& idler's or Keepers, oi their Deputies, bf the said iYiforiei' in tlie 'Goal for tlie Borough & 'Goals or Prisons. GREAT YARMOUTH. "Set at Large frorti rind surrendered, 'or ten­ , , r First Notice. John Crow,, formerly of Lutton in the County of Lincoln^ dered to be surrendered, to the KING'S late of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, Far- BENCH Prison in the Coanty of Surry. .. mer. .,....••'.. ' - First Notice. Prisoners in the Goal for the City of -John Moore, formerly and lite of Tottenham-court in the County of Middlesex, Cordwainer. WORCESTER. Samuel Wallis, formerly and late of Cheapstead in the County First Notice. Kent, Taylor. Thomas Knott, la.te of the Parish of St. Swithin in the City George Pennick, formerly a'nd late of Cornhill in the City of ; of Worcester, Fislimonger. London, Coffeeman. Joseph Watton, late of the Pariih of St. Peter in the City of "William Price, foimerly of Warwick-lane in the City of Lon­ Worcester, Labourer. don, Victualler, late of Hemel Hempstead in the County of Hertsoid, Innholder. • Benjamin Corfield, formeily of Lower Thames-street in the Prisoners in His Majestv's Goal in and for City of Lmdon, late of Saint Paul's Shadwell in the County the County of WORCESTER. of Middlesex, Victualler. Peter Bicknell, formerly of Little Prescot-street, lateof Well­ First Notice. close-square, both in the County of Middlesex, Taylor. John Asliwood, formerly of Broseley in the County of Sa'op, John Lear, formerly of Fleet-street in the City of London, late of the Parisli of St. Nicholas in the City of Gloucester, late of Canterbury-square Tooley-street in the County of Waterman, Surrey, Dealer in Coals. • • Joseph Burghall, formerly and late of Bridges-street Covent- Third Notice. garden, Grocer. John Kite, formerly of Hink in the Pariih of Coreley,'late Joseph Kenward, formerly and late of Nuttally in the County of Neen-Sollars, both in the County of Salop, Surgeon. of Sussex, Farmer and Waggoner. Paul Peters, formerly of Sedgley in the County of Stafford, John Flinders, formerly 'of Caythorpe in'the County of Not­ late of-©udley in the County of Worcesler, "Whitesmith. tingham, late of Laytonstone in the County of Essex, Corn- Charles Sherratt, formerly of Middlewich in the County of factor. Chester, laie of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Robert Fowkes, formerly of Suffolk-street St.-Mary Is bone Wharfinger. in the County of Middlesex, late of Maypole-court in the Robert Hal!, formerly of Cutsdean in the Parish'of Breedon Borough of Southwark in the County of Surry, Grocer. in the County of Worcester, Cordwainer. John Buckingham, formerly and late of.New Inn-on Lew Samu-1 Buckle, late of Croome Dabitott in the County of Down in the County of Devon, Farmer and Victualler. Worcester, Farmer. Joseph.-Evans, formerly and late of Eltham in the County of William Yarnold, formerly of Ombersley, late of Maitley, Kent, Corn-chandler.'*^ both inthe Countyof Worcester, Apothecary. Joseph Tompson, late of Dudley in the County of Worcesler, Victualler. Prisoners in CAMBRIDGE Castle, the Goal Thomas Badger, formerly of Money-lane in" the Parish of for the County of Cambridge. Bromfgrove in the County of Worcester, Farmer.- First Notice. Prisoners in LUDGATE in the City of Joseph Collin, formeily of Wood Ditton, late of Linton, in the County of Cambridge, Currier. London. John Ayres, late of Ely in the Isle of Ely in the County of Cambridge, Staymaker. First Notice. Wiiliam Bethray, late of Man*y in the Isle of Ely and County Guy Sheppard, formeily of the Old Change Cheapside, late of Cambridge, Millwright. of Long-alley Moor-fields in-the Parisli of St. Leonard William Blinkhtrn, formerly of Ely, late of Haddenham, in Shoreditch in the County of Middlelex, Carpenter. the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge, Miller, johh Cooke, late of Sutton in the Isle of Ely and County of Second Notice. Cambridge, Knacker and Collar-maker. John Gamble, formerly of John-street in the Paristi of St. Thomas Harrison, late of Linton in the County of Cambridge, John Wapping, late of Whitecross-street in the Parish of Surgeon and Apothecaiy. St. Luke Old-street, both in the County of Middlesex, , Tho'mas Pyke, late of Willingham in the County of Cam­ Bu'cher. bridge, Dairyman. Edward Hill', formerly of Noble-street, late of Jewin-street, "Charles Prickett, late of Weston Celvile iri the County of both in the Parisli of St. Giles Cripplegate, London, Car­ Cambridge, Labourer. penter, Thomas Sharpe, late of Weston Colvile in the County of Third Notice. "Cambridge, Whe>-lw'r"ght. Thomas Poultney, formerly of Shoe-lane, late of Kirby-street, Vohn Sharpe, late of* Whittlesey in the Isle of Ely and County . Hatton-garden, both jn the Pariih of St. Andrew Holborn, of Cambridge, Farmer and Victualler. London, Surveyor. John Smilh, late of Wisbech St. Peter's in the Ifle of Ely Moses Fanton, late of the Paristi of St. Saviour Sou'hwark ia and County of Cambridge, Woolcomber, Hosier, Dyer, , the County of Surry, Coffin-maker. aiid Wbrste d'*maker. Paul Wright, formerly of Foster-lane, late of Staining-lane* John-Whenham, late'of Wendy ih the County of Cambridge, London, Jeweller. Victualler. John Whatmore, late of Winchester-street in the City of London, Bricklayer. Prisoners in the Goal or Prison kept at Batley, John Marsli, formerly of Whitecross-street, late of Jewin- in and for ~the Liberty of the Honour, of street, London, Chair-maker. Joieph Gamble, late of Winchester-street, London, Butcher. PONTEFRACT in the County of York. John Hockly, formerly of Broad-street, late of Wormwood- streec, London, Mason. First Notice. William Cadwe!^ formerly of Sr. Mary le bont, late of Drury- John Hall, late of Leeds in the. County of Vork, Stuff-ma­ lane in the Parisli of St. Giles in the Fields, both ih the ker. County of Middlesex, Carpenter. Benjamin Charlesworth, late of *Goroersall ih the County of John Crawford, late of Grub-street, London, Brazier.- York, Clothier. John Haynes, formerly of Beech-lane, late of Bra«.kley= street, London,'Weaver. Prisoners in the Castle Goal of the City and County of OXFORD. Set at Large from, and surrendered or tendered to be surrendered, to the MARSHALSBA First Notice. Prison in the County of Surry. John. Randall, late of she City of Oxford, Masoni Thomas Sellar, late of the City of Oxford, Baker. Second .Notice* . John Boiflier, formerly of Berwick-street in the Paristi of St. Prisoner in tHe Goal or Prison of and belonging James in the Liberty of-Westminster, iate of SKepherd- .street Oxford-road in the Paristi of St. George Hanover- to the Borough of KING's LVNN3 tilled the Mayor's Prison; . ' " square, both in the County of Middlesex, Coach-maker." N. B. If any Person in the foregoing List of First* Notice^ Prisoners soall find, on t.he Perusal of this Gazette "Rc-lert Sharrrian, formerly of. Peterborough in the County of II- rtharnpton, lase'of King's Lynn in theCounty cf Nor- that there is any Error, such Error shall, up'6'n lollt, CUn**pith, Whitefaiitb, ind Bellha.ngei-. Notice, be rectified in the next Gazette Gfatis*. Printed by Thornm HdrrisdH in t^arwick-Lane. ,-1781 .
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