[ 550 dyer; Samuel Herst and Sons, woobtaplers, Huddersfield, days at the lea«t from, this not.i(je.—Ths petition, and scb.edul«- Yorkshire; James Crossley, Finney, Yorkshire, assignee of of the said John Stevenson ajre filed in tbe Office of the said Francis Crowe, late of Lockwood, near Huddersfiel.d, York- Court, No. 59, Milbank-street, Westminster, in the county ofc shire, a. bankrupt 5 Daniel Aimitage, Huddcrsfield, York- Middlesex.. ahire, innkeeper ; Thomas Marshall, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, List of the Creditors of the said John Stevenson. dry-salter ; Sarah Jcssop, Henley, Yorkshire, dry-salter 5 John Berry, Spalding, Lincolnshire*, labourer; Samuel John Eastwood and Go. Huddersfield, Yorkshire, dyers; Clement, Spalding-, Lincolnshire, plumber; Abraham Laming* Joseph Blackburn, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, attorney; John Spalding, Lincolnshire, publican ; Henry and Jno. Cunninff- Heap, Oldtield, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, clothier; \ViI- ton, Spalding, Lincolnshire, wheelwrights; William Albin, liaui Buckley, Thirstyland, Yorkshire, clothier ; Benjamin Spalding, Lincolnshire, liquor merchant; Esculias Dandy, Scholefield, High Royd,- near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Spalding, Lincolnshire, publican; Rowles Robert, Spalding,. clothier; Thomas Whitehead, Quick, near Saddleworth, Lincolnshire, bricklayer ; Jno. Butters, Spaldiog. Lincoln- york.shire, cJotliier; John Gill, Thirstyland, Yorkshire, shire, draper; John Joyce, Spalding, Lincolnshire, black-- clothier; Joshua Wirupenny, Upperthong, near Hudders- smith ; Richard Holden,Spalding, Lincolnshire, wheelwright; ficld, Yorkshire,clothier ; James Lawton, Micklehurst, near Isaac Chapell, Spaldiug, Lincolnshire, farrier ; Mathew Shar- Ashton Under-Line, Lancashire, clothier; George Gartside, man, Spalding, Lincolnshire, cordwaine.r; James Epworth^ Holmfirth, Yorkshire, dyer; Alexander and Co. Hudders- Spalding, Lincolnshire, grocer-; Messrs. Bugg and Co. Spald- fieJd, Yorkshire, dyers; James Anderton and Sons, Bradford, ing, Lincolnshire, brewer ; Joseph Rose, Spalding, Lincoln- Yorkshire, wool-staplers; Robert Lawton, Upper-Mill, Sad- shire, ironmonger; George Crampton, Pinchbeck, Lincoln- rlleworth, Yorkshire, clothier ; Hugh Shaw, Stayley Bridge, sljirc, publican; John Cock, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire, fanner; Lancashire, clothier. JOHN PARKIN. Robert Allen, Deeping Fen, Lincolnshire, farmer ; Arthur Pratt, Deepiiig Fen, Lincolnshire, farmer; Thomas Ma- BY order of the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors ; ples, Spal^ing, Lincolnshire, draper, trustee for the late- William Mellor, formerly of Jagger-green, in the parish of Nicholson Thompson, of the same plaqc; Samuel Palmer,, Halifax, in the County of York, and late of EHand, in the Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, publican ; Wm.Pickworth, Spald- parish and connty aforesaid, a piisoner confined for debt in ing, Lincolnshire, butcher; Elias Bellairs, Spalding'Lin- His Majesty's gaol at Rothwell, in the county of York, colnshire, cordwainer ; Thomas Proudlow, Spajding, Lincoln- »loth,ier, will be. examined before His Majesiy's Justices of shire, baker ; Thomas Rosby, Spalding, Lincolnshire, timUsr the Peace for the West Hiding of the said county, either at a merchant; Jam Robinson, Spalding, Lincolnshire, brewer;. General Session of the Peace, or adjournment of a General George Lowdon, Spalding, Lincolnshire, mill or ; Caywood* •Session of the Peace, which shall be held after the expiration Robinson, Spaldiug, Lincolnshire, farmer; RobeTt Hutchin ,. «f. tweuty.days at the. least from this notice, for the said West son, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, collar-maker, Thomas Dalton,,. Riding. The petition and schedule of the said William Spalding, Linc(dnshir.e, ba.ker; William and Elisabeth Bennett,. Mellor are .filed in the oflice. of the said Court, at No. 59, Spalding", Lincolnshire, joiners; Richard Carte*, Spalding,, Milbunh-strei't, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex. Lincolnshire, publican; Mr. Jacobs> Spalding;, Lincolnshire, List.o,f the Creditors of the sai,(j, William Mellor. silversmith ; Win., Roye, .Spading, Lincolnshire, .cordrvvainer ;. George Lockwopd and Thomas Lockwood, Huddersficld, John Rogers, Spalding, Lincolnshire., farmer; Win. Royles,, Yorkshire, woo.Istapiers; Robert Firth, Huddersfield, York.- of Spajidirig, Lincplnblvire, bricklayer ; Wm. Wis*, Spalding, shire, drysalter; John Wbitaker, H.udddrsfield, Yorkshire, Lincolushi.re, surgeop ; Joseph Gadsby, Spaldiog, Lincoln- Dyer; Francis Downing, Huddursfield, Yorkshire, banker; shire, publican.; Benjamin Arch, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire^ John Hirst, same place, woplstapler; Samuel Hirst, Hud- farmer; Thomas R.awusley and William Hardwickey Bouiue, dorsfield, Yorkshire, woolstapler; Messrs. Bray and Hick, Lincolnshire, farmers ; Dennis Taylor, Huntingdon, Lincola-i- ^luddersfidd, Yorkshire, woplstaplers; Messrs. Dobson and., shire, publican; John and Joseph Gibb, Whapload Fen, Son, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, bankers; John Irvi-ng, Ha- Liocolnshire, farmers; John Clark, Spalding, Lincolnshire, lifax, Yorkshire, woolstapler; George Pollard, Halifax, York- publican. JOHN STEVENSON. shire, merchant; Robert Lettley, Halifax, Yorkshire, attor- ney..; John Barrett, Halifax, Yorkshire, miller; William BY order of the Cpurt for Relief of Insolvent Debtors;. Ekimett and Son, Halifax, Yorkshire, woolstaplers ; Elizabeth William Ealand, late of Wainfteet, in the county of Lincoln, Crowther, Stainland, Yorkshire, grocer; Richard Shaw, tailor and drapei, a prisoner confined for debt in His Majesty's Stainliind, Yorkshire, gear and staymaker; John Miller, gaol the Castle of Linqoln, in the county .of Lincoln, will be- Staia^and, Yorkshire, clothier; George Homersley, Elland, examined before His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Yorkshire, grocer; Joseph Thornton, Elland,j3forkshire, cord- division of'the said county, within or near to which the-said, wainer; John Gartside, Elhmd, Yorkshire, innkeeper; David prisoner is detained in custody, either at a General Session of Farrar, Elland, Yorkshire, innkeeper ; Joseph Cartlidge and the Peace, or adjournment of a General Session of the Peace- Son, Elland, Yorkshire, ni.ill-owners; John Hemmingway, for-the said division, which shall be holden after the expir.a-- .F.lland, Yorkshire, grocer; John Lees, Siilterhobble, York- tion of twenty days at the least from this notice.—The peti- shire, lirne-dealer; William Eamshaw, Salterhobblo, Yofk- tion and schedule of the said William Ealaud are filed in the s'hire., innkeeper; William Brooke, Longwood, Yorkshire, Office of the said Court, No. 59, Milbank-street, Westmin- i-lo'th drt;sserr; Joseph Brookeand Son, Longwood, Yorkshire, ster, in the.county of Middlesex. cloth drtjsser; John Brooke, junior, Longwood, Yorkshire, List of the Creditors of the said William Ealand, to wboia. doth dresser; John H:tigh and Thomas Miller, Longwood, notice is ordered to be given by advertisement. Yorkshire, clothiers; Joseph Hiuchliffe, Thorpe, Yorkshire, William Pilling, Manchester, Lancashire, cotton and wool- ftotlm'r'; Jolio Matrick, Thorpe, Yorkshire, clothier; John len manufacturer; Messrs. Higson, Nixon, and Co. Manches- Cireaves, Mosely, nuar lloachdale, Lancashire, clothier; Win. ter, Lancashire, cotton manufacturers; Messrs. Oakdou and Scluilefield, Henley, near llnddersfield, Yorkshire, clothier ; Taylor, Manchester, Lancashire, fustian manufacturers; William Milqcr,. Lockwood, Yorkshire, clolhier; Thomas. Messrs. Xayland and Co. Manchester, Lancashire, hat manu- Porter, Ber.ry, Lancashire, clothier; Mr. Dawson, Liverpool, facturers; Andrew Paterson, Wakefield, Yorkshire, woollen, Lancashire, attorney; Mr. Howarth, Rippendcri, Yorkshire, cloth manufacturer; John and Benjamin Kebblewhite, Hull, attorney; William ^r-ondbent Cane, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Yorkshire, woollen drapers; James Lees and son, Aldinon- riioiliier; James Bruailbent Cane, Saddlevvorth, Yorkshire, bury, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, woollen manufacturers; clothier; James Rhodes, Blalieheyqook, Saddlevvort.h, York- Messrs. Lister and Co. Sheffield, Yorkshire, button and brace shire, clothier; William Rhodes, BlakuLeyfjook, Saddleworth, makers; David Anderson and Co. Birmingham, Warwick* Yorkshire, clothier; John, Uerlclifft1,. Valcncieijus, Sadtlle- shire, button and brace makers; Messrs. Richardson and son,. worth, Yorkchire, clothier; Cookson StejibjU.nson, Holuifirth, Horncastle, Lincolnshire,.linen and woollen drapers; John. Yorks(»ire» attorney.. WILLIAM MELLOR. Barton, Boston, Lincolnshire, draper; Francis Grantham, ( Boston, Lincolnshire, draper; John Drakard, Stamford, Lin~ Bvorder ofthe Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors ; J,ohq. coltisJiir.e, printer, and dealer in patent medicines; Adlard Stevenson, late of Spalding, in the county of Lincoln, farmer, Thorpe Booth, Wainfjeet, Lincolnshire, draper aud grocer;' a prisoner confined fur debt in His Majesty's gaol tht Casile Joiin Look, Brukenbnrgh, Waindeet, Lincolnshire, draper; of Lincoln, in the county of Lincoln, will be exapiined before Samuel Wright, Wauirleet, Lincolnshire, draper; Willi;inx. His Majesty's .Justices i?f the Peace for the division of the said Andrews, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, butcher ; James. Harnes.«v connty, within ITT. near to which the said prisoner, is detained Wainfk-ft, Lincolnshire, butcher-, Thomas Oliver, Wainfk-et, \\\ custody, eitUer at a General Sessions of the Peace, ur ad- Lincolnshire, coa.1 merchant; John Jesop, Wainfluet, Lin- jonrnuient of a General Sessions of the Pease, for the said colnshire, miller j Edwiu Dawson-, Wainfieet, Lincolnshire* division, which shall be holden after the expiration of twenty surgeon.. / WILLIAM Printed by ROBERT GEORGE CLARKE, Cannon-Row, Pailiament-Street; [ Pvice Two Shillings and Sixpence. ].
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