American Mineralogist, Volume 77, pages II16-1 121, 1992 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. J,lrvrnon CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0G1, Canada Jacrr Pvztnwtcz Institute of Geological Sciences,University of Wroclaw, Cybulskiego30, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland Camerolaite* wt0/0, corresponding to Na, ,u(ZnoroMnOo,o)ro ro - .4.03HrO, H. Sarp, P. Perroud (1991) (Ti38sNb0 07Fe' 04),3 e6Si8 08Or8 ideally Nau- Camerolaite,CuoAlr- . [HSbO.,SO4](OH),0(CO3). 2HrO, a new mineral from ZnTioSirO,, 4H,O. The mineral contains0.18-0.22 wto/o Cap Garonne mine, Var, France.Neues Jahrb. Mineral. F. Occurs as fan-shaped intergrowths of long prismatic Mon.,481-486. crystals,elongate [001], flattened [100], up to 7 mm long and 0.1 mm thick. Transparent, white to colorless,some Electron microprobe (ave. of eight) and CHN analyses grains with a silver tint; vitreous luster, elastic, crushes (for CO, and HrO) gaveCuO 40.56,AlrO3 14.54,SbrO5 into thin fibers along the elongation; uneven, splintery 13.55,SO3 4.75, CO2 6.26,F{2O 20.00, sum 99.66wto/o, fracture, white streak, yellow-green luminescencein the correspondingto Cu.,6,4,1, jeSo Co O,n ide- eesb' ol eeHrs 5, oo, electronmicroprobe beam, hardness 517-571 (ave.544) ally CuoAlr[HSbO4,SO4XOH),0(CO3).2HrO.Occurs as kglmm2 with a 20-g load (Mohs 5.5-6), no cleavage,{010} tufts and radiating aggregates(0.5-2 mm) of transparent, parting. D-"u" : 2.90, D"ut": 2.95 g/cm3 with Z : 2. blue-greenacicular crystalsup to 0.5 mm long and show- Colorlessin transmitted light, nonpleochroic, straight ex- ing {100} and {001}, flattenedon {100}, elongate[010]. tinction,biaxial negative, a: 1.676(3),B : 1.746(3),7 Silky luster, pale green streak, nonfluorescent, fibrous : 1.795(3)at 589 nm, Z parallel to elongation,X per- fracture,good and cleavages,soluble in HCl, {100} {001} pendicular to the flattening, 2V""r. : 77". The infrared D-"". : 3.1(l), D*b : 3.09g/cm3 for the idealizedformula patternhas absorption bands (cm-') at3410,3360, 1680, and Z : l. Optically biaxial positive, a : 1.626(2), : A 1645(molecular HrO), I137, 1060,1020,955,930, 895, 1.646(2),.y: 1.682(2),2V^"u":77(3),2V**: 75", < r 700, 600, 575, 545,49 5, 450, ard 420 (Si-Ogroups). The v strong,X: L Z: b, a: colorless, pale {100}, B: DTA curve indicatesloss of HrO from 160-430'C (en- green, ? : blue-green. X-ray single-crystal study gave dotherm at 170"C,50/o weight loss)and 540-570'C (en- monoclinic symmetry, space group P2, or P2,/m, a : dotherm at 560 'C, 2o/oweight loss). Endothermic effects 10.765(6),b : 2.903(2),c : 12.527(8)A, : 95.61(4)" B are presentalso at 885, 905, 925, and 970 "C. Single- as refined from a Gandolfi pattern (114.6-mm camera, crystal and powder X-ray studies showed the mineral to CuKa radiation) with strongestlines of 5.62(50,102), be orthorhombic, space group, Pccn, a : 28.889@),b : 5.l 60(90,I 02), 4.276(t 00,202),3.5 6 5(40, 300), 2.3 80- 8.604(4),c : 5.215(3)A, Z :2. The strongestlines (35 (35,0I 3,I 05,402),and 2.326(35,212). given) of the powder pattern are 14.49(90,200), The mineral occurs with parnauite, cyanotrichite, and 6.42(60,310), 4.815(80,600), 3.722(65,7t0), and malachite in a quartz gangueat the old copper-leadmine 3.009(100,9l0). ofCap Garonne near Toulon, Var, France.The new name The mineral occurs in an arfvedsonite-microcline peg- is for Michel Camerola, mineral collector. Type material matite vein that cuts ijolitic/urtitic rocks at the Kukis- is in the Department of Natural History Museum, Ge- vumtschorr deposit, Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Pen- neva, Switzerland. The mineral is crystallographically and insula, Russia. The mineral forms partial to complete chemically related to cyanotrichite and carbonate-cyano- pseudomorphs after lamprophyllite and is associatedwith trichite. J.L.J. arfvedsonite, microcline, nepheline, and natrolite. The name is for the place of occurrence.Type material is at Kukisvumite* the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, and at the Museum of the Leningrad Mining Institute. J.P. V.N. Yakovenchuk, Ya.A. Pakhomovskii, A.N. Bogda- nova (1991) Kukisvumite-A new mineral from the alkaline pegmatites of the Khibiny massif (Kola Pen- Metamunirite* insula). Mineral. Zhurraal,13 (2),63-67 (in Russian). H.T. Evans,Jr. (1991) Metamunirite, a new anhydrous One of five reported microprobe analysesgave NarO sodium metavanadatefrom San Miguel County, Col- 16.27,ZnO5.99, MnO 0.61,FeO 0.23,TiOr27.03, NbrO. orado. Mineral. Mag., 55, 509-513. 0.83, SiO, 42.66, HzO (by difference)6.38, sum 100 Electron microprobe analysis gave NarO 24.8, Y2O5 75.2 wto/oafter correction of deficiencies of 8-10 wt0/0 * Beforepublication, minerals markedwith an asteriskwere approvedby the Commissionon New Mineralsand Mineral attributed to the presence of epoxy between the fine- Names,International Mineralogical Association. grained fibers of the mineral; theoretical requirementsfor ooo3-004x/92109 I 0- I I I 6$02.00 I116 JAMBOR AND PUZIEWICZ: NEW MINERALNAMES l1t7 NaVO, are Na2O 25.4,Y20,75.2 wto/o.The mineral oc- The most Ag rich of five electron microprobe analyses curs as clustersofradiating, colorless,extremely soft, fri- gaveAg 24.39,Cu 0.14,Fe 6.28,Zn 0.37,Cd 0.22, Sn able needlesto 0.2 mm long, with {l0l} dominant. Per- 41.24,In0.05, S 28.16,sum 100.86wt0/0, corresponding fect {l0l} and {001} cleavages,readily solublein HrO, to (Ag, n,Cuoor)",n,(FeorrZnoorCdoor)", ooSn,nnSr rr, ideally Da.: 2.926 g/cm3 wfih Z : 4. Optically birefringent, AgrFeSn.Sr.Additional analysesand those previously re- positive elongation, parallel extinction, n : 1.78 normal ported (unnamed mineral of Johan and Picot from the to the fiber direction; synthetic material has a : 1.780,B Pirquitas deposit, Argentina; abstr. Am. Mineral., 68, p. : 1.800(2),"y >> 1.800,optically positive, 2V: 30-40', 1249. 1983) indicate solid solution with rhodostannite, X : a, Y : c, Z: b. Partial X-ray single-crystaldata for CurFeSn.Sr.Occurs as aggregatesup to 200 pm across, natural fibers and a structural study ofsynthetic material in which individual grains are l-30 pm. Polishing hard- gave orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma, a : nesssimilar to that of hocartite. Brownish gray in reflect- r4.r34(7),b : 3.648(2),c : 5.357(2)A. ttre X-ray pow- ed light, slightly more brownish than rhodostannite and der pattern (Cr radiation) is in good agreementwith that hocartite; weakly dichroic, distinct to strong anisotro- of syntheticB-NaVO. (PDF 32-1198), which has strong- pism with greenish gray to reddish brown polarization estlines of 5.01(100,101),3.532(25,400), 3.248(18,102), colors, checkeredtwinning. Reflectancepercentages (SiC 3.0I 9(l 3,0I l), and 2.954(35,lll). standard), determined in air for a polycrystalline aggre- The mineral occurs in cavities in sandstoneat the Bur- gate,are 480 23.5-24.3,54624)-26.1, 589 24.7-26.4, ro mine and the nearby Deremo-Snyder mine, San Mi- 65026.5-28.3. The X-ray powderpattern corresponds to guel County, Colorado. The new name alludes to the re- that of rhodostannite, suggestingtetragonal symmetry, lationship to munirite, NaVO. .2I{2O, from which spacegroup I4r/a. Strongestlines of a diffractometer pat- metamunirite probably forms by dehydration. Type ma- tern (Cr radiation) are 3.72(3 5,200), 3.2I ( I 00,I 03,2I I ), terial is in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 2.64(30,220),2.03(3 5,303, 32 I ), 1.882(3 5,224), and 1.856 J.L.J. A (30,+00),from which a : 7.a6aQ), c : 10.80(2),and D*r": 4.94 g/cm3for the ideal formula wfih Z : 2. Romanite The new name is after the Toyoha mine, Sapporo, Hokkaido, which consistsof more than 50 veins M. Dragila (1990) Mineralogical observations of a new Japan, productive of silver, lead, mineral in the davidite group. Revisita Minelor, 4l (8), and has been the most supplier 414-418 (in Romanian). and zinc in Japan. Toyohaite occurs in massive pynte- sphaleriteore in a vein that cuts Miocene basalt. Intimate The mineral was studied by chemical analyses and associatesinclude rhodostannite, hocartite, teallite, her- electron microprobe, which showedTi and Fe to be pre- zenbergite,and berndtite. Type material is in the Geo- dominant (valuesnot given)and PbO 4.90-6.73,REE 0- logical Museum of the Geological Survey of Japan, Hok- l, VrOs 0.35 wto/o.The X-ray powder pattern of material kaido Branch, Sapporo.J.L.J. heatedto 970 'C in air gave strongestlines of 3.35(50), 2.84(9 0), 2.47(6{.L^7 0), 2.24(60-70), l .7 9(7 0-80), l .6 9(80- 90), 1.59(80-90),1.44(90), and l.l2(70) (no line with an (Cu,Fe)(Re,Mo)oS' intensity of 100 reported). Occurs mainly as small grains M. Tarkian, R.M. Housley, A. Volborth, O. Greis, G.H. and as tabular crystals or thin tablets with {001} domi- Moh (1991) Unnamed Re-Mo-Cu sulfide from the nant (length to 15 mm and thickness to 3 mm). Dark Stillwater complex, and crystal chemistry of its syn- gray to black color, conchoidal to irregular fracture, vit- thetic equivalent spinel type (Cu,Fe)(Re,Mo)oS'.Eur' reous to pitchlike or semimetallic luster, brittle, H: 6.5- Jour.
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