CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF'JOURNALISM STUDENTS Buy Your Lecture E: Buy Your Lecture ''■Tieket Now Ticket Now VOL. 28. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929. NO. 6. mfott Worth No Homecoming Day Nov. 28 "Cherry Tree George" Bryan Lend Freshman Win Cup The T. C. U. Ex-Students and Burton Holmes The freshman play, ''The Trysting Horned Frogs To Students Appear Alumni Association will not spon- Place," was awarded the loving cup sor sn officlsl homecoming <isy Terms to "Soda Skeet" Parlance in the seventh annual freshman- Play Texas Tech Thanksgiving, ss they had plan- ,1 sophomore play contest held in the On Honor Roll ned, according to Miss Hazel "Shoot one:" 'black cow.' A limeade is 'squeeze auditorium at 8 o'clock last night. ."Old style." and all oranageade is 'grind one.' 'Ca- Next Saturday Wales, secretary of t*e organiza- 1 This was the first time in several m\ 329 Names Are Listed tion. Business men who have a "Straw'n " nary means coco-cola with lemond, years that the cup has gone to the ■ holiday on Thursday will not be "One honest!" and a 'sour' is with lime. freshmen. Coach Schmidt Urges For Being High in able to have another one Satur- All of which means nothing to you "Ice cream is 'on' a dish. There- freshmen. Miss . Katherine Moore di- unless you know the soda "skects' " Team to Keep Fit Scholarship. day, the day of the S. M. U. game, fore 'van-on' is vanilla cream and rected "The Trysting Place," with she said. It is not known yet language as spoken by O. L. (Nick) the following actors: Misses Betty 'choc-on' is chocolate. Malt is 'dust," For Battle. 30 MADE STRAIGHT "A" whether there will be a homecom- Nicholson, Harold Smith and Glenn Berry, Mary Jane Ridgeway, Jacquo ing in June. LaDue of the University Pharmacy. so we have 'chockdust,' 'stradust' and Lansdale and Hal Thompson, Nor- 'vandust.' Ice cream soda is 'in' in FEW, LOCAL FANS TO GO To them "shoot one" means coca- man Welsh, Joe Short and Clayton S3 Freshmen, 66 Sophomores, 67 glass, therefore 'N'—'van-in,' 'chock- Juniors, 88 Seniors, 25 cola, "old style" stands for root beer, McCutcheon, "The Man in the Bowler Special Students. "straw'n" is a synonym for straw- in' and 'straw'n.' Four hundred is Hat," the sophomore- production was Largest Crowd of West Texas Frog Send-Off berry soda and "one honest" is "cher- milk chocolate without cream, while coached by Miss Hazel Carter Football History Is Ex- ry coke." 'J, D.' stand for milk chocolate with The umti of 18 Fort Worth »tu- pected. "Remember little George Washing- cream. 'W. J.' is grape juice, because dents appear on the honor roll of Tomorrow Night ton" asks Nick Nicholson in explain- of William Jennings Bryan's grape Texas Christian University for the ing the origin of "one honest." juice campaign. 'Eighty' is water." Business Course "Texas Tech next!" say the Homed Spring semester,, according to the list "George cut down his dad's cherry Nicholson is head soda clerk and Frogs this week as they snap back compiled daring the summer by the Freshmen Compliment- tree. LaDue is night "skeet." Hal Smith is Is More Popular into practice after their great triumph registrar, E. R. Tucker. ed on Their Spirit "All drinks have nicknames with curb service boy. The list includes a total of 329 over the strong Texas Aggie team on at Aggie Game. us," says Nick. "For instance. Dr. According to Smith, it took him Clark Filed last Saturday when 16,- names, 83 freshmen, 66 sophomores, Pepper is "10, 2 and 4' or 'Waco.' "two weeks to find out what it was 264 Enrolled in Profes- 67 juniors, 88 seniors, 5 special stu- 000 fans—the largest that ever wit- The pep meeting for the send-off Root beer is 'old style,\6r with milk, all about." Burton Holmes, lecturer, who sional Work—59 In- dents, and 20 graduate students. Of for the boys to Lubbock will be held nessed a football game in Fort Worth the 329, there are 106 boys and 223 will give a travelogue talk and crease. Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock in the movie here next Wednesdsy night. —were. treated to one of the most girls. Thirty students' made a per- big gym. There will be several spectacular exhibitions of football fect grade of "A," only four of whom ! "Go to These Stores," > Professional business training in speakers and a good program is plan^ Entire Band To ever seen in the Southwest, and who were boys and 26 girls. Two hun- ned, according to Tyler Dean, pep Says Rogers, Manager T. C. U. is becoming more populsr dred and eighty-seven students were leader. Dean urges all who possibly T. C. U. Lecture Series esch year In the University's curricu saw a fighting Frog team come from on the honor roll for the entire year. can to come to this rally Thursday Annual's Retail Advertisers Con- Go To El Paso Opens Next Wednesday lum. This year the courses attracted behind with a slashing offense to bat- A student to be eligible for the nigh* because, as he says, "the boys test Includes 15 Fort Worth 269 students and last year only 174 ter the Aggies down to a 13-to-7 de- honor roll for a semester must be are well on their way to the confer- Firms. Midnight Matinee Nets "Beauties and Frivolities of were enrolled in this department, ac feat. csrrying at least nine hours in sub- ence championship and we must stay cording to Prof. J. W. Ballard, head t Paris," Is Title for Holmes' The game with the Texas Tech Mat- jects that count toward a degree, behind them. The closer they get to The business firms that will co- Group $600 to Pay Talk. of the department of business ad make an index of 3.00 or an average this championship the more support operate in the giving of votes in the for Trip. ministration. adors will be the fourth non-confer- of "B," and be passing in each sub- they 'need from the student body. Horned Frog Retail Advertisers Con- The T. C. U. lecture series will open The two most popular courses aro ence tilt on the Frogs' schedule, and ject he is carrying. To be eligible Everybody please come Thursday test, open to alt T. C. U. students, are "Everybody in the band goes." next Wednesday evening when Bur- elementary accounting and business will mark the initial invasion of the law. Seventy-five are enrolled in the for the yearly roll, a student must night." Monnig Dry Goods Company, Sanger This is the remark made by Prof. ton Holmes will give his movie trav- Purple team of the Matadors' own Bros., The Fair, Washer Bros., Meach- elementary accounting course, an in- carry at least eighteen hours. The Dean also said he wished to thank Claude Sammis at a rehearsal of the elogue "The Beauties and Frivolities home, at Lubbock. These two teams roll for the Spring semester follows: Wendell Schuler, the freshman class, nm's, Gilbert's, the Alexander-Bale of Paris." Holmes' lecture is the first crease of nine over last year's en- band Monday, when it was announced rollment. There are 54 members of have met for the past three years Those who made a straight grade and the band for the wonderful sup- Stores, King's, Pangburn's Cafeteria, of seven that will be given dusjng the and each time they have played in *. that Friday night's matinee at the the business law course, an increase of "A" are: Adeline Boyd, Ina Mae port shown at the last meeting. He Pangburn's Candy Shop, University present school year, according to Prof. Fort Worth, and though, the Frogs Pharmacy, Park Hill-Pharmacy, T. C. of 18 over last year's enrollment. Bramblstt, Anna Brooks Alexander, said, "If as much spirit could be Majestic netted enough returns to C. R. Sherer, chairman of the lectures have won, they have never gone Courses offered by Professor Bal- Mariam Campbell, Anne Cooper- shown from now on ss we had last U, Service Station, Park Hill Service send the entire T. C. U. Horned Frog committee. — through a Tech game without being Station and Victory Wilson. » lard are: Elementary Accounting. smith, Mrs. Louise Cope, Mary B. week, it is sure to show in the end Band to El Paso with the Chamber of Members of the senior class have scored upon. that the T. C, U. student body has "Go to any of these stores," said Advanced Accounting, Business Law, Crawford, Bita Mae 'Hall, Barbara Commerce as the official convention season tickets for sale at a special "There must not be a let-down," that fighting spirit which they have Bill Rogers, business manager of the price of $1.50 for students and fac- Cost Accounting and C. P. A. Prob- Ruth Hardy, Anna Harriet Heyer, band. says Coach Schmidt in sending his Slotilda Anne Houle, tftfelle John- been famous for (or the past years." Horned Frog, "make your purchase ulty members. The season price to lems. Butler S. Smiser, business manager of the University, teaches chsrges through stiff practice ses- son, Grace G. Jones, Grace Msxie and ask for the aredit of a vote for The returns from the show, which outsiders Is I3.R0. sions this week, and the mentor is every ten cents of the purchase," Methods of Teaching Commercial Keith, Murl Kingrea, Mrs.
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