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Cagan Masters 2 Anatomy +"5.)*%"-1(!' $)+16.*"("# $ Oak , Sciences Varsity 24 hours, 7 days & $ )"-2(,.&&(%2 (% AResearch Lane Medicine Stadium Grove Center 7 + Research Rodin 0")*$%)(0"&& Rogers 2 .* Creek " & Policy Hagey %1*,(!' Lot 1 & Muwekma- (& , Pediatric (CCSR) Alway Sculpture +,4%+,.&&(("#$ )$"&$("# - Apartments $ Med School Regenerative Beckman 51%*1&"("#Tah-Ruk EA Permit SJ Permit ! O"ce Bldg. Li Ka Garden Cobb Bike route to 1 1618 ! Med Center Lorry Mariposa "7 1736 1704E S-5 Shing Fairchild Bing Concert Hall, Stanford Track & PAC 10 E 7 L-18 SOM Lokey Labs under construction Athletics Angell Bud Klein Steuber Palo Alto/Bryant St. Storey - 1788 Parking Loading Center Center PlazaClubhouse 0.%"01-*$(((((("# 1 L-16 Dock Keck Science Visitor Shop Field Chuck Rugby Serra Churchill Ave. Columbae # ES Permit SO Permit & L-20 SIM1 Mudd &")4$-()* Sigma " &( Struct. 5 L-15 James H. %1*,(!' Frost Center Taylor Klein Field Stadium Owen %.-+1-"2"("# &- 1700 Chemistry Organic Grove -$&)1-(0"&&at Sunken Chi ." 1824 1742 Clark Chemistry Amphitheater Music Doyle Family0"'8.$&2("#$ Mars 41 SH Permit WE Permit Center Rehearsal Diamond $;Drell 1766 Stau!er I +"054)(2%($")* Avery +,4%+,.&&(0"&&Rugby Clubhouse ) Arrillaga Facility Aquatic Paloma Stau!er II Taube Boyd & Jill Smith Mirlo HFDIM South I N S E T 2 Many lots are signed only at the entrance. In )*1+7 Birch Old Family Center Family Stadium Alondra (8" Poplar -1%*,>)14*,("9.) Alumni 1812 Field %0( Cordura -()#+(%2 Koret )"0(0"+21-"&2(0"&&Tennis )"-*"(%.*"("# ' Automotive %2 L-17 Oak Laurel Stau!er III Chemistry Stanford 6.%+,()*"shared" lots (e.g., those posted "EA or C" ) you 5 Conservation Innovation Nora Hall Juniper Center Plaza Stadium Children's #.-$()* Gates Bldg. Arrillaga Athletics Arti!cial $9 1854 Facility Facility Support Suppes Ventura Acacia Little#eld Center Auxiliary may park with either permit designated. ( L-21 Cogen Computer Herrin Center Arrillaga Plaza Turf Field of the Library - Services 228 Hall Hall Gilbert Arrillaga Dan Elliott Stanford 1 F Environmental ESF Facility Science Biological Labs Knight Center for Family (SAL) F 5"%7(6&#2 Area Paul G. Practice Fields Community $&(+"0.-1(%$"& $/ Safety Annex Sciences The Oval Sports and Sports Ctr (CCSC) 5"%7(6&#2 Disability Parking % & Stanford Bleeker/ 31%2"-((!' Allen David Herrin 0$01%."&(!' 1 $ CommunityFacility Pine Packard Recreation L-99 Stanford & L-19 Barnes Labs Hall Jordan Hall Graduate Taube Maples 5"05")(&- Dining, )*"-81%2("# Farm #."(54$6&1Building William R. "#$%'(0"&& )$%%"()* Any State issued disability parking permit is valid ,./,()* " Quad Elect. )$%%"(0"&& Montag South Hospitality -$#"2"("# - Puichon Redwood Hewlett Serra School of Ford Pavilion Parking & 340 2 Cedar Eng. Hall & Aux. 5"%7("#$ Barnes Biology Polya Hall Hall Applied Teaching Grove Business Plaza Sand Transportation Acorn in any parking space on campus. There are DP 5 Gunn Arrillaga 79 Hall Spruce Physics Center South L-83 82 House &$&"-2("# " Greenhouses Carnegie " Center Sequoia Volleyball Gymnasium Services 78 !$)* Memorial (SIEPR) Ford spaces at most buildings. For more info, see # - Hall Credit 81 )"-2(,.&&(%2 Siebel Varsity )$" Cypress Ginzton for Nanoscale Hall Math Margaret Hall & Aud. and Weight 83 %)# Institution " Forsythe Science and Jordan Center Zambranno Bass Union ' Golf Training Center .&& 0 Hall Hall Lab Varian Corner Jacks Landau Hall( Center Room 80 maps.stanford.edu/ada)*"-81%2(("# $ #."((1%*$/" ! (% " Engineering Physics (380) (420) (460) McClatchy North 84 77 2 Economics /"&#$:()* #."(5"&14 Faculty 315 )$"%)#.&&$(%2 ( S-2 (120) Wallenberg Burnham Gunn Building 327 85 1 ) Physics and Dohrmann Building L-93 ,4&0 * 5$%%'("# * Parking Y2E2 Astrophysics (160) Pavilion Building Knight L- # Parking Lot Number Jen-Hsun Memorial History Grove West $ "),()* & G Struct. 2 $")*>!$)*("9.) 100 341 333 90 (+ 86 76 71 G " Huang 370 110 Court Corner Management 89 * 1981%2("# Moore 90 170 Art Gallery L-87 S-7 70 1 Engineering (200) Lou Henry Center 91 72 S-# Parking Structure Number & +"054)(2%( )()#+(%2 Materials 1 Faculty 61-".%().2.-/ * 10 McClelland MBA Parking Recycling , 88 " Rsrch. &10.*"(0"&& Hoover Hoover Bldg. Building 75 80 Building
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