USOOPP20641P2 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP20,641 P2 Keogh (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 12, 2010 (54) CUPHEAPLANT NAMED “BALLISTIC (52) U.S. Cl. ...................................................... Pt.f42O (50) Latin Name: Cupheaxhybrida (58) Field of Classification Search ... Pt.f42O Varietal Denomination: Ballistic See application file for complete search history. (56) References Cited (76) Inventor: Terence Keogh, 209 Bunker Road, Victoria Pt. 4165 Q. (AU) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS PP20,000 P2 * 5/2009 Unger ........................ Pt.f420 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Primary Examiner Wendy C. Haas (21) Appl. No.: 12/287,628 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Oct. 10, 2008 A new and distinct cultivar of Cuphea named BALLISTIC that is characterized by mounding habit and many large flow Related U.S. Application Data ers which are colored pink to red, dark purple and white. In (60) Provisional application No. 61/000,631, filed on Oct. combination these characteristics set BALLISTIC apart 25, 2007. from all other existing varieties of Cuphea known to the inventor. (51) Int. Cl. AOIH 5/00 (2006.01) 2 Drawing Sheets 1. 2 Botanical designation: Cuphea igneaxC. lanceolata. LISTIC is asexually propagated by the method of vegetative Denomination: BALLISTIC. cuttings. BALLISTIC is hardy to USDA Zone 9. The first asexual propagation of BALLISTIC was con BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ducted by the inventor at the inventor's nursery in Queen 5 sland, Australia. Asexual propagation was accomplished by The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar the inventor, in 2005. The method used was vegetative cut of Cuphea grown as an ornamental plant for garden and tings. Since that time under careful observation BALLIS landscape. The new invention from the family Lythraceae is TIC has been determined stable, uniform, and true to type in known botanically as Cuphea igneaxC. lanceolata and will Subsequent generations of asexual propagation. be referred to hereinafter by the cultivar name BALLISTIC. BALLISTIC is a new hybrid plant that resulted from the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION inventor's deliberate controlled cross-pollination of Cuphea ignea and Cuphea lanceolata. BALLISTIC is part of a The following traits have been repeatedly observed and breeding program that commenced in 2002, with the goal of represent the distinguishing characteristics of the new producing a wide variety of ornamental Cuphea. In Victoria Cuphea cultivar named BALLISTIC. These traits in com Point, Queensland, Australia the breeder emasculated flowers bination set BALLISTIC apart from all other existing vari of Cuphea ignea and secured pollen from Cuphea lanceolata, eties of Cuphea known to the inventor. BALLISTIC has not which was then applied to the Stigma of the Cuphea ignea been tested under all possible conditions and phenotypic dif flowers. Resulting seed was germinated and planted out by ferences may be observed with variations in environmental, the inventor at the inventor's nursery in Queensland, Austra climatic, and cultural conditions without however any vari lia. The inventor selected BALLISTIC from the resulting ance in genotype. progeny in 2005. Selection was based on the criteria of quan 1. BALLISTIC bears a large number of flowers with pink tity, size, and color of flower. to red tubes, dark purple petals, and a white lip. Many The female parent is an individual Cuphea ignea (unpat flowers are produced on each stem. ented) and the male parent is an individual Cuphea lanceolata 25 2. BALLISTIC blooms continually through the year (unpatented). BALLISTIC is distinguishable from the par when grown frost-free and in unshaved conditions. ents by quantity, size, and color of flower. The closest com 3. BALLISTIC is compact reaching a height of approxi parison plant is Cuphea ignea known commonly as cigar mately 20 cm. and a width of 40 cm. in one growing plant. BALLISTIC is distinguishable from the comparison SCaSO. plant by flower color and flower size. 30 4. "BALLISTIC is hardy to USDA Zone 9. The distinguishing characteristics of BALLISTIC include mounding habit, large flower, many flowers perstem, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS green foliage, and pink to red, dark purple and white flower color. Flowers bloom throughout the year when kept frost The accompanying color drawings illustrate the overall free and unshaded. Dimensions the first year are 20 cm. in 35 appearance of the new Cuphea cultivar named BALLISTIC height and 40 cm. in width. Mature dimensions are 60 cm. in showing the color as true as is reasonably possible to obtain in height and 60 cm. in width. Cultural requirements include full color reproductions of this type. Color in the drawings may Sun to partial shade, regular soil, and regular water. BAL differ from color values cited in the detailed botanical US PP20,641 P2 3 description, which accurately describe the actual color of the Foliage: new variety BALLISTIC. Each drawings is taken from a Tipe.—Evergreen. one year old plant of BALLISTIC” which has been grown Leaf arrangement.—Opposite. from a cutting in a frost-free greenhouse throughout. Leaf division.—Simple. The drawing labeled FIG. 1 illustrates a plant of BALLIS Leaf margin. —Entire. TIC growing in a container. Leaf surface (abaxial and adaxial). Glabrous. The drawing labeled FIG. 2 depicts a close-up view of the Leafshape.—Ovate. flowers on BALLISTIC. Leaf length (average). 3 cm. Drawings were made using conventional techniques and Leafwidth (average).-1.50 cm. although flower and foliage color may appear different from 10 Leaf color (abaxial surface).-138A. Leaf color (adaxial surface).-137A. actual color due to light reflectance, they are as accurate as Leaf apex. Acute. possible by conventional photography. Leaf base.—Aequilateral. Venation.—Pinnate. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT Vein color (abaxial and adaxial surfaces).-138D. 15 Attachment.—Petiolate. The following is a detailed botanical description of the new Petiole shape.—Sub-cylindrical. Cuphea cultivar named BALLISTIC. Observations, mea Petiole surface.—Puberulent. Surements, values and comparisons were collected in Arroyo Petiole color:—165A. Grande, Calif., from 9-month-old plants grown under glass Petiole dimensions.—1 cm. in length and 1 mm. in and in 1-litre containers. Color determinations are made in width. accordance with the 2001 Royal Horticultural Society Colour Leaffragrance.—None observed. Chart from London, England, except where general color Inflorescence: terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used. The grow Inflorescence (axillary and terminal). Solitary flower. ing requirements of the new variety BALLISTIC are similar Ouantity (average).-10 per stem. to the species. 25 Inflorescence color:–63A, 61B, 155A, N79A are all Botanical classification: Cuphea Xhybrida BALLISTIC. individually present. Family: Lythraceae. Inflorescence shape.—Cylindrical and gibbous at base. Genus: Cuphea. Aspect.—Facing upward and outward. Species: Xhybrida. Blooming season. Year round if frost-free and Denomination: BALLISTIC. unshaded. 30 Inflorescence dimensions.—2 cm. in depth and 1.50 cm. Common name: Cigar plant. in diameter. Habit: Mounding. Floral tube diameter:-0.40 cm. Commercial category: Ornamental. Floral tube surface (ventral and dorsal). Fluted and Use: For garden and landscape. pubescent. Suggested commercial container size: 1-litre container. 35 Floral tube color:—63 A, 61B, 155A are individually Parentage: Cuphea Xhybrida BALLISTIC is a hybrid result present. ing from the deliberate controlled cross-pollination of the Petals.—6 Sub-equal per inflorescence. following parents: Petal shape (range). Rhombic to ovate. Female parent.—An individual Cuphea ignea. Petal color:- N79A. Male parent. —An individual Cuphea lanceolata. 40 Petal margin.—Entire. Propagation method: Vegetative cuttings. Petal surface.—Glabrous. Rooting system: Fine. Petal length (range). 2–6 mm. Vigor: Moderate. Petal width (range). 2–3 mm. Crop time (range): 6–9 months to produce a 1-litre container Petals fused or unfised.—Unfused. from stem cuttings. 45 Persistent or self-cleaning.—Self-cleaning. Peduncle color:—152A. Temperature (range): The recommended air temperature is Peduncle dimensions (average).- 0.75 cm. in length 20–21° Centigrade. and 1 mm. in diameter. Plant dimensions (first year): 20 cm. in height and 40 cm. in Peduncle shape. —Cylindrical. width. Peduncle surface.—Pubescent. Plant dimensions (at maturity): 60 cm. in height and 60 cm. in 50 Inflorescence fragrance.—None observed. width. Lastingness of inflorescence (range).-3–5 days. Cultural requirements: Grow in full Sun to part shade, regular Reproductive organs: Soil, with regular water. Stamen quantity.—10 adnate to floral tube. Pest or disease resistance: None known to the inventor. Stamen length (range). 0.50–0.75 cm. Pest or disease susceptibility: None known to the inventor. 55 Stamen color:—N79A. Hardiness: USDA Zone 9. Anther color:- N79A. Anther length.—<1 mm. Special considerations: Blooms continually throughout the Pollen amount.—Moderate. year when kept frost-free and unshaded conditions. Pollen Color-162B. Stem: 60 Pistill quantity.—1 in number. Shape.—Cylindrical. Pistill length. 2.50 cm. Surface.—Glabrous. Pistill color:- N8OD. Color:–187A and 165A. Stigma dimensions.—C1 mm. in height and <1 mm. in Stem length (range).-17-34cm. width. Stem diameter (average). 3 mm. 65 Stigma form.—Blunt. Internode (average).-1.50 cm. Stigma color:—N155A. US PP20,641 P2 5 6 Ovary position. —Superior. What is claimed is: Ovary shape.—Elongated ovoid. 1. A new and distinct cultivar of Cuphea plant named Ovary dimensions. 0.75 cm. in height and 0.25 cm. in BALLISTIC as described and illustrated herein. diameter. Ovary color:- N187D. 5 k . U.S. Patent Jan. 12, 2010 Sheet 1 of 2 US PP20,641 P2 F. U.S. Patent Jan. 12, 2010 Sheet 2 of 2 US PP20,641 P2 .
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