959 U N I VEirck. D AUCKL.A © U I .1 APR. world AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PAPER l i b r / spot­ t i n g rePloss| Vol. X X X I I I — No. 2 Auckland, N.Z., Thursday, 26th March, 1959. Price 3d. rforce mile revolt round mbled 10th, emon- ie odd :ry of BILLY GRAHAM At vantage points around the city, one is con­ iaiting e pro­ fronted with bill-boards advertising a series of meet­ issue ings to be held by Dr. Billy Graham at Carlaw Park. ent of ly not The Churches who are sponsoring Dr. Graham are il test keyed up for this Evangelistic Crusade, issueing hand­ imina- ks on bills, mounting "Hear Dr. Graham" notices on the and e been backs of their cars and generally creating an atmos­ phere of expectation for the arrival of this great -•it .''-' • American Evangelist. Dr. Graham has for the last ten years been recognised as the owing greatest living spokesman of the Churches. He has spoken face e left to face with more men about the things of God than any man in devel- ase of history. Names like "The Greater London Crusade", "The Scottish the been Crusade", and the "New York Crusade", to mention a few, are n and memorials of his vast achievements. ty of thorn In New York alone, he spoke directly manly bearing, his fine looks, his out­ >n Las to two million people in ninety-seven standing personality and tremendous ity of meetings. An estimated ninety-six million drive all attribute to his greatness. :tancy persons viewed him on one or more of His messages are not the words of an lapest. the coast to coast Telecasts. In this abstract theologian, but have relevance darity Crusade fifty-six thousand people, in­ to every day living. He said recently in firmly cluding two thousand students, made “De­ Melbourne: Union cisions for Christ.” In the final outdoor pation “We have come to talk to you ' 28th, meeting of the Crusade, a tremendous about the problems of life. We want UNIVERSITY agree- crowd of one hundred and twenty-five to talk to you about the issues which iappen thousand people jammed Broadway from every one has to face. nmen- curb to curb and they overflowed into “We are told that we live in the with another. It is my prayer that in­ Billy Graham has probably preached face aerial a dozen side streets. “Age of Anxiety.” Historians point terest will be focused on Christ.” to face to more people — 25 million — -down Reports from Melbourne reflect a out that there have been few times Gathered around Dr. Graham is one than any other person in all Christian his­ >e the similar phenomenon. There the organi­ in all history when man has been ot the most outstandingly gifted evangel­ tory. Who is Billy (William Franklin) Gra­ ham (DJ>., LL.D.)? ppling zers, having been compelled to shift the subject to so much fear and uncer­ istic teams in the history of the Church. in the meetings to the great Myer’s Music tainty. All the familar props seem Associate Evangelists like Rev. Grady Born on November 7th, 1918, in the Bowl, were astonished to find on the to have been swept away. We talk Wilson, and others who are capable of American South to prosperous dairy farm­ following Sunday an overflow crowd of peace, but are confronted by war. presenting the message of the Church ing folk, Billy, the oldest of four children, estimated by the Police, at nearly one We devise elaborate schemes for to vast audiences. The choirs which are was brought up the hard way. He helped hundred and forty thousand. security but have not found it. We a feature of Dr. Graham’s meetings are with the milking when eight and while at These figures are impressive and the grasp at every passing straw and moulded under the inspired leadership of high school his day would begin at 3 a.m. Cliff Barrows accompanied by Bev. Shea an, is questions to be asked are: — even as we clutch, it disappears. with 25 cows to milk and finish by plough­ the soloist of the team, whose mellow > who “For generations we have been ing until dark. He was popular, very good 11 not What Pied Piper Wizardy does this running like frightened children, up bass voice wins him an entrance into at baseball and only just in his studies. treaty American preacher employ to attract first one blind alley and then an­ the hearts of the audiences. He left school, played semi-pro. baseball will, and to hold the vast crowds? other. Each time we have told our­ Should a student sacrifice a few hours and became so proficient at his job of ridden What are the gifts that have enabled selves : ‘This path is the right one ot his precious .study time to hear Dr. selling "Fuller Brushes" that he outsold inging him to maintain his position as the . ’ But each time we have been Graham? Yes. Because he is the spokes­ his district manager. nment spokesman of the Churches over so long wrong . Political freedom . man of the faith of our fathers. This It w as at this time of his life that Billy their a period? Education . higher living stand­ faith has moulded our mode of cultural went to hear an evangelist, Mordecai- life must more than most people realize. Ham, because there was nothing else to do. There is little doubt that the majority ards. Have these brought us what we are seeking? No.! Do we lose Underlying our morals, our modes and A few nights later found Billy making his of disinterested spectators go to hear to a certain extent our laws lies the "Decision for Christ." him from curiosity. This is his greatest one iota of the empty feeing in us? Do these modern wonders bring us precepts of Christian Doctrine. We who From this time onward Billy started draw card. “All Auckland will be there,” by our University training are fitting preaching and training, first at Florida declares the advertising material and to a sense of fulfilment, do they help to explain why we are here?” ourselves to be the moulders of the un­ Bible Institute and then at Wheaton College. 1959 a certain extent this is correct, for born generations, namely teachers; the It w as here that he met and married Ruth ;t and people will want to see, hear and judge Critics have hammered at what they leaders of our own generation in poli­ (Nelson Bell). Upon graduation he be­ i. The for themselves, this man and his message. have called “high powered salesman­ tics, science and religion, and the law came pastor of a small Baptist church with : only As so many people will definitely be ship” ; theologians have deoried what makers of future years, should realize a congregation of 35. Then a unique offer be to going, many uncommitted, unbiased they have called the superficiality of his that it is imperative that we should put him and his small, church "on the reater people will follow along because they ooctrine. but there have been no shadows understand this unnoticed force — Chris­ air" from Chicago. Soon Billy became wide­ terval are curious, much as a man, gazing up cast on his sincerity. tianity. ly known and invitations to preach poured tie in in a busy street will cause hundreds of Dr, Ralph Sockman, a New York Therefore we should hear him be­ into him. After 16 months of this, he left i will others to follow his line of vision. pastor, is reported to have said: “The to become an evangelist with "Youth For vs to big thing about Billy Graham is that cause, we as leaders should seek to Demosthenes, perhaps the greatest of uinderstand, if not to accept, the tenets Christ." During this three-year period Billy rasian Greek oratofs, said that the gift ol nobody — but nobody — laughs at him.” travelled 750,000 miles including four times Stanley High in his book “The Billy of this way of life. public speaking was proved by the fact For after all, fifty thousand Frepchmen to Europe — and spoke in 47 American of the speaker’s ability to move men. Graham Story” says: “His contagious States at rallies of up to 20.000 young sincerity and .humility do not explain can’t be wrong much less than one If this is the acid test, there can be hundred and forty thousand “dinkum people. no doubt whatsoever that Dr. Graham Hilly Graham. Instead they bring us In September, 1949, Billy commenced a to the conclusion that in explaining him. Aussies.” is one of the finest orators in all history. — P. Bull. three-week Crusade for Christ in Los An­ The evidence of his gifts is that he something more than ordinary factors geles. During the third week, the reason­ has held vast crowds regularly in many are involved.” ably good crowd suddenly swelled to one places, over long periods of time. For This extract from Dr. Graham’s diary preters. In 1956 Billy toured India and the of record-breaking attendance.: The Cru­ a man to command the tremendous audi- reveals where he thinks the secret of Far East. 1957 saw him in the biggest yet sade stretched into eight weeks and the night for one hundred and ten days, his success lies:— “ . One thing that campaign in New York City. crowd rose to 9000 each night. From tiffs, preaching sometimes for over an hour, has sickened me has been the concentra­ This year Billy is touring Australasia time onward marks the commencement of there can be no doubting the genuineness tion of publicity around my name.
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