MODERN · CONTRACT BRIDGE ,._ .. ONE PAGE GUIDE TO BIDDING " ..• -.;.• (with explanations and examples) by the well known expert, Jordanis Pavlides This condensed booklet enables partners to intervalue their hands, carry on biddin& and stop at the right contract. In the words ol Mr. Harrison-Gray in this Journal :---­ "It introduces within 20 pages THE SYSTEM THE EXPERTS PLAY and what· may be described as . p • 2 '6 STANDARD BRITISH BRIDGE" riCe J Dispatch and Postote 3d. From Bookstalls and Booksellers, i( not in stock (rom GAMES PUBLICATIONS Ltd., Creechurch House ReteX giv~ a Creechurch Lone, London, E.C.J, Tel.: Avenue 5~74 ·new and lasting lustre· to silks . and satins. and "A PERFECT MANICURE gives ,.,,,. ~,. ... ...-~.,.iiE~Si~firmness and bridge confidence. MARGARET r'esilience· to RAE, 117 Earls Court Road, S.W.5. Tel. Frobisher 4207. woollens. Specialists in permanent waving. Open Saturday afternoons." • ~HES AND AGENTS ~~At~RINCIPAL CENTRES p;, 17 CHAS. BRADBURY CONDITIONS OF SALE AND SUPPLY. This periodical Is sold subject the followln~: LIMITED to conditions: namely, that It shnll not, without 26 SACKVILLE ST., PICCADILLY the written consent of U1e publlshers llrst given, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise LONDON, WI. dlspos~d of by way of Trnde except nt the . ··Phone- Reg, .fl/23-3995 full rctaU price of 2/6 ; nnd tbtlot It shall not be lent, resold, hired. out or otherwise disposed LOANS ARRANGED of In '. n mutllnted condition or In nny un­ With or without Security. authorised cover by wny of Trade ; or nlllxcd to or u pint of nny pubUentlon or ndvertlalne literary or plctorlnl muller whnt.loever • • ()JI,\.Nf,m OF ADUIII ~!!;S The copyright of this mugazine is vested in Priestley Studios Ltd. When advising the Pu~l!~~crs of change of addn;ss, p!~ase It is published under the authority of the English Bridge Union. give both old and new address The Editoriul Board is composed of, and full name iii" · "BLOCK and the Editor is appointed by, the CAPITALS • . English Bridge Union. THE CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL Edited by M. HARRISON-GRAY VoLUME 2 Nul\mBR 2 DECEl\IDER, 1947 Regional Editors- Eire NOEL BYRNE North Eastern EWART KEMPSON Northern Ireland A. J. FLETCHER North Western 'A CoRRESPONDENT' Scotland :·. H. KERSH~W Yorkshire Mas. L. L. BEDFORD Wales •• w. H. RICARDO London "ALIBI" Technical Editor-GUY RAMSEY. Competition Editor-J. C. H. MARX. The CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL is the official organ of the English Bridge Union. Publishers- Phone-Gloucester 2281/:z. PRIESTLEY STUDIOS, LTD., COMJ.\IIERCIAL ROAD, GLOUCEST~R. MSS. to Editorial Department-S, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON, S.W.l. CONTENTS Page EDITORIAL 3 How GooD ARE THE AMERICANS ? By S. J. Simou 4 PERSONALITY PAGE-No. 14-MR. AND Mns. A. L. FLElllll'G 7 MASTER THE SQUEEZE-No. 5. , ·By C. E. Dickel ,8 GossiP OF THE MoNTH. By Guy Ramsey .. 10 THIS SIDE BEDLAM-No. 10. By M. Harrisou-Gray 12 THE END OF THE PIVOT-No. 1. By S. J. Simou . H REsPONDER's RmnDs-No. 2. By Edmuud Phillips .. 16 CRIII!E AND PUNISHIIIENT 18 THE NoRTHERN OuTLOOK. By Eruart Kempsou 20 LIST OF E.D.U. SECRETARIES . 21 PnoBLEM ConNER-No. 14. By" Tme. ..:" . 22 AROUND THE CO:\IPETITIONS 24 DECEl\IDER COMPETITION. Set by J. C. H. Mar.\· 30 ANSWERS TO NovEMBER CoMPETITION 31 I . BRIDGE . INDEX CLASSIFIED LIST O F HOTELS AND CLUBS BOGNOR REGIS LONDON lll.AYMYO RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE CLtm­ DORSET BRIDGE CLtm-3·5 Gleotworth Good Bridge plnyed ln plcnsnnt atmosphere. Street, N.W.1. Tel. Welbeck 1030• . Secretary Near Sen. Secluded gnrden. ll: & C. In nil · MRS. BA.."iltl!. Regulnr partnership nod bedrooms. .Apply non. Sec., Maymyo, duplicate. Gleocatbarn Rond, Bogoor Regts. Phone 580. LEDERER's-115 Mount Street, W.1. BRIGHTON & HOVE Tel. No. Mayfair 7850. Continuous piny from KINGBWAY REBIDEI'\'TLU, BRIDGE CLUD- 3 to 12 p.m. Dupllcnte, Tucsdny eventni!JI. 5, Snllsbury Road, Hove. Bridge Sessions twice dally. Luxurious 'rooms, excellent service. H. and o. ln all bedrooms. Members LEEDS Bar. Enquiries to resident Secretary, T. C. .AYSGABTil BRIDGE CLtm-34 Otley- Road, CAlll'DELL, Phone Hove 1780. Leeds, G. Telephone 53148. Car Park. Fully BRISTOL Licensed. Enquiries to the llealdent Secretary Tlllil .ACE 011' CLUBB BRIDGE CLtm-77 ,H. P. DEVEREUX. Pembroke Rd .• Cllftoo, Bristol, 8. Proprlctress1 lllJlS. ?J. DICKJ.liY•JAliEB. .Aficmoon ana NOTrJNGHAM evening play, 1\r\lly. Telephone : Brtstol 33288. CRANTOOK BRIDGE CLUD-180 )[anslleld Road, Nottingham. Tel No. NotUnllham CORNWALL 65021. · Proprietress: :Mas. D. lt. HOPEWELL. Winter guests welcomed In delll(htful Hon. Secretary : N. R. C. FBITII. VIsitors cottage on sea·c<lge. Bridge dnUy. Terms, welcomed. Excellent venue for matches ln SID!ile 4 guineas Double a guineas. MRs. 1\Udlands. POWELJ., Dlue Haven, 4 St. Andrew Street, ST. lVEB. TORQUAY HARROW · LlVEBliBAD CLU'F DRIUGB CLtm-Clob HARDOW DRIDGB CJ,UB-16 Northwlck Hon. Sec., !llAJOR FLEliiNG. H,adquartera, Park Road, HAJmow, Mlddx. Tel. Harrow DE"I'ON COUNTY CONTRACT BBIDGB ASSOCU.­ 3008. Good standard Brldp;e ln enjoyable TION. Hon Sec., Mrs. HARDXAN. atmosphere. Se!l!lons twice dally. Partnerships nod Duplicate. • TUNBRIDGE WELLS WEST KIDiT CLUB (under new manage­ LONDON ment) llcsl<lentlal. Fully licensed. Bridge CBOODOilll'B-16 Carlton House Terrace, Dally. Particulars apply Secretary, 12 Boyne London, S.W.l. Tel. No. Whitehall, 1181. Pnrk, Tel. Tun. Wells 1133. R. PROVOST, MnnnRfnl! Director. A. J. HORSNELL, Secretary. WORTHING Tml GLOUOEBTEB BRIDGE CLUB-37 WORTIII!!G RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE CLUD­ Gloucester WnlkJ. KenslnlltOn, W.8. Tel.: Full Club Licence. Bridge dally, 2.15 to 7 p.m. Western 5821. z:;takes Gd. and Sd. per 100. 8 to 12 p.m. Duplicate, 4th :Moodily, 2.80 p.m. Duplicate every Friday at 8 p.m. Enquiries Further parUculnrs apply Secretary, 12 Byron to Secretary. Road. Telephone Worthing 234. RIVIERA HOTEL CANFORD CLIFFS BOURNEMOUTH FACES ClUNE AND SEA AMID GLORIOUS SURROUNDINGS Quality fare prepared by first class chefs Perfectly appoin'ted bedrooms and suites Cocktail Lounge-Tennis-Golf Telephone: Canford Cliffs 285 I • Brochure on Request e You cwz always rely on a good game of Bridge at The Ralph E'lJans's Hotel 2 I j Editorial· noticed by many correspondents that the players who have received HIS ISSUE marks the return the greatest part of the limelight to the fold of S. J. Simon, have at any rate justified themselves T and for good measure we in open competition. have thrown in a double effort. It is said of bridge players that Our readers simply insisted on those who can; play ; those who the reappearance of the "quartette"; can't, write. The Co11tract Bridge h ca·n now be revealed that their Journal sees no reason to feel temporary absence' from these pages ashamed if its chief writers have , was due to a disastrous holiday on vindicated the principles wliich the continent where they did no~ we try to press home in our fare too well at the tables, and this articles, by winning far more than necessitated much hard work on their share of the major contests. their return· to· make up the leeway. At any rate they are , not afraid to The :irticle " How Good Are put these principles to the acid The Americans?" may be test of tournament play. considered provoking, and we may And this brings us back to the say that we do not necessarily question : What is Acol ? Buy or share Simon's confidence in our borrow the book (the Journal is in bidding superiority. It may be no way connected with this some time before this can be put publication). Perhaps you play the to the test ; but there is another Forcing Two or the ordin!U'Y Two statement of his which concerns Clubs ; but ten to one you will us more intimately. Is Acol really say to yourself : " This is nothing " the leading system in England ? " new-it is what I have been The question is a delicate one, playing for years ! " Acol is not because from time to time we hear " the leading system in England " suggestions that the Journal is in just because it has a few specialised danger of becoming an Acol Two bids, although these bids are magazine. And this brings us to used by our most successful the subject of personalities. tournament players and have been \Vhereas at least one correspondent grafted on to other systems, such complains that bridge in general as the Baron ; the bulk of the and our leading personalities in " system " is merely standard particular are not sufficiently British practice, the most effective glamorised, other expressions of method of playing contract. There opinion lead us to believe that the is no need to say that you are average reader is more concerned playing Acol. You do not have to with the solid instruction which be an Acol e."Xpert to obtain a high forms the core of the Joumal. score in our monthly competitions. Consequently, as far as is But we do suggest that you follow practicable, our personalities, their its principles. triumphs and misdeeds, are tucked away into the small-type section called "Around The Competitions." We again wish our readers a . It so happens that the Acol happy Christmas and a prosperous players who write for the Joumal New Year- both at and away from have frequently been mentioned the bridge table. during the past season ; but it is M. HARRISON-GRAY. 3 Do'v Good are tlte Autei•ieaus? b y S. J . S imon A DOUT a . year ago all seemed n_ set to answer this question.
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