Devoted to the Interests of A CLEAN, FEARLESS Belmar and Wall Township F A M I L Y WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH IS THE COAST ECHO) BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913 VOL. XXII, No. 24 THREE CENTS v HLEC :o p \ m o f p a r l o r TELEPHONE POLE 5 DEAD IN CAR AT STAMFORD. t l W E are told, Tides change Thic photograph of the wreck „-'I'6vV8' ■ v v 1 AT SHARK RIVER of the Goston express on the every six hours accord- WRECK ON 'few York, New Haven and Hart­ ford railroad in which five were .. B p H ing to Moon action. W e w onder BRIDGEJPOPULAR killed, and a score injured was taken a fe w minutes after the if the M oon has anything to do crash. The engine plowed NEW HAVEN with hum ans. through the wooden Pullman. M Autoists Seem To Like Photo bv American Press Asso —Homely **Ssi 1 ion 5S. To Bump It Score Injured; Some damage to other cars was confined " broken windows. Fiat Brushes Brush OR. HARRY E. SUNDAY’S ACCIDENT The second section was going at twenty miidk* an hour when it ap­ One man was seriously injured and M a y Die. proached Stamford station The sev J N O W DEAD WOMEN INJURED Wit. J Collier Staid fiOUSMAN another escaped injury when the auto­ era I signals had been set to warn tile mobile In which they were riding engineer of the presence of the first A big Fiat touring car collided with section in the station. He passed them a Brush runabout at teh corner of Succumbs Suddenly of struck a telephone pole at the north by and was within a few hundred Norwood and Euclid avenues, Allen­ end of the Shark river bridge at 10 REAR END COLLISION. yards of tlie other train before he put hurst Sunday afternoon, and two Erysipelas Re t u r n s H O M E o’clock Sunday night. on tlie brakes. They failed to check women were hurled over the wind­ The injured man was Walter Rub­ the speed of tlie train, and tlie big en shield of the Brush and injured. One ens, keeper of a poolroom on Sixteenth NEW YORK, Ju n e 11.—Suprem e gine struck tlie Skylark, penetrating it woman suffered a’ broken shoulder avenue, Belmar. The other and own­ WIFE IN CALIFORNIA Court Justice Giegerich has taken half way. Engine and train were lit­ Ill Mother’s Pleading Ap= er of the car was John Hoffman, an erally telescoped, the car seeming to fit blade and the other a scalp wound. papers in a suit to determine whether Locomotive Plows Into Crowd­ Both were much bruised. Dr. Harry E. Snow a physician well employe in the garage of Oscar New­ over the engine lijte a glove. horses are justified in losing their The women were carried into tho known in this section, died at his home, pealed to Runaway. man on F. street, Belmar. They were In the Skylark were thirty-one pas­ heads over the baying of foxhounds. home of Edward H. McCormick at 517 Ninth Avenue, early yesterday morn­ returning home after ■a drive that had ed Parlor Gar, sengers. A few in the forward end The su it for $25,000 w as brought by were the only ones to escape injury. Elberon avenue and later were at­ ing. The doctor’s death was caused by occupied the afternoon, when, accord­ Miss Anna C. Walsh, teacher of phys­ Those killed were sitting in tho ex­ tended hy Dr. Henry H. Bennett, to erysipelas, probably contracted from pa­ ing to Hoffman, his steering gear went ical culture, dancing, dramatic art, REFUSES TO SEE HUSBAND treme rear end and were crushed to whom they gave their names and ad­ tients who were suffering from that disease. wrong and the machine slewed and elocution and manners, against Robert death almost instantly, with tiie ex­ dresses after pledging him not to re­ He has had several erysipelas patients of struck a pole. SAY ENGINEER RAN BY SIGNAL ception of Dr. G. Howe of Hartford, J. Collier, publisher. veal their identity. They said they late. Meets Sister by Appointment In New Both men were thrown out, but Hoff­ whose skull was fractured. He died Miss Walsh was driving near Ea- were on their way from Point Pleas­ Dr. Snow was born at Brewer, Maine, York—Says She Intended to Convey man fell in such a manner that he es­ several hours later in the Stamford tontown, N. J., on Aug. 31, 1909, when ant to their homes, one in Newark 55 years ago. He graduated from Bow- Impression She Had Been Drowned. caped harm. Rubens suffered a frac­ hospital. she met the hounds in the road in and the other in Brooklyn.t Both doin and the Itush Medical college in Had Obtained Position. ture of his right leg above the knee. Declared ifeng Engine Driver Everett II. Woodruff was sitting in charge of the master of Collier’s ken­ the rear end of the car. He was in­ women were stylishly dressed. They Chicago. He first practised in California. He was hurried to the Ann May hos­ nel. Their baying so frightened her New York, Ju n e 13.—Mrs. Olga Hous-. Was Fireman on Train in stantly killed. Mr. Woodruff was head continued on their way after being From there lie came here. He had been pital. horses, §he says, that they reared man, the young and attractive tyife of of J. T. Woodruff & Go., builders, of in this section about 14 years. Funeral treated by the physician, their ear Alonzo Ilousman of 972 Pacific street, That the men were riding at a rapid Fatal Westport Wreck. Flushing. X. Y. He had gone to South services will be held at two o’clock Sun­ and threw her from the carriage. She not being badly damaged. Brooklyn, lias returned after a ten rate was indicated by the condition of Norwalk earliee in the day on business alleges that she received injuries The driver of the Fiat car contin­ day afternoon from his late home. Rev. day disappearance, during which all the automobile, the back of which was and was returning to his home in this which have prevented her from pur­ ued on their way after learning that Charles Everett, pastor of the First Pres­ sorts of explanations were offered for a complete wreck. The front wheels city. suing her vocation. Stam ford. Conn.. Ju n e 13.—A rear byterian church of Belmar will officiate* her absence. But she didn’t go to Prosecutor Carter and Coroner Phe­ the women were not seriosly injur­ and engine were not damaged. The Burial will be made at Manasquan. her husband's house, nnd she told her end collision on the New York. New lan of Stam ford w ere unable to find ed. His name was not taken. Tho car was taken over the bridge to the sister that she doesn’t intend to. Haven and Hartford railroad, within a any excuse for the accident. Tlte rail­ accident occurred about 2.30 o'clock. The doctor is survived by a widow and garage of Leon A. Newman at Fifth Mrs. Ilousman. cool and self, pos­ few blocks of the station here, caused road officials at that place admitted a daughter, Mrs. H. P. Collins of Jersey Auto Backs Into Lad avenue and F. street. sessed, received reporters in her moth­ the death of tive persons and tlie in­ that signals bad been “messed” all aft­ City. Mrs. Snow, who was in a nervous er's home at 111 Bergen street shortly Hoffman was much broken up over jury of about twenty more. The sec­ ernoon condition, recently went to Berkeley, “13" Holds No Fear For after her return aud frankly told her the accident and will talk but little ond section of the Boston-New York Engineer and Fireman Gone. California, where she is now. about it He says his car had been express, leaving Boston at noon and BELMAR CHAUFFEUR SAID TO remarkable story. Engineer Dougherty., and Fireman “I was tired of hearing all the bur­ undergoing repairs and was just com­ running at high speed, crashed into Smith of the train which telescoped AGREE TO PAY FOR DAMAGE Adele Ritche dens und decided to leave my husband pleted yesterday, when he and Rubens the rear end of the first section, which tlie parlor car are missing. They dis­ Peter Linster, who gave his address for good,” said she. “After I left In took it out for a spin. He denied was standing still, after having taken appeared immediately after the wreck, Inventor Marconi to A LOCH ARBOUR ROMANCE as R. F. D. No. 2, A sbury P ark, was the boat I rowed to Itoekaway. 1 tore on an electric locomotive for the rest and the police of Stamford have been they were going very fast. He felt of the journey. knocked from his bicycle and slightly a part of my skirt and attached it to the steering gear give way, he said, unable to find them. The locai prose­ NEW YORK, Ju n e 11.—L aughing to the oarlock. Then I half tilled the skiff The Dead. cutor. however, was told that they Inspect Belmar Plant injured this morning when George C. and before he could apply the breaks Frank K. Confleld. East Alvortl street. scorn the laws of superstition, Adele Hankinson, chauffeur for a Newark with water and came to Manhattan on would be produced at the coroner's a train.
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