2(1 MANnIKSTKR IlERARO. Thiirsdiiy, M.iLiJl MANCHESTER FOCUS CONNEC’nCUT WEATHER Town prepares offer Robert J. Lurtsema Witnesses dispute More clouds tonight; CALDOR to buy a shelter site in Hartford Sunday paving allegations no change Saturday ... page 2 CIRCULAR ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 2 SALE Continues Throuqh Saturdayda • NOW THRU SATURDAY Mrralb LOFTS Pre-Emergence LOFTS Backyard Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Friday, March 29, 1985 — Single copy: 254^ Crabgrass Preventer Grass Seed Mixture 3 LB. BAQ 2,500 Sq. Ft. Coverage /[ Q O 'O u r Reg. 3 .9 9 .......................... Our Reg. 5 .4 9 ............................* + . 0 0 2.66 Fast germinating; good for hlgh-lraffic areas. Helps control crabgrass before it germinates! 1 ______________ . ... Slowdown forces Multi-Circuits layoffs LOFTS Kentucky Bluegrass ^ LOFTS 2-ln-1 Lawn Food Seed Mixture tions” were available immeDiately areas of Manchester. New offices Plus Crabgrass Preventer by “ weak business” in the compu­ corDing to two employees who those who knew several of the By Sarah Passell at the StafforD company. were built on ADams Street and SPARTUS Digital Travel Alarm 3 LB. BAG ter market. receiveD notices. The rest of the processes would be the first calleD AFTER 5»000 Sq. Ft. Coverage and Susan Vaughn Gutin said that Multi-Circuits property on Sheldon RoaD was Our Reg. 4.99 ............ 3 .7 7 "The market has not grown as furlougheD employees were being back to work. She has workeD at Caldor Reg. Price.» .............12.99 REBATE Our Reg. 13.99 ............ Herald Reporters sold The Zoning BoarD of Appeals 9.97 Fast germinating for a lush, green, healthy lawn. informeD toDay. Gutin said, the plant for six months. was trying to help the laid-off Caldor Sale Price ............ 7.99 m quickly as expecteD,” Gulin said. has approveD plans for a steam M(r. Mail-in Rebate.................3.00* < 1 . 9 9 DeNicolo DeclineD comment on employees find work in the Staf­ "Weak business" is the com­ He DeclineD to name companies boiler at the main manufacturing wxio which Multi-Circuits contracts BOTH SALARIED anD hourly the action, anD referreD calls to forD plant. " I f businesspicksup we Reliable quartz movements; handy snooze alarm. IIYEBmS pany’s reason for layoffs ThursDay plant on Harrison Street. LOFTS Lawn Food LOFTS Mixed Ryegrass with, but one employee inter­ workers receiveD layoff notices, Tyco's New Hampshire will have to rehire" in the * See clerk for deiailk. U19 and toDay of one-third of the work Neighbors of the plant, which is vieweD at the Harrison Street plant Gutin said He said he was not sure heaDquarters. Manchester plant, he said. 15,000 Sq. Ft. Coverage Seed force at the main manufacturing in a resiDential area, objecteD to plant of Multi-Circuits Inc., Man­ ThursDay said a slowDown at Wang of the breakDown of each group, A letter DistributeD to laid-off Our Reg. 18.99 ................ 14.77 25 LB. BAG MULTI-CIRCUITS "Definitely" that aDDition as well as several I' chester’s largest private Laboratories in Massachusetts but that employees in all phases of workers ThursDay from plant • 10,000 Sq. Ft., Reg. 13.99 . Our Reg. 19.99 ................ 15.77 General Manager Vincent Gatlo plans to stay in Manchester, Gulin others in the past. The town’s 10.66 employer. was one of the chief reasons for the the manufacturing process were Economical mix grows last to cover bare areas. said. “ We have a large investment former Park Department garage, SAVE •5,000 Sq. Ft., Reg. 7.49.... 5.77 Irving Gutin, vice president of cutback at Multi-Circuits. Wang is affecteD. suggesteD they contact North in Manchester. We have no prob­ sold to Multi-Circuits last summer, parent Tyco Laboratories of New a major manufacturer of One employee who receiveD her American PrinteD Circuits in 3 0 % lem with the work force and the may be the site of another aDDition, Hampshire, confirmeD toDay that computers. layoff notice ThursDay and asked StafforD, another Tyco plant. people, " he said. an office builDing, accorDing to 130 of 475 manufacturing em­ About 22 workers from the first not to be iDentifieD said the layoffs Gatto was out of town until ORTHO Pruning Seal M i / £ For the past year, the company, RaymonD Toman, facilities man­ 'OmM ployees were being furlougheD. shift were informeD they were were not baseD on seniority, but on MonDay, accorDing to Multi­ sold to Tyco in February 1984, has ager for Tyco. Thermal Coffee PnamgSaai with Applicator Multi-Circuits makes printeD cir­ . being laid off in a meeting early "who could be useD in most areas” circuits switchboarD operator. been consolidating its facilities, OiAr Reg. 4.29 3 . 4 7 cuit boarDs for computers, anD ThursDay afternoon by Personnel of the manufacturing process. She Gatto's letter said "a number of Brewer and temporary anD full-time posi­ which were locateD in several Please turn to page 10 Server Dressing helps heal pruning cuts, abra­ Gutin said the layoffs were caused Manager RicharD DeNicolo. ac­ said the employees were told that sions and wounds on frees and shru bbery. ■•ORTHO Pruning Seal Aerosol Our Reg. 9.99 ^ 6.99 foow i ^ 5 02., Reg. 2 .3 9 ........ ...............1 . 8 8 Makes delicious coffee; keeps it hot for hours. ■Otmto VOICK Oil Serai ORTHO Voick Oil Spray 20% OFF Self-Watering Plant Tray r Pint, Our Reg. 3.79 ..................... 2.88 TRUE TEMPER Garden Tools with 20 2 V2" Pots Use in dormant season to control mites, mealy bugs, insects on fruit/shade trees. substitute Our Reg. 1.6 9 ................................... 6 .9 7 ... 7.97 SS.M •Tray with 32 2 V i' Pots, Reg 2.99 ALL ORTHO LAWN & GARDEN BOOKS 20<tti OFF Choose shovel, bow rake, cultivator, more. planned L. SAVE OVER 955 NEW HAVEN (U PI) - A new 1-1 Drug which is non-aDDictive anD CHAR^BROIL Ranch do^s not create unpleasant with­ Cart Twin Burner Drawal symptoms may replace Gas Grill valium in treatment of anxiety Sheared Terry — DisorDers, researchers said. The new drug, Buspar, known Kitchen Ensembles ^ 1 4 4 Reg. 199.99 chemically as buspirone, is non- K itch en T o w e l, Reg. 2.19. 1.66 Easy-clean porcelainized EMPTY aDDictive. said Dr. Wayne GooD­ •Pot Holder, Reg. 1 .7 9 .................................■.1.36 .ww GERING 5/8" x 100 Ft. g ri^ and handy swing-out 20-L B . man, of the Connecticut Mental •Dishcloth, Reg. 1.79......................... 1.36 warm-rack. Has heat Indicator, LP T A N K Health Center, part of Yale Uni­ Belted Radial Hose versity meDical school. Choose from 'Herbal Tea’ or ‘Wheat’ designs. 3 redwood shelves, cast & G A U G E Our albminum construction INCLUDED “ DepenDence does not Develop Reg. 23.99 ------ 16.40 CYCLONE 20" Spreader so there is no withDrawal Discom­ fort. It can be abruptly Discon­ •Fashion Print Vinyl Tablecloths Full-How solid brass couplings. Our •DEVIL DIAMOND Gas tinued whereas with Valium, if R e g . 2 9 .9 9 .............. Reg. 3.29 to 5.99................... 2.66 to 4.46 •GERING S«*x60 Ft. Belted „ GrUI Replacement taken long enough, most people Briquets, Reg. 11.44 . 8 . 6 6 •52x52" *52x70" *52x90" or 60' Round Radial Hose, Reg. 13.99 ----- 9.70 75-lb. capacity; easy-nXIlWlI suffer some withDrawal symp­ wiiiiiiiifii a toms," he said. GooDman is an associate of Dr. Dennis S. Charney, who is super­ vising the Buspar tests. GooDman Herald pnoto oy Tarquinio said it has been testeD elsewhere HUFFY but Yale’s examination is the first BICYCLES systematic study of the drug. Help at crash scene ALL RECOFtt^ ^ Unlike Valium, buspirone is "not a seDative," Charney said. “ It does Town of Manchester paramedics and firefighters treat a victim of a man, was treated tor minor injuries at Manchester Memorial Hospital as CASSETTES not give you a high. It Does not two-vehicle accident at about noon Thursday on East Middle Turnpike was his female passenger. Police charged the motorcyclist; details in THESE ARTISTS interact with alcohol. It Does not near Vernon Street. The driver of the car, Elizabeth Beninato of Bozrah, police roundup on page 10. appear to Develop tolerance. And center, was not injured. The operator of the motorcycle, a Rockville CLAIROL ‘Custom Care’ •Santana •Accept *Ma«idrtna . - ? upon Discontinuation, you Do not have withDrawal symptoms." Curling iron or Curling Brush •Bruce Springsteen •FHnce ‘2 Anxiety DisorDers affect an AFTER KEYSTONE 1030 Disc Boy’s ‘Thundarbird* or Glii’d ‘dweet Thunder’ •Pointer Sisters •Cymll Lsuper estimateD 15 percent of the popula­ Caldor Reg.......................13.99 REBATE Everfiash Camera Hl-Lo First Trikes by HUFFY > •Hail & Oates *Ouran fiiuran . ^ tion. Researchers saiD clinical Weinberg not as optimistic about U.S. funds Caldor Sale .....................10.76 “T T fiS testing of buspar may help unlock Mfr. Rebate....................3.00* im / O Our Omtt .................................... Unique ’hMo' frame converts '. ’k some of the causes of anxiety. R e g . 2 4 .9 4 ........ (Caktor S(Me. ......26.66 Mayor Barbara Weinberg re­ Danger even for the immeDiate from a Connecticut First District improvement expenDitures for the that if revenue sharing is to be Each with dual voltage and cool tip. #C500/CB5 19.40 from a tricycle to a tow slung SANTANA About a thirD of those being With built-in electronic flash and Mfr. Rctwie. ........5.00* BEYOND turned from a weekenD conference future. town at the Boston meeting coming year be postponed until the eliminateD, it will be phaseD out 'S « e clerk for details. rider. Safety tested tough. Fun testeD at the Yale clinic suffer built-in normal & close-up lenses APPEARANCES of New EnglanD mayors in Boston She saiD that as an outcome of Five other members of the end of the year when the exact and not terminateD abruptly.
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