7, and resulted in the carrying out of BY THE It is a curious fact, but nevertheless true, that The Western gue Is in a state of disor­ KEOKUK vs.MILWAUKEE at Keekuk June the programme outlined in our last in all some people will never admit defeat. but one particular, viz., the reinstatement Sporting Life Publishing Company, The South Bend, Ind., Fair Association will ganization. Sc cely had the Omaha Club 9. Official score: hold a racing and athletic meeting June 4th and dropped out an eokuk taken its place ere KILWAUK'B. T R B. P.A.U! IBOKUK. T.R.B. P. A.» of the reserve jumpers. The delegates were: To wtuMc order all Checks, Drafts, Honey Or­ 5th. $150 is ottered for base ball and handsome another mem b fell out, the Cleveland Club Uorman. p.. 6 2 1 0 & 0,Fowler,2b... 4 1 1 541 Lew Simmons and William Sharsig, Ath­ money for foot lacing and for other athletic Burns,of.... 612- ' - 0 l ( Walsh, ss... 4 13 4 l letic Club; William Baruie, Baltimore; C. ders and Remittances must be made payable. giving up the ghost on Saturday June 6. Behel, If.... 6 1 0 1 0 l'Uorcoran,3b 4 0 0 1 1 o Entered at the Philadelphia Post Office as sports. That club has been a failure both financially Schoen'k,lb4 1 1 12 0 0 Harter,cf... 4 0 1 0 1 2 H. Byrne and J. J. Doyle, Brooklyn; George second class matter. Two foot races toek place at the West Side Forster,2b.. 4 2 3 2 2 0;Hudson, rf.. 4 0 0 o o M. Herancourt and Charles N. Snyder, Cin­ Driving Park, Jersey City, June 10th. The firs.. and in a playing sense. The Cleveland James H. Hart, Louisville; George H. public, mindful ot" the treatment of its M.'Sorley,3b 411 1 00 Sch'mb'g.lb 410 8 01 cinnati: a 440-yards heat race Has won by J. Crowley. The Alvord, B3..4 2 1 2 2 I'O'Brlen.lf.. 4 1 2 100 Gordon and James H. Qifford, Metropolitan; second, a 100-yards heal race, was won by T. A. League predecessor, sickened of base ball, Horace B. Phillip?, Pittsburg, a*d Chris Von der TERMS: Lee.rf...... 4 1 0 1 0 IjDugdale, c.. 4 2 1 922 about three 8,85 i Eagan. would not support the new enterprise, and Arundel, e.. 4 0 0 8 2 0 Kennedy, p. 3 0 0 001 Abe, St. Louis. The meeting lasted Subscription, per annum (postage paid)... The employees of J. Mc"reery and Company, when the club died it was nearly $2,500 in hours. Six months.............. " " .. , 1,*B | of New York, will bold their annual games at 2711 4 Total.... 35 6 8 2412 8 Mr. C. H. Byrne moved that Kule 23 be amended Three months............ " " .. 65 debt. The Toledo Club is the next club to Total.... 39119 so as to wipe out all restriotlons upon the pitcher, " ' .. Be. games at the Manhattan a. C. grounds July llth. go. It is in debt and was unable last Milwaukee............! 2302003 x 11 Single coi.le*,........... There are two open races of one mile and one-quar­ Keokuk...... ......... 0 02130000 9 allowing him to deliver the ball as he pleases. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. ter mile for good prizes. week to play its scheduled games with lu- Eaned runs Milwaukee -2, Keokuk 1. First The motion was finally adopted. Mr. C. H. Byrne dianapolis, there not being sufficient funds on errors Milwaukee 7, Keokuk 3. Hit by next made a motion, seconded by Lew Simmons, OLYMPIC CLCB GAMUS. This club held a series to change Section 3 of Kule 45 so as to do away of games on Tuesday, June 9, on the Manhattan in hand to pay the visitors their guarantee. pitcher Milwaukee 1, Keokuk 1. First on balls ADVERTISING RATES: Milwaukee 3, Keokuk 1. Struck out By Gor- wish the foul bound. This motion prevailed by a (P1XBD AMD FINAL) A.C. grounds. In the 314-yard anal, R. McCaul, Strenous efforts have been made throughout unanimous vote. Rale 42 was amended to read Copeland and H. Niohols were firat, second man 9, by Kennedy 8. Two-base hits Sohoeneck, One Insertion...... 12 ots- Per line. Nonpareil A. F. the week 10 raise funds to keep the Forster. Home run (Jorman. Double play- as follows: "That the choice of innings shall be 1O " " n' and third; time, 32%s. Throwing the 16 pound team afloat but without success up given to the captain of the home club and the Three months...... hammer, C. Walcon, 15ft. start, 1st, 68ft. 91n.; E. Fowler unassisted. Passed balls Dugdale 2, SU months......... 9 " " " the time of writing; there is little Arundel 1. Wild pitches (Jorman 2. Time 2:02. manager or representative of the home cl«b shall One year............ 8 " " " Haubold, 5ft. start, 2d, 67ft,; F. P. Prial, 12U. start be the sole judge as to the held beinit in fit condi­ ADVERTISERS should forward their favors so 3d, 64ft, 41n. probability of saving the club. In­ Umpire Hoover. tion to play the game as scheduled." Section 2, as to reach us by 6 P. M. Saturday, as this paper ST. JAMBS RIFLB CORPS SPORTS. These games dianapolis, Kansas City and Milwaukee Rule 29, was altered for the purpose of making It goes to press every Saturday evening. were held at Jones' Wood, New York, June 9. The alone are left of the original six clubs com­ PRESTO, CHANGE! more clear to the umpires that the ball passing winners in the several events were as follows: posing the league. Keokuk has already over any part of the home plate shall be a strike, One-mile walk. P. McNamira; two-mile run, W taken Omaha's place, and St. Paul and St. unless it be too high or too low. P. Bowen; one mile run, P. Kuhn; one-mile mem The Old League Pitching Rale Restored and The cases of the reserve jumpers next occupied SPECIAL NOTICE. race, C. Sullivan; 100 yards run for amateurs Joseph, Mo., are anxious to succeed to the in Operation. It was generally bers' by the retirement of Cleve­ the attention of the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE on sporting topics, from any | c.s, Busse. Cornelius Driscoll, of the Pastime vacancies caused Change seems to be the order of the day, believed that there would be no trouble In put­ section of the City, State or country, solicited. j ^. O., was handicapper. land and Toledo, but at this late day it is ting these men Bradley, Gleason and Weaver and in accordance the new League pitching once more into good standing, bat when the mo­ COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript Intended for | AMERICANS ABROAD In the Civil Service doubtful if e«ui this infusion of new blood rule has gone the way of all flesh. On Sat­ publication should be written on one side of the :ports at Ullle Bridge, London, June 6th Myers can save the oRanization. Indianapolis has tion was made to reinstate, amendments were of­ paper only, and must be accompanied by the in the quarter-mile Handicap, started at th< urday, June 6, President Soden and Directors fered to include Mullane, under suspension for a a strong team^and Ike directors have ex­ and Conant, of the Boston Associa­ year, and Dave Rowe, blacklisted by St.
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