SHOP KEEP IN NEWARK YOUR MONEY FIR S T THENE K POST AT HOME The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 26, 1950 PRICE FIVE CJmTS New Scholarships Elders And Deacons Named By First Presbyterians Rotarian Minstrel GOV. Carvel Heads Guest List Names Of Children ered To U. of D. Show Returns To Go At Congregational Dinner . v G d S h l D d· · 3 To 6 Sought For .L' omen By Alumnae New elders and deacons were elected ForCommunityWorl{ or ra e c 00 e zcatzon F D tIE and annual reports heard at the con­ ree en a xmns gregational dinner of the First Presby­ Grants Available For Stu­ terian Church last Wednesday night. Committee Named To Study Dr. George Miller, State Dime March Box Stolen PTA Wants Aid In Rounding Up In Upper Classes Paul D. Lovett was reelected to a Civic Projects Club May Pre-School Group For Flou­ 3-year term as elder, and Oscar Knauss Superintendent, Will Be From •Store On Saturday During 1950-51 was named to his first term, succeeding Sponsor Honor among Newark thieves is at rine Experiment Exams O. K . Strahorn who resigned. Reelect­ Speaker At Ceremonies a low ebb right now. The Alumnae Association of the Uni­ ed deacon was Barton Mackey, while Proceeds from the Rotary Minstrel Scheduled For March 1 A March of Dime coin box, contain­ A request for volunteers to help se­ ·ty of Delaware has announced W. O. White was elected to fill the un­ Show to be given here in March will ing about $12 contributed for polio cure the names and addresses of all scholarships of $300 each to be expired term of Mr. Knauss, who re­ be set aside to finance community victims, was stolen from a Main Street Newark children three to six years to girls of the three upper signed when he was elected elder. projects, it was decided at the club's business establishment Saturday morn­ of age in order that they may be sched­ of the scholastic year 1950-51. T. A. Baker and A. F. Fader were Gov. Elbert N. Carvel will head the ing. weekly meeting on Monday night. list of prominent state and local offi­ uled for the free dental examinations of these scholarships are new and reelected to a 3-year terms on the Police, who did not disclose the name to be given in connection with the made possible by funds collected board of trustees, and Carl Rankin was Various suggestions were made, and eials expected to be on hand at the of the store, said that if they catch the a committee was appointed to study the dedication exercises for Newark's new start of the fluorine experiment here the 1949 alumni and alumnae named to his tlrst term. culprit they will prosecute him to the was issued at the January meeting of Fund campaign. The A report on the year's work in the proposed projects. President Jack elementary school, according to the full extent of the law. This could mean Handloff appointed the group, which program announced this week by Supt. the Parent-Teacher Association. is the Alice P. Smyth Scholar­ Sunday School was given my M. S. up to a year behind bars. The examinations, which will be which wiU be awarded for the Dale. Mrs. J. Harvey Dickey sketched includes: Ken Steers, chairman, Dr. Wilmer E. Shue. S. W. Smith, Joseph A. Shields, the The principal speaker at the cere­ given to children who live in areas time through Miss Smyth's gen- the activities of the Women's Mission­ served by the Newark water system, Applications are now being ary Society. Mrs. W. O. White reported Rev. Theodore Ludlow and W. S. Mar- monies, scheduled for March 16, will Outline Of Hoov'er tin. A preliminary report is expected be Dr. George R. Miller, Jr., state will start at the schools on Jan. 3J. for the awards which wiU go on the Women's Auxiliary, and E. L. Youngsters between the ages of three w ho will be sophomores, Mattison on the Young People's at the next meeting. superintendent of schools. Commission Report Plans were also discussed for the at- The program, which will be preceded and ten will be examined. The pre­ seniors at the university Group. school children in this age group can To qualify for the new tendance by a large number of local by a dinner in the main school cafe­ Given At Club Meet members at the District Conference of teria for the invited guests, will open only be reached if their names and ad­ the upperclassmen must have dresses are forwarded to PTA Officials. the University of Delaware Speakers Announced Rotary International at Atlantic City, at 8:15 p. m. in the high school audi- April 16 and 17. torium. Douglas Troll, Wilmington Law­ Parents may schedule appointments di­ one year prior til. applying. rect by calling the school nurse, Miss are requested to write a For Farmers' Week Announcement was made that Percy The invocation will be by the Rev. yer, Is Speaker At Cen­ Hodgson, president of the Rotary In- Theodore Ludlow. After the platform Martha Coverdale. in longhand to Mrs. Ralph W. tury Club The examinations a l'e being given to Alumnae SchOlarship Chairman, Sessions, Feb. 7 to 10 ternational, will be the speaker at a guests are introduced, Gov. Carvel. will meeting of the Dover club on Friday, give a greeting from the State of Del­ --- Id etermine the percentage of tooth de- of the Alumnae Office, Purnell The Hoover Commission Report was cay in children at the start of the ex­ Feb. 3. Several of the members indi- aware. The history of the local build­ I, Newark, describing both the need the subject of a meeting Monday . of periment here in order to guage later cated they would attend the meeting. ing project will then be sketched finan cial aid and the student's Gov. Carvel And Dr. Carlson the Newark New Cent.ury Club, WIth I the effectiveness of fluorinated water of scholarship and campus par­ Edwin C. Moore, a member of the briefly, and the dedicatory address will Douglas Troll, of Wllmmgton, as guest I in curbing caries. Will Greet Guests On New Castle Rotary Club, attended Mon- be given by Dr. George R. ,Miller, Jr., ·on. This letter constitutes the Opening Day spe~ker ., Mr. Tr.oll, a member of the The PTA also heard a request fOI ' application; there are no sl?ecial day's session as a guest. state superintendent of schools. Music Clttzens Committee for the Hoover greater cooperation in the movie proj­ Following the meeting, the custom- for the program is being arranged by to be filled out. Report, summarized the commission's ect fo ~ children at the State Theatre. committee wiU meet all appli­ Speakers have been named fo r the al'y rehearsal for the 1950 Rotary Min- Principal Federick B. Kutz. recommendations as follows: Attendance fe ll otT last week at the in Purnell Hall on Saturday, general sessions each day during Farm strel took place under the direction of After the exercises, the guests and 1. That a clear line of command be second in the series of tllms being 25, at 1 p. m., for interviews. and Home Week at the University of Charles Southwell. the general public will be conducted set up in the Executive Department, as brought here by the PTA in an effort line fo r receipt of applications is Delaware, February 7-10. on a tour of the new building by Henry far as responsibility and accountabil- to improve the type movies shown to 25, and the decision of the com­ In addition to commodity group M h Of D· C d M. Brader, elementary supervisor. ity are concerned. children. The next fi lm will be "Henry will be announced sometime meetings, the general "Sessions will be arc lme ar Those who have been issued special 2. An adequate staff of assistants Aldrich, Boy Scout," to be shown Feb. the closi ng of the school year. held from 11 :20 to 12 noon with a spe- Collectl·on Saturday invitations are: Joseph McVey, presi- for executives in any department, so 4, at 10 a. m. al questions concerning cial feature or speaker scheduled daily. dent of the Newark Board of Educa- that administrators may concentrate The feature of the meeting was a scholal:ships may be addressed to On February 7, Governor Elbert N. tion; R. S. Gallaher and W. F . Wilson, on policy and planning rather than on number of workshop talks, one for each Brown, executive secretary, Carvel and Dr. William S. Carlson, board members; Gov. Carvel; Sen. John details. grade. Association. in Purnell H all. president of the University of Dela- Scouts To Pick Up Coin Cards Williams, Sen. J . Allen Frear, Rep. 3. A drive to obtain the best avail- The theme of the next meeting, set war e, w ill give greetings. Also featured Distributed Last Week Caleb Boggs, J . P. Cann, Dr. Miller, able material for both administrative for February 17, will be safety and this day will be recognition of achieve- /Norris N. Wright, member of the local and subordinate posts, perhaps includ- health. S Board Approves ment in agriculture, home economics, Newark boy scouts will return to building commission; Jacob Speicher ing increases in com pes at ion. and 4-H Club work. ,. Ievery local home Saturday to collect and Ohrum Sm~ll , .state boar~ members 4. That administrators be given free- Satl·re On C • I t Grid Contests Dr.
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