Office of Coast Survey – Print at Home Nautical Chart Catalog June 2014 Great Lakes Index (GL) www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov GL1 MINNESOTA CANADA LAKE SUPERIOR GL6 GL2 GL3 WISCONSIN LAKE HURON NEW MICHIGAN GL5 YORK LAKE ONTARIO LAKE MICHIGAN IOWA LAKE ERIE GL4 ILLINOIS INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA OHIO Color Key for Charts Type of Chart Scale Purpose HARBOR CHARTS 1:50,000 and larger For navigation and anchorage in harbors and small waterways. (outlined in red) SMALL-CRAFT CHARTS 1:80,000 and larger Specially designed charts with small craft information. (outlined in green) COAST CHARTS 1:50,001 to 1:150,000 For coastwise navigation inside the offshore reefs and shoals, entering bays (outlined in blue) and harbors of considerable size, and navigating certain inland waterways. GENERAL CHARTS 1:150,001 to 1:600,000 For use when a vessel’s course is offshore but when its position can be fixed (outlined in purple) by landmarks, lights, buoys, and characteristic soundings. SAILING CHARTS 1:600,001 and smaller Plotting charts used for offshore sailing between distant coastal ports and for (outlined in purple) approaching the coast from the open ocean. CANADIAN CHARTS Various scales Canadian international charts available through the Candadian Hydrographic (outlined in red) Service (CHS) The scale of a chart is the ratio of a given distance on the chart to the actual distance that it represents on the earth. (Example: One unit of measurement on a 1:10,000 scale chart is equal to 10,000 of the same unit on the earth’s surface.) Large-scale charts show greater detail of a relatively small area. Small-scale charts show less detail, but cover a larger area. Certain hydrographic information may be omitted on smaller-scale charts. Mariners should always obtain the largest-scale coverage for near shore navigation. Office of Coast Survey – Print at Home Nautical Chart Catalog Great Lakes – Lake Superior GL1 (see GL1T(a/b) for chart table) www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov June 2014 88°30'W 87°00'W 85°30'W 84°00'W 93°00'W 92°00'W 91°0'0"W 90°0'0"W 89°0'0"W 88°0'0"W 87°0'0"W 86°0'0"W 49°0'0"N 6107 6106 6110 Fort Fran 14998 cis ! 1499 6111 7 49°30'N 14996 14995 49°0'0"N 2312 14993 14994 14991 2313 2303 14992 14989 2304 48°0'0"N 1498514983 2312 14990 1498714986 14984 2313 Jackfish Bay 14988 14982 2303 2304 St. Ignace I 14968 Peninsula Hbr ! Continued on Inset ONTARIO 14968 BeaverSlate Island I Heron Bay Black Bay Washington Island! ! 14993 ! 2308 14991 14976 2308 48°0'0"N 14990 14985 14983 14967 14989 Saganaga Lake Northern Light lake 2309 14992 Thunder Bay Knife Lake 2309 48°00'N 14967 48°00'N Crooked Lake 14986 14984 14982 Pigeon R 47°0'0"N 14987 UNITEDCANADA STATES Michipicoton Hbr2310 14988 Isle Royale 14976 14964 Grand Traverse Bay ! ! Grand Marais ! !Portage Lake 14966 14972 2307 MN 14975 14973 LAKE14965 SUPERIOR ! Taconite Hbr Copper Hbr ! Eagle Hbr ! 14971 47°0'0"N 14974 Manitou I 14962 Grand Traverse Bay Hbr 14963 Silver Bay Hbr ! ! Bete Grise Bay 14972 14973 Hancock 2303 Two Harbors Apostle Islands ! ! Houghton ! 14970 46°0'0"N 14969 Cornucopia DULUTH ! !Ontonagon Keweenaw Bay ! ! Whitefish Point ! ! ! La Pointe Hbr ! ! ! !L’Anse Big Bay Little Lake Hbr Superior Bayfield Baraga ! Fox River Port Wing Grand Marais ! 14975 14971 ! 14884 Ashland ! Black River Hbr 14964 14974! Whitefish 14969 Bay Naubinway46°30'N! 46°30'N WI Marquette ! Grand I ! 14908 Manistique 14970 ! ! 14966 MI ! 46°0'0"N 14965 14962 Gladstone Port Inland 14963 Munising 14902 ! Escanaba! ! 14911 ! 14915! Sturgeon Bay !91°30'W 90°00'W 88°30'W 87°00'W ! 85°30'WLittle Bay deContinued Noc on GL3! Beaver Island ! 14909 ! ! 93°0'0"W 92°0'0"W 91°0'0"W 90°0'0"W 89°0'0"W 88°0'0"W 87°0'0"W 86°0'0"W Office of Coast Survey – Print at Home Nautical Chart Catalog Great Lakes – Lake Superior GL1Ta www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov June 2014 CHART TITLE SCALE 14884 St Marys River Head of Lake Nicolet to Whitefish Bay 1: 40,000 Sault Ste Marie 1: 20,000 14962 St Marys River to Au Sable Pt 1: 120,000 Grand Marais Michigan 1: 15,000 Whitefish Point Harbor Michigan 1: 5,000 Little Lake Harbor Michigan 1: 5,000 14963 Grand Marais to Big Bay Pt 1: 120,000 Big Bay Harbor 1: 5,000 14964 Big Bay Point to Redridge 1: 120,000 Grand Traverse Bay Harbor 1: 5,000 Eagle Harbor 1: 15,000 Copper Harbor 1: 15,000 Lac La Belle Harbor 1: 20,000 14965 Redridge to Saxon Harbor 1: 120,000 Saxon Harbor 1: 2,500 Black River Harbor 1: 5,000 Ontonagon Harbor 1: 10,000 14966 Little Girls Point to Silver Bay 1: 120,000 Two Harbors 1: 10,000 Port Wing 1: 5,000 Cornucopia 1: 5,000 Knife River 1: 5,000 14967 Beaver Bay to Pigeon Pt 1: 120,000 Taconite Harbor 1: 10,000 Silver Bay 1: 10,000 Grand Marais 1: 10,000 14968 Grand Portage Bay to Shesheeb Pt 1: 120,000 14969 Munising Hbr And Approaches Including Grand Island 1: 30,000 Munising Harbor 1: 15,000 14970 Marquette And Presque Isle Harbors 1: 15,000 14971 Keweenaw Bay Lake Superior 1: 30,000 L'Anse 1: 10,000 Baraga 1: 10,000 14972 Keweenaw Waterway Including torch Lake 1: 30,000 Hancock And Houghton 1: 10,000 14973 Apostle Island Incl Chequamegon Bay 1: 60,000 Bayfield 1: 10,000 La Pointe Harbor 1: 10,000 Pikes Bay 1: 10,000 14974 Ashland And Washburn Harbors 1: 15,000 14975 Duluth-Superior Harbor 1: 15,000 Upper St Louis River 1: 30,000 14976 Isle Royale 1: 40,000 14982 North Lake 1: 42,240 14983 Northern Light Lake 1: 42,240 14984 Sea Gull Lake 1: 42,240 14985 Saganaga Lake 1: 42,240 14986 Knife Lake 1: 42,240 14987 Basswood Lake Eastern Part 1: 42,240 Office of Coast Survey – June 2014Nautical Chart Catalog Great Lakes – Lake Superior GL1Tb www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov June 2014 14988 Basswood Lake Western Part 1: 42,240 14989 Crooked Lake 1: 42,240 14990 Basswood River 1: 10,000 14991 Lac La Croix 1: 42,240 14992 Sand Point Lake to Lac La Croix 1: 42,240 14993 Namakan Lake 1: 42,240 14994 Eastern Kabetogama Lake West Part Namakan Lake 1: 42,240 14995 Western Part Kabetogama Lake 1: 42,240 14996 Rainy Lake Big Island Minn to Oakpoint Island Ont 1: 25,000 Kettle Falls 1: 12,500 14997 Rainy Lake — Dryweed Island to Big Island Minn 1: 25,000 14998 Rainy Lake — International Falls to Dryweed Island 1: 25,000 14995 Western Part Kabetogama Lake 1: 42,240 14996 Rainy Lake Big Island Minn to Oakpoint Island Ont 1: 25,000 Kettle Falls 1: 12,500 14997 Rainy Lake — Dryweed Island to Big Island Minn 1: 25,000 14998 Rainy Lake — International Falls to Dryweed Island 1: 25,000 Office of Coast Survey – Print at Home Nautical Chart Catalog Great Lakes – Lake Michigan GL2 (see GL2T(a/b) for chart table) www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov June 2014 89°00'W 88°00'W 87°00'W 86°00'W 85°00'W MICHIGAN 14883 14902 14908 Naubinway ! 14911 Hessel ! 46°00'N ! 46°00'N Port Inland! 14882 Manistique ! Les Cheneaux I ! 14885 Continued on GL3 Gladstone ! St Ignace Escanaba ! Beaver I ! 14915 Cheboygan 14909 14886 14881 BIG BAY DE NOC ! WISCONSIN ! Jackson Fox Islands Charlevoix Petoskey Hbr ! 14880 ! Boyne City 14917 14942 ! Menominee ! Northport ! ! N. Manitou I East Jordan Marinette BAY ! 45°00'N Leland ! 45°00'N S. Manitou I ! EN Suttons Bay Oconto ! 14919 !Elk Rapids 14910 ! Gramd Traverse Bay Sturgeon Bay 14912 GRE ! Traverse City 14913 14918 ! Algoma! Frankfort Green Bay ! ! ! De Pere ! Arcadia 14902 Kewaunee 14939 Portage Lake 14916 Fox R 14938 ! Manistee Two Rivers! Lake ! Manitowoc 14907 Winnebago ! 44°00'N 14903 14922 44°00'N 14937! Ludington 14922 ! Pentwater Sheboygan ! 14935 ! Port Washington ! White Lake 14934 ! Muskegon MICHIGAN 14933 14924 !Grand Haven MILWAUKEE ! 43°00'N 43°00'N LAKE MICHIGAN 14931 ! Port Sheldon Oak Creek Hbr ! 14932 14925 ! Holland Racine ! ! Saugatuck Kenosha ! South! Haven Waukegan ! 14904 14906 14930 ! ! 14927 Benton Hbr 42°00'N St Joseph 42°00'N 14928 CHICAGO ! ILLINOIS New Buffalo 14929 ! ! 14926 Calumet Indiana Hbr !Michigan City ! ! Lockport ! Buffubgton Hbr ! Burns International Hbr Gary 14905 INDIANA OHIO 88°00'W 87°00'W 86°00'W 85°00'W Office of Coast Survey – Print at Home Nautical Chart Catalog Great Lakes – Lake Michigan GL2Ta www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov June 2014 CHART TITLE SCALE 14880 Straits of Mackinac 1:120,000 14881 De Tour Pass to Waugoshance Pt 1:80,000 Cheboygan Harbor 1:15,000 St Ignace 1:15,000 Mackinac Island 1:10,000 Mackinaw City 1:15,000 Hammond Bay Harbor 1:10,000 14882 St Marys River — De Tour Passage to Munuscong Lake 1:40,000 14883 St Marys River —Munuscong Lake to Sault Ste Marie 1:40,000 14885 Les Cheneaux Islands 1:20,000 14886 SMALL-CRAFT BOOK CHART Inland Route Cheboygan to Conway (book of 12 charts) Various 14902 North end of Lake Michigan, inlcuding Green Bay 1:240,000 14903 Algoma To Sheboygan 1:120,000 Two Rivers 1:10,000 Kewaunee 1:10,000 14904 Port Washington To Waukegan 1:120,000 Port Washington 1:10,000 Kenosha Harbor 1:10,000 North Point Marina 1:10,000 Waukegan 1:10,000 14905 Waukegan to South Haven 1:120,000 New Buffalo 1:15,000 City Indiana 1:15,000 Burns International Harbor 1:15,000 14906 South Haven To Stony Lake 1:120,000 Port Sheldon 1:10,000 Saugatuck Harbor 1:15,000 South Haven 1:10,000 14907 Stony Lake To Point Betsie 1:120,000 Frankfort Harbor Michigan 1:10,000 Pentwater Harbor Michigan 1:10,000 Arcadia Harbor Michigan 1:10,000 14908 Dutch Johns Pt To Fishery Pt 1:80,000 Manistique Harbor 1:15,000 14909 Minneapolis Shoal To Green Island 1:80,000 Jackson Harbor 1:20,000 Detriot Harbor 1:20,000 Baileys Harbor 1:25,000 14910 Lower Greenbay — Algoma And Oconto 1:80,000 Oconto Harbor 1:20,000 Algoma 1:10,000 14911 Waugoshance Pt to Seul Choix Pt 1:80,000 Port Inland 1:10,000 St James Harbor 1:15,000 Office of Coast Survey –
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