Coconino County __Surf Scoter R-m Swifts (Apodidae) Checklist of the Birds __White-winged Scoter# R-m __Black Swift* A __Black Scoter* R-m __Vaux’s Swift R-m Compiled by Jason A. Wilder __Long-tailed Duck# R-w __White-throated Swift C-s __Bufflehead C-w Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) Key __Common Goldeneye F-w __Rivoli’s Hummingbird R-s C Common – expected to be present and widespread __Barrow’s Goldeneye# R-w F Fairly common – often present in correct habitat __Blue-throated Hummingbird A __Hooded Merganser U-w,m U Uncommon – occurs regularly, but often absent __Ruby-throated Hummingbird* A __Common Merganser C-w, U-s R Rare – occurs infrequently, or in limited range __Black-chinned Hummingbird C-s __Red-breasted Merganser R-w,m I Irregular – not predictable in occurrence __Anna’s Hummingbird C-s __Ruddy Duck C-p A Accidental – very few records, out of range or habitat __Costa’s Hummingbird U-s p permanent resident New World Quail (Odontophoridae) __Broad-tailed Hummingbird C-s s summer resident __Gambel’s Quail U-p __Rufous Hummingbird C-s,m w winter resident __Montezuma Quail R-p __Calliope Hummingbird R-m __Broad-billed Hummingbird A m migrant Partridges, Grouse and Turkey (Phasianidae) __White-eared Hummingbird# A *Arizona Bird Committee Review Species __Chukar R-p #Sketch Details Species __Dusky Grouse U-p Rails, Gallinules and Coots (Rallidae) †ABC Review Species, record not submitted, see __Wild Turkey U-p __Virginia Rail U-p accompanying documentation __Sora U-p Grebes (Podicipedidae) __Common Gallinule A __Pied-billed Grebe C-p Ducks, Geese & Swans (Anatidae) __American Coot C-p __Horned Grebe# R-w,m __Black-bellied Whistling-Duck A __Red-necked Grebe# R-w Cranes (Gruidae) __Snow Goose U-w __Eared Grebe C-m, U-w,s __Sandhill Crane A __Ross’s Goose U-w __Western Grebe C-m, U-s __Common Crane* A __Greater White-fronted Goose U-w __Clark’s Grebe U-m __Cackling Goose# R-w Stilts and Avocets (Recurvirostridae) __Canada Goose C-p Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae) __Black-necked Stilt F-m __Trumpeter Swan† A __Rock Pigeon C-p __American Avocet F-m, U-s __Tundra Swan A __Band-tailed Pigeon F-s Plovers (Charadriidae) __Wood Duck R-w __Eurasian Collared-Dove C-p __Black-bellied Plover R-m __Blue-winged Teal U-m __Inca Dove A __American Golden-Plover* A __Cinnamon Teal C-m, U-s,w __Common Ground-Dove A __Lesser Sand-Plover* A __Northern Shoveler C-w __Ruddy Ground-Dove# A __Snowy Plover R-m __Gadwall C-w, U-s __White-winged Dove F-m, U-p __Semipalmated Plover U-m __Eurasian Wigeon# A __Mourning Dove C-p __Killdeer C-p __American Wigeon C-w Cuckoos, Roadrunners and Anis (Cuculidae) __Mountain Plover R-m __Mallard C-p __Yellow-billed Cuckoo A __Northern Pintail C-w Sandpipers and Phalaropes (Scolopacidae) __Greater Roadrunner U-p __Green-winged Teal C-w __Whimbrel A __Groove-billed Ani* A __Canvasback F-w __Long-billed Curlew U-m __Redhead C-w Goatsuckers (Caprimulgidae) __Marbled Godwit U-m __Ring-necked Duck C-w __Lesser Nighthawk R-s __Sharp-tailed Sandpiper* A __Greater Scaup# R-w __Common Nighthawk U-m,s __Stilt Sandpiper R-m __Lesser Scaup F-w __Common Poorwill U-s __Sanderling R-m __Harlequin Duck† A __Mexican Whip-poor-will R-s __Dunlin R-m __Baird’s Sandpiper U-m Frigatebirds (Fregatidae) __Rough-legged Hawk R-w __Least Sandpiper F-m __Magnificent Frigatebird* A __Ferruginous Hawk U-w, R-s __Pectoral Sandpiper U-m __Golden Eagle U-p Boobies (Sulidae) __Semipalmated Sandpiper# R-m __Blue-footed Booby* A Barn Owls (Tytonidae) __Western Sandpiper F-m __Barn Owl R-s __Short-billed Dowitcher# R-m Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) __Long-billed Dowitcher F-m __Neotropic Cormorant F-m,s Typical Owls (Strigidae) __Wilson’s Snipe F-m __Double-crested Cormorant F-s,m; U-w __Flammulated Owl U-s __Spotted Sandpiper C-m __Western Screech-Owl U-p Pelicans (Pelecanidae) __Solitary Sandpiper U-m __Great Horned Owl U-p __American White Pelican U-s,m __Lesser Yellowlegs U-m __Northern Pygmy-Owl U-p __Brown Pelican A __Willet U-m __Elf Owl A __Greater Yellowlegs U-m Bitterns, Herons and Egrets (Ardeidae) __Burrowing Owl R-s __Wilson’s Phalarope F-m __American Bittern R-m __Spotted Owl R-p __Red-necked Phalarope U-m __Least Bittern A __Long-eared Owl R-p __Red Phalarope# A __Great Blue Heron C-p __Short-eared Owl R-w __Great Egret U-m,s __Northern Saw-whet Owl R-p Skuas and Jaegers (Stercorariidae) __Snowy Egret U-m __Pomarine Jaeger* A Quetzals and Trogons (Trogonidae) __Little Blue Heron# A __Parasitic Jaeger* A __Eared Quetzal* A __Long-tailed Jaeger* A __Tricolored Heron# A __Cattle Egret U-m Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) Gulls and Terns (Laridae) __Green Heron U-m __Belted Kingfisher F-p __Black-legged Kittiwake† A __Black-crowned Night-Heron U-m __Sabine’s Gull# R-m Woodpeckers (Picidae) __Bonaparte’s Gull U-m Ibises (Threskiornithidae) __Lewis’s Woodpecker F-p __White-faced Ibis F-m __Red-headed Woodpecker† A __Franklin’s Gull U-m __Acorn Woodpecker C-p __Mew Gull* A New World Vultures (Cathartidae) __Gila Woodpecker U-p __Ring-billed Gull F-m,w; R-s __Turkey Vulture C-s __Williamson’s Sapsucker U-p __Yellow-footed Gull* A __California Condor U-p __California Gull F-m __Yellow-bellied Sapsucker# R-m __Herring Gull# R-m Osprey (Pandionidae) __Red-naped Sapsucker F-p __Red-breasted Sapsucker# A __Iceland Gull* A __Osprey F-s __Ladder-backed Woodpecker R-p __Lesser Black-backed Gull* A Kites, Eagles and Hawks (Accipitridae) __Least Tern# A __Downy Woodpecker U-p __Mississippi Kite A __Hairy Woodpecker C-p __Caspian Tern R-m __Bald Eagle F-p __Black Tern R-m __American Three-toed Woodpecker R-p __Northern Harrier F-w, R-s __Northern Flicker C-p __Common Tern R-m __Sharp-shinned Hawk F-p __Yellow-shafted form# R-m __Forster’s Tern U-m __Cooper’s Hawk F-p Loons (Gaviidae) __Northern Goshawk U-p Caracaras and Falcons (Falconidae) __Crested Caracara A __Red-throated Loon# A __Common Black Hawk R-s __Pacific Loon# R-m __Red-shouldered Hawk R-m __American Kestrel F-p __Common Loon U-m __Broad-winged Hawk R-m __Merlin U-w __Swainson’s Hawk U-m,s __Peregrine Falcon F-p Storks (Ciconiidae) __Zone-tailed Hawk U-s __Prairie Falcon U-p __Wood Stork* A __Red-tailed Hawk C-p Tyrant Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) __Harlan’s form# A __Olive-sided Flycatcher F-s __Greater Pewee R-s __Common Raven C-p Kinglets (Regulidae) __Western Wood-Pewee C-s __Golden-crowned Kinglet U-p Larks (Alaudidae) __Willow Flycatcher U-m __Ruby-crowned Kinglet C-m, F-s,w __Horned Lark C-p __Least Flycatcher* A Thrushes (Turdidae) __Hammond’s Flycatcher U-m Swallows (Hirundinidae) __Eastern Bluebird A __Gray Flycatcher F-m, U-s __Purple Martin U-s __Western Bluebird C-p __Dusky Flycatcher U-m,s __Tree Swallow U-s __Mountain Bluebird F-p, I __Pacific-slope Flycatcher R-m __Violet-green Swallow C-s __Townsend’s Solitaire F-w, U-s __Cordilleran Flycatcher C-s __Northern Rough-winged Swallow F-m, U-s __Swainson’s Thrush U-m, R-s __Black Phoebe C-s, U-w __Bank Swallow U-m __Hermit Thrush F-m, U-w __Eastern Phoebe# R-m __Cliff Swallow F-s __Wood Thrush* A __Say’s Phoebe F-p __Barn Swallow C-s __Rufous-backed Robin# A __Vermilion Flycatcher R-m,s __American Robin C-p __Dusky-capped Flycatcher A Chickadees and Titmice (Paridae) __Varied Thrush# R-w __Ash-throated Flycatcher F-s __Black-capped Chickadee* R-w __Mountain Chickadee C-p __Great Crested Flycatcher* A Mockingbirds, Thrashers and Allies (Mimidae) __Bridled Titmouse F-p __Brown-crested Flycatcher U-s __Gray Catbird# R-m,s __Juniper Titmouse F-p __Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher A __Brown Thrasher# A __Cassin’s Kingbird F-s Verdin (Remizidae) __Bendire’s Thrasher R-s __Thick-billed Kingbird A __Verdin R-p __Crissal Thrasher U-p __Western Kingbird F-s __Sage Thrasher U-m,w __Eastern Kingbird# R-m Bushtits (Aegithalidae) __Northern Mockingbird U-p __Scissor-tailed Flycatcher# R-m __Bushtit U-p Starlings (Sturnidae) Shrikes (Laniidae) Nuthatches (Sittidae) __European Starling C-p __Loggerhead Shrike F-p __Red-breasted Nuthatch F-p __Northern Shrike R-w __White-breasted Nuthatch C-p Waxwings (Bombycillidae) __Pygmy Nuthatch C-p __Bohemian Waxwing A Vireos (Vireonidae) __Cedar Waxwing F-w, I __White-eyed Vireo# R-m Creepers (Certhiidae) __Bell’s Vireo R-s __Brown Creeper F-p Silky-flycatchers (Ptiliogonatidae) __Phainopepla F-s, R-w __Gray Vireo U-s Wrens (Troglodytidae) __Hutton’s Vireo U-s, R-w __Rock Wren F-p Olive Warbler (Peucedramidae) __Yellow-throated Vireo# A __Canyon Wren F-p __Olive Warbler U-s __Cassin’s Vireo U-m __House Wren C-m,sl R-w Old World Sparrows (Passeridae) __Plumbeous Vireo F-s __Pacific Wren# U-w,m __House Sparrow C-p __Warbling Vireo F-m, s __Winter Wren# R-w __Red-eyed Vireo* A __Marsh Wren F-w,m Wagtails and Pipits (Motacillidae) Jays, Magpies and Crows (Corvidae) __Bewick’s Wren U-p __White Wagtail A __Pinyon Jay F-p __Cactus Wren A __American Pipit U-p __Steller’s Jay C-p Gnatcatchers (Polioptilidae) Finches and Allies (Fringillidae) __Blue Jay* A __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C-s,m __Evening Grosbeak U-p, I __Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay C-p __Black-tailed Gnatcatcher A __Pine Grosbeak A __Mexican Jay R-p __Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch* A Dippers (Cinclidae) __Clark’s Nutcracker U-p __Black Rosy-Finch* A __American Dipper R-m,w __Black-billed Magpie A __House Finch C-p __American Crow C-p __Purple Finch* A __Cassin’s Finch I-w Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteriidae) __Black-throated Blue Warbler# A __Common Redpoll* A __Yellow-breasted Chat F-s __Palm Warbler# A __Red Crossbill I-w, U-p __Pine Warbler* A Blackbirds and Allies (Icteridae) __White-winged Crossbill* A __Yellow-rumped Warbler C-m, F-s,w __Yellow-headed Blackbird F-s __Pine Siskin
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