
SIMULATOP REASUREBEMT OF THE RORK OF BRIiAPHING FOB UNDEEWATER BREATHING APPARATUS Durcan Moir fliln~ E. Sc. Mar ire Science Stockton stat^ Colfege, New Jers~y,1973 A THESIS SUBEITTED IN PARTIAL PULPILLEEBT OF THE PEQUIREHENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (KfNES IOLOGY) in the Department of Kicesiology a GUNCAN ROIB BILNE 1977 SIBOH FRASER UNIVERSITY December, 1977 All rights reserved, This thesis may nct t>f reproduced in whole or ir part, by photocopy or cthor means, without permission of tho author. NAYE: Duncan noir flllni TITLE OF THESIS: Hespiration Simulator' Htlasur+m~n* , of the Wark of Bre3thi11y far Und2rwater Breathinq A ppara tus EXhnINING COMnITTEE: Chairman: Dr. E. W. R;inister 'DL. J. n. aorrison Senior Sup:.r visor Dr, T, W. ialv.?rt Dr. A. E. Zhaprssry Ext +rnal Examin~r Prof -.ssor SLlncn Praser IJniv~rsity - at A,,,,,.,: .....................Jet, , V7r PART lAL COPYR lGHT L lCENSE I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis, project or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such users or in response to a request from the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or publication of this work for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Title of Thesis/Project/Extended Essay Simulator Measurement of the Work of Breathing for Underwater Breathing Apparatus Author: (signature) Duncan Moir Milne (name) 17 January 1978 (date) iii ABSTRACT In the design of diving equipmsnt, one of the most important considerations is the underwater br+athing apparatus, The need tor rovision of the existing operating standards of breathing resistants for this apparatus is a topic ucder current discussion. Oce suggest&, but not establishea standard for respiratory devicts recommended that the r3tio between work of ~reathingior the apparatus (kg. m,/min. ) ar,d minute volume {liters/min. f should riot exceed one-eighth. Haasurement of the work of breathing for underwatzr breathing apparatus using a respiration simulator pzrrctits evaluation of apparatus performanct in teras of physiologically acceptable respiratory uork rates. T~P purpose of such measurement is to esta~lishrevised limits for the work of breathing and consequent increase in diver comfort, performance, and safety in underwater operations. The ventilatcry power requirements of two opsr, circuit demand underwater breathinq apparatus Mere calculat2d usinq steady state flow aeasurements and dynamic respiratory simulations at 1 atmosphere. In calculatinq the uork of breathing, flow rates were sinusoidal and in the physiologLca1 range of up to 3 lit~rstidai volume and 30 cycles/min. respiratory frequency. Dymmic resistive work of breathing attained values as high 3s 18.56 kq.m./[nin. at 95.9 fiters/min. ventilation for a inouth-held demand regulator, A .back-mounted demand regulator attained values as high as 20.22 kg. m./min. at 80.1 litars/min. dynamic ventilation. Approximations of the steady-state work of breathing consistently underestimated the ventilatory raquiramznts of the breathing apparatus, apparently as a result of hyster5sis losses and exhaust bubble formation in the apparatus. Steady-state flow testing was thus found invalid as a weans of evaluating the work of breathing in underwater breathing apparatus. The diffsrence in hydrostatic pressure betwean +hz div9rqs lung csctroid and the demand regulator diaphragm of his open circuit breathing zquipment (i,e., the ambi~nt respiratory pressure) was also rssasured for ten divers. This was done at several swimming orizctations and in a working positicn usicg both mouth-held and back-mounted demand regulators. flean values of hydrostatic pressure in swimming were fcund to be of thz form 40.0 sin (a-14.5 ) + 4.3 cm. H 0 with a mouth-held regulator and 27.9 sin(a+33.8 ) + 2.9 cm. H 0 with a back-mounted rsgulator, wnars "3" rzpresents the orientation of the diver with respect to the horizontal, (-90. <a<90. ) In th* uprigkt working position thz Bean values of hydrosta tic pressure dlf fc?r2nce w+r" 24.1 + 3.7 ca. H 0 with a mouth-held reguldtor and 24.7 + 2.6 cm. H 0 with a back-nountsd regulafor, . This data was used to determine the effect of hydrostatic pressure imbalance or, the inspiratory and expiratory coinpmFnts of the total work of breathing. Results indicatz that in the worst cases, hydrostatic pressure imbalance may cause a two to four fold increase in inspiratory or expiratory work. Ths results of this study support those of cthsr investigations, that even at 1 atmosphere some underwater breathing apparatus presently in use exceed recommended respiratory power requirements at ventilatory ra t$s associated with heavy axsrclse, Appreciation is extended to Dr. J. 8. Morrison, Senior Supervisor, for his advice acd support during the course of this study. Chris Dewhurst and Jerry Barenholtz provided the Analog/Digital Programmir,g, Thanks also go to the subjfc ts who volunteered their participati~nin the hydrostatic pressurz i~balanceinvestigation. vii Approval pq. ii Abstract iii Table of Contsnts vii List or Figures viii List o t Append'~XSS xii Introduction 1 delltkd Li tt-rature Part I. Recent Diving Practice ?art 11, Pactors in Diver Zespirdtior~ A. Work of Breathing b, Physical Work Load C, Gas Density D. External Resistance E. Additiondl Pactors ?art 111. Breathing Apparatus Evaluation A. Sourc~sof Bechanical aesistance B. T~stingand Standards Hethoas G Apparatus part i. fiesistlvt Work/Static Tests 29 rart 11. Resistive Work/Dynamic Pests 32 Part 111, Hydrostatic dork Detarininatlori 4 1 Part I. Resistive Work/S tatic Tzsts 45 Part 11. Resistive Work/Dyuaaic rests 55 Part 111. iiydrostat~cHark Deterlaination 75 Discussior 8 1 A ppenaixes 104 viii Figure 1 Ventilaticn, {liters/min.) , as a function of tidal volume, (liters). at 1 and 4 ATA breathing air. From Holtagrfn, et.al., (1973), and Eorrisoc, et.al., (1976.) Figure 2 U.S. Navy MIL-R-24169A (SHIPS) underwater breathing apparatus acceptance criteria. Peak inspiratory and expiratory resistance, (lam H20), as a function of depth, [FSW.) Figure 3 Side view of respiration simuiator and associated apparatus. Figure 4 End view of respiration siinulator showiog drive train. Figure 5 Subject DM in a swimming orientation for hydrostatic pressure imbalance test using mouth-h~ld regulator. Chest, tank, and horizontal reference markers are visible. Pigure 6 Subject DH in a vertical working posltion for hydrostatic pressure imbalance test using back-mount;d regulator. Chest, tank, and horizontal reference markers are visible. Figure 7 Poseidon dry static inspiratory resistance, (mea H20), as a fuuction of ventilation, (liters/min.) Figure 8 Poseidon dry static expiratory r~sistance, (naea H20), as a fuiiction of ventilation, (liters/min.) Figure 9 Poseldon wet static inspiratory resistance, (lam H20), as a function of ventilation, (liters/min.) Figure 10 Poseidon wet static expiratory resistance, (IR~Fi20), as a function of vantilation, (liters/min.) Figure 11 Trieste 11 ary static inspiratory r~sista~ce,(ma H20), as a furction of ve~tilaticc, (liters/min.) Figure 12 Trieste 11 dry static expxatory resistance, (mm H20), as a function of VEC tilation, (liters/min. ) Fijurz 13 Trieste fI vtt static inspiratcry resistance, (mm H20), as a function of ventilation, (liters/min.) Pijure 14 Trieste I1 uat static expiratory resistance, (mm H20), as a function of ventilation, (liters/min.) Figure 15 Uncorrixted ana compression correctsd piston displacement, (ca.) , for Poseidon regulator. 1 ATA v~t dynamic test at 2.0 liters tidal volume and 17.7 breaths/min. respiratory frequency. Plow, (litsrs) , as a function of tim2, (saconds) , for Poseidon regulator. 1 ATA wet dynamic tlst at 2.0 liters tidal volum~and 17.7 breaths/min. Pressure, (mm HZC), as a function of tiae, (s2corids), for Poseidon single hose regulator. 1 ATA wet dynamic test at 2.0 liters tidal volum and 17.7 breaths/min. Figure 18 Urcorrec ted and compression corrected piston displacement, (cr~.), for Trkeste 11 regulator 1 ATA wet dynamic test at 2.0 lit2rs tiaal vof ume and 20.8 breaths/m~n. respiratory frequeccy. Plow, (littrs), as a function of tine, (seconds), for Trieste 11 regulator 1 ATA wet dynamic test at 2.0 liters tidal volume and 20.8 breaths/min. respiratory frequency. Figure 20 Pressure, (am H2C), as a function of time, (szconds) , for Triests I1 two hose regulator 1 ATI vet dynamic test at 2.0 liters tidal volum2 anJ 20.8 broa ths/min. respiratory frequency, Flgure 21 Resistive work of bz*athiny, (kg. m./mir..) , as a function of v~rtilaticn, (liters/inin,) , f~r Poseidcn mouth-held opzn circuit underwater breathicg apparatus. Dynamic testing of apparatus nmaersed iri water. Haximum and reconmended standards by Cooper, (1360a), are also shown. Figure 22 Resistive work cf brsathing, 7 1 (kg, m./min.) , as a function of vectilation, (liters/min.) , for Trieste I1 back-mounted open circuit underwater br+athing apparatus. Dynamic testing of apparatus ~rnrn2rssd in water. Maximum and recommended standards by Cooper, (1950a), are also shown. Pigur.3 23 Poseidon inspiratory and expiratory 73 resistive work of breathing, (kg,rn./min.), as a function of ventilation, (1iters/min.) Dyiiamic testing of apparatus immersed in water. Figure 24 Tritste I1 inspiratory and expiratory 73 resistivt work of brzathinl~, (kg,a./min,), as a function of vefi tilation, (liters/min.) Dyuamic testing of apparatus immersed in water. Figure 25 Variation in vertical distanca bet ween 76 lung centroid and deinand valve, (cut,), as a function cf diver orientation with respect to the horizontal for mouth-held demand regulator.
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