ROANOKE COLLEGE V OLUME 132 The Bryological Times M ARCH 2011 Table of Contents Editor Note p. 2 Tips, Tools and Techniques p. 2, 12 Book Review: Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica p. 3 MOSS 2011, Crum Workshop, Alberta Bryologists p. 4 FONDATION BRYOLOGIQUE Ph. DE ZUTTERE p. 5 International Bontaincal Congress p. 5 Bryological updates from Spain p. 6 Offerings at the Humboldt Institute p. 7 Bryological workshop in North Carolina p. 8 Book Review: Peat mosses p.9 IAB membership dues p. 10 Nordic Bryological Society, Pittsburg State Workshop p. 11 Bryophytes as Art p. 13 Netherlands barcode p. 14 Bryological Theses p. 15 Bryophyte atlas (Germany) p. 16 IAB Nowellia bryologica p.. 16-18 News from Australia p. 19 Bryophyte Calendar p. 20 ROANOKE COLLEGE V OLUME 132 The Bryological Times M ARCH 2011 Editor Note By DorothyBelle Poli Many of you may have Around Thanksgiving the US and people in their thought that The Bryologi- (November) I started to 30s and 40s should be re- cal Times disappeared or show signs of an upper vaccinated for this child- that the new editor ran respiratory infection that hood disease. The result of SPECIAL POINTS OF away. I am writing to let became severe by Christ- my bout pushed me behind INTEREST: you all know that neither mas. However, it turned getting ready for my new Book Reviews is the case. In fact, I want out that what I really had semester, which continued to apologize for appearing was a lesson in science! I through our Spring Break. Many workshops fill this to fall off of the planet. started to develop whoop- I will do my best to ensure issue This is not an excuse, but ing cough and that turned my health does not hinder just my way of letting you into pneumonia. Whoop- another issue. The world speaks about their bryological journey know what occurred. ing cough‟s vaccination Happy New Year to all! has become ineffective in Bryophytes as art and as a calendar! Tips, Tools, and Techniques: Standardizing Focus Increments for Image Stacking Photomicrography By David Wagner Stacking software has on my microscope that the middle of the become widely used for has served well in this dial. Attach a needle to making confocal images in regard. the center of the knob, so photomicrography. Confo- that it reaches to the cal images exhibit thin edge of the dial. I have sections which are sharply (Figure 1) Draw a circle used artist's putty and a focused in all parts. Ob- on a card and divide it piece of black binding tie jects such as bryophyte into 10 degree segments comes with power cords. shoots photographed in using a protractor. Pencil Plastiline modeling clay reflected light have a three in the radii for each seg- and a toothpick would dimensional aspect. They ment. There is nothing work about as as well. can be very beautiful. special about 10 de- grees; it is simply con- venient and easy to see (Figure 4) Mount a mirror The software works best if for this process. in such a way that the photos are taken in evenly needle and dial are visi- graduated, overlapping ble from your working focal planes. When the (Figure 2) Cut out the position. This may not be overlap is optimal, about center of this dial at a necessary for all workers, 25%, neither too many nor diameter that will fit but I like to be able to too few pictures need be around the fine focus monitor the view through taken. Precise, expensive, knob on one side of the the microscope, adjusting equipment is available that microscope. focus with one hand performs this process while taking photographs automatically. Obtaining with the camera's remote excellent results by careful (Figure 3) Trim the card shutter release in the manual focusing is easily and tape it to the micro- other hand. scope so that the fine managed. I have installed (continued on p. 10) a handmade metering dial focus knob is centered in P AGE 3 V OLUME 132 Book Review: Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica the Dr. Ming-Jou Lai Memorial Volume By James Shevock Timo Koponen, Sinikka Piippo and This issue of Acta Bryolichenologica addresses spore counts obtained from Erkki Reinikka (eds.): Acta Asiatica has the various papers arranged 24 selected Asian taxa. I was amazed by Bryolichenologica Asiatica 3: 1-175. into four broad sections. The first sec- some of the spore numbers „counted‟ Published by the Finnish-Chinese tion contains four papers offering a within a single capsule. Botanical Foundation. ISBN 978-952- detailed account of the life and activities 67464-0-1, ISSN 1016-6181. of Taiwan botanist, bryologist, and The third section of this issue has three lichenologist Dr. Ming-Jou Lai (1949- 2007). I found this entire section fasci- papers on the continuing efforts toward Distributor: Finnish-Chinese Botanical nating and it greatly broadened my un- documenting the bryoflora of Hunan Foundation, Mailantie 109, FI-08800 derstanding and awareness of the col- Province (parts 13-15 in this ongoing Lohja, Finland; e-mail: laboration and financial support that series) and one paper on Hunan lichens. [email protected]. Price € 40,00 was offered to Mainland Chinese scien- Part 13 addresses the Pterobryaceae, + postage. tists through personal efforts and fund- part 14 describes Philonotis laii T. Koponen, and part 15 covers the genera ing supplied directly by Dr. Lai at a time when it was politically difficult to Asterella, Fossombronia, Isotachis, Twenty years have gone by from issues do so. This section concludes with an Jubula and Metzgeria. The lichen paper 1-2 of this journal to the current vol- extensive annotated bibliography of Dr. is an account of the genus Peltigera in ume. Many bryologists may not have Lai‟s publication record. Hunan. even heard of this journal. I was not aware of it either until a few months ago. Nonetheless, the current issue con- Part two of this issue deals with various The fourth and final section with a sin- tains a set of very interesting papers. bryophyte taxonomy, systematics and gle entry is the treatment of the genus This issue is titled the „Dr. Ming-Jou nomenclature. There are 10 papers in Spiridens as fascicle „72‟ of the Bryo- Lai Memorial Volume.‟ Most if not all this section with the majority of them phyte Flora of the Huon Peninsula, of the papers in this issue were solicited addressing taxa occurring in China al- Papua New Guinea. This volume con- by the editors (much like would be done though new bryophyte records for the cludes with an Index and nomenclatural for a Festschrift). It is my understanding Philippines and French Comoros are novelties. that this journal will now appear in also provided. Anyone with research considerably more frequent intervals so interests in China and Asia in general It is great to see another cryptogamic will definitely need to have access to papers addressing Asian bryology have publishing venue available with a focus another publishing venue to consider. this issue. There is a paper of the Neck- on Asian taxa. I look forward to the Contact the editors Sinikka Piippo eraceae of China and a new key for ([email protected]) or Timo Southeast Asian Philonotis is provided, next issue of Acta Bryolichenologica Koponen ([email protected]) for as well as a new key for Chinese Ulota. Asiatica. specifics. This journal format and size In addition, a new species, Philonotis Jim Shevock lizangii T. J. Kop. is described and illus- resembles Annales Botanici Fennici & California Academy of Sciences Bryobrothera so it is the same size as trated. Species new for China include most bryological journals being pub- Neckera bhutanensis, N. denigricans, N. [email protected] lished today. All of the papers are writ- pusilla, Plaubelia involuta, Syntrichia ten in English. amphidiacea and Ulota perbreviseta. The concluding paper in this section P AGE 4 V OLUME 132 Moss 2011: September 11th to 16th The registration and abstract sub- to help offset costs for several The homepage for the MOSS mission deadline for MOSS 2011 individuals. Please refer to the 2011 meeting in Black Forest can will start April 1, 2011. The information under "Registration be reached homepage has been updated with and Accommodation" on the web- at: http://plantco.de/MOSS2011/ some details. site. index.html Most important, MOSS 2011 is The application deadline is March Looking forward to seeing you in offering a limited number of con- 15th. Black Forest in September! ference participation fellowships Crum Bryophyte Workshop: September 22-27 The Crum Bryophyte Workshop The field sites this year are the tats. will be held this year in Water- alvar regions of western New town, New York, on September 22 York. These limestone flats are -27, 2011. Typically about half of very interesting. We met last year If you are interested in attending, each day is spent in the field and in the alvar region of the Bruce please send a short message to Bill the rest of the day and into the eve- Peninsula and it was thought it Buck ([email protected]) and so ning at microscopes. Most partici- would be interesting for the group you will be on future mailings once pants bring their own microscopes. to see the variation in alvar habi- a hotel, etc. are decided upon. Calling all Bryologists and Lichenologists in Alberta Are you interested in being a part of Canadian Bryology? I would like to set up an interest group for peo- ple that work with or are interested in bryo- phytes and lichens.
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