TIIE MORNING OREGONTAX, FRIDAY, J.UXE IT, 1921 1.1 on F USILLADE SULLIVAN STAR FOR CUBS WINS FDR ANGELS GIAATS DEFEATED IX 13-t- . S1SG GAME, 5 TO 4. to display her talent before Portland film fans, because the' Judges of the TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. contest decider, that she possessed Doubles by Batter and Pitt-bin- of Columbia Gareth Hughes,. the best combination of beauty and Alexander Responsible for C Beavers Only Able' to Garner "Sentimental Tommy." personality among all other com- Majestic L. C. Shuraway. petitors. She played her part like an Victory by Chicago. One of 4 Score, 5-- 4. "When Dawn Came." experienced actress, although her Rivoli Lew Cody, "A Danger- only previous stage experience was ous tic " Pastime." gained in amateur theatricals in Port- CHICAGO, June 16. John L. Sulll an Peoples Mae Marsh, "The Lit- land. van's doubles and Alexander's pitch tle 'Fraid Lady." Winners of the letter contest held Ing were responsible for Chicago' EoTRYOUT IS GIVEN Liberty Dorothy Dalton, "The by Mr. Cody were announced as fol- defeat of New York, to 4, in 13 in RECRUI Idol of the North." lows: Mae Hannan, Miss L. Gillie, nings today. tio Star Frank Mayo, "The Fight- Helen Lee Brown, - Emaline Legler, Sullivan's first double resulted in ing Lover." Sara Bernstein, Lucille La Rich, Mary the extra innings. He scored the ty GoodrichTire Prices ter Circle "Behold the Man." Lou Moser, Esther Brooks, Charles ing run in the ninth when Kelleher T Hippodrome Buster Keaton, Layton. and a girl who signed her singled. int 'Julsscnberry of Dental College "The Haunted House." letter "Unknown.'' After New York had made two runs per cent Llttte 1'cllow but Shows Globe Jewel Carmen, "The The winners will receive loge seats in the 13th, Sullivan with two men reduced0 the, Sice Silver Lining." at the Rivoli today, and will meet Mr. on bases, hit his second double. The jne'i Form on Mound in Xintlv. tooy to receive his autographed hit scored Grimes and Maisel, again photograph. tieing the score. The word in Quality on last sc " HE Eugene Man Sullivan scored the winning run tht WALLOP' Marshall Neilan has returned to a sacrifice and O'Farrell's single. The best word in Price of jove itnoaes aramauc story Los Angeles after a four f lonths' ab- Douglas argued so strenuously with ma Pacific Ceaat Umh Standi nra. of the old west, will be the sence, during which time e produced Umpire Klein in the seventh when I MOTBJOWW COUPS a W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet principal attraction at the Star the "The Lotus Eater," with John Barry-mor- e, Kelleher drew a pass that he was or Ban 44 27 .filWIOakland 33 .51 SOOO ..3S ater, beginning tomorrow, Harry involving miles of travel game. Anti-Ski- d Safety ' .c'miuo 44 L'S .til Imb Ani 35 33 .51 with producer dered out of the Score: 1KB Trd TUBES Bfatlla .. 40 31) .671 'Salt Lake 24 43 .338 Carey in role. The popu- - for the and his staff. It was R. H. E.l R. H. E. the starring i tarted In Los Angeles or. irnoa.. is i'4 .528 Portland ..17 48 .2JS said to do full and staged in New York 4 14 HChicago... 5 13 j, larx western star is New York and Florida. 305 $24.5 O 255 th l'catrrday's Results, justice to story by his interpre Batteries Douglas, Benton, an At Portland 4, Loa Anirelea 5. the and Smith; Alexander and Killefer, q At Seattle S. Su Francisco 2. i' tation of the big dramatic moments. Katherine MacDonald will startle O'Farrell. 32-- 3 , At Loa AnKelea. Vernon T. Salt Lake The story shows a man who re her admirers in her next nicture. $32.90 190 fa'' At S" Franclaco, Oakland 8, Sacramen country Peachie." When the first scenes are .. o n. turns to the western after Braves 5, Cardinals 4. w. shot this week, under the direction making his strike in the gold fields of Wallace Worsley. Miss MacDon 3SS B Any guy who still gets a out ST. LOUIS. June 16. Nicholson's 324 HL8S kick He finds that the girl be loves has ald will wear the first of 20 gowns in home run in 15th scoring one la I home runs In v. the these effete days given her heart to a younger man men sne will appear, while por other runner, allowed Boston to de- 43.1Q Cl when homers are as common as peas Suppressing his own desires, he helps traying a musical comedy star on feat St. Louis today, S to 4. St. Louis 33x4 370 w, In a pod should hire a tent and camp his rival in an exciting and bloody vacation. had tied the game In the seventh TU t the ball yard day and night. Other-- K when Schultz' home run also scored political campaign. Antonio Moreno wears a Van Dvke $450 tvise somebody is likely to smack The western is en Lavan's. Both North, who succeeded 32ft 47.30 modern drama in "The Secret of the Hills." which is Pertica and McQuillen, for Boston, xe ne when he Isn't limltinc Anl,, fmi. livened by a playwithin a play. The now ready shipped Mr to be east. pitched excellent ball until the final 48.4Q lomers were hit in yesterday's game, hero, goes into a small nickelodeon a inning. Score: 334 H5 vhlch is so few as hardly to be worth and there on the screen sees a wild As William Farnum's "birlhdav is R. H. E.l R. H. E, E mentioning. Three were Los Angeles and fleecy western drama Just as it juiy ne win return from Europe Boston S 14 l'St. Louis... 4 14 0 34x4 $49.65 . to t wallops, while one was a Portland was made in the Bronx in 1310. Carey celebrate it at his Sag Harbor 15 Innings. Iffort, but the three enemy clouts s shown in tlfs darkened movie the horn. He is now in Italy. Batteries Watson, McQuillan and the ,rovilled Just enough margin to sew ater watching the screen. The west O'Neill, Gibson; Pertica, North and $58.90 5.55 iP the game for them, S to 4. as it is depicted by a flaxen haired The stage has again claimed H. B Clemons. 33S Yesterday's four-bas- e barrage made gets on his nerve. He Warner and his wife, Rita Stanwood, trir floor walker who have been making pictures fou grand total for the season here of walks out and steps into a series of for Dodgers 5, Pirates 6. $61.90 5.80 homers in 33 games. Anyone who in which would L. Hampton. Both haye returned 355 Syb adventures real life to New York Warner re ise d hinted in the good old days that have been far too rough for the hero and is PITTSBURG, June 16. Pittsburg hearsing new play. 17-i- U many circuit smashes could be of the antique celluloid drama. a defeated Brooklyn, 6 to 5. in a sha on a today. Smith the de these grounds in an entire A furious gun fight, a battle for von ning gime Glasener and Fabric Tires, mer would been im Eric Stroheim Is said to have were the opposing pitchers for the have voted the girl, political intrigue, wild rides bejen so rough. with Dale Fuller in a sdiate membership in the Ananias over the-- desert and a desperate feud first eight innings, but each gave 112j0o1 Safety mi o, Dut scene for "Foolish Wives" that she way Mamaux took 324 26S the lively bait now in use between the citizens of a modern on to relief pitchers. S"303 ias reduced baseball to - halted a corner of a dresser minus Smith's place and Adams later went T! about the western town are some of the adven- two teeth. A dentist had to be called t status of cricket. No wonder Babe ures in which Carey participates. to the mound for. Pittsburg with the safety 334 2&30 Kjth is breaking all records. Migrnonne Golden, the little girl who before work could continue. score S to 5. Yellowhorse pitched the innings Pittsburg. The m W Mill mi 3045 Niehoff Starts Onslaught. has been seen in the leading femi- John Griffith Wray, Thomas H two final for - suc- Pirates won on two doubles with one Safety th- Bert Niehoff beeran th home run nine role in other recent Carey Ince's noted director, will spend his Goodrich sfay 3041600 3343X15 cesses, supporting role. The out. Score: 30x3i m m.m. has the di- m m m tli' onslaught for the Angels by lifting summer vacation managing and R. H. E. o 'i "w a one famous Harry Carey flying squadron a R. H. E. into the left field bleachers in recting half dozen stock companies 5 18 6 10 1 f of cowpunchers, seen Brooklyn. 4Pittsburg. antiskid safety tread M the fourth, just after the Beavers had also will be in In western cities. He recently vis th action. In the cast are J. Farrell Mc- ited towns in California and 17 innings. staged a nice rally and tied up the Donald, Harris, LeMoyne, several Batteries Smith, Mamaux and tire 17 two-al- l. Joe Charles Arisona securing theaters and in- - fabric .score at Nobody was on at C. Miller. Krueger; Glaszner, Adams. the time, so Niehoff jogged around E.
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