WESTFIELD LEADER EIGHTH YEAB-^No, 34 KoUr«4 >• Second Clua Matter Tib* Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nmnmmer In Union Count* Poit Otflc*. W«»ta«td. It. J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY i, 1958 32 PagM—10 C**U mcil Adopts $505,500 Public to Take Bailey To Head County Republicans Voters Approve School Addition Part in CD Charles P. Bailey of Westfleld, •rovement Measures former freeholder, was named Re- TestTuesday publican county chairman las Westnarco to Note week of the county Republican Follows committee which organized in the By Narrow Margin; Pool Defeated Silver Anniversary Activity to Halt Winfield Scott Hotel in Elizabeth. With "Take Cover" Mr. Bailey, former Wcetfield ts Voiced Wesmarco, Westfield married mayor, outpolled Harry V. Os- Varied Programs To Highlight ,354 Co to Polls, couples club, will celebrate its sil- Signal at 10:30 borne Jr. ot Cranford by a 271-25 ver anniversary tonight at the vote which was made unanimous Ordinances New Jersey's population will at Mr. Osborne's request. Give New Building YMCA. A series of highlights Music Week Observance take cover Tuesday for about 10 The crowd of almost 300 com of 23 ordinances, provid from annual plays of the past 25 minutes when the sirens wsll at mittee members, out' of the largcs Varied programs have been 17, and the 'Boys' Gleo Club of the 205-VoteEdge 500 for town improve- years will be presented. Ruth Gil- 10:30 a.m. Acting State Director in years, heard Freeholder Alber planned for the local observance high school will present a program is adopted by the Town bert, program chairman, and her of the Division ot Civil Defense J. Bentiinger hurl a challenge for of National Music Week, May 4 at Roosevelt Junior High tomor- and Disaster Control, Thomas S. At the heaviest school election. ondsy night. The meaa- committee, have arranged for .a unity, coupled with a bitter, at 11. The slogan for the week is row, and at the Elm Street School art of an $801,600 three- Dlgnan, said this sets off the na- tack at Sen. Robert C. Crane, "Live With Music," according to May 23. in years Tuesday, • slim margin cast of 40 members, past and tion-wide annual effort. f 205 votes resulted in approval* gram aimed at street titular head of the party. And it Mrs. Ashton Cuckler, chairman. The First Presbyterian Church ind traffic light improve- present, to stage the skits. Nearly The 10:30 a.m. signal will be adopted after short discussion I Assisting Mrs. Cuckler are Mrs, if the Board of Education's pro-. of Westfleld will mark the ^begin- osal to spend $2,3<i0,O0O tor in 100 couples are expected to at- preceded by the steady three-min- new constitution and revised by James Skinner and Mrs. Willard ning of Music Week with a per- tend. ute Alert Signal at 9:30 a.m. laws which reduce the number of Wight of Cranford. ddltlou to tho Senior High 's action followed objec- formance of the Lenten and Easter ichool. A propoul to substitute i which instructs the public only to officers in the committee and The schools devote the month portions of Handel's "Messiah" some of the ordinances The club's executive board will listen to their radios for offclal clarify the voting membership of wimmlng pool for one of the tw» a number of residents, meet May 15 at the home of Mr. of May t« music since the large Sunday at 4:30 p.m. The chancel lew gymnasiums in the plant, MI civil defense information. -The its executive committee. number of programs cannot be choir and solo quartet of tho •nuous protests were distinctive Take Cover alarm is a lefeated In all wards but the pro-. ainst a proposed $228,000 and Mrs. William Henseller, 1887 scheduled in the designated week. church will sing under the direc- Quimby lane, Scotch Plains. three-minute wavering siren tone losal for funds to complete th* ot between Central ave- The elementary schools wil tion of Dr. George Volkel, organ- lunlor High School now under or short blasts on factory whistles. hold assemblies at which the mean- ist and choirmaster. The public is Elmer street. Sevei-al of Schools, factories, churches, hos- onstruction, wan solidly support* eking against it claimed ing of Music Week will be ex- nvited. id. of the property involv- pitals, public buildings, hotels, and plained to the pupils. At 3 p.m Also on Sunday the Redeemer Westfielders Win theatres, are directed to imple- today the fifth and sixth graders Out of a total vote of 5,3(4, cieate a hardship on mer^ Lutheran Church will hold an an- .ho balloting on the school Midi- nd homeowners in the ment their established civil defense of Benjamin Franklin School wil" niversary service at which the plans at the sounding of the Alert, present "An Afternoon of Music' DR. GORDON M1CHAUON ion waa 2,769 lor and 2,554 was noted by at least two National Awards Dlgnan said. junior and senior choirs will sing. igalnst. hat the news came as Roosevelt Junior High School On May 10 at 3 and 7:30 p.m. some of the elderly per- Industry will shut oft ma- will celebrate with a Music Festi- Until returns from the second the antiphonal choir of the First ward, the laat to be tabulated, would lose part of their Students Awarded chines, where practicable. All val on May 9, and the Elm street Methodist Church will present Dr. Michalson Frank Pettit, attorney traffic will be halted by civil de- School will hold a similar festival were in, observers believed the AH Aboard for Ararat" by Thom- addition waa defeated on the bail* . ng a group of property Merit Scholarships fense police, auxiliary police, po- May 13. as Canning, directed by Don- back of the Post Office, lice reserve and regular poll To Leave Post it the result* from the other The Senior Hlirh School band ild Jensen, choirmaster, and ac- hrue polling placen. reduction in the size of Two Westfielders have won na- the only persons permitted to bo concert wilt be held May 16 and companied by Mrs, Donald Jen- would make resale almost tional merit scholarships in na- in the open for this training ses- sen at tho organ. Also on the same Methodist Minister In the tourch ward, where the e. He asked that the tionwide competition, it was an- sion. program Mrs. Schmalcnborger and lenlor high school it located, the line" be followed instead nounced today by the National Activity throughout the state Mr. Jensen will do Menotti's "The To Be Professor iddltion was rejected 734 to B7S. curved into the baek- may be resumed when the Alert Telephone." t was alao defeated In the third 1 Merit Scholarship Corp. WHS Band to HIrd where the vote wai 718 to only three or four park signal is repeated about-10 min- Saturday, May 10, will also he The Rev, Gordon E, Mfchalson, They are Michael David Bris- utes after the Take Cover is minister of the First Methodist 10. Favorable votes in the first :S. sounded. highlighted with the scholarship ind second wards gave the addl- Smith, proprietor of the tol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Give Pops Concert benefit concert sponsored by tho Church for the past six years, will ion its slim winning margin ol th Shop, Central avenue, Bristol of 21 Carol road, a student All school children will be Westfleld Musical Club at 8:30 conclude his ministry In that !05 ballots. In Ward 1 the vote elt $228,000 was too much in Westfield High School, and moved from their classrooms to Annual Affair p.m. In the senior high school audi- church this year, according to an was 800 to 010 and in Ward 2 it' shelter areas either within the torium. announcement Monday by Bishop waa 707 to 480. Mayor H. Emerson Alice MacDonald Evans, daugh- school or adjacent approved shelt- Opens May 16 rcderlck B. Newell of the (New lointed out that the park- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry C. J. er areas. The New Jersey Depart- ERNEST L. DAMAN Concluding this special week York area of tho Methodist The swimming pool did not car* mld cost more if the town Evans of 408 Salter place, a stu- ment of Education has advised all will bo a "Family Sunday" nerrice Church. Dr. Michalson leaves ry In any of the wards, Tho total nd noted "some day you The Westfleld Senior High May 11 at the First Congieuatlona' dent in Oak Grove School, Vassal- school officials of this procedure. School Band will present Its sev- Wcstfk'ld to become professor of vote- on the proposition waa 2,220 jink that price is cheap." All New Jersey radio stations hurch lit which all the choirs wil heology at (inrrett School of The- for, and 3,070 aguinst. Closest |s O. Young, realtor, sug boro, Me. Democrats Name enth annual pops concert in the sing, featuring music toy Ameri have been supplied with advance High School Cafeteria Friday, May ology on the Ncrthwostcrn Univer- balloting wan In tho First Ward lat instead of the lot, more Bristol will major in biological scripts to be used all during can composers, directed by Mrs sity campus In Evumton, 111, H where there were 710 In favor, and ' provided for cars in the science at Yale University and Ernest L. Daman 16 and Saturday, May 17 at 8:30 Donald Bleekc.
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