WEATHER REPORT IF IT'S (Government forecast) NEWS COLDER e TELL THE DAILY :VOL 2.. NO. 97 UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, IND~A, S{JNDAY, MARCH 30, 1924 PRICE A. CBNTS TODAY Seven 'Big 10' Nines. : FAT~ER CATAPANG On ·Baseball Slizte . · AWARD LAETARE' MEDAL FOR-1924 TO 7:30 a. m.-Low mass in LEAVES,TODAY. FOR Sacred Heart Church. --:. for ·ca_mi~g Season .CHARLES DONAGH MAGINNIS OF BOSTON , 8:30 .. a. m.~High :mass in . ' Sacred Heart Church.· THE PHILLIPINES 7:30. p. · m.-Org::m DISTINGUISHED. CATHOLIC ARCHITECT - Dr. J. Lewis Browne; POPULAR PRIEST TO BEGIN Heurt Church. HIGH HONOR . TO LAYMEN , OF EDUCATIONAL WORK IN · · Honored by N. D. AMERICA TO BE GIVEN TOMORROW.: NATIVE COUNTRY I FOR 41ST TIME . .;.') . ~··- 2 NOTRE DAME DAILY SundaJJ, March 30, 19fJ4: What Others Say New Offerin_gs -on Official Bulletins Stage and Screen UniTersity ·of :Notre Dame official daily. paper, published every mornin~ except The New Amendment Co~y Is collected· from the ·DAILY'S i.f.onda:r Wednesday· and Fr.iday durin£: the academic year by the Notre Da~e Daily bulletm box at 4 :30 p, m. · the afternoon Compan)., .. Notre .. Dame, .IndianL Another time delaying feature of ORPHEUM-"Pleasure 1\lnd." precedins;:; publication. the country bids well to be · dis­ BLACKSTONE - "Icebound and Entered. as. second clas_s matter at the post office of. Notre Dame, Ind. carded to the legislative waste bas- Vaudeville. • DOME MEET!Ne-:-The following m OLIVER-"The Da~cer of the nrc asked to meet in the Dome room r en Subaeription: rate, u.oo per :rear; b)" mail, U.50. · Sinde copies, four eentJ. ket-with the passage of the bill Nile." Corby hall, at 10 :30 Sunday mo;ni~a~ · Day office, Walsh Hall.... Main 1218 Nicht office, 435 E. LaSalle Ave•.... Lincoln 1570 providing the amendment to the Leach, Heger, Thode, Schaeffer . Currg, PALACE-"Reno'' and Vaudeville. Adams, Watson, 'Elliott, Clancy' Colliny' · constitution. for th-e president's in­ LA SALLE-"Ride fqr Your Life." Jones, Berkery, Sheerin, Patrick.~ 8 • auguration on January's third Mon­ . • · DEMOCRATB-All students who · · EDITORIAL'STAFF day, by a vote of some 63 to 7, in The week's offerings at the mterested in the principles of the De are EDITOR-IN-CHIEF..•...•..•.....•....•......••...............• ~ ...••......•.........•...•. ~ ......PAUHL G. F~~KJ '~4 the ·senate. Now the house will de­ amusement houses are such that one cratic Party are called to a meeting .T::o- Editorial Staff-Harry. Flannery, · '2S: Henry Fan nan, '24: James ayes, , :. o n bate. And if it passes . the states d 1 day n.oon nt 12 :30 in ·the south room e~- ·.. \: .-Brennan, '24: Frank Kolars, '24; Jack Scallan, '25: Eugene_ Noo~, 24. Ray could insert one's thumb an pu 1 ~he library to elect .officers and discus~ out a plum almost anywhere. ImPortant Plans. • • • , .. -.. C~nningb~m, '25. ·. • . G . ld L ons .24. Laurence G. Kelly,'25 will' have something to discuss. News Editors...................... _................................... era Y • • Ra C · h m '25 There is not a great deal to be said • Nizht_ Editors...................................................... Jobn .Stoeckley,h'25 ;27 YJ hunnGinlcl ahe'r '26 "Pleasure Mad,'' is the fea:ture· FATHER KELLY'.S RELIGION I_ · .. · . · · . Terence Dona ue,. : o n a ag •, for the bill other than that it get~ at the Orpheum for the entire week. ~:;~i~e~e~;'sfo~~~~~s .m -~eeclit~ion AI will ·be . --~f:rt~.;;d•~d.i'i;;;· ..::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::;:::::n·E;:;.;;.;tl_.;or c 8;pei~::~i the new president started earlim· in This is a rather· sensatwna· 1 s t. ory of F r1'd ay · and Saturday)• will bewn examined·. U1·1o the year-:-and earlier in 'their u•l• , k d h f · room 8, Science hall, · at 7 ·30 M m Dramatic Editors .................................................. Paul C. Mar~m, 24cih uls acM Gu mgie''2-l ~ h e h avoc wren e on a ~J?~Y am- night. Section c (10:10 Thursda onday .. Bul~etin -Edi~r ......._. ........~·~·.-~ ..............~ ........~ ......................... ;u·~·";2 • nRoebert cM~~~r, :25: ministration. · But this is, as the Ass1stant Nu:ht Editors............................................ Mark Ne • · d 7 • J h s k d '25 1ly by- the sudden acquiSition of Sa_turday) will be examined in ro~m a~d - · . Charles Crawfor ,' 27 : o n nn ar , senators voted, sufficient .in itse}f. great wealth. The . cast includes Sctence hnll, on Wednesday night at 7 :3o: Repori:e~s~Rupert Wentworth, Lester Grady, Herbert Wnlth.ers, Ray Flan?ighn, C~los For time is a supreme factor to be·e, Jr., Jay. 'Fleming, Joseph Navarre,· Roy Chauvm, Don Cunmng am, or­ Huntley Gordon, May Alden, Nor- ter ·wittick, ~rankli!l Conway, John Purcell, and Jack Flynn. con'sidered. A worthy. thing to ma Shearer, .and William Collier, handle with extreme care. And Jr. This T,.&ue not to waste.. For once g•.me--it i~ At Other College~ Night Editor ••••.. : •.•.• ;.Terence Donahue Assistant ...: .................... : ....John Snakard always gone. May the house (h\ a!: The Blackstone offers "Ice­ bound," .William de Mille's latest, ~~~=~~=====~==~--===~-----------~UM~~l A~mey~~~~ INDIAN A; ..UNIVERSITY-Plans BUSINESS STAFF do as th~ two houses.-Daily Illini. featuring Richard Dix arid Lois Wil­ son. Robert E. Sherwood, cinema are ?OW hemg made for the · cele~ 'BUSINESS -li~AGER. ..........- ......-............................................ JOHN. CorbinN. STANTON, Patrick,'26 '2-l. Local AdvertlsiD&' Manager ...... ;...................... - ....................................y··.. A W"they '"6 critic o:f "Life," remarks that it is bratlon of the centennial of the · Foi-ei~n Advertising :tdanazer .................~ ........~ ................................. ajeh · Q Adam~ 'ZG. Th~ Educated Thief "an unusually worthy picture, but university which will be on May 7 'Circ:u~ation Manager ........................................................................j .. };;; -w~rde~ Kane.''2G Distribution Manager ..........................................................d-·d·~·····t··"'· ,026 G J Schill '27 Petty thievery is an offense that not one to lift you out of your seat A program is. being prepared. · . ' Assistant Local Advertising Managers........ :Michael Re . mg on, , eorge _. • can not be condoned. under' any and send you home in' a quivering AdTert!sing Assistants-Edward E.: O'Brien, Alfred J. D1ebold, Jr.. HenrLy J. MaGsman, ~. -iW::llter J. Kennedy, :Frank Doyle, -H. Edwin MacLannan, Jack oftus, eorge circumstances: . Stealing is taking condition." The vaudeville feature PRINCETON UNIVERSITY;_ anything. that does not belong to will be Frances · Renauld, who Dean .William. Magie, chairman of Diatrlb!:to"ndeAsais~nta-To~- O'Connor, Errol Jones, ·F. ~ndrews,- Joseph Szanyi, ~-. :Frank Bischoff, P. Dillakamp, C. Dickerson. A. Nanovtc. oneself, be it a coat from the cafe.:. brings the latest Parisian creations. the committee on examinations and teria,. a towel from a· hotel room, The Oliver, afte.r a brief excur- standing,·.- declares in· an .intervie,v athletic, e~uipment from the gym- sion to. the. legitimate, dusts the that the_ reason . so many students . "fi k d" d . ;THE DAIL_Y,S STAND. FOJ!-. NOTRE DAft'IE nasium, or a postage stamp from cobwebs from the screen again and ~n e was ue ·to . too many a room-mate. advertises · "The Dancer of the social. engag~ments, and· a striving . Time and again the university 'Nile.'' The story · is based on the for high social honors. - Ninety per .A 1~nion building to be built ,as soo1~ as possible~ has fallen into, disrepute because good old days when King Tut- was cent of· freshmen and sophomores :A well-organized student b_ody, residing on the camp1_1s; some of her students, actuated by a mere boy. constitute those who sever their re­ . Trzie. recognition and appreciation of go~d scholarshzp. mob psychology, pillaged local the" The Palace ,vill unwrap "Reno" lations with the university for .this reason, while :few juniors creep into L~------------~--~----~----~--~~a~~-ud oonfu~o~ri~ ~ c~~ud ~P~~u~~ep~~g~~ this class. · · . -:AN INDEPENDENT NE,VSPAPER brR;t10n of an athletic VIctor:v, w1th We have -an idea that this picture is which they themselves had little or. a complete treatise on how to make ·. , . : nothing to· do. two. out of one. George Walsh and WASHINGTON AND LEE UNI­ :'The politi_<;!al bee has begun its buzzmg at ~otre Dame and tl~e Men and women· of .weak moral Helene Chadwick are featured. The VERSITY!-Sudents organized . a new week will' see the first meetings of the Republican npd Demo?r~tiC fiber may be expected at times to vaudeville fans wm be further en­ fire department re~ently and elected clubs· on the campus •., ;The DAILY is' an independent newspaper e:nstmg drop by the wayside and commit tei:tained: by Edith Murray and. a, o~~ers to lead the department dur~ fo~;.:;~~d, .publish.ed,'. by: the stud~nts of_ the university~ · As r.s.uch, the crii?es and offenses, which they, in _::~m?any of ten, in. an _act r_ejoic­ ing. the. coming year. At present .DAILY .wlll of .course .take no :s~de durmg the course of commg cam- their perverted mental states, feel mg m the name of "Musicland.'_' . there is a hose cart with 500 feet 1 -will be effort·. of this newspaper to present. fairly all justified in committing. But what I The LaSalle bursts into -pictures of hose, a chemical tank, and six · p~igns. I~ .tl~e htrge extinguishers. The menibers sides of political: questions_ to the extent in which they arise as news~· excuse has the. college mn!J to offer with a movie startlingly christened of the department were selected bu't ne;er to allow its columns _to be the ,vehi~le for .tl~e propaganda: for ;-suc~ n;Isde:ds? . :A _klepto- "l:lide ·For !our Life," 'vi1h ~oot from ·the most capable men in the · _ ·t · · .
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