*-*-***** 9 - . i THE NEWS WILL KEEP VOU POSTED ON TIIE S_MB WB6 COPY TU DEVELOPMENT OP THE YOTJR FRIEND WHO MINES—$5.00 THE YEAR. WAWM INFORMATION Portland Canal News ABOUT THIS DISTRICT. Devoted to the Interests of the Mining Districts of Northwestern British Columbia VOL. 5, NO. 47 STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1924 .$5 THE YEAR Dunwell Assays Court of Revision GEORGE COPPER Assays were received early There will be another Court of BREAKING ORE this week of ore encountered in Revision held in Anyox on the the second north crosscut on No. GONDJjELEASED Get on the voter's list. Get on the voter's list. 19th of May. Thus all voters, 3 level of tht Dunwell, and are PORTER-IDAHO Herb Charlton left yesterday Mr and Mrs I. N. Hoguewood not now registered, hfve ample Impassability of the Gov­ as follows: for Rupert. left for Rupert yesterday. time and opportunity for getting Early Start Made on High- Across five feet on the hang­ ernment Road Principal Ernie Armstrong left yester­ Constable J. A. Williams left on the list, a duty that should be ing wall, an average of $13; re­ Grade Marmot Property- Reason for Big Mining day on a business trip to Alice yesterday on a business trip to attended to at once. To ascer­ maining five feet. $95. The shoot Ore Sacks Are Now Being Arm. Rupert. tain if your na.ne is on the voters Deal Falling Through here is split, there being two Four horses arrived yesterday Mrs Carolan received a cow list, see George Fraser of the Taken to the Mine . feet of barren dyke matter be- from the south for the Indepen- from the south yesterday on the Stewart Drug Co., Harry Scovil, 1 he Granby Company have re-[tween the two five-foot ore see­ 1j dence. Prince George. M local Road Foreman, or J. P. Clay Porter, locator and prin­ ded their bond on the George j tions. The average for the en- ! cipal owner of the Porter-Idaho 1 Jack Howse, of the B. C. Sil­ Dr. Richard F. Butler, the Scarlett, Mining Recorder If Copper property, according to, tjre ten feet is $54, a figure that, property, at the head of the ver, returned yesterday from a Stewart dentist, spent two days jvou do not *?et on the list vou n-cei ved this week by W.B north fork of Marmot river, is very pleasing to the manage-^^"^ ^Rupert at the Indian mine this week. j will be unable to vote at the G^rge, principal owner of the mint, in fact better than they and Gus Hedland und Pete West- Rev. F. E. Reddick has been Mr and Mrs Wm. Bunting and j comi"8 P-ebecite or talked-of property, and after whom it wasi anticipated man, who went up with him to appointed school tax collector son left yesterday for a visit to;e'ec''lon- named. Doubtless this news will j do the work preliminary to re­ for the H3'der district. Victoria, Seattle and Spokane. ' opening the property on a com­ ••) n • m a great surprise to the] mercial basis, came down Wed­ entire community, as it is known \ Denny Dwyer returned on the .Miss Muriel Forsythe. niece of A5^fjPIATION STARTING ON Cardena from Vancouver, where! Mrs Carolan, who has been in | nesday and returned yesterday. ihat the Granby have held this j •=»i nrniTiAiia' Mr.Porter's principal mission ; he spent most of the winter. I school at New Westminster for { to Lown was t0 order 100 ore property for some two summers, GLACIER CREEK Miss Virginia'McConkey. Stew-: two years, returned yesterday fih\ IRi"KflT ii?*\ ° ti iring which time a very thor- UCLIULllnl tUjlU'sacK-s, buthe ran into a streak art school teacher, left yesterday j John Ryan returned Tuesday Iof luck, obtaining a loan of them o i ;h (x ami nation of it was made' ImmeJiate opening up of the to spend the Easter vacation in morning from a trip to New ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The purchase of several items] from S.P.Fitzgerald^ , head of the considerable work done with, j Glacier Creek property was an-i | Anyox. Brunswick with his Aunt Kate. |of necessary fire equipment was | Independent Co. and Titan Syn- ii has always been reported, very j nounced yesterday at the local The Misses Beatrice and Leah His brother Charlie returned | decided in no uncertain terms at ft^0 d° not .mmedmtely need them. The sacks will be satisfactory results. office of the company. All sup ; j the Citizens Association meeting . ^^^^^ . ' Horstman came from Prince Ru- with him I hauled by hand sled to the forks Officials passing through Stew-; plies, camp equipment etc. ar-; held in pert yesterday to spend Easter; H. P. Kerr returned yesterday ! Moose Hall Wednesday j0f theVarm~ot" and from there art Thursday stressed the fact| don the Cardena Monday. , ^ -^^ g rive ho idgyi their after spending the winter out-!eveniner- The meeting was very back-packed up to the Idaho, that the bond was not released | Iljght and the Prince George I wel1 attended and 1 Horstman. side. He put in part of the time' > close atten-1Some 30 tons of ore that runs on ground! of dissatisfaction I Thursday. These are now being tion was aid tothe Angus and Mrs McLeod re- in the Lillooet section, where he, P requi laments', close to $300 per ton was broken with the property, it having moved up the valley. A small! ofe Firr** e Chief<i 'nf ToothT^a , an«„dJ money~nr,«-„ !I down Z.L,last fall, •an d,, since work stood up to every test to which crew of men, under the foreman- j turned yesterday from their sad has property interests. , , . , . , „ |im«i»: starteUd -.mthios o-jnnspring mthe memen arare mission to Vancouver, having Miss Kate Ryan returned yes-1 Vf 61 , UTTT^ P>vera«-ng four tons a day, so by it has been put. From conver-j ship of John Haahti, has been: __ . ,. • i ••-• „•«„,»„,„ s _ • ~ xr,, n•••,_•.,«. *.* •«. • * , „ terday from an extended visit in Iut* Fire Marshal J" A' Wllham8: the tir L si-ion with them it wm.M _J _ i i AU * ... I gone to that city with the re-1terdav trom an extended visit in u» -*-"*-**"»*- "• ~- ""'"»''•- the time it is possible for pack sauon witn them it wouia ap- employed and by tomorrow wi 5^ . ... .- „ . ' also gave a reDort of the work hnr~<-* tr, r0o«v, +v,„ dl3U de d Iepui1 Ui uie wurK .. .. **_... 'm aJas ns Heof their son Kinuslpv I Shheer sayold shom shee ihan Ned wa Brunswickwonderful, i * norses to reach the property action in this regard is due to a' jnarv work. Withinaweek air' mam*3 witt, Henry Hummel, I _ ," . ,, "- "" ''!rection, including the official no- ount of ore to be brought down pearthatthe reason for the.r I make an actual start on prelim- j Kinsley. ,^__^ ^ _ _„,„_,,, being carried out under his di-i there will be a considerable am- great extent to the unexpectedly pipe is expected to arrive, which Frank Fisher and Harold John- » * * ' !tice3 that had been issued for| to the beach for shipment ..... | J , son of Hvder are in Kprr-riil-an • Manager H. S. Munroe and; : Packing supplies in to the Ida- satisfactory manner in which the I will convey a,r power for the j ****** „ JuhlawVuR.^ wife, and E. J. Conway, field nece***ry alterati0nS t0 build"!ho at this time of year is no Outsider is ooeniner UD. necessi ; Hrilln from rh« PYisHr-,7 nnnwelll m connection witn lawsuits in-' Ier is opening up, necessi i drills, from the existing Dunwe ing& s in town, t ,. ' " ,, 1 .".ivolvine title to Texas crer*k rn n engineer for the Granby Com-i ' .'Child s play. However, they olv,nR tltle t0 lexas creck m tating a great deal of their ener-! air pipe line into the GlacierP "; pany, passed throug. h yesterda\ y' A number uf other items were, made it without a miahan and gies being centered there, and Cree"*k tunnel. A blacksmith shop Iis in g claimI,: s \ nan v. passed th much vesterdnv discussed, including the corre-: |iimuafter e udrivin wunuug uthre misnape tunnel, anas on the Prince George on their th-difficulties that the George (and powder house are to be erec-i C. P. R. tug Nanoose arrived spondence concerning the re­through the snow to locate the th way to Anyox. Copper property offers from a'ted at once, and the property put j *s week with the wreckingout- quest nride some months ago re- rock tunnel, started driving t'iM-M-aphical and transportation on an operating basis as quickly fit SKookum and is salvapirR the I ""Don'" *t ™---*-*-forget to gwo *to" "th- e-***- In-i -"• warding the required river aheapro-ld in the face of the drift that was opened up last fall. I " "f view, the present means'as conditions will permit. thousand tons of Premier ore,' ternational Service Club dance i tection work jbefeween the second at the ' lortation up Bear river | . that slid from a scow at the dock Stewart Opera House railway crossing and the Bear j Political Campaign Starts Waking freighting costs almostj There Was Hope recently. * dam-shell dredge Monday evening. Good music, river bridge. From letters read Ad­ All political parties in British Prohibitive for Urge operations. AccordinAnr-m-dinngr tnto rpnnrtreports from th«the»! I*is uaeuseud ananuu ni t uuinidoin,C Kgoou«ud wurnwork.
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