Volume 26 January, 2014 Number One The Gospel Gleaner Remembers Guy Hester February 15, 1936 - December 5, 2013 Guy F. Hester Our brotherhood lost a beloved pack for the number of visitors request­ of him. He would usually say, "Not on­ preacher this past December when we ing that Guy baptize them before he ly do I like it, I want it!" That is not said "goodbye'' to Guy Hester. moved. That day, on six different occa­ intended to be a self-sen1ing compli­ sions, someone came to his house re­ ment, I assure you. That's just the way Guy \>Vas born February 15, 1936 in questing that he baptize them! Guy was. That is one example of how Vernon, Alabama. He preached for 64 he encouraged young men to preach the years. The two men who influenced Guy word. most as a gospel preacher were his fa­ His father was S.F. Hester, a great ther and Gus Nichols. Brother S.F. Hes­ When I think about Guy Hesler, I gospel preacher. His brothers - Giles, ter and Gus Nichols were dear friends. must also consider the kind providence Benny Wayne, and Johnny - each Brother Nichols helped to teach and of God. I believe God brings such peo­ preached the gospel. Johnny is the last train brother Hester. As a result, Guy ple, as Guy was to me, into our lives for of these preaching brothers, and he became acquainted with the Nichols ' a ve.ry special reason. God knows our preaches for the Shady Acres congrega­ family at a young age. Guy was also needs better than we can even imagine. tion in Sikeston, Missouri, where be has taught by brother Nichols in his Friday God knew that this young preacher labored for over twenty years. night training classes. These classes needed a man like Guy Hester in his life. Guy and Shirley helped to tram hundreds of men over the He knew that Guy was the kind of man course of forty years. >vho would take a young preacher under Guy's beloved was Shirley. They his wing, encourage him, and love him. would have been married for 61 years on Back in those days, chart sermons ·I am thankful to God for the men like December, 15. Wherever Guy went, were preached very effectively. The Guy Hester that the Lord bas brought Shirley was faithfully by his side. charts used by S.F. Hester and Gus into my life. Guy is not the only such Whatever "st.ray preacher" Guy would Nichols would also be used by their man, but he is indeed missed and only a adopt, Shirley did too. sons. In fact, the first time I heard Guy void remains where once he stood. preach, he used one of these chart ser­ Both Guy and Shirley knew the im­ mons. He was conducting a gospel When Guy would close a gospel portance of preaching the gospel and meeting for the Williams Chapel con­ meeting, he would use Paul 's words lo trained their children to realize it as well. gregation west of Murray, KY, and the the elders of Ephesus. These words To their union four children were given. sermon he preached was titled " The Five seem fitting, as I reflect upon Guy's de­ Ferrell and Tim are gospel preachers. States of Man." I continue to preach this parture. "And now, brethren, I com­ Connie and Jalema are married to gospel sermon today. mend you to God, and to the word of his preachers - Larry Montgome.ry and Jay grace, which is able to build you up, and Tidwell. His grandson, Guyton Mont­ As a Friend to give you an inheritance among all gome.ry is also a gospel preacher. them which are sanctified" (Acts 20:32) The experience of hearing Guy As a Preacher preach led to a great friendship. He was )1.ntfy 'E,nvin Guy preached in Alabama, Arkansas, actually more like a father than a friend Indiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. He tome. even spent the coldest winter of bis life When my father slipped from the preaching in Iowa, before he moved surly bonds of this world, Guy was there back to a warmer climate. to comfort me and helped to conduct his Guy did foreign and domestic mis­ funeral. Guy could hardly speak for the sion work, and helped to found and di­ tears he cried. Guy was a veteran of the rect the Vreed-en-Hoop School of the Korean War, and my father was a veter­ Bible in Guyana, South America. an of the Vietnam War. Late in my fa­ ther's life he began to struggle \Vith his He preached for such congregations personal memories of that war, and Guy as Garfield Heights in Indianapolis, would call him, listen to him, and com­ Southaven in Southaven, MS, Ripley, fort him as one old soldier to another, TN, Ripley, MS, and Parsons, TN. and more importantly, as one brother in While in Ripley, MS, Guy taught a Christ to another. "preacher training" class which helped to produce several gospel preachers, Many times I would call Guy with deacons, and elders. When moving from questions, or to seek advice. Sometimes this place, he could not help bis family I would call him to bounce a sermon off The GOSPEL GLEANER INSIDE THIS ISSUE Volume 26 / Num bel' One January, 2014 2 EDITORIAL Guy F. Hesler ..'A. J\ltontfi(y PuMication for .Jl{[ Tfiose Andy Erwin Yvfio Lave tfie Lord, .Jfis 'Word, ana .Jfis Cfiurcfi 4 Guy Hester Was a "Preacher's Preacher" John T. Polk II Staff Writers 5 A Tribute to Guy Hester SLephen R. Bradd Bill Brandstatter Ernest Underwood Ronald D. Bryant Gerald Cowan Raymond Elliott M.W. Kiser 6 Remembering My Daddy James R. Lewis James R. McGill Ferrell Hester Grady Miller Owen D. Olbricht John T. Polk, II Travis Querte rmous 7 Guy Hester, A Special Kind of Prea cher Andy Robison Michael Shank Jay Tidwell Roger Shepherd Ron Thomas 7 Memories of My Daddy and Things He Taught Me Ernest U11derwood Robert L Waggoner JaJema Tidwell Editor 8 A Tribute to Guy Hester Andy Erwin Robert R. Taylor, Jr. The Gospel Gleaner is published monthly by tbe 8 Remembering Guy F. Hester Gospel. Gleaner Company. It is dedicated to the Johnny Hester restoration and preservation of New Testament Christianity. 9 "I Tell You One Thing, I'll Never Marry a Preacher!" Connie Jo Hester Montgomery Subscription rates begin at $10.00 per year for individuals. Bm1dles are also available upon 12 Remembrances of My Dad - Guy Hester request. Tim Hester Correspondences. news and notes, and article 13 A Tribute to a Friend considerations can be sent electronically to M.W. Kiser andycm·in agospe l gleaner.com. Gospel Gleaner Publications resen-es the ri ght of discretion in deciding which correspondences, news, and arti­ 14 How Many Brethren Does It Take to Change a Light bulb? cles to publish. Guy Hester Gospel Gleaner Publications 14 The Great Tragedy of Being Lost 3778 CR 33 Guy Hester Ki.lien, AL 35645 www.gospelgleaner.com Die Gospel Gleciner 4 J anuanJ, 2014 Guy Bester Was a "Preacher's Preacher" Jolm T. Polk II Guy Hester truly was a "preacher's preacher," for not only ways knew his home was wherever hi s devoted wife, Shirley, did he "preach the word" (2 Timothy 4:2), but he was an inte­ was living. She was his wife, mother of his children, loving gral part of a preaching family. His Dad, brothers, sons, and companion, friend, supporter, and nurse. sons-in-law are all Gospel Preachers. Like Isaac of old (He­ He was a ·'preacher's preacher" for 64 years, havi ng been brews I I :20), Guy devoted his life to passing on God's Plan to influenced by the best of the previous generation and respect­ save men through Jesus Christ to everyone who would hear. ed hy the present generation of Gospel Preachers. Li ke Abel's Guy was like Onesimus, "a faithful. and beloved brother" sacrifice of old through his sermons, Guy, "being dead still (Colossians 4:9), both physically and spiritually. speaks" (Hebrews I I :4). Guy was never at a loss for simple, effective and powerful ..For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of preaching that edified churches of Christ everywhere. He, like love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have a Solomon, "sought to find acceptable words; and what was ministered to the saints, and do nlinistt:r" (Ht:brews 6: 10). written was upright-words of truth" (Ecclesiastes 12: 10). "Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, Write: "Blessed arc the dead who die in the Lord from now 011. " ' He \Vas a "preacher's preacher," a modd for generations to 'Ycs ,' says the Spirit, ' that they may rest from their labors, come because he was always prepared, properly dressed, and their works follow them'" (Revelation 14: 13). pleasantly focused, and deeply appreciative of every oppor­ tunity he was given to "Preach the Word." In the hand of God Almighty, rest on, Brother. He was a "preacher's preacher" who knew that though this world is a temporary home (2 Corinthians 4: 17-18), from his ******* r-········-·················-···-··-··············--·····.. ·-····· ··-·················-·······-·······-············-···········-···················· ·1 beginning preaching in 1950, taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the United States to Guyana, South America, he al- NHe Will be Missed" The day I learned of t he death of Guy Hester S.F. Hester and Guy Hester was a sad moment for me.
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