T he Courier-Gazette. V o lu m e 48. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1893. E n te r e d an Reaoird CI hnn M all ftf niter. D umber 15 ROCKLAND LOCALS. OUTLOOK. I n p p The place to.. LADIES' TAILORING COUNTY CHAT. EIGHT HOUR CAW. CURRENT NEWS FROM ROCKPORT L a b U H A V E News Notes Concerning Our City and Its People. A frightful raining accident occurred Matters of Current Interest to Residents ! Communicat,an f,om “ Formrr Well I have opened a room at 421 Mnln Street, of Old Knox. I Known Resident of Vinalhaven. THEM over the Crockett & Lovejoy store and I am in Wales, Tuesday, 300 miners being en­ Seasonable Happenings Served Up in Read­ prepared to do Cleaning, Pressing, Dye­ tombed. As is usual in such cases tho able Form for Home Use Curtains! CLEANED ing and Repairing of Ladles’ and Gentle­ correspondent i ___ j 8BATTW, W a s h .. March 30. 1893. men's outside clo’hln^ at reasonable prices forms us that emergency apparatus was not in work­ To The Courier-Gazelle :— And Done up equal Io new In at 11 and at short notice. I shall make a spec­ E have received g en -, ialty of yesrs ngo. April ing order. This seems to bn an era of eral orders No. 2 In Ihe lists of published' bids for the Industrial News That Shows Business Activity — Local Notes Regarding EPH. PERRY’S DYE HOUS /xml cl IVr^xlclxxft- 2, there was fire escapes that are not available and from Department postoffici' building at W ashington,I). C , Ladles' Jackets, Coats, Capes, Ulsters and Things of Interest—The Week's nil outdde garments. I have a full line of sn ow storm remedies that will not cure. CommanderCush- I notice the successful bidder is John Record of Personals. nil the latest sty es and colorings of Cassi such dimensions ing nnd aee that Pierce of Now York Since the enact­ meres, Kerseys, Thlbets. Worsteds and Advices from Constantinople report Fancy Cloakings. We guarantee a fit In thut it was neons the follow ing ment of the new eight-hour law by Con­ CITY EXPRESS every case and get our garments up In the tho persecutions of Christians and the Silas Piper has moved to Camden. most thorough and workmanlike manner sary to break out the roads. Wages ...... friends of oars in gress, s me buildings and works have —A N D — by the latest New York styles. 14 kidnaping of Christian girls for harems, Mrs. Julia Upham has moved into tho wore ten cents an hour. this vicinity have been appointed Aides- been re-advertised, (or the express pur­ in various Turkish provinces. The Eeiis bouse. de-Camp: pose that contractor! should bid for the TRANSFER TEAMS W. D. ANDREWS report says that this is nothing new, but That gravel walk which has been F. I) Smith of Rockland, Levi W. work upon the eight-hour basis. If the Vacation this week in all the schools The nuhncrlbor han nut on n lino common occurrence. It should be Kxpr« hr and Transfer toama, wi Rockland, Maine. ordered by the City Government for Smith of Vinalhaven, J. O. Johnson of report of the Congressional Committee, of the corporation. Headquarters at common no longer. Religious intoler­ 421 Main Street. Broad street extension will be heartily Liberty, J. II. H. Hewett of Thomaston, who reported on tho bill when it was The Knox Cooperage Co. discharged F. F. BURPEE’S DRUG STORE, ance nnd sect persecution should not be appreciated. The largo force at work Alden Miller, J r., of Camden, Wm. before Congress, was correct thsy stated a cargo of staves last week. C or M ain a n d L lin o ro ck Hts, allowed whether in Turkey or Russia. for the Maine Manufacturing Co. are McLain of Appleton, P. G. Ingalls of the objeotof the new bill was to prevent 'Where orders for all kinds of LIGHT The Y. P. 3. C. E. had a social in the TRUCKING and BAGGAGE obliged to wade through the mud there Washington, Lysander Norwood tho law from being a dead letter, as the South Carolina has gone into the Baptist vestry. Friday evening. MOVING can be left. or take Lisle street or the railroad track Union, Samuel Burrows of Waldoboro, law passed in 1868 hadbeen. The pres­ Orders taken by telephone ai liquor business. It is what is called the Last year at this time some had plant­ promptly attended to. Prices re This street has been rapidly growing James R. Littlehale of W arren, Geo ent law is a very plain one covering in 12 sonable. “new dispensary law.” Governor Till­ ed their pens and potatoes.' and d. serves a walk. The houses with II. M. Barrett of Rockport, Geo. B. Seoticn 1 'theContractor.SiibContractor man said to a reporter: Dr. Piper preached at Glen Gove, JOHN E. HILL. one exception are all new,and cosy, com Erskine of Jefferson. or any other Officer of Agent.” Sec. The new dispensary law goes into effect Sucdny afternoon of last week. fortable homes. Thd Road Commis. July 1. Alter that dale there will not be a li- It may not be out of place right here 2 ol tha law is plainer still, and provides sioner will make this gravel walk as an censed saloon in the whole state of South the punishment. As the recent trouble Carleton, Norwood & Co. finished re­ Carolina. The wines, whiskies, beer, and tn to say that no county in the state has a experiment, to see whether or not it is fact all beverages conlaining alcohol will be better list of G. A. R, Posts than Knox. in New England is still fresh and the pairs on the Merriam kiln last week and sold only at state dispensaries by salaried and public greatly agitated lest some of the fired up desirable to construct walks of gravel bonded officials. One or more ol these dispen­ They all rank high. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! place of so much plank walk which has saries may be locmed in any town where employes of the granite firms should The Road Commissioners did a good Specialty petition for its establishment is signed by commit some ofienso against the peaco proved so expensive a luxury majority of the freehold voters. Drng stores The people up Union way are waiting job lost week in removing the mud from uA. “V alunlolo are prohibited from selling any spirits except anxiously for the frost to come out of of the stale, it is now a matter of con­ the pavement. alcohol, which must be purchased trom the The City Committee on Streets is state. the ground—not so particularly with a siderable interest to me, a Now Eng­ Tho Water Co. has a small crew at carry the largest and most complete slock Jg making an investigation of the Broad The new law will make a great change in view to farming operations as to see lander, to sec how law abiding citizens,, work thawing out the water pipes on of Ihe sta'e, and I think that it will finally be DICTIONARY way anil Pleasant street railroad cross universally adopted as a solution of the liquor work begun in dead earnest on the who are government contractors, will the east side of tho village. problem. Georgos Valley Railroad. VV e discover obey the eight-hour law. FITEZE ! ings to see if a gate or flagman •------------------------ Mr. Gunnell commenced this week to —AT— even now an occasional doubter who On the otuer band officials, contractors Tea, Dinner anfl Toilet Sets needed. These crossings are certainly KNOX COUNTY BOYS, run a bake cart to Camden daily. Silos professes to believe that the road will or sub contractors at Vinalhaven by ask­ F. A . P e t e r s o n ’s Also a full line of dangerous, and need somo sort of pro­ Carrol) has been engaged to drive tha One Who Receives a Fine Testimonial not be built, but this class of people ing employes to break the eight-hour tection. —Success in Music. □art. A t l a n t i c CUTLERY, SILVER WARE have grown beautifully less since the law might properly perhaps be held AMD C. M. Tibbetts, the early gardener, has Quite frequently the boys of Martins­ time Tins C.-G. took up the cudgel in guilty of infringing upon that law which J. M. Robinson is engaged in paving the driveway of his bouse. This will things in fine condition. The season ville are inquired for as to their business behalf of the “Doodle Bug Road” and so many of the law makers of the state Boot and Shoe Store. improve the appearance of bis neat and KITCHEN FURNISHING GOODS. may be late this year, but there’s noth­ pursuits, success, etc., but among those the Opinion bitterly opposed it. We loved so well that Senator Lyons' elo­ pleasant home. Here’s the Plan: •W-Bend for our Now Catalogue which will be ing late about Mr. Tibbetts. He has who may be prospering none seems wonder if our neighbor thinks even now quence could not induce thorn to repeal Every customer recelven a Card nnd tho mailed free to any addre.a In Now England. amount of every purchase Is Punched Out, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbages, pansies, more prominent than Georgo B. Foun that the road will be built? The High School sooiabie netted $14 When all tho figures are cut out the cus Note Address, tomer will be presented with our Dictionary daisies, otc., coming along bravely, tain, who appears to be achieving 1 For the sake of the beneficiaries of the toward the graduation fund.
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