
May 15, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2019 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Burchett Hollingsworth Rice (SC) b 1246 question is on the resolution. Burgess Hudson Riggleman Byrne Huizenga Roby AFTER RECESS The question was taken; and the Calvert Hurd (TX) Rodgers (WA) Speaker pro tempore announced that Carter (GA) Jayapal Roe, David P. The recess having expired, the House the ayes appeared to have it. Chabot Johnson (LA) Rogers (AL) was called to order by the Speaker pro Cheney Johnson (OH) Mr. WOODALL. Madam Speaker, on Rogers (KY) tempore (Mr. CUELLAR) at 12 o’clock Cline Johnson (SD) Rose, John W. and 46 minutes p.m. that I demand the yeas and nays. Cloud Jordan Rouzer The yeas and nays were ordered. Cole Joyce (OH) Roy f Collins (GA) Joyce (PA) Rutherford The vote was taken by electronic de- Comer Katko AUTHORIZING REMOTE VOTING BY Scalise vice, and there were—yeas 207, nays Conaway Keller Schweikert PROXY AND PROVIDING FOR OF- Cook Kelly (MS) 199, not voting 24, as follows: Scott, Austin Crawford Kelly (PA) FICIAL REMOTE COMMITTEE [Roll No. 106] Crenshaw Khanna Sensenbrenner PROCEEDINGS DURING A PUBLIC YEAS—207 Curtis King (IA) Simpson HEALTH EMERGENCY DUE TO A Davidson (OH) King (NY) Smith (MO) Adams Gabbard Norcross NOVEL CORONAVIRUS Davis, Rodney Kinzinger Smith (NE) Aguilar Gallego O’Halleran Diaz-Balart Kustoff (TN) Smith (NJ) Allred Garamendi Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Pallone Duncan LaHood Smucker Barraga´ n Garcia (TX) ant to House Resolution 967, I call up Panetta Dunn LaMalfa Spanberger Bass Golden Pappas Emmer Lamb Spano the resolution (H. Res. 965) authorizing Beatty Gomez Pascrell Estes Lamborn Stauber remote voting by proxy in the House of Bera Gottheimer Payne Ferguson Latta Stefanik Beyer Green, Al (TX) Representatives and providing for offi- Pelosi Finkenauer Lesko Steil Bishop (GA) Grijalva cial remote committee proceedings Perlmutter Fitzpatrick Long Steube Blumenauer Haaland Peters Fleischmann Loudermilk Stevens during a public health emergency due Blunt Rochester Harder (CA) Peterson Flores Luetkemeyer Bonamici Hastings Stewart to a novel coronavirus, and for other Phillips Fortenberry Massie Boyle, Brendan Hayes Stivers purposes, and ask for its immediate Pingree Foxx (NC) Mast F. Heck Taylor Price (NC) Fulcher McCarthy consideration. Brindisi Higgins (NY) Thompson (PA) Quigley Gaetz McCaul The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Brown (MD) Himes Thornberry Raskin Gallagher McClintock Brownley (CA) Horn, Kendra S. Timmons tion. Rice (NY) Garcı´a (IL) McHenry Bustos Horsford Tipton Richmond Gianforte McKinley The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Butterfield Houlahan Tlaib Rose (NY) Gibbs Meuser ant to House Resolution 967, the resolu- Carbajal Hoyer Turner Rouda Gohmert Miller Ca´ rdenas Huffman Upton tion is considered read. Ruiz Gonzalez (OH) Moolenaar Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Van Drew The text of the resolution is as fol- Ruppersberger Gooden Mooney (WV) Cartwright Jeffries Wagner Rush Gosar Mullin lows: Case Johnson (GA) Walberg Ryan Graves (GA) Murphy (NC) Casten (IL) Kaptur H. RES. 965 Sa´ nchez Graves (LA) Newhouse Walden Castor (FL) Keating Sarbanes Graves (MO) Norman Walker Resolved, Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Scanlon Green (TN) Nunes Waltz SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF REMOTE VOTING Chu, Judy Kennedy Schakowsky Griffith Ocasio-Cortez Watkins BY PROXY DURING PUBLIC HEALTH Cicilline Kildee Schiff Grothman Olson Weber (TX) EMERGENCY DUE TO NOVEL Cisneros Kilmer Schneider Guest Omar Webster (FL) CORONAVIRUS. Clark (MA) Kim Schrader Guthrie Palazzo Wenstrup Clarke (NY) Kind (a) AUTHORIZATION.—Notwithstanding rule Schrier Hagedorn Palmer Westerman Clay Krishnamoorthi III, at any time after the Speaker or the Scott (VA) Harris Pence Williams Cleaver Kuster (NH) Speaker’s designee is notified by the Ser- Scott, David Hartzler Perry Wilson (SC) Clyburn Langevin geant-at-Arms, in consultation with the At- Sewell (AL) Hern, Kevin Pocan Wittman Cohen Larsen (WA) Shalala Herrera Beutler Porter Womack tending Physician, that a public health Connolly Larson (CT) Sherman Hice (GA) Posey Woodall emergency due to a novel coronavirus is in Cooper Lawrence Sherrill Higgins (LA) Pressley Yoho effect, the Speaker or the Speaker’s des- Correa Lawson (FL) Hill (AR) Reed Young Costa Lee (CA) Sires ignee, in consultation with the Minority Holding Reschenthaler Zeldin Courtney Lee (NV) Slotkin Leader or the Minority Leader’s designee, Cox (CA) Levin (CA) Smith (WA) NOT VOTING—24 may designate a period (hereafter in this res- Craig Levin (MI) Soto olution referred to as a ‘‘covered period’’) Carter (TX) Lieu, Ted Ratcliffe Crist Loebsack Speier DeSaulnier Lipinski Rooney (FL) during which a Member who is designated by Crow Lowenthal Stanton DesJarlais Lofgren Roybal-Allard another Member as a proxy in accordance Cuellar Lowey Suozzi Gonzalez (TX) Lucas Serrano with section 2 may cast the vote of such Cunningham Luja´ n Swalwell (CA) Granger Marchant Shimkus Davids (KS) Luria Takano other Member or record the presence of such Johnson (TX) Marshall Walorski Davis (CA) Lynch Thompson (CA) other Member in the House. Kirkpatrick Mitchell Wilson (FL) Davis, Danny K. Malinowski Thompson (MS) (b) LENGTH OF COVERED PERIOD.— Lewis Napolitano Wright Dean Maloney, Titus (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in DeFazio Carolyn B. Tonko b 1228 paragraphs (2) and (3), a covered period shall DeGette Maloney, Sean Torres (CA) terminate 45 days after the Speaker or the Torres Small Mr. GUEST changed his vote from DeLauro Matsui Speaker’s designee designates such period. DelBene McAdams (NM) ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ (2) EXTENSION.—If, during a covered period, Delgado McBath Trahan Mrs. DINGELL changed her vote Demings McCollum Trone the Speaker or the Speaker’s designee re- Deutch McEachin Underwood from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ ceives further notification from the Ser- Dingell McGovern Vargas So the resolution was agreed to. geant-at-Arms, in consultation with the At- Doggett McNerney Veasey The result of the vote was announced tending Physician, that the public health Doyle, Michael Meeks Vela as above recorded. emergency due to a novel coronavirus re- Vela´ zquez F. Meng A motion to reconsider was laid on mains in effect, the Speaker or the Speaker’s Engel Mfume Visclosky Escobar Moore Wasserman the table. designee, in consultation with the Minority Eshoo Morelle Schultz Stated for: Leader or the Minority Leader’s designee, Espaillat Moulton Waters Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, I was may extend the covered period for an addi- Evans Mucarsel-Powell Watson Coleman absent during roll call vote No. 106. Had I tional 45 days. Fletcher Murphy (FL) Welch (3) EARLY TERMINATION.—If, during a cov- Foster Nadler Wexton been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on Agreeing to the Resolution H. Res. 965. ered period, the Speaker or the Speaker’s Frankel Neal Wild designee receives further notification by the Fudge Neguse Yarmuth f Sergeant-at-Arms, in consultation with the NAYS—199 RECESS Attending Physician, that the public health emergency due to a novel coronavirus is no Abraham Bacon Bishop (UT) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Aderholt Baird Bost longer in effect, the Speaker or the Speak- Allen Balderson Brady ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair er’s designee shall terminate the covered pe- Amash Banks Brooks (AL) declares the House in recess for a pe- riod. Amodei Barr Brooks (IN) riod of less than 15 minutes. SEC. 2. PROCESS FOR DESIGNATION OF PROXIES. Armstrong Bergman Buchanan Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 31 Arrington Biggs Buck (a) IN GENERAL.— Axne Bilirakis Bucshon minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- (1) DESIGNATION BY SIGNED LETTER.—In Babin Bishop (NC) Budd cess. order for a Member to designate another VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:02 Aug 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\MAY\H15MY0.REC H15MY0 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 15, 2020 Member as a proxy for purposes of section 1, SEC. 4. AUTHORIZING REMOTE PROCEEDINGS IN (e) TRANSPARENCY FOR MEETINGS AND the Member shall submit to the Clerk a COMMITTEES. HEARINGS.—Any committee meeting or hear- signed letter (which may be in electronic (a) AUTHORIZATION.—During any covered ing that is conducted remotely in accordance form) specifying by name the Member who is period, and notwithstanding any rule of the with the regulations referred to in sub- designated for such purposes. House or its committees— section (h)— (2) ALTERATION OR REVOCATION OF DESIGNA- (1) any committee may conduct pro- (1) shall be considered open to the public; TION.— ceedings remotely in accordance with this (2) shall be deemed to have satisfied the re- (A) IN GENERAL.—At any time after submit- section, and any such proceedings conducted quirement for non-participatory attendance ting a letter to designate a proxy under para- remotely shall be considered as official pro- under clause 2(g)(2)(C) of rule XI; and graph (1), a Member may submit to the Clerk ceedings for all purposes in the House; (3) shall be deemed to satisfy all require- a signed letter (which may be in electronic (2) committee members may participate ments for broadcasting and audio and visual form) altering or revoking the designation. remotely during in-person committee pro- coverage under rule V, clause 4 of rule XI, (B) AUTOMATIC REVOCATION UPON CASTING ceedings, and committees shall, to the great- and accompanying committee rules. OF VOTE OR RECORDING OF PRESENCE.—If dur- est extent practicable, ensure the ability of (f) SUBPOENAS.— ing a covered period, a Member who has des- members to participate remotely; (1) AUTHORITY.—Any committee or chair ignated another Member as a proxy under (3) committee members may cast a vote or thereof empowered to authorize and issue this section casts the Member’s own vote or record their presence while participating re- subpoenas may authorize and issue sub- records the Member’s own presence in the motely; poenas for return at a hearing or deposition House, the Member shall be considered to (4) committee members participating re- to be conducted remotely under this section.
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