11188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE May 21, 1965 1954, as amended, and for other purposes, Mr. ALLOTT subsequently said: Mr. SENATE in which it requested the concurrence of President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate. my signature may be added to the cloture FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1965 motion notwithstanding the fact that it The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, has already been filed. and was called to order by the Acting HOUSE BILL PLACED ON CALENDAR The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. President pro tempore <Mr. METCALF). The bill (H.R. 8122) to authorize ap­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, at this propriations to the Atomic Energy Com­ point I should like to propound a parlia­ Harris, D.D., offered. the following mission in accordance with section 261 prayer: mentary inquiry. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as The ACTING PRESIDENT pro. tem­ Lord of all life, in the white light of amended, and for other purposes, was pore. The Senator will state it. Thy searching, we would pause at mid­ read twice by its title and placed on the Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the day to examine our inner desires and calendar. Chair maintain order so that we may motives, that in this temple of a people's hear? hope and trust we may stand with pure The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ hearts and clean hands. VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 pore. The Senator is correct. The Sen­ Help us, we pray, that in these trying Mr. HART. Mr. President, I ask unan­ ate is not in order. The Senate will be days we may rise above all that is base imous consent that the Chair lay before in order. and small, to toil together in glad and the Senate the unfinished business. The Senator from Illinois is recognized. eager harmony for the honor, safety, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. DffiKSEN. Mr. President, I and welfare of our Nation and of all the pore. The bill will be stated by title. should like to query the acting majority peoples of this stricken earth, who .will The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (S. leader with respect to the status of unite in mutual good will, determined to amendments that have already been sub­ open the gates of a new life for all man­ 1564) to enforce the 15th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. mitted, and also with respect to amend­ kind. ments that may be submitted hereafter, Grant unto Thy erring. and willful The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Is there objection? so far as the cloture motion is concerned. children moral control and a ruling pas­ My understanding is that there must be sion for world brotherhood, lest the aw­ There being no objection, the Senate resumed the consideration of the bill 62 amendments still pending. They have ful instruments of death and destruc­ been submitted; they have not actually tion, now held in frail human hands, <S. 1564) to enforce the 15th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. been presented. My query is as fallows: scourge the planet and melt the fruitful Under the rule, would the amendments earth into brittle glass. CLOTURE MOTION which have been submitted qualify and Make us alive and alert to the spiritual Mr. HART. Mr. President, I send to could they be called up in the event verities and values which underlie all the the desk a cloture motion filed under rule cloture were finally imposed? struggle of these epic days, as on the XXII and ask that it be read. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ anvil of vast issues there slowly takes The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Amendments that have been sub­ shape the new and better world that is pore. The cloture motion will be stated. mitted must be read, unless unanimous to be when Thy kingdom comes. The legislative clerk read the motion, consent is obtained that they be con­ In the dear Redeemer's name, we ask as follows: sidered as read. it. Amen. CLOTURE MOTION Mr. DffiKSEN. So every amendment We, the undersigned Senators, in accord­ must be presented and be read if it is to ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the qualify, if cloture is adopted. THE JOURNAL Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ to bring to a close the debate upon the bill pore. Without unanimous consent, the On request of Mr. HART, and by unani­ (S. 1564) to enforce the 15th amendment to mous consent, the reading of the Journal the Constitution of the United States. Senator is correct. of the proceedings of Thursday, May 20, (1) MIKE MANSFIELD; (2) EVERETl' M. Mr. DffiKSEN. All amendments 1965, was dispensed with. DIRKSEN; (3) PHILIP A. HART; (4) which thereafter mig-ht be submitted THOMAS H. KUCHEL; (5) LEVERETT would obviously be "out of court." SALTONSTALL; (6) PAT MCNAMARA; (7) The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT JOHN 0. PASTORE; (8) FRANKE. Moss; pore. Amendments may be offered from (9) JACOB K. JAVITs; (10) HUGH Sco-rr; now until the vote is taken at 1 o'clock A message in writing from the Presi­ (11) HIRAM L. FONG; (12) CLAIBORNE on Tuesday, but under the same rule the dent· of the United States, submitting a PELL; (13) EDMUND S. MUSKIE; (14) WAYNE MORSE; (15) JOHN SHERMAN amendments would have to be read un­ nomination, was communicated to the less unanimous consent is granted. Senate by Mr. Jones, one of his sec­ COOPER; (16) STEPHEN M. YOUNG; (17) CLIFFORD P. CASE; (18) EUGENE Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, is a retaries. J. McCARTHY; (19) WALTER F. MON­ unanimous-consent request in order to DALE; (20) DANIEL BREWSTER; (21) FRED consider all amendments now pending or R. HARRIS; (22) DANIEL K. INOUYE; which have been submitted as qualified MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE (23) PAUL H. DOUGLAS; (24) JOSEPH under the rule? A message from the House of Repre­ S. CLARK; (25) GAYLORD NELSON; (26) JENNINGS RANDOLPH; (27) ABRAHAM The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its RmICOFF; (28) FRANK J. LAUSCHE; pore. Yes. reading clerks, notified the Senate that, (29) THOMAS J. Donn; (30) VANCE Mr. DIRKSEN. May I do so at this pursuant to the provisions cf House Res­ HARTKE; (31) JOSEPH D. TYDINGS; (32) time? olution 397, 89th Congress, the engrossed EDWARD v. LoNG; (33) BmcH BAYH; The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ bill CS. 1734) to conserve and protect do­ (34) EDWARD KENNEDY; (35) LEE MET­ pore. Such a request is in order. mestic fishery resources, was herewith CALF; (36) GORDON ALLO'I"l'; (37) HARRI­ Mr. DIRKSEN. I do not know how returned to the Senate. SON WILLIAMS; (38) QUENTIN BUR­ many of the amendments will be offered. The message announced that the House DICK. That question is for the authors of the had passed the bill <S. 435) to extend Mr. HART subsequently said: Mr. amendments to determine. However, in the boundaries of the Kaniksu National President, on behalf of the junior Senator order to avoid the necessity of having all Forest in the State of Idaho, and for from New Jersey [Mr. WILLIAMS] and the of the amendments presented and read, other purposes, with an amendment, in junior Senator from North Dakota [Mr. would a unanimous-consent request to which it requested the concurrence of BURDICK], I ask unanimous consent that have them considered en bloc as qualified the Senate. their signatures may be permitted to be under the rule, if Senators wish to call · The message also announced that the added to the cloture motion filed today them up, be in order? · House had passed a bill <H.R. 8122> to under rule XXII with respect to the vot­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ authorize appropriations to the Atomic ing rights bill. pare. Such a request would be in order. Energy Commission in accordance with The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. HART. Mr. President, I ask section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the aniend- May 21, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RE-CORD- SENATE 11189 ments, considered en bloc, be regard~d May 28, 1928, to certain former omcers of In a letter dated April 30, 1963, ad­ as qualified under the rule. the Army; to the Committee on Armed Serv­ dressed to the President of the Senate, ices. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ S. 2008. A b111 for the relief of Carlysle G. the late President Kennedy Jirged Con­ pore. Is there objection? · The Chair Stark; to the Committee on the Judiciary. gress to give this matter prompt and fa­ hears none, and it is so ordered. By Mr.HART: vorable consideration in order to en­ Mr. HART. Mr. President, I ask S. 2009. A bill for the relief of Myung Sook courage a greater percentage of the pub­ unanimous consent that their-- Yun Pak; to·the Committee on the Judiciary. lic to participate in the financial aspects Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I objeet. By Mr. MAGNUSON: of political campaigns. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ . s. 2010. A bill for the relief of Fun Wat Specifically, the proposal provides two Hoy; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pore. The objection comes too late. By Mr.DODD: tax incentives: The Chair asked, "Is there objection?" S. 2011. A bill to permit certain small busi­ First. It would enable any person who paused momentarily, and no objection ness corporations which attempted to make so desires to contribute $20 or less to a was forthcoming.
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