DOCDPENT RESUME ED 048 316 24 TE 499 838 AUTHOR Colwell, Pichard TTTLE An Approach to Aesthetic Education, Vol. 2. Final Report. INSTITUTION Illinois Univ., Urbana, Coll. of Education. SPCNS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.0 Bureau of Research. 'aUREAU NO BR-6-1279 PUB DATE Sep 70 CONTRACT OEC-3-6-061279-1609 NOTE 680p. EERS PRICE FDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC$23.03 DESCRIPTORS *Architecture, *Art Education, *Cultural Enrichment, *Dance, Film Study, Inst,.uctional Materials, Lesson Plans, Literature, Music Education, Non Western Civilization, *Teaching Techniques, Theater Arts, Western Civilization ABSTRACT Volume 2(See also TE 499 637.) of this aesthetic education project contains the remiinirig 11 of 17 report appendicestwo cn Western art, two on architect ire, and one each on Nonwestern art, Nonwestern music, dance, theatre, ana a blif outline on film and literature--offering curriculum materials and sample lesson plans.The. last two appendices provide miscellaneous informatics (e.g., musi,:al topics not likely to be discussed with this exemplar approach) and a "uorking bibliography." (MF) FINACVPORT Contract Number OEC3,6-061279-1609 AN APPROACH TO AESTHETIC EDUCATION VOLUME II September 1970 el 111Q1 7). ,f; r ri U.S. DepartmentDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfore Office of Education COLLEGE OF EDUCATION rIVERSITY 01. ILLINOIS Urbana - Champaign Campus 1 U S DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION A WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMikl HAS REIN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE POISON OP OOGANITATION ORIOINATIOLS IT POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. AN APPROACH TO AESTHETIC EDUCATION Contract Number OEC 3-6-061279-1609 Richard Colwell, Project Director The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract with the Offices of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Con- tractors undertaking such projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgment in the conduct of the project. Points of view or opinions stated do nct, tnerefore, necessarily represent official Office of Education position or policy. University of Illinois College of. Education Urbana-Champaign Campus Urbana, Illinois 61801 September 1970 BEST COPYAVAILABLF 6) TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1 (Introduction) 1-1--1-9 (Problem) I-1 Rationale I-5 Objectives I-7 Chapter 2, Recent Curriculum Developments in American Education 11-1--11-8 Science II-1 Mathematics II-1 Social Studies 11-2 Language (English) 11-3 Fore!gn Languages 11-4 Physical Education 11-5 The Arts. 11-5 Summary 11-6 Chapte: 3, Related Literature 111-1-111-20 The JDR 3rd Fund III-1 CEMREL 111-6 Educational Research Council of America 111-8 New York State Department of Education 111-14 Leon Karel 111-14 Chapter 4, The Contributions of Harry Broudy to Aesthetic Education IV1--IV-15 (Discussion) IV-1 Chronology of Writings by Harry S. Broody 1V-4 Chapter 5, An Exemplar Approach to Aesthetic Education....V-1--V-44 (Discussion) V-1 The Uses of Learning as a Key to Curriculum Planning in Aesthetic Education V-3 Justifying Aesthetic Education V-9 The Structure of Aesthetic Knowing V-21 Teaching an Exemplar Approach to Aesthetic Education V-34 Chapter 6, The Exemplar Approach in a Wider Context VI-1--V1-23 Foundations VI-1 Educational Theory V1-5 Objectives Approaches to Aesthetic Education V1-13 Chapter 7, Evaluoticn (Discussion) VII-1 Evaloational Model VII-2 Generative Phase V11-3 2 Developmental Phase VII-4 Summative Phase VII-6 Approaches to Aesthetic Education and Their Produt-Evaluational Implications VII- 12 The Evaluation of Cognitive Objectives VII-14 Evaluation in the Affective Domain VII-16 Measurement in the Affective Domain VII-18 The Evaluation of Psychomotor VII-20 Evaluative Techniques Used in the Project VII21 Description of Teaching Se,;sicns VII22 Conclusions and Recommendations (from Teaching Sessions) VII-30 Chapter 8 (Some Aspects of the Early Stages of the Project) VII/-1--VIII-92 This cl-/!ter hes a page 37a. (Confc,.ence) VIII-1 Initial Teaching and Evaluation VIII-9 Draft. Working Paper No. 1 VIII-11 Draft Working Paper No. 2 VIII-18 Reactions to Draft Working Papers Nos.1 and 2 VIII-26 Draft Working Paper No. 3 VIII-30 Sample Additional Projects VI1I-3S Paper Explaining Further Some Ideas of Professor Harry S. Broudy VIII-35 (Further Trial Projects) VIII-37 The Eight-Year Allied Arts Program VIII-38 Outline of a Music Curriculum in an Eight-Year Allied Arts Program V111-48 Art in Our Daily Lives:Outline of a Survey Course in the Arts, Based on a Cultural-Environmental Approach VIII-54 The Human and How He Expresses Himself Through Art ...VIII57 A Tentative Guide for Designing Instructional Units for Aesthetic Education VIII-60 (Further Thoughts) VIII-63 Outline of General Aesthetic Principles Common to All the Arts VIII-64 First-Year Trial Projects V111-72 Appendix A, Music Exemplar (Pergolesi) A-1--A-64 (Liscus:Aon) A-1 3 Lesson Plan No. 1 A-24 Lesson Plan No. 2 A-27 Lesson Plan No.3 A-34 Lesson Plan No.4 A-45 Lesson Plan No.5 A-54 Lesson Plan No.6 A-57 Music A-61 Appendix B, Music Exemplar (Ravel) B-1--B-68 (Discussion) B-1 Lesson Plan No. 1 B-27 Lesson Plan No. 2 B-30 Lesson Plan No.3 B-35 Lesson Plan No.4 Lesson Plan No.5 8-59 Lesson Plan No.6 B-62 Music B-65 Appendix C, Music Exemplar (Byrd) C-1--C-52 This appendix has two pages numbered 37 (Discussion) C-1 Lesson Plan No. I C-18 Lesson Plan No. 2 C-21 Lesson Plan No. 3 C-27 Lesson Plan No. 4 C-37(1) Lesson Flan No. 5 C-44 Lesson Plan No. 6 C-47 Music C-49 Appendix D, Music Exemplars D-1--D-58 Mozart D-1 Music D-20 Hindemith D-24 Music D-41 Chopin D-47 Music D-58 Appendix E, Music Materials E-1--E-138 Elements Approach: Outline E-1 dements Approach: Basic Concepts (Outline, a-i; Registration; Amount of Sound; Dynamics; Timbre) E-16 Sample Lesson Plan (Qualities of Sound, Timbre) E-31 Sample Lesf.oli Plan (Qualities of Movement) E-38 (Another outline of the lessons proposed appears on p. E-S8.) Sample Lesson Plan (Qualities of Movement, Slow Pace) E-51 Sample Lesson Plan (Qoalities of Movement, Fast Pace) E-57 4 Sample Lesson Plan (Arrival) E-64 Sample Exemplar List (Music) E-83 Brief Exemplar Analyses (Various Periods) E-86 Special Lesson Plan (Singing Styl,) E-96 Special Lesson Plan (Instruments) E-110 Special Lesson Plan (Notation) E-126 Appendix F. Art Exemplars F-i--F-82 This appendix has pages numbered lla, 22a, 32a, and 49a. Paintings F-1--F-iii Da Vinci F-1 Painting F-11 Hofmann F-11a Painting F-22 Brvegel F-22a Painting F-32 Rubens F-32a Painting F-49 Chagall F-49a Painting F-62 Picasso F-63 Sculpture Exemplar (Donatello)... F-79 Appendix G, Art Material (A Visual Arts Course for Sixth Grade) G-1--G-122 Preface G-i Brief Outline G-iii Sample List of Slides Needed G-iv (Introduction) G-1 Unit 1: Creative Vision G-4 Unit II: Reality in Art G-60 Unit III: The Art Object G-75 Unit 1V: The Artist G-92 Unit V: The Viewer as Connoisseur and Critic G-94 Appendix H, Art Material H-1--H-66 A Suggested Approach to Aesthetic Education Based upon Painting....H-1 Experimental Project in Art- - Contemporary Exemplars H-2 Experimental Project in Art--The School of Athens, Raphael ... H-3 Student Responses to Tests la and lb from Subfreshmen (Grades 7-8 Combined) H-4 A Guide of Ideas for Considering a Painting H-14 Proposed List of Art Exemplars H-16 Later List of Art Exemplars H-19 U 5 Concepts to be Mastered in an Exemplar Approach to the Visual Arts H-22 A Brief History of Oriental Art H-33 Student Evaluations of Sumi-e Lcssons H -37 Fine Arts Assignment H-39 (Seven Student. Responses, Detailed Discussions) H-40 Appendix I, Architecture Materials 11--I-79 Architecture: Introductory and Explanatory Discussion I-1 Initial Architecture Outline 1-5 Outline of an Architecture Course I-7 Outline for Environmental Game "Create a City" 1-8 Sample Projects and Block Exercises 1-12 Student Evaluations of Block Exercises I-16 An Architectural Excursion 1-20 Evaluations of the Architecture of McDona]d's Drive-In 1-22 Function in Architecture 1-25 Unity in Architecture 1-41 Architecture Slide Lists 1-56 Urban Renewal: The City of Urbana I-71 Appendix J, Architecture Material J-1--J-33 Curriculum Plans J-1 Lesson Outline J-3 Space Sequence, Lesson One J-4 Space Sequence, Lesson Two J-10 Space Sequence, Lesson Three J -13 Composition J-I8 Scale J-I9 Scale: Lesson One J-I9 Scale: Lesson Two J-24 Scale: Lest-on Three J-28 Appendix K, Nonwestern Art: Sumi-E K-i--K-163 Outline K-i Preface K-ii Chapter I: The Philosophy and Composition of Oriental Art K-1 Chapter II: Giving Life to Lines and Empty Space K-44 Chapter III: Lesson Plans K-69 Summary' ....K-163 Appendix L, Nonwestern Music: Questionnaire and Results..L-ii--L-54 Que naire i-iii--L-vii 6 Questionnaire Results L-1 Supplement L-51 Appendix M, Dance Sensory Approach to the Aesthetic Study of the Arts M1 Dance and Aesthetic Education M-2 Eight Class Experimental Lessons in Dance.
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