UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ FACULTY OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Journal for Scientists and Engineers SAFETY ENGINEERING Naučno stručni časopis INŽENJERSTVO ZAŠTITE Vol. 3. No3 (2013) Niš, October 2013 Scientific Journal SAFETY ENGINEERING Naučni časopis INŽINJERSTVO ZAŠTITE (OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL ‐ www.safety.ni.ac.rs) Izdavač / Publisher Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu / Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš Glavni urednik / Editor‐in‐Chief Dejan Krstić Urednici / Editors Ivan Krstić Srđan Glišović Vesna Nikolić Redakcijski odbor / Editorial Board (in alphabetical order) Andres Carrnion Garcia, Technical University of Valencia, Spain Boris Đinđić, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia Branislav Anđelković, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Dejan Petković, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Đordje Ćosić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Studies, Serbia Dragan Mitić, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Dragan Mlađan, The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Serbia Dusan Sakulski, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, DiMTEC, Bloemfontein, South Africa Dušan Sokolović, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia Goran Ristić, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia Ivana Banković Ilić, University of Niš, Faculty of Technology in Leskovac, Serbia Joseph Aronov, VNIIS Mosow, Russia Jovica Jovanović, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia Katarína Senderská, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovakia Kemal Nuri Özerkan, University of Istanbul, School of Physical Education Sports Ljiljana Živković, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Ljubiša Papić, University of Kragujevac, Technical Faculty Čačak, Serbia Miloš Jelić, Institute Kirilo Savić, Serbia Miomir Stanković, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Mirjana Vidanović, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Mirko Marič, University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia Nevenka Kopjar, University of Zagreb, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Croatia Nenad Živković, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Nenad Cvetković, University of Niš, Faculty of cElectroni Engineering, Serbia Noam Lior, University of Pennsylvania, USA Predrag Petrović, Institute Kirilo Savić, Beograd, Serbia Rodoljub Simović, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia Susana San Matias, Technical University of Valencia, Spain Suzana Savić, University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety, Serbia Slavoljub Aleksić, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia Vera Marković, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia Vlada Veljković, University of Niš, Faculty of Technology in Leskovac, Serbia Wolfgang Mathis, Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, Hannover, Germany Zoran Keković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Serbia Žarko Janković , University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety , Serbia Tehnički urednik / Technical Editor Rodoljub Avramović Lektor / Proofreading Nataša Šelmić‐Milosavljević Aleksandra Petković Časopis izlazi tromesečno / The journal is published quarterly Štampa / Press M KOPS Centar From Editor’s desk Beautiful youth has always believed, and still believe, that it is easy to run the world. Panzini Extending the scope and increasing the reaserch quality through the involvement of staff and students of doctoral studies into research projects is one of the strategic goals of scientific research of the modern university. Recognizing the need and the importance of the development and promotion of young scientists, the editorial staff of the magazine has decided to support young authors with the aim of publishing and promoting the results of their research. Scientific interests and achievements of young researchers are here to hold readers’ attention. Divna mladost uvek je verovala, a i danas veruje, da je lako pokrenuti svet. Panzini Proširivanje obima i povećanje kvaliteta istraživanja kroz uključivanje saradnika i studenata na doktorskim studijama u istraživačke projekte, jedan je od strateških ciljeva naučnoistraživačke delatnosti savremenog univerziteta. Polazeći od potrebe i značaja razvoja i napredovanja naučnog podmlatka, uređivački kolegijum časopisa je odlučio da pruži podršku mladim autorima s ciljem objavljivanja i promovisanja rezultata njihovih istraživanja. Vašoj čitalačkoj pažnji prepuštamo njihove naučne interese i dostignuća. On behalf of the editors Dr Vesna Nikolić, Prof. Contents Sadržaj Scientific Articles Naučni radovi Aleksandra Petković Aleksandra Petković English Language in Safety Engineering Discourse...........107 Engleski jezik u oblasti bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu......107 Milica Stojanović Milica Stojanović Multicriteria Decision - Making for Selection of Renewable Višekriterijumsko odlučivanje pri izboru energetski održivih Energy Systems .……….................................................….113 sistema…….………........................................................…113 Dejan Ristić Dejan Ristić A Tool for Risk Assessment.................................................119 Alat za procenu rizika..........................................................119 Milena Stanković, Vladana Stanković Milena Stanković, Vladana Stanković Comparative Analysis of Methods for Risk Assessment Uporedna analiza metoda za procenu rizika „KINNY“ i “Kinney” and “AUVA”......................................................127 „AUVA“.….………............................................................127 Ana Stojković Ana Stojković Occupational Safety in Hazardous Confined Space……....135 Zaštita na radu u opasnim zatvorenim prostorima……….135 Danica Ćirić Danica Ćirić Managing Oils as Hazardous Industrial Waste..................143 Upravljanje uljima kao opasnim industrijskim otpadom....143 Professional Articles Stručni radovi Dragan Antić, Ivan Krstić, Amelija Đorđević Dragan Antić, Ivan Krstić, Amelija Đorđević Indicators of Energy Performance of Technological Indikatori energetskih performansi tehnoloških sistema.....149 Systems....……………………..............................………..149 Prikazi publikacija Reviews of publications Sonja Pavlović Veselinović Sonja Pavlović Veselinović Ergonomski rizik ..............................................................159 Ergonomic Risk................................................................ 159 Oglašavanje Propagation Corner Akcionarsko društvo za ispitivanje kvaliteta „KVALITET“ Joint Stock Company for Quality Testing „KVALITET“ Niš ZAŠTITA U PRAKSI SAFETY IN PRACTICE Časopis za zaštitu na radu, zdravstvenu, ekološku i zaštitu od Journal of Occupational safety, Health, Environmental požara Protection and Fire Safety SEIBL – TRADE doo, Beograd SEIBL – TRADE doo, Beograd Sredstva i oprema za zaštitu na radu Occupational safety equipment ALEKSANDAR INŽENJERING D.O.O. Novi Sad, Srbija ALEKSANDAR INŽENJERING D.O.O. Novi Sad, Srbija Prodaja i servis mernih instrumenata Sales and Service of measuring instruments UDC 802.0:331.45/.46 DOI: 10.7562/SE2013.3.03.01 Review article www.safety.ni.ac.rs ALEKSANDRA PETKOVIĆ 1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN SAFETY ENGINEERING DISCOURSE 1Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niš, Serbia Abstract: In a fast-changing world of safety, health and environment, professionals, students or anyone else in the field of occupational safety are often required to use English language in their professional [email protected] and/or academic careers. Apart from technical excellence, engineers need good English language skills and knowledge of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) vocabulary terms in order to make professional improvement. Occupational health and safety (OHS) is an interdisciplinary field, which uses specialist terms and expressions from subject areas as diverse as engineering, medicine, law, psychology, etc. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to discuss briefly the relevant theory of English for Specific Purposes, and the significance of technical words and subject-specific terminology to OHS engineers. Secondly, to identify and provide a reference to some health and safety glossaries and terminology resources in English language that may assist health and safety experts who need to read and write professional literature in English. Key words: technical words, occupational health and safety, vocabulary terms, English for Specific Purposes. INTRODUCTION which concentrate on the employment related needs - technical English, medical English, business English, Development of science and technology demanded a engineering English, English for tourism, English for language that would connect the international scientific aviation, etc. community and enable the people of same vocations The job of a Safety Engineer, or Occupational Health but different language background communicate and and Safety Engineer (OHS engineer), involves the share their ideas. Engineering is often perceived as a variety of activities: assessing, mitigating and hands-on, technical profession but there is an managing a wide range of hazards with the aim to increasing demand for softer skills, especially the minimize the risks of hazardous malfunctions; knowledge of English language. evaluating working conditions and inspecting working In the introductory chapter to Technical Writing and environment and equipment; identifying safety hazards Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers and checking
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