Through fundamental and applied research in explosives and testing technol- ogy, the Dynamic Testing (M) Division contributes to Los Alamos National Laboratory’s national security programs and makes its expertise available to the nation’s defense community. All aspects of explosives research and develop- ment, including the development of test diagnostic procedures and equipment, are the responsibility of M Division. These activities include the detailed measurement, analysis, and under- standing of hydrodynamic systems. Current Division research includes studying the behavior of explosives at the molecular level, synthesizing new organic explosives, formulating and characterizing new insensitive explosive compounds, and studying explosive reaction rates and incorporating them into complex compu- tational models. Division research also includes studying the physics of shock- wave interactions and the behavior of materials at extremely high pressures and temperatures, developing new dynamic testing equipment and procedures, using explosives to produce electrical energy, and developing a variety of advanced conven- Synthesis of new explosive mo[ecules may lead to materials with increased resistance tional munitions. Division scientists carry to accidental explosion. out their work through theoretkid studies supported by computational models combined with detailed experiments that pioneered the use of insensitive high ex- researchers continue to study the com- employ the most sophisticated diagnostic plosives, which dramatically increase patibility of materials in long-term storage equipment available. safety during handling and transportation and continue to develop new materials for Among M Division personnel are and redum the likelihood of nuclear mate- weapon components. chemists, engineers, and physicists, sup- rial dispersal from a weapon accident. Through testing, M Division con- ported by a variety of technicians and Most modem weapons are designed to in- firmed theories that a reaction strongly others. The Division is organized into corporate these insensitive explosives. accelerated by change in temperature or six groups that occupy about 20 square Insensitive high explosives—such as pressure is characteristic of an insensitive miles, nearly half the area occupied by the triaminotrinitrobenzene, or TATB-can explosive. These experiments should lead Laboratory. This area contains laborato- be dropped from great heights and will only to more precise computer models of initia- ries, offices, and most of the Laboratory’s shatter. These materials resist explosion tion and detonation, helping researchers explosives firing sites. caused by extreme pressures, high temper- understand how reaction rates affect sensi- atures, and shock. In addition, they can be tivity, initiation, and detonation. EXPLOSIVES RESEARCH handled stiely when normal precautions M Division’s interests are not limited The Los Alamos emphasis on safety in are observed and remain stable when to new explosives. Nitroguanidine (NQ), its nuclear weapon research has led to the stored for long periods in military stock- which was first prepared in 1877 and used development of insensitive high ex- piles. To ensure the reliability of nuclear extensively in both world wars, is a major plosives. During the 1970s, the Laboratory weapons in the nation’s stockpile, Division ingredient in propellants. Its crystals @RGANI~TK)Iw pROFrLE~IIIIIIIIIIIIIMfi~lrlll‘ LOS AL AMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY 39338003564589 ; naturally assume the form of long felt- should improve the ability to predict how a process saves both time and money be- like needles, making NQ impractical for new explosive will behave, they may also cause it reduces the number of full-scale processing into explosive charges. M Divi- lead to a first-principles approach for tests of weapon designs required for com- sion researchers recently developed away prescribing explosives with specific desired paring calculations with experiments. to produce NQ crystals in the form of characteristics. For the past two decades, PHERMEX spherical particles that can be processed (Pulsed, High-Energy Machine Emitting with other materials to make high-density DYNAMIC RADIOGIWPHY X Rays) has been used to examine the chargeq with further development, NQ Dynamic radiography is one of the hydrodynamic performance of all new Los may prove advantageous in many new major tools used in M Division to obtain Alamos nuclear weapon designs and all weapon applications. data on the hydrodynamic performance of major changes to stockpile weapons. Los Alarnos scientists are extending components used in nuclear weapons. In PHERMEX is a large radio-frequency their historic mission in this area of r~ dynamic radiography, large machines are linear accelerator. It directs pulses of high- search to discover at the molecular level used to produce extremely shortduration energy electrons to a tungsten target where what an explosive is and how it works. bursts of x rays. Afler passing through the the energy of the electrons is converted This fi-mdamental research enlists the most rapidly moving test object, the x rays are into x rays. sophisticated techniques with which re- recorded on film as an image of the test M Division recently completed a searchers hope to learn what holds the object. The short bursts of x rays effectively second major radiographic installation, the explosive molecules together, what makes “freeze” the motion ofexplosive-driven Multidiagnostic Hydrotest Facility. At the them come apart during an explosive reac- weapon components. The resulting radio- heart of this complex is Ector, a diode-type tion, how the released energy interacts with graphs are then examined in detail to deter- pulse-power machine that produces ex- other molecules, and how that released mine whether the theoretical calculations tremely short bursts of x rays. Ector is used energy causes other molecules to breakup used to design the weapon components with other diagnostics, including high- and release even more energy. Such studies agree with the experimental results. This speed rotating-mirror cameras, electric (oRG~I~TIONAL PROFILE) LOS AL AMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY contactor pins, and laser interferometry to Division researchers use a variety of high- study the behavior of weapon components pressure-producing systems, including ex- in explosive tests. A computer monitors plosives assemblies, gas guns, and and controls the facility’s extensive diag- diamond anvil cells, to subject materials to nostic and power-control equipment. pressures more than 200,000 times normal atmospheric pressure. These unconven- tional testing techniques are necessary to simulate the extreme conditions that occur in an explosive-driven system. Under these conditions, materials may undergo molec- ular re-arrangements that can alter their behavior. In dynamic experiments, metals may melt or separate into layers. In static experiments, the result can be as dramatic as the solidification of a gas such as oxygen. Computational models rely heavily on de- tailed data acquired from experiment Huge bursts of electrical energy can be ob- without such &ta, errors in the models tainedfrom explosive-driven generators. cannot be eliminated. But accurate models based on experimental data permit theoret- ical designers to explore variations without . PULSED-POWER APPLICATIONS requiring an actual explosive test at each .. Division scientists are experimenting step. Of current interest is the behavior of with explosive-driven generators that con- plastics used in many weapon components. vert part of the energy released by an These complex polymeric materials consist explosive reaction into huge amounts of of large molecules held together by a com- electricity. The generators employ the fast plicated network of chemical bonds. Cur- compression of magnetic flux. Fast- rent research in M Division focuses on switching components that also employ understanding how these materials re- explosives are being developed to sharpen spond to shocks and how their properties the output pulse from explosive-driven are altered as a result of the shock process. generators. At Los Alamos, explosive- driven generators have served as power ADVANCED CONVENTIONAL sources for electric railguns, dense plasma MUNITIONS Capabilities and technology developed for devices, and several new applications re- While working to support the nuclear weapon programs can oflen be ap- lated to the national strategic defense in- Laboratory’s nuclear weapon programs, plied to conventional munition programs. itiative. M Division has developed unique In addition, M Division uses the capabilities that can be applied to ad- unique intense electron beam of the vanced conventional munitions. Current monium nitrate-based compositions and PHERMEX machine to evaluate the efforts range from research on inexpensive spherical nitroguanidine/TNT-based ex- propagation and erosion ofelectron beams insensitive explosives for conventional plosives, which may offer increased re- for the strategic defense initiative. Using a munitions to the design of advanced sistance to accidental detonation, perform krypton fluoride laser to photoionize a detonation systems. as well as current DoD explosives. channel in low-pressure benzene gas Incorporating TATB-based ex- M Division is pursuing the upgrade of through which the 30-MeV PHERMEX plosives into modem nuclear weapons has both the range and lethality of artillery. To electron beam was propagate~ scientists greatly
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