JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||03||Page 18694-18697||March 2017 www.jmscr.igmpublication.org Impact Factor 5.84 Index Copernicus Value: 83.27 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.69 Microfilariae in Lymph Node Aspirate- A Case Report Authors Dr Jyoti Sharma, Dr Nitin Chaudhary, Dr Sandhya Bordia R.N.T. Medical College Abstract Lymphatic filariasis is a major public health problem in India. It is routinely examined in night peripheral blood smears. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is not routinely used for its identification. It has always been detected incidentally, while doing FNACs for evaluation of other lesions. It is unusual to find microfilariae in fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears of lymph nodes in spite of very high incidence in India. In the absence of clinical features of filariasis, FNAC may help in the diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis. We present this case because of unusual occurrence of isolated lymph node filariasis (occult filariasis) without microfilaremia. Keywords- Axillary lymph node, Microfilaria, FNAC. Introduction swellings. There was no history of fever or Filariasis is a global problem.It is largely confined generalized lymphadenopathy. On examination, to tropics and subtropicsof Africa, Asia, Western the lymph nodes were firm and matted. There Pacific and parts of the Americas, affecting over were four groups of lymph nodes and each was 3 83 countries1.The disease is endemic all over India x 3cms. There was no local rise of temperature and is caused by two closely related nematode and skin over swelling was normal. On aspiration worms, Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi thick creamy white material was obtained. MGG transmitted by the Culex mosquito. The disease staining was performed and smears showed mainly involves the lymph node and lymphatic scattered coiled microfilariae in a background of system of the body.Lymphatic Filariasis has been reactive lymphoid cells and neutrophils (Figure 1 identified by the World Health Organization as a and 2). Multiple peripheral blood samples were leading cause of long term disability in the world. taken forconsecutive three nights showed no FNA of the enlarged lymph nodes is a useful evidence of microfilaria, but eosinophilia (30%) diagnostic tool to reveal parasite without was present. microfilaremia. Case Report A thirty year old male came with complaints of dry cough and multiple axillary lymph node Dr Jyoti Sharma et al JMSCR Volume 05 Issue 03 March Page 18694 JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||03||Page 18694-18697||March 2017 Microfilaria displays nocturnal periodicity. So, three consecutive night blood samples are commonly used for its detection but considered less sensitive tools for its diagnosis. Other methods are circulating filarial antigen (CFA) detection test, which is now regarded as the gold standard for demonstration of organism3. Limited reports are available in the literature attesting the importance of FNAC as a diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of filariasis in the early stages.FNAC are not applied for routine diagnosis of clinically suspected filariasis. Incidental detection on FNAC has been reported in cytological smears and it is the most frequently diagnosed parasite in which microfilaria is the most common form. Microfilariae may not be seen in peripheral blood inelephantiasis, lymphangitis, early stages of allergic manifestations and in occult filariasis, hence diagnosis depends on lymph node FNAC or biopsy adjacent to the area of lymphangitis and/or Figure 1 and 2 showing scattered coiled by immunologic tests. microfilariae in a background of reactive The most frequently involved lymphatics are those lymphoid cells and neutrophils (MGG 400X) of lower limbs, retroperitoneal tissues, spermatic cord, epididymis, and mammary gland4. Discussion Microfilariae have been identified cytologically at Lymphatic filariasis is caused by the nematodes. unusual sites, such as axillary lymph node, nipple Adult worms are found in the lymphatic vessels secretions, pleural and pericardial fluids, ovarian and lymph nodes of human beings only, whereas cyst fluids, thyroid, soft tissue, bone marrow, larval forms (microfilaria) may circulate in the lung, bronchoalveolar fluid, breast, gastric peripheral blood. The four most common brushings, cervicovaginal smears, and hydrocele presentations are asymptomatic microfilaremia, fluid.5 lymphoedema, hydrocele formation and acute Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia is endemic in attacks. areas with filarial endemicity. It is most The most common species found in India is commonly found in regions of the Indian Wuchereria bancrofti. Humans are exclusive and subcontinent, South East Asia, South America and definitive host for W. bancrofti. The adult females Africa. In India, it is mostly found around the are viviparous giving birth to larva known as coastal regions from Maharashtra to Kerala and microfilaria in the lymphatics of man. Species West Bengal to Tamil Nadu. The respiratory diagnosis is by the study of larval forms 2. symptoms are chiefly cough, breathlessness, Wucheria Bancrofti, is a sheathed periodic wheezing and chest pain. Symptoms are mostly microfilaria with tail tip free from nuclei. But in nocturnal but may also occur during the our case, the tail tip is not visualized properly as day6.Systemic symptoms include fever, weight the microfilariae are coiled. The injurious effect loss, fatigue and malaise. Extrapulmonary by the larvae on the human host is in the form of manifestations include lymphadenopathy and lymphangitis which is the basic lesion in classic hepatosplenomegaly. filariasis. Dr Jyoti Sharma et al JMSCR Volume 05 Issue 03 March Page 18695 JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||03||Page 18694-18697||March 2017 Mature gravid human filarial parasites, living in a low cost out- patient procedure which many the lymphatics periodically release microfilariae times helps in prompt recognition of the disease which are trapped within the pulmonary especially in unsuspected cases of filariasis. As microcirculation. The degenerating microfilariae filariasis is one of the important causes of release their antigenic constituents which triggers disability careful screening of all smears and high an immune response7. The presence of cough, index of suspicion, especially in endemic areas are breathlessness, wheezing, peripheral eosinophilia the keys to correct diagnosis. and pulmonary infiltrates points to a hypersensitivity reaction. There is a severe References eosinophilic inflammation involving the lower 1. Park K. Lymphatic filariasis, epidemic- airways. The dual role of the eosinophil i.e. ology of communicable diseases. In: destruction of microfilariae, and lung damage by Textbook of Preventive and Social release of eosinophilic granule components gives Medicine. 22nd edition, Banarasidas it a central role in the pathogenesis of Tropical Bhanot Publishers: Jabalpur; pg.245. pulmonary eosinophilia.8 2. K.D.Chatterjee. Phylum nemathelminthes. 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