.5 Market market structure The organization of a market, Structures based mainly on the degree of competition. There are four basic mai ket structures. and Market perfect competition A market structure in which many producers supply an identical product. This is the most efficient Failures structure, with prices set by supply and demand. monopoly A market structure in which a single 7.1 Introduction producer supplies a unique product that has no close substitutes. In an unregulated monopoly, the producer If you have a cell phone, at some point in the past you sets prices. may have thought about changing your service pro vider. Perhaps you wanted to get a new phone that oligopoly your company did not oiler, or maybe you wanted A market structure in which a to switch to a cheaper plan. Or perhaps you were an few firms dominate the market and noyed because your provider had raised your rates or produce similar or identical goods. This structure is more competitive altered other terms of your contract. But changing than a monopoly. companies might have meant breaking your contract and paying a stiff penalty. So most likel) you swal monopolistic competition lowed your frustration and did nothing. A market structure in which many Sound familiar? Ifso, you were not alone. As producers supply similar but varied Bob Sullivan, an investigative reporter specializing products. This structure is the closest in technology and business, has observed, millions to perfect competition. of Americans have found themselves stuck in “cell market failure phone jail” with no easy way out. In this situation, A situation in which the market fails says Sullivan in Gotcha Capitalism (2007), to allocate resources efficiently. You don’t act like a rational consumer in a nor externality mal,functioning market economy. You don’t go A cost or benefit that arises from buy the new phone, or get the cheap new plan. production or consumption of a good You don’t reward the more efficient company or service that falls on someone other with your business. You can’t. You’re in jail. than the producer or consumer. Imagine ifyou couldn’t switch coffee shops or grocery stores without paying h tin dreds of public goods dollars in penalties. Preposterous? No—not in Goods and services that are used the world of cell phones. collectively and that no one can be excluded from using. Public goods are not provided by markets. Examples in dude national The cell phone service market is structured differently from defense and clean air. other markets. 119 CeU phone providers and clothing manufacturet s operate in distinctly dif ferent markets, Wireless service providers offer consumers few choices and require binding contracts. In contrast, clothing companies give shoppers many choices, with no strings attached. What is going on here? Flow could cell phone for example. If you go shopping for a T-shirt, you companies operate differently from, say, coffee shops will find hundreds of colors, styles, and designs to or grocery stores or car dea1erships? The cell phone choose from, in a wide range of prices. The T-shirt companies defended their behavior by arguing that industry is very competitive, with many different they provided phones to their customers at low, sub producers. It is apparent that cell phone service sidized rates. Thus, the companies had to cover the providers and T-shirt producers operate in different costs of these phones it people were to break their markets, with different levels of competition. What contracts. Although there is some truth to this argu accounts for these differences? ment, it is not the real reason people found them selves trapped in cell phone jail. The real reason was The Characteristics That Define Market Structure that in 2007 a few major companies dominated the An economist would answer those questions by point cell phone industry, and these companies all acted ing out that the T-shirt and cell phone industries have pretty much the same. different market structures. Market structure refers What about the freewheeling competition that is to the organization of a market, based mainly on the the hallmark of a market economy? What about the degree of competition among producers. laws of supply and demand? Well, the truth is that Economists define market structure according to even in a free market economy, not all industries and four main characteristics. markets are equally competitive. And when they are Number ofproducers. The number of producers in not eqLtal, it is usually the consumer who suffers. a market helps determine the level of competition. In this chapter, you will read about various types Markets with many producers are more competitive. of markets and how and why they differ. You will also learn about the effects of imperfect and inefficient Similarity ofproducts. The degree to which products markets on our economy and society. in a market are similar also affects competition. The more similar the products are, the greater the com petition among their producers. Ii 7.2 What Is Perfect Competition, and Ease of entry. Markets differ in their ease of entry, Why Do Economists Like It So Much? which is a measure of how easy it is to start a new business and begin competing with established Fortunately, most businesses are more consumer businesses. Markets that are easy to enter, with friendly than cell phone companies were when Sul few restrictions, have more producers and are thus livan wrote his 2007 book. Take ‘f-shirt producers, more competitive. 120 Unit 2 Hon Markets Work Control over prices. Markets also differ in the degree anlong producers of agricultural products, such as to which producers can control prices. Che ability to wheat, corn, tomatoes, and milk, Other examples ot in! luence prices —usually by increasing or decreas perfect lv competitive markets include commercial ing the supply of goods—-is known as market power. fishing and the wood pulp and paper industry. The more competitive the market, the less market Perfect competition has four main characteristics. power any one producer will have. Maii’ producers and conSumers. Perfect lv competi Based on these characteristics, economists have tive markets have many producers and consumers. identified tour basic market structures: perfect Having a large number of participants in a market competition, monopol, oligopoly, and monopolistic helps promote competition. competition. These structures are shown on the Identical products. Products in perfectly competitive spectrum below, from most competitive to least markets are virtually identical. As a result, consumers competitive. you read, keep in mind that these Idur As do not distinguish among the products of different models are not always easy to identify in the actual producers. A product that is exactly the same no economy. In some cases, a market will have mixed matter who produces it is called a commodity. features, making it hard to tell how competitive it is. Examples include grains, cotton, sugar, and crude oil. Easy entry into the market. In a perfectly competi Pertect Competition: tive market, producers face few restrictions in enter— Many Producers, Identical Products ing the market. Ease of entry ensures that existing The most competitive market structure is perfect producers will face competition from new firms and competition. In a perfectly competitive market, a that a single producer will not dominate the market. large number of firms produce essentially the same product. All goods are sold at their equilibrium No control over prices. Under conditions of perfect price, or the price set by the market when quantity competition, producers have no market power. They supplied and quantity demanded are in balance. cannot influence prices because there are too many Economists consider perfect competitIon to be the other producers offering the same product. Instead, most efficient market structure in terms of allocat— the market forces of supply and demand determine ing resources to those who value them most. the price of goods. Producers are said to be price Although many markets are highly competitive, takers because they must accept, or take, the market perfect competition is relatively rare. It exists mainly price for their product. Perfect Competition The four basic market structures are defined mainly by how competitive they are Perfect competition is the most competitive, with many producers offering identical products. Many producers Identical products Easy entry No control less over prices competitive Chapter 7 Market Structures and Market Failures 121 In addition to these characteristics, one other Barriers to Entry Can Limit Competition lature distinguishes highly competitive markets: Our look at dairy farming hints at some of the easy access to information about products and obstacles that can restrict access to a market and prices. A person shopping for a car, for example, can limit competition. Such obstacles are known as easily find out the range of models, features, and barriers to entry. prices available. Such information is readily acces One possible barrier is start-up costs, or the ini sible at car dealerships, in published reports, and on tial expense of launching a business. It is much less the Internet. Information gathering involves trade expensive, for example, to open a bicycle repair shop offs, however. Consumers must balance the time than it is to open a bicycle factory. An entrepreneur and expense of gathering such intdrmation with the with little financial capital might find it difficult to money saved by finding a good deal. get into bicycle manufacturing because of the high Economists refir to the costs of shopping arouiid cost of building a factory. for the best product at the best price as transaction The mining industry offers an example of anoth costs. The Internet has helped reduce transaction er barrier to entry: control of resources.
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