Caution: This is a historical document that may include text and/or images that are deeply offensive, derogatory, and incompatible with the College’s mission, values, and statement of non- discrimination. Such content may include images of individuals in blackface, symbols of hate and oppression, and depictions that now may be regarded as cultural appropriation, sexual harassment or gender discrimination. The College acknowledges our cultural history, recognizes the harm inherent in any such content, deeply regrets that it was ever created, and apologizes without reservation for its offensiveness. This material has been retained unaltered only so that it can be questioned, challenged, and used to educate and inform. The College encourages the pursuit of intellectual and cross- disciplinary engagement on the issues raised by such materials, particularly with regard to the cultural history of our own institution and our nation as a whole. If you would like to discuss this issue with a representative of the College, please contact the College Librarian or Chief of Staff. " , THE C) RI FLA1VINIE, PUBLISHED BY THE JUNIOR CLASS OF FRAN KLI N AN D MARSHALL COLLEGE, L A N CAS TER, PENN'A. IHH7. Foritmate is he who expects nothing, for fte shallllever be disappointed. V O L UME V. LANCASTER, PA. DAILY INTELLIGENCHR PRINT. 1887· WM. H. Ro\', Binder. ~bITORS. H. K. MILLER , Editor-ill-Llziif. C. L. BOWMAN, to. T. ~ . , A. S. GLESSNER, to. T. to., T. K. CROMER, A. L. G. HAY, <I>. K. Y., W. ]. EBERLY, W. S. HOERNER, E. K. EYERLY, G. E. WISSLER. · '. DEbIGtITION. '(fin nnr JIltnn OOafttlt 'l?!.rnnfditl nlt~ OOnrsvaH QlnHli!1C't in lVis l]tr @\ltiC'ltninl l'~nr oij 1tscl'nl­ uuss ntlu Vn1lOrt iIlis1il.i~1f1 'VolumE oij fIJu H@ri­ fhtmmu t t is :h.dl"h:ntt~ Itt] / ' PREFtI<3E. To 'tHE READER: For the fifth time the ORIFI,AMME makes its appearance on the field of college literature. It does not claim extraordinary excellence for itself, although the editors have endeavored to issue an annual worthy of F. and M. To impartial critics belongs the province of judging how well we have succeeded. Our inexperience, we trust, will be taken into consideration by those who may be disposed to be critical. The beginning of this volume consists chiefly of statistics. As this portion is useful for reference, the reader may rest assured that it is as reliable as can be expected. However, there were other motives for pub­ lishing this annual. A college publication of this kind should never be dry and nninteresting. In order to give rise to a little pleasantry, we have allowed oursel\'es to be somewhat fanciful. We feel assured that those who know anything about the annuals of other colleges will know how to regard this "Flame of Gold." Attention is called to a change made in this year's volume. Heretofore it has been the practice to publish after the name of each student some quotation which was thought particulur1y applicable to his individuality. Sometimes these quotations had a tendeucy to inflict vvouncls, more or less deep, in the feelings of those to whom they were addressed. In the present volume are to be found statistical tables of the classes, which will explain themselves when referred to. This change has been made from a desire to be dignified and not unkind in referring to our fellow-students. We earn­ estly hope that this new use of an old feature will by all right-minded people be appreciated as a decided improvement on the quotation system. Bespeaking for this little child of our toil an impartial and generous criticism, we humbly place before the public the ORIFLAMME for 1887. 5 SOtlRb OF TRUSTEES. ROBER!' H. SAyRE, ................................... · ........................... Bethlehem, Pa. F. SHRODER, ........................................................................ I .. ancaster, Pa. HE.TRY \yIRT, ....................................................................... Hanover, Pa. REV. C. Z. \VEISHR. D.n ....................................................... East Greenville, Pa. REV. S. G. \Y.U~.·ER, D.n., ..................................................... Allentown, Pa. GEORG); GELBACH, ~ .............................................................. Philadelphia, Pa. J. \V. \VE'rzEL. EsQ., ........................................................... · .. Carlisle, Pa. SA:'oIUEL A. BUTZ, BsQ........................................................... Allentown, Pa. llHNJAl\UN F. SHElSK, ......................................................... · .. Lancaster, Pa. Rl~V. J. O. 1IIU.I.ER, D.n ........................................................ York, Pa. RIW. E. R. ESCHBACH. n.D., .................................................. Frederick. Md. lION. A. HERR S.lITlT. HsQ., .................................................. Lancaster, Pa. RJo:v. C. U. HJo:IL!I1AN, ............................................................ Alexandria. Pa. lION. J. B. Ln IXGSTON, ......................................................... Lallcaster, Pa. GEORGH \V. HENSEl" ............................................................ Quarryville, Pa. J. \V. \Yms'rLTNG, ESQ., ......................................................... IIarrisburg. Pa. GJ;ORGF. F. B,'I.l(R. LI"D ........................................................ Reading, l'a. C. 111. BOWl';R. EsQ., ............................................................... Bcllefonlc, Pa. GEORGH Z. KUNKHL ............................................................... Harrisburg. Pa. G. S. GRlFFITH, .................................................................... Baltimore, Md. REV. T. G. Appr.E, D.D., 1.. 1... D ............................................... Lancaster. PaT HON. J. \V. KILr.INGER .......................................................... Lebanon, Pa. HON. J. P. \VrCKHRSIIA!I1, I.. L.D., ............................................ Lancaster, Pa. DR. JOSEPH COBLE.·TZ .......................................................... yates Ce!lire, Rail. CHARLES SANTI·:E, ................................................................. Philadelphia, Pa. JOHN D. SKII.HS, .................................................................... J,an easter, Pa. JACOB BAUS:,OI.\.N, ................................................................... JOH. C. IiAGER, .................................................................. .. D. \V. GRosS, ........................................................................ HarrishurR'. Pa. lION. JOH:-I C},SS. 'A, I,l,.]) ..................................................... lletlfonl, Pa. ·Deceased. 6 FaC;ULTY. REV. THOMAS G. APPLE, D.D., LL.D., P,esidellt. REV. JOHN S. STAHR, PH.D., TreaslI1'er and Libral7:a1t. REV. JOSEPH HENRY DUBBS, D.D., Secreta!y. REV. THOMAS G. APPLE, D.D., LL. D , Professol of fofenla! alld IIIoral Science, ./Esthetics and tile Philosophy of History. WM. MARVELL NEVIN, LL.D., Alu/IIJli Pi ofessor of English Literature alld Belles-Lettres. REV. JOHN S. STAHR, PH.D., Professor of Natural .Sciellce, Chemistl), and of the German Language. REV. JOSEPH HENRY DUBBS, D.D., Attdem'ied Professol' of History and _,hcli«ology. J. B. KIEFFER, PH.D., Professor of Ancient La/lguages. TEFFERSON E. KERSHNER, PH.D., Professor of IIIathematics. REV. GEORGE F. MULL, A.M., AtfjltlIct Professor of English Literatllre. SILAS J. NEFF. Teacher of Elocution. AMBROSE M. SCHMIDT, A.B., Tutor. 7 8 '87. CLASS COLORS.-CARDINAL AND OLlVl{. OFFICERS. President, ..................................................]. L. ROUSH. Vice President, ..........................................W. R. PETERS. Treasll1'cr, ............................................... .J. G. SCHUCKER. Seereial?', ...................................................C. F. HAGER. Historian, ................................................ A. S. DECHANT. pENIOR ~LtlSS. NAME. COLLEGE RESIDENCE. HOME ADDRESS. H. A. BOWER, ............................. 515 'Vest Chestnut, ......... Bowers, Pa. H. CESSNA, <1>. K. 1:., .................... 250 North Duke, ............ Bedford, Pa. A. S. DI<:CHAN'f, ............... · .. ··· .. · .. ·5T4 West \Valnut, ........... Penl1sburg, Pa. H. F. DITTl\IAR, X. <~., ................. Harbaugh Hall, .............. 1,oysbnrg, Pa. G. W. DORNBACH, ....................... Harballgh Hall, .............. RingtOwl1, l'a. C. P. HAGER, <P. 1(, '1'., ................. Abbeville, ..................... ]~allcaster, Pa. H. A. DUBBS, 4>. K. "1'., .................. 229 West C'bestuut, ........ Lancaster, Pa. C. A. 1,oos, .............. · .................. 515 \Vest Chestl1ut, ......... Bethlehem, Pa. E. MUSSELMAN, <1> . K. 1:.,* ................................................ Marietta, Pa. J. C. NOT.L, d. 'I'. 6., ..................... 529 \Vest C11estl1ut, ......... Pleasant Gap, Pit. W. R. PETERS, ........................... 23 East 1,e1l1011, .............. Danville, Pa. G. W. RICHARDS, <1>. r. 6., ........... 236 North Mary> ............ Maxatawuy, Pa. A. H. ROTHERMEl" <I>. K. '1'., ........ 529 West Chestuut, ......... Manocacy, Pa. J. L. ROusH, .... · .. · .............. · .. · .. ·· .. 55l 'VestChestuut, ......... Maclisollburg, Pa. E. G. Russ, t.. '1'. t.., .................... 234 North Dnke, ............ SL Mary's, Pa. N. H. SAXMAN, 6. T. t.., ............... I7 East Lemon, .............. J.,airobe, Pa. ]. G. SCHUCKKR, ..........................549 West Chestunt, ......... Moselelll Springs, Fa. *Lefl College. 9 1]rsTORY OF '87. HIS is not the hour for idle humor, nor maudlin fancies, nor yet for simious exag­ T gerations. We are on the threshold
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