DAILY PRESS. MARCH 1879. MORNING, 4, TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. _TUESDAY _ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, CARDS. BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL. Cap and Bells. Publlchod every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS. __MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. A Competent Christian Woman MI S JENNIE J. J. M. CROWELL, TUESDAY 4. Worcester At 109 Bxchahge St., Pobtlawd. ROSS wanting a comfortable tome and fair remuneration, MORNING, MAKCH Gazette: Motto for a miltmac- and to devote berseif to the duties of the Removed from No. 8 Oak St. to willing Toacbor of Plano, To the pure all things are pure. Tbbms: Eight Dollars a Yea.-. To mail subscribers in the c*re of the sew- household, assisting children, « Cedar We do not read Seven Dollars a Year If paid in advance. ing, &c., will do-well to address with references “A” St, Portland, Me. anonymonn letters and common) Refers to Hermann NO. 4 SOUTH ST. at the Press office. mhldlw Kotzschmar. feUdlm* cations. The name and address of the writer are in Kissing and are each ar all cases bugging dangerous, THE MAINE STATE PRESS Residence IT Siren. indispensable, not necessarily for publication to High Ladies9 cording medioal authorities, and a woman’s is at a Boy Wanted. Young Seminary. bnt as a guaranty of faith. published every Thursday Morning $2.50 good from it in advance at a 1C MISSES will only escape both is year, paid $2.00 year. to ID years old to work on stock in a STMONDS open the Spring We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- marriage. Wholesale Boot and and THE of their school PLASTERER FROM Shoe Store learn the ThurNda?, Feb. 40. munications that are not budness. i ^sessionCirculars used. Kates op Advertising : One inch of spact, the Salary small. Address BOX 1319, City, ..^S^P’or containing particulars, address New York — AND — and the Principals. No. 22 Commercial Advertiser: Mr. length of column, constitutes a “square.” giving age references. fe27tf | Pine Sc. tebl7dtf $l 5(> per square, daily first week: 75 cents per Chancier has taken a glass of lemonade. An- Evsby regular attache 01 the pbbss is furnish*' week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- Plain & Ornamental Stucco Worker. THAT FAMOUS other for the ! Instruction in with a Card triumph ing every ot-bei day after first week, 50 cents. English and Class- certificate countersigned by Stanley T Administration. Center and OrnainrniN of AGENTS Half square,three insertions or less, 75 cents; one every description WANTED ical Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hote> : hand. Studies week, $1.00 50 cents per week after. constantly on_ Whitening, Tinting) — — FOE managers will confer a favor npon ns John toward Bpkcial notices, one third additional. WhitewHhtiing and Cementing done at by demanding Bull, looking America—"How Shortest “Defective* of and given to private pupil, of Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction Notire Europe America.’’ b, tbs subscriber. credentials every person claiming to represent on 1 mg, O will of town Cattle-line, you continue to abuse Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions C^*Oui work solicited and immediately The fastest carnal. attended to. selling book out!!! For terms and ter- oar patience?" or less, $1.50. _inh3d3mteod3m ritory apply to Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine Statr J. W. COLCORD, If the Union was worth Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Shuinway’s Pub. House, Ughiiog far it is Somerv>lle Journal: The late of the for for first Turkish Coffee! husband, State), $1.00 per square insertion, iHe. 143 Pearl worth paying for. when he finds that and 50 ce its per square for each subsequent insertion. fet4tf__Portland, Street. somebody has stolen the Address all to Ian24 dtl out communications keyhole of his door, aod diffidently rings POR LAND PUBLISHING CO. the LOST AND FOUND The Next Semi-Annual Convention of bell, knows exactly who "The Comlog — Woman” ie. REFORM CLUBS ENTERTAIN M ENTS. B1T0N FAMILY i IMY-SHHOUL, Found. WE HAVE RECEIVED AN NOBRIDOEWOCK. MAINE. for tiie state of JUST IN- Maine That is a good old story—given ia the FUR BOA, which the owner can have call- Establis eil Graph- by I83G. rite best .chool for Bov. ic—abont the A ing on the undersigned at 160 Middle St. in mew England. Term, WILL BE HELD AT aged lady on her deathbed, who mh3j3t* Sfiring begins March L CODING, 24 Addr gg H. F. EATON. feb2:dlm was in a penitential mood. She _E. Bruuswick, ou the 5th and 6th of March, said, "I have VOICE OF THAT FAMOUS TURKISH been a Samaritan Dance! great sinner more than eighty ♦ Commrnciog at IO O'clock A. UK. years, TO LET. and didn't know it." An old colored CITY ADVERTISEMENTS Each womao,’ — Club is to send and i: is CITE HAIL, MARCH 4, requested Delegates, who had lived with her a loog time earnestly hoped they will be on the first exclaimed, COFFEE. IT HAS NO present day, “Lore! I To Let. EQUAL. C1TA OF PORTLAND. J® tljat 14,1 Clubs may be reported, as it in desirous to knowed it all the time.” know what is done all over MUSIC BY CHANDLER. lower of the brick being the Stale in this part house, 782 Congress great work THEstreet, near tbe western terminus of the horse The reduction of tares for the round are as fol- Stillwater Lumberman: ftil.niu -aw Tickets 33 cents. Cake Solicited. railroad. This house is supplied with gas, Sebdgo trip 1 ow*:—Maine Central, odo and one thir l Grand milldlt water and furnace. JONAS W. OLAKK, lare; that kissing on the lips mast be in tebldtf Trunk, one fare to Yarm utb Junction; Poitlaud Si abolished 554$ Congress Street. one the interest Roctiestei, fare to Maine Central Junction; Port- of health. Moat patent, grave and EDWARDS AND BRIGGS. land one Sold is to g've notice that I shall on the og.len«burg, tare Detegaie* on .VI C. R. reverend Only publish R will reignorg, scholars and by can or return pbiiosooberi* THIS8th day of March next, in oue ot the news- tichets at stations; on P. & O. daily lv R. ickets will tiere are Grand Sparring Testimonial. HALL TO LET. papers, in accordance with an or tinance of the City, be furnished by the Secretary moments yon know nothing of, when a liu' of all t-ixes assessed in 1878 Kree enteitaiument will be lurnisued delegates at upon rtsidtnts Brunswick. • man don’t care two cents for tcieno>, and aniouutmg to twenty dollars and upwards, then re- LANCASTER HALL. hall, Williams* Block, (formerly F* KEN President. W ien he ia going to plant kisses where maining together with the names of the a rr g,,. ~ RICK, they be- spn MISSIONknown as “Arcana Hall * hnoino i^n unpaid, per- A. H. GENN eodtf sons assessed therefor H W. dEHSEY, Secretary if the laws of WEDNESDAY EVENING, VIAIU'11 5. by tbe undersigned, will be lei on most reasonable loug health are torn from Alpha terms tor Portland, Feb. 26, 1879. Treas. and Collector. 11 Lectures, concerts, Sociables, Meetings, fe28 wl Bereheba, For talent to and other see Suppers, Fairs, &e. at the appear particulars, Apply Hall, opposite WILSON & Th Email Casco House. Municipal E ectlun. bills.mb3d3t Engine CO., Norristown Herald: aplOeodlf R M. BAKTON. The Ab, yes, fond youth! muuicipal election yes'eulay resulted It INSURANCE may be ver? nice to court a girl in the far TO LET in a subs'antial R-publican victory. Both THE (MRTOFTIIE SEISIIN. Northern countries where the nights are six Store in Blocs now Farringron occupied .by brauebes of the city council are Republican, months THECollins & Buxion. will remove their long; bnt just think of the vast They Comer aud the stock of music, and coniinue business at I). H. and Federal Sts. combiualiou has only won the bar- amount of and CITY H A.LL. S i'EPHEN jail Exchangeu eod2m peanuts gam drops the young BEHKV, Young’s, 206 Middle Street. de30dif ren aud honor of the fatiguing mayoralty. mac, when going to see his girl, mast lag FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH Till. Thai annuaro tn hnttn J_ Book Job and vr----- vaa « with b>m in Card Printer, Tenem.-ut to Let. along order to kill time, and in- IVo. 3T PI.C3I new the dace her to THE ABMY & NAVY UNION STREET. GOOD tenement to let on Green street. Gas issue, Sabbatarian, brought for- believe that bis affections for her are A andSebago. Inquire ot J. C. ward the •s warm as ever. And then at WOODMAN, by Argus yesterday that the sad leavt-rak- have the to announce a concert 119 1-2 Exchange 6treet. noy27dtt morning, pleasure grand f a BIJiLRERS. versatile journal appearing, for this occasion jg few weeks berore sno-rise! Be whisper* — BY — Roomie Let. as “Good night, love,’’ and she mormon The undersigned have this day associated them ATLANTIC only, tbe Sabbatarian organ. softly selves A PLEASANT front room, wilh hot and cold “Good together, under tne firm name The defeat of Mr. Sen is night, dear. When shall I gee yon water, two large closers, at No 770 Congcess ter to be regretted. will be iet to a man agein?" ‘Tnmotrow night,” be as Fit too tib treet, and his wife. oc23dif Mutual Insurance Co. He would have brought to the discharge ol the replies, be Oouglity kissei her upturned face 'Tomorrow and will on duties night" Famous Baud! carry businesa as Carpenters and STATEMENT of the office tor which he was nomi- Gilmores she Builaera, ftt PLEASANT ioOMS TO LfT.
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