E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w , D e c e m b e r 21 s t , 1945 TEMPERATURE TREATMENT APPLICATION An alternative to the Cage type for use where high starting torque is necessary to start against severe load or where current restrictions are in force. ADVANTAGES This type of motor has the advantage that it gives a smooth accelerating torque when taking more than full load current from the supply, and will allow for a smooth rapid acceleration of any load within its capacity. It is chiefly used in sizes of 10 h.p. and above. RANGE These motors are made in a range from I to 250 h.p. at speeds of between 3000 and 375 r.p.m. BROOK MOTORS LTD » EMPRESS WORKS » HUDDERSFIELD 11 E l e c t r i c a l R e v i e w December 2 1 , 1 9 4 5 CASES" OF PROTECTION A.S.C.M. Steel Conduit is manu­ factured only by ALMA & CRANMORE TUBE CO. LTD. BARLOW. H. J & CO. LTD. ELECTRICAL W here would you find anything so symbolical of the best CONDUITS LTD. ideas of an Electrical Installation as the British Oak ? GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Its robust outer covering provides complete protection GRIFFITHS. ISAAC & SONS and insulation of its inner ‘‘cables” of energy, and HILDICK & HILDICK the same principle continues in added “ branches.” McDOUGALL. JAMES LTD. It is time-defiant— a virtue also of A.S.C.M. Steel SIMPLEX ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Conduit. Comprising : Credenda Conduits Co. Ltd. Perfecta Tube Co. Ltd. SPECIFY AND USE Simplex Conduits Ltd. Stella Conduit Co. Ltd. A.S.C.M. METALLIC SEAMLESS TUBE CO. LTD. STEEL TUBE & CO NDUIT CO. (Middlesbrough) Ltd. TALBOT-STEAD TUBE CO. LTD. TIPPER BROTHERS (Bilston) LTD. WALSALL CONDUITS LTD. Advertisement of the Association of Steel Conduit Manufacturers, 25 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham 2 V December 21,1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 )JO holocausts, of War can obliterate it. It is the perpetual promise to Men of Good W ill that Peace on Earth CAN be a reality. So, at this Season of G oodw ill, all of us at the Hom e of Heatrae in War- scarred Norwich transmit on our own little wavelength to our many friends everywhere the old old wish A TRULY HAPPY CHRISTMASTIDE TO YOU ALL. HEATRAE LIMITED NORWICH Phone : NORWICH 25131 Orams : HEATRAE, NORWICH I F ' T SOUND TERMINAL WITHOUT SOLDER n IS IT ALIVE? THE Suitable for Telephone Lines “PARTRIDGE” F O R C A B L E S S IZ E S F R O M PRESSURE A N D W IR E S r to r DETECTOR OF ALL KINDS HOLE (Refld. T.M. No. B.58I955) will infallibly tell you, giving ROSS COURTNEY & Co. Ltd. visible and audible indication (No earth connection required) ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON. N.I9 Range Length J (C) T yp e (H) up to o f handle V o lts C I 1,000 36" (F) E 60,000 84" G A S N U T S 4 8" F 15,000 to the specific H 11,000 36" requirements of our customers _ L_ 33,000 7 2 " <L) Also makers of "W estmins­ Makers of all ty­ pes of repetition ter” Vacuum Tube Detector products from ^ and H.T. Earthing Rods the bar in all m e t a ls P itr a t N r 6 1 *0 1 9 T»e WESTMINSTER ENG. Co. Lt... Victoria Road, Wrllesden Junction, N.W.IO MCL at\dREPETITION LTD. Telephone: Telegrams: Pool Lane Lanqteq. Birmirtqham. E lgar 7372 (2 lines) “ Regency, Phone, L ondon." A E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w ' December 2 1 , 1 9 4 5 —suited to every kind of driven mechanism GEARED MOTORS Complete range for any voltage, almost any speed from I rev. in 12 minutes to 1,750 r.p.m. H.P. at the final shaft up to 1^ ; final shaft output from 25 lb. ft. on the smallest machine to 1,500 lb. ft. on the largest. THE NORMAND ELECTRICAL CO. LTD. NORTH STREET • CLAPHAM COMMON LONDON S W 4 TEL: M A C A U L A Y 3211-4 D ecem ber 21, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v i e w 3 OVERHEAD LINE FITTINGS Cone Type Mid-span Tension Joint for Steel Cored Aluminium Con­ ductors of • 15--175 sq. in. copper equivalent section. Cone Type Tension Clamps for Steel Cored Copper Conductors of 025-'075 sq. in. copper equivalent section. Aluminium Repair Sleeve, for Steel Cored A lum inium Conductors up to • 175 sq. in. copper equivalent section. Non Tension Joint for Steel Cored Aluminium Conductors from M up to -175 sq. in. copper equivalent section. A small selection from the range of Overhead Line fittings of the well-known British Ropes design, which are now manufactured in our own shops. Quick deliveries of many types can be offered from components in stock. Prompt quotations for standard or special designs. Our experience is at your disposal. TELEPHONE | fj | TELEGRAMS SOUTHAMPTON I ' “ _ | I " PIGEKAYBEL 15 un.es) 11R E LLI-U ENERAL sout"ampton • CABLE WORKS, Ltd.. SOUTHAMPTON. 4 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w December 21, 1945 A copy of the recently printed Brochure “ Sta­ bility in Insulation” will gladlv be sent to those applying on Business Heading or Card and enclosing 2d. to comply with the Control of Paper (No. 48) Order, 1942. LEWIS BERGER & SONS, LTD. (Est. 1760) LONDON, E.9 Phone AMHerst 3321 MANUFACTURERS OF INSULATING VARNISHES & ENAMELS December 21, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 METAL- ENCLOSED AIR-BREAK SW ITCHGEAR FOR A.C. SYSTEMS up to 6 0 0 / 6 6 0 VOLTS Switchboard combining class AJ 21 air circuit-breaker truck units, with eight-circuit class AG 1 heavy- duty switch - and - fuse board. Switchboards of this type can be built up for all medium voltage requirements in power-stations, sub-stations, and industrial establishments. Fully tested for heavy service motor-starting duty. 1 D T H D i l i WILLESDEN THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. WILLESDEN, ENGLAND. A 3584 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 21, 1945 Onw axdù aktet Victoty |\J O W the National effort has been crowned with overwhelming success in WAR production British factories must swing back to no less intensive production for the re­ habilitation of the Nation and the World. Electrical cables, essential for war, are no less essential for the arts o f PEACE, and the lessons learned in war call urgently for devel­ opment and application by the best brains in Eêfd. Trud• Murk the Industry. N o». 56«, 685-8-7 Users of C.M.A. Cables MEMBERS OF THE C.M .A. can rest assured that they The Anchor Cable The India Rubber, are served by unsurpassed C o . L td . Gutta-Percha&Tele­ graph W orks Co. Ltd. British Insulated (TheSilvertown Co.) Cables Ltd. products o f Research and Liverpool Electric Callender*s Cable & Cable Co. Ltd. Construction Co. Engineering. L td . The London Electric W i r e C o . a n d S m ith s Connollys (Blackley) L td . L td . The Macintosh The Craigpark Elec-. Cable Co. Ltd. trie Cable Co. Ltd. The Metropolitan CromptonParkinson Electric Cable & ć L n d Ltd. (Derby Cables Construction Co. L td .) L td . Enfield Cables Ltd. Pirelli-General Cable W orks Ltd. Edison Swan Cables (General Electric L td . C o . L td .) W . T. Glover & Co. St. Helens Cable & L td . Rubber Co. Ltd. Greengate & Irwell Siemens Brothers & Rubber Co. Ltd. Co. Ltd. (Siemens CMA W . T. Henley’s Electric Lamps and Telegraph W orks Supplies Ltd.) C o . L td . 8 ta n d a r d T e le p h o n e s Johnson & Phillips & Cables Ltd L td . Union CableCo.Ltd. CABLES Arf-t. of the Cable Makers’ Association, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn, W .C.I. Holborn 743J December 21, 4945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 7 The Sturtevant T.L. Cyclone Dust Collector solves many Industrial Dust Problems • The salvage of processing losses • Collecting the dust caused in machining processes or material handling plant • Collecting the dust from chemical plant and metallurgical furnaces • Cleaning gases from stoker fired boilers Full details are in our post free publication L1.1161 St u r t e v a n t engineering Co. Lt d . 25.WORCESTER ROAD.SUTTON.SURREY. Telephone : Vigilant 2275 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w December 21, 1945 Changing over from war time engagements to normal Premier production is no easy task however carefully planned, and we ask our friends who are anxiously awaiting supplies of Premier Fine Quality appliances to bear with us, while this operation is in progress. Meanwhile, we assure them that as supplies become available they will be distributed as fairly as possible. PREMIER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PREMIER ELECTRIC HEATERS LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 9 December 21, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 English Electric' POWER PLANT I i IT a ! filiftiS&i- O n e o f Br i t a in ’s M o s t M o d e r n P o w e r S t a t io n s SERIES NO.
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