THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SAFRANBOLU A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY SĠBEL AKPINAR KASAP IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING JANUARY 2011 Approval of the thesis: THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SAFRANBOLU submitted by Sibel AKPINAR KASAP in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of City and Regional Planning in City and Regional Planning Department, Middle East Technical University by, Prof. Dr. Canan ÖZGEN _____________________ Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Melih ERSOY _____________________ Head of Department, City and Regional Planning Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden BERKMAN _____________________ Supervisor, City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Nil UZUN _____________________ Co-Supervisor, City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Examining Committee Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap KAYASÜ _____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden BERKMAN _____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Tarık ġENGÜL _____________________ Political Science and Public Administration Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela BABALIK SUTCLIFFE _____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Assist. Prof. Dr. Ġsmail TANER _____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., Abant Izzet Baysal Uni. Date: 27.01.2011 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Sibel Akpınar Kasap Signature: iii ABSTRACT THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SAFRANBOLU Kasap, Akpınar Sibel Ph. D. Department of City and Regional Planning Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden Berkman Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Nil Uzun January 2011, 231 pages Safranbolu is among the many other tourism destinations of Turkey practicing sustainable and cultural tourism. Like many tourism centers in Turkey, it had been negatively influenced from economic fluctuations of the 1980s period. However, in spite of other tourism centers, it has not much changed and it has been well protected. The reasons for this protection can be explained that Safranbolu entered the World Heritage List in 1994, and so environmental and sustainable planning approaches are adapted to development of town. While protecting its natural and cultural resources, the town is planned and managed. As a result, it is announced as one of the well protected cities of the world. This thesis discusses development of Safranbolu within these sustainable tourism- planning approaches. It aims to explain how the town has been changed after being a tourism destination and to search positive and negative impacts of tourism. The thesis iv has four objectives; to describe tourism and tourism planning issues, to explain the evolution of tourism in Safranbolu, to search negative and positive impacts of tourism and finally to provide new recommendations on development of Safranbolu. In this respect, it explores the relations between tourism and planning, investigates cultural and spatial reflections of global tourism in the town. To determine these effects, a survey has been carried out during the summer of 2008. According to this, a sustainable and environmental tourism planning method is suggested for the town. Keywords: Safranbolu, tourism, planning, conservation, culture v ÖZ SAFRANBOLU’DA EKONOMĠK VE SOSYAL GELĠġĠMĠN ETKĠSĠ Kasap, Akpınar Sibel Doktora, ġehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Doçent Dr.Gülden Berkman Ortak Tez Yöneticisi: Doçent Dr. C. Nil Uzun Ocak 2011, 231 sayfa Safranbolu, Türkiye‘nin sürdürülebilir ve kültür turizmi uygulayan turizm destinasyonlarından biridir. Türkiye'deki birçok turizm merkezi gibi, 1980 döneminin ekonomik dalgalanmalardan olumsuz olarak etkilenmiĢtir. Ancak, diğer turizm merkezlerinin aksine, ilçe çok değiĢmemiĢ ve iyi korunmuĢtur. Bu korumanın sebepleri Safranbolu 1994 yılında Dünya Miras Listesi'ne girmesi ve böylece ilçenin geliĢiminde çevresel ve sürdürülebilir planlama yaklaĢımları uygulanması olarak açıklanabilir. Ġlçenin doğal ve kültürel kaynakları korunurken planlanmıĢ ve yönetilmiĢtir. Böylece ilçe dünyanın en iyi korunan Ģehirlerinden biri olarak ilan edilmiĢtir. Bu tez, Safranbolu‘nun geliĢimini sürdürülebilir turizm planlama yaklaĢımları içinde tartıĢır. Tezin amacı ilçenin turizm destinsyonu olduktan sonra nasıl değiĢtiğini ve turizmin negatif ve pozitif etkilerini araĢtırmaktır. Tez dört bölümden olĢmaktadır; turizm ve turizm planlama kavramlarının tanımlanması, Safranbolu'da turizmin geliĢiminin açıklanması, turizmin olumsuz ve olumlu etkilerini araĢtırılması ve nihayet vi Safranbolu‘nun geliĢimi için yeni öneriler sunulmasıdır. Bu bakımdan, tez turizm ve planlama arasındaki iliĢkileri araĢtırır, küresel turizmin ilçedeki kültürel ve mekansal yansımaları inceler. Bu etkileri belirlemek için 2008 yılı yaz döneminde bir anket yapılmıĢtır. Buna göre, ilçenin geliĢimi için sürdürülebilir ve çevreye duyarlı bir turizm planlaması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Safranbolu, turizm, planlama, koruma, kültür vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Above all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden Berkman for her guidance, encouragement and insight throughout the research. I offer sincere thanks to my co-advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. Nil Uzun and my examining committee member, for their considerations and valuable suggestions. I am also grateful to all respondents who answered my questions, provided me with much of their time and information for the case study. I also would like to thank many individuals who have helped directly or indirectly in the formation of this thesis. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iv ÖZ ..................................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. ix LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... xiii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ xvi CHAPTERS 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 2. CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OF TOURISM IN SOCIAL THEORY ......................... 8 2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 8 2.2. Tourism Development in the World ......................................................... 8 2.3. Tourism Concept ..................................................................................... 11 2.3.1. Definition of Tourism ................................................................. 11 2.3.2. Tourism, Recreation and Leisure ................................................ 23 2.3.3. Tourism and Travel ..................................................................... 28 2.4. The Historical Background of Tourism .................................................. 37 2.4.1. The Beginnings of Tourism ........................................................ 37 2.4.2. ―Grand Tour‖ Period: .................................................................. 39 2.4.3. After Industrial Revolution: ........................................................ 40 2.5. Tourism Systems and Models ................................................................. 45 2.6. Contemporary Tourism Trends and the Impacts of Tourism .................. 52 2.6.1. The Impacts of Tourism .............................................................. 54 Economic Impacts of Tourism ................................................. 60 ix Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism .................................. 62 Environmental Impacts of Tourism ......................................... 67 2.7. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 68 3. TOURISM PLANNING .............................................................................................. 70 3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 70 3.2. Tourism Planning .................................................................................... 71 3.3. The History of Tourism Planning ........................................................... 75 3.4. Contemporary Planning Approaches ...................................................... 76 3.5. Tourist Attractions and Activities ........................................................... 81 3.6. Tourism Planning Issues ......................................................................... 85 3.7. Tourism Planning in Cultural Sites ........................................................
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