IN PIOnEERlnB Requirements L Hand-coil a length of rope. rocks, etc., using rope and na­ Describe kinds of rope, (b) tural materials; OR, using rope, care of rope, (cJ weakening build a conveyer cable system for effect of knots. hauling materials over a ravine or np a steep hillside. 2. Tie 10 knots and hitches and explain their specific use in G. Following an approved design neering. Include bowline, clove and using square, diagonal, and hitch, two half hitches, tautline shear lashings, build a log hitch, square knot, timber hiteh, bridge, signal tower, n10nkey plus any four others. bridge, or raft:x- (Dismantle after use and inspection unless built 3. Make a short splice, end splice, for permanent use.) and eye splice. ,1. Build a ropernaking machine. -"Project 6 may be done in a Using heavy twine or other line council camp activities area make a 6-foot rope 14 inch or where poles are available for more in diameter. Whip the ends general use in pioneering proj­ to prevent fraying. ects. Trees should never be cut 5. Make and demonstrate one on private or public property device for moving heavy logs, without permission. Pioneering Tools and Materials Copyrighl 1967 About Rope Boy Scouts of Amerko New Brunswick, New Jersey About Knots and Lashings 14 No. 3382 Printed in U.S.A. 7 4M 1268 Library of Congre~s CONTENTS About Splices 21 Catalog Card Number: 19-600 Make Your Own Rope 24 2 Wilderness Engineering Pioneering Projects Modern Pioneering gravel were hauled up a cable to the mixer, and concrete was run Introduction Take a look at the Navy's Sea­ down by pulley in a big bucket bees or the Army Engineers if and poured into the forms. ln you want an idea of modern pio­ 1 day, the dam was completed neering. Those men have to go and the equipment was some­ into country where there isn't where else, doing another any facility for the thousands of men who are to follow them, and build what needs to be built ro­ The Importance of ga rdless of obstacles. Ingenuity Talk about resourceful! Tn an Now Scouts don't have the unbelievably short time, an en­ kind of heavy equipment avail­ gineering detachment or Seabee able to military engineers or outfit will move into a jungle or civilian enginet~rs--no bulldozers, a swampland, and come up with nu cement mixPrs or backhoes or barracks, roads, bridges water power shovels. But we kmivv that reservoir I with safe water I, air- many a many an Army hangars, nW88 halls, alld engineer or civil engineer, ancl about any other kind of fadlity many a h trnter or camper has you can think of. We watched a thanked his luckiest stars that Seahee work crew build a reser­ he earned the Pioneering merit voir that was intended to supply badge as a Scout. Because, more hundreds of people with safe important than the equipment drinking water. They first that a man has available i8 the planned to build a dam near the ingenuity and know-how and dining facility, but wisely tested "make-do" that you will the soil first. It was too poroirn as you take on the requirements and allowed water to run right for this badge. Good luck with If you want to get really mod­ days. It isn't often necessary to through it. Then they moved up your first big job of "wilderness ern about pioneering, you could build as our forefathers did. But rocky torturous ravine with engineering"! You're going to call it "backwoods engineering" we have new needs of our own. skies so steep it seemed impo:'l­ have fun as you plan and com­ or "wilderness engineering" and American men have always sible to get any c-quiprnent up plete your projects. you'd have it about right. True, loved the outdoors. We have lhere. Using ropes, they inched a hig cement mixer up the ravine it is typical of the type of con­ more hunters and campers than How To Start struction done by the pioneers any other nation. Today more and right up a bank that was who made the trails, cabins, forts than ever, our country needs the practically a cliff. The first step is always to talk and bridges that helped bring civ­ ability to be original and re­ "While the cement crew >vas it over with your Scoutmaster ilization to the wilderness of our sourcefu 1 in meeting construc­ doing this, another crew was or Explorer Advisor. He will beautiful America. tion and transportation problems lumber up the ravine for help you map out a plan of prep­ Today, we don't have the same when we're out on the trail with­ forms, and then building them. aration; perhaps there will be kind of need they had in pioneer out much heavy equipment. Cement and water and sand and others in your troop or post who 4 5 Pioneering Tools and Materials the team bring old broom han-· are also interested in earning Rope, chalk line, and :-;tring or Before attemptiug the choRen this merit badge, and a working dleR to the unit meeting, Jn fact, binder twine project, all Scouts should he team can be created. you can practice your knotR, File trained in the use of the::;e tools Wlth the guidance of your i.mit ::;plices, and lashing::; almost any­ Carborundum sharpening so that they may complete the leader or some qna!ifted person where in a spare moment. stone job with out injury or wasted assigned him, you can begin When your unit leader feels Hand ax efTort. Remembl'r, woods tools to learn arnl practice the proper that your group is ready, he may are as necessary and as valuable set up a special weekend camp­ 1-inch chisel \Vay to make the lashings, today as they were many years and knots required to out where he or the qualified :Xi ax ( 1 % to 21h ) ago. They should be taken care pernon assigned by him will di­ (long-handled) meet the test of stress and strain of, always cleaned after use, and of ng construction. rect and advise you in building Knife (Scout poeketknife iR the handles oiled from time to the real thing. Everything may more use to the pioneer time to keep them from getting not go exactly right as you work than the sheath knife.) brittle. (Any sweet oil, such as Practice Anywhere on your project, bl.it you will Shovel (Jong-handled, round linseed, will do.) t:sing this merit badge learn by doing and, therefore, be blade) When tools are stored for the pamphlet as a guide, you can prepared when the time comes Spade and pick winter, the headR of all shovels, practice at home 1rning dowels or to do a similar construction for Maul (a heavy wooden spades, pic:k::;, and axes should be olrl broom handles. You may also your merit badge counselor. The hammer) or 10-lb. greased to keep them from n<st­ practice at your unit or patrol feeling of accompliRhment when sledgehammer ing, and it is be::;t to wrap them meeting, if this is agreeable to you finally pass a requirement i::; 1 two-man crosscut saw up in a piece of old sacking. Saws ,·our unit leader. If there are no truly worthwhile. It will reward 1-inch auger and handle should be greaHed and laid fiat on available, have the rest of all of your effortR. ~taves Saw (preferably bow saw) a shelf or hung vertically. 6 7 About Rope I. Hand-coiL a length of rope. Describe (a) kinds of rope, (b) care of rope, (c) weakening effect of knots. In pioneering you will find rope essential. Choosing good rope and making knots or lash­ ings properly are vital since a wrong knot, an insecure lashing, LAID ROPE: Natural and synthetic fibers are often twisted into yarns, the or a weak rope may lead to dis­ yarns into strands, and then the strands aster. Be sure to use sound ma­ twisted into ropes in such a way that the terial and take no chances. twists are equalized so the rope is stable but flexible. This is called "laying." This construction, shown at right, permits using the shorter lengths of natural fibers to make· uniformly strong rope, but it's fine for synthetics, too. Such rope comes from twine size up to ship's hawser size. Sizes are given in diameters or circumferences according to custom in ·certain usages. SASH CORD or clothesline is woven of cot­ ton and glazed with starch or other filler. It is unreliable and clumsy for pioneering. BINDER TWINE is unsuit­ able and should be avoided. WOVEN ROPE:synthet- ic fibers are often woven or braided into line or rope in smaller diameters. Instead of whipping, unraveling is prevented by fusing with a flame or a hot iron. 9 Sisal from Yucatan is also are great variations in the part of the rope, the weaker the used in making rope. It is about strength of various types of the knot. The following table gives two-thirds as strong as manila. same size, so be sure you know the results of a series of tests When new and clean, it is of a how much load your rope will made by the Massachusetts In­ yellowish-white color, sometimes bear. The table below gives you stitute of Technology. It shows with a slight greenish tinge. The the breaking point in pounds of the reduced strength of manila fibers are stiff and harsh and your rope if it is fairly new and in rope with some of the common have a tendency to splinter.
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