, S e p t . 2 3 . Last D ay To Register For General Election A Panorama * COVEIUING Of Local TOWNSHIPS OF HO LM D EL MADISON People And iU R U JO R O , MATAWAN AND Events r MAI Aft AN BOROUGH kdomtxTi Member 97th YEAR — 13th WEEK Ifav Jtnmj Preu AModatlM M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1965 National E«!itoriai AaaociaUoa Single Copy Ten Cenh ,Connor Wants School Proposed Library Shown To Public Committee Allows Buses Off Broad St. | Police Referendum Councilman Geoigu"W." Co»uur, The Matawun Township Conuni'- ; ior themselves and their families, chairman of the police committee tee Mcauijy ai^nt autnorved a non ! Mayor Hoary Traphagvn nofed the Reevvs W ithdraws ol the Matawnn Borough Council, binding »derendunt al the Nov. 2 j comm..:ec authorized the referen- sp eared before tho Matawan Re- Matawan Tax Collector Clif­ ciec'ia:: if po* * dum vnthout commen!, pro or con. giunitl Board of Education Monday ford R em 's, target uf an ottnck iice should be granted additional) A total of 27 bu> .\tops were au- Id Inquire why Ulerc was delay in last week by Councilman Leon hejlih insurance benefits and pjtd j thonzed on LUiyd Rd.. extending Carrying out an understanding be- Christiimt over delayed financial holuLiy*. Meinber-i of tiie police de trom the Marlixuo Township to (ween Robert Hardie, principal of reports tu council, this week tu- partrneaS subrniiksi petitions sign (Ik* Keyport borough lines. Ihoro (vlaUwan Elementary School and nounced h« is withdrawing as a ed by --<Si residents flsktn/; for the are U located on the south side of Chief John J . Meina, borough po­ Republican candidate for election (vffretKium. the street and H on the north side. lice, to end th' loading of school lo the collector’s post in Novem­ The police want the police code Township Hall Cited buses on Broad St. near tile school, ber. to grunt {x''!iee tl paid hoIi<i:tys*, Cymmituvman Daniel Downey thereby relieving congestion. Mr, Reeves was appointed col­ iuiiv-p.iid pension benefits and ful­ rcpvtrted recommendations of tlw Mr. Connor observed the bar- lector in April and has been in ly paid medical nnd surgical plan? board of nre commissioners are be­ .^tugh council had gone ahead with ill health this summer. In his ing carried out in the township ,rph»ngiiii{ the direction of one-way letter to the Republican county hall. A recent inspection resulted traffic between Main St. and Broad executive committee, Mr. Reeves ic uh imit...-'nations for ths remov­ St. on both South St. and Church said "various personal matters” Lewis Files al of wjave>. pasnts and gasoline, St to further this arrang-.nvnt, resulted in hU decision lo with t’eat.mre uf pasjsijieways, clearly yet with the opening of a n e u’ draw. Al press time, thr- county marked e.xit^ and the proper in* school year tho buses are still load­ committee, had made no decision 1 rrest Suit stallaiion of fire extinguishers. ing and unloading at the old stand. who should replace Mr. Reeves The committee accepted the rvs- Luther A. Foslt:-. superintendent, on the GOP slate. Seeks Jury Trial, ignat .>o of Mrs. Fthei Boyle as a felt this might hava been one of Lnst week, Mr. Chriv'inat, member of ths; Shade Tree Com­ Punitive Damagos tiie items eliminated trom Mr Democratic candidate (or mayor, mission and atiimied tid’.vard Hardie*s budget for the Elemen­ complained Mr. Reeves had fail- Ksufmar as W s»n^ss/>r. Also I ’laud'.* i flu ? tary Stiiuol iu liiu iumi to : cd la til. uue.\pi.nJcu buJ^.t 21 I'.vhiii Dr.. iieet*pt>‘d wai tiu* resignation of Strviinv*n\ h.tN keep dov.it the IM j Wj budget last! statem si., i.. courted. Ho *<id ' Mrs M *n!vjj Caulfield as deputy C<«ui i suit December, but Kdward Scullion, I when lie examined financial rec* ; towr.'h'p eh*iU, etS»‘C.Uvi‘ Sept. JU. board secretary, confirmed it had j ords Aug. 31, la< receipts were >hip i'Ui iwii «»! .;«*• ; S;>*. )»• K'piaceu bv M.s Con- !’••*• d*-}’ :; .. -,i j,;vy not hue;,. that bids were sought accountable up through Aug. 1 I’' . : ; v . h o "•'•i'- for in the spring but had to he reject­ and appropriations accountable truil and ji-.mstive ilama^c*, fu. his ' the ha'aru'e of [he year, ed because they canie in far in ex­ onlv through June 8. .MtvV M av ; Ihe miv.mituxj a No received a cess oi the budget figure allotted On Juts* 1-), A' ! M.i ' letifi' lr\»m the Recreation Com* (ot the work. Arehitect Nobotu Kohuyashl, Red Bank, (left) describes his render* j board ol trustees of the Matawan Free Public Libr try. The plans lui Kalpa S llvu>i-r j r . cle.ovd M;. !iu.s,i-»n mSiimisu; the commiKee lug of the proposed $388,836 lihruiy bultdinj}, planned for construction the new library were disclosed at a meeting of iho trustees T uomI ; that to provjiK* aiklt* Explains Agreement i-v*.v;> >»ri a di.>-i; dc; ly New Zoning in Terhune Park, Matawan, to Mrs. ttumubits CurU-r, president of the { ‘ il.’* *■ t‘‘‘‘ in \'t t«> hunil funds endangered the land* " ' Mr. Scullion explained that in the i seapin;; o» siti**; und a^kod tor a agreement Mr. Hardie made with !’ ;iVf ;;i.t'ii alarm lo Mrs Aim Da - chine hy jseenun.n to be U»;ti-iui^ m r'Teahstic” u|»propriation in the fut* policc, Uie north parking lot, tulju- Name Ins/ifclor I t e g is t i'r \<iir tlv* drirkne^s in tin* atea of the . ;rrtv Mr Trnph:t^'‘n said $22,000, cent to the Elementary School on Plans Eyed Library Board Seeks 'tlus >e.t> appropriation, ii ‘‘fairly the south side, would be converted The Mutawan Township Board Today is the final day fur reg­ Datdnne reMilem*-* at 1.* Uyhui i)r r to a loading and unloading zone for of lleuith Friday ni^ht named istration tor the Nuvernbet tien- May !♦.*. M.e.iAan '1 o;\;ismp i*o:re Th t Malawan Planning Hoard Jepantnem procedures in making Ng Capital Budget Khool buses arriving through l.co Waivers, Fiorence Ave., erul Flection. Imporlant state, Monday night approved and for­ Raritan Township, to the new jT ie ils t>.vanu* one issue in tli^ i Mr, Tr ;*ha^n announced that South St. and pulling in off Broad warded to Ihe Borough Council for Terhune Park Site county and municipal po'd* nil) j Din.-tor of Una! Government post of plumbing inspector, be Cdle<l this year and you ntusl case. Bt. to the hardloppcd loading zone. final adoption an ordinance remn- The board of Trustees of the Tho p:esent lib rae on Main St From iho loading zone, :hc buses The appointment will be effective Matawan Free Public Library, is considered ;/iade<iuate io meet bo registered In order tu fake Kavmmid D. Drown. Jerscv t n v ,! ing 40 acres in the Freneau section after final adoption ol au ordi­ defense counsel, argued at the ,w t .|‘ h» '.,he nut plan lo would exit by way of a hardtopped of the borough from residential to which serves hoth the borough and the growing ih'ttunds o( iesule;i* i part in the general election. projtvt a capital budget for 1965 nance creating the post Oct. 11. >et there was ih) occasion for brin^-j driveway around the athletic field to'vnship, Tuesday night fecont* The present library on Main St- New residents and thuse who ?K.Taisse of Uie change in the form tight industrial. A public heating is Mr. Waivers agreed lhat neither ui)' the ca*« l«i h as tin- .sta-] si the Elementary School to tl/i scheduled Tuesday hy council. rnend'.-d eon sl ruction o? a S3SR.836 contains 800 stjuare and h;ts have changed their addresses of go\en;ment which j;oes into ef- he nor Ids firm wnuld perform tote not».*d in ihe complaint by Fa-j rast and come out on the south side library building in Terhune Park, S500 volumes, stuna of which have aie required to register again fvcl Jan. I. The proposed includes the re­ plumbing work In the township. Itultnan t U'fortl Martin jr., Io a:i -| »t Church St. east of the Memorial Matawan. been placed in school cla^M'ooms. either with their municipal clerk Muulert ik>nncma, a hpectuior, zoning ol the tract bounded by Mayor Henry K . Traphagen, ship police, called for a defendant t (Chflo). The 17,850 square foot, one-story, If constructed, it ostmuted or at the Monmouth County observ^l lu* had seen only three Frenca’,1 Ave., the Freehold Hnd board president, said the inspec* No explanation was offered for I>| ick ihiiuliiit; UuolJ 1« located in the new Idmtiy would have be Board of FJectiuns, at the Hall of to lv ■ • tre e in g - fo r the . n i r ^ e ; , ^ , Citizenship Atlantic Highlands Kailroad, lirav- tor was selected in advance of p*y. the delay in rebidding the Job after Uie park oppisite the Grammar Iween 2j.D0i) .ind JO.OoJ bv Record*, Freehold. of sttrrej>!iti-Ri»!y oi snKik.-y i r ,^ JV • m ely Brook and the rear boundaries the post to enable him to pre­ V-toumt* iu!.< f lit u. niiVtvL’ nf A nr:.
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