E 92ND ST E 92ND ST E 92ND ST E 91ST ST E 91ST ST E 91ST ST E 90TH ST E 90TH ST E 90TH ST PAS@ 90TH PAS@ 89TH E 89TH ST E 89TH ST E 89TH ST 5TH AVE PARK AVE PARK E 88TH ST E 88TH ST E 88TH ST Bulletin E 87TH ST E 87TH ST E 87TH ST THE PAS@ 87TH PAS CAMPUS E 86TH ST E 86TH ST May 2018 MADISON AVE אייר–סיון E 85TH ST E 85TH ST E 85TH ST FROM THE RABBI RABBI NEIL ZUCKERMAN happened. After zigzagging across that bridge, Sharansky made aliyah and continued to advocate for Soviet Jewry. He was the driving force behind the historic rally in December 1987 that brought 250,000 marchers to Washington, D.C., pressuring Soviet President Gorbachev to ease Wherever We emigration restrictions. For his struggle to promote human rights, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Stand, We Medal and the Presidential Medal of Stand with Freedom. Seeing Sharansky at AIPAC reminded Park Avenue Synagogue Israel me that the work we do as activists for Bulletin the State of Israel is sacred work. That VOLUME 70 · NO. 7 we can come together in our nation’s MAY 2018 capital and lobby our elected officials ne of the most moving on behalf of Israel is one of the great אייר–סיון · IYYAR/SIVAN 5778 moments at this year’s AIPAC blessings of living when we do. But Policy Conference was when let us remember, as inspiring as it is From the Rabbi ................................................2 O Natan Sharansky walked onto the to stand with 18,000 members of the This Month at PAS ...........................................3 stage with his daughter for a ten- Schedule of Religious Services & pro-Israel community, what really Shabbat at PAS ................................................4 minute conversation. I immediately matters is what we do the day after. Shavuot 5778 at PAS ........................................ 5 thought about Sharansky’s book Fear Will we continue to fight on behalf of From the Officers .............................................6 No Evil, detailing his experience the Jewish state, even though it seems Transition at PAS .............................................8 in a Soviet prison for nine years – Synagogue Family ............................................9 at times that the world is against us, From the Educational Team ...........................11 Sharansky as refusenik, what he or even when the people of Israel don’t Adult Classes .................................................. 12 symbolized, what the movement to live up to our highest aspirations? PAS Library .................................................... 12 free Soviet Jewry meant. Sharansky’s Young Family Education ............................... 13 release was one of the great liberation I don’t have the answers, and I don’t PASECC.......................................................... 14 movements of this century. In his Congregational School (CS) .......................... 14 know where this story ends. But I will Postcard from Camp .......................................15 email that week, Eric Goldstein tell you what I do have: stamina. And Youth/RJNHS ................................................15 recounted Sharansky’s first moments I encourage you to have the same. College Connections .......................................17 of freedom. Freed in a prisoner If you are traveling to Israel with us 20s & 30s ........................................................17 exchange, he crossed the infamous Contributions ..................................................17 in December, great. If not, then you Caring Network .............................................22 Glienicke Bridge (the "Bridge of will join us next time. Until then, we Shapiro Audio Archive...................................22 Spies") from East Germany to West have many “Focus on Israel” pro- Calendar .........................................................23 Berlin. The Soviets told him to walk grams in the next six months to help A Look Ahead ................................... Back cover straight ahead; he zigzagged. A final you to deepen your connection to the act of defiance. A first act of freedom. Jewish state. But you’ve got to show up. Take a lesson from Sharansky. What an amazing moment. A peak Today is today. It is important. It is moment. We know these kinds of sacred. It is special. But we have work moments. Moments of freedom. to do when it comes to closing the Moments of liberation. Moments of gap between what Israel is and what redemption. Our tradition, our stories, it ought to be as a Jewish democratic are filled with them. The question I state. Remember, what really matters always have is, what happens next? is tomorrow. Tomorrow, let us show What happens the day after? In many up and be counted, and remember ways, that is the most significant that wherever we stand, we stand with day. In Sharansky’s case, he could Israel. have said, “You know what, I’ve been through a lot. I am going retire and enjoy the good life.” Would anyone have blamed him? But we know what 2 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin This Month at PAS RSVPThis = Advance registration Month required. at$ = There isPAS a cost for the event. RSVP = Advance registration required. $ = There is a cost for the event. 136 th Seminary Shabbat with JTS Chancellor PAS Annual Meeting Arnold Eisen Tue | May 15 | 6:00 pm Sat | May 5 Hear the Chairman’s “State of the Congregation” • 9:45 am | Sanctuary Service | The Religious address. Elect the new slate of Officers and Board Significance of Israel members. Thank volunteers. Remember congregants • 12:30 pm | Post-Kiddush Learning | What Rabbis who have passed on and acknowledge new babies. Need to Know, What Rabbinical Schools Need to Be in the know about the latest at PAS! Teach, in conversation with Rabbi Witkovsky Reading Jewish Lives Honoring and Blessing Cantor Lissek Rabbi Akiva: Sage of the Talmud by Barry Erev Shavuot | Sat | May 19 Holtz • 7:00 pm |Festive Musical Evening Service • Book Discussion • 8:30 pm | Kiddush with Cheesecake and Words of Fri | May 4 | 8:00 am | Rabbi Witkovsky (in place of Torah Talmud Torah class) • 9:00 pm | 20s/30s Late Tikkun Leil Shavuot • Author Event with Dr. Barry Holtz Tue | May 8 | 7:00 pm Please visit pasyn.org/calendar for up-to-date information and additional details on all PAS programming. www.pasyn.org 212–369–2600 May 2018 Iyyar/Sivan 5778 3 COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Please join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating our community at the final event before the transformation of our 87th Street building. Honor the Past PAS Embrace Gala the Present Celebrate the Future Thursday, May 3, 2018 — 6:30 pm PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE, 50 EAST 87TH STREET DIETARY LAWS OBSERVED FESTIVE ATTIRE For tickets, journal ads, and underwriting opportunities, please visit www.pasyn.org/gala2018, email [email protected], or call the Development Office at 212-369-2600, x148. 4 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin FROM THE OFFICERS PAUL CORWIN, PRESIDENT to make Shabbat at PAS a full day of whether or not they are members. worship and programming offering With What Matters, we are stepping multiple points of entry to our up to the role of a sacred community members. We now have services in helping members of all ages address that appeal to all demographics and advance care planning, so that when interests, ranging from our dynamic the end of life happens, it can hap- How Have We Kabbalat Shabbat to Tot Tefillah for pen on our terms. We are facing and families with young children, Ramah addressing the reality that many of Minyan for millennials, Havurah for our members are interfaith families Done? those who want to participate in a or children of interfaith relationships lay-run service, Congregational School whom we want to welcome into our services, and healing services, as well community. ayor Ed Koch famously used as our engaging musical Sanctuary to walk the City asking, services. Our Shabbat programming ✓ So, how have we M “How am I doin’?” As my offers musical interludes, dinners for fellow officers and I approach the end members of all ages, learning sessions, done? of our five-year term, we are asking, the annual Leiman Maisel Family “How have we done?” At the start of Shabbaton, afternoon teen/parent We have made major strides to our term, Art Penn said that we would discussions with Rabbi Cosgrove, create the kind of community that focus on three areas: space, services, singing and Havdalah at Hazzan’s Rabbi Cosgrove challenges us to be: and strengthening our community. We Tisch with Cantor Schwartz, and more. a shining light in the Conservative have made significant progress in all We have been leaders in livestreaming movement, a model for the synagogue three. services and podcasting sermons of the 21st century, a community that and lectures; almost 400 people now others look to for leadership of the ✓ Space experience the joy and beauty of our “best that a synagogue can be.” Shabbat services by livestream each week! Five years ago, we lacked High ✓ Todah rabbah Holiday seating for almost 600 of our members, and our year- ✓ Community Thank you to our world-class clergy, round programs were bursting our our exemplary staff, and my fellow building at the seams. Now, with While our community was already officers for being partners in shap- the addition of our Fifth Avenue strong five years ago, we have much ing a community that touches our service, there is seating for all at a growth of which to be proud. Our heads and our hearts and provides service that the participants love. Caring Network helps people who love and support for its members. After two years, our High Holiday are facing health challenges or are in Thank you to each of you for showing Family Service has become a PAS mourning and also assists with joyous up to create this remarkable commu- tradition. To accommodate year-round transitions like welcoming new babies. nity. And thank you for giving me the programming, we have expanded to Our catalog of adult learning oppor- opportunity to serve in this meaning- a PAS Campus with our magnificent tunities is best in class.
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